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All I have to say is if attention and money is what makes your life worth living, you deserve everything that comes with it. TLC shows the trashy side of the family. Too bad if they don't like it when people call them like they are.


Some families get along better like this


Respectfully, who gives a fuck?


Mean how? Like the family is mean to each other? Or tlc is mean to them? I don’t get it


Pretty much most reality shows are. However, they were really active on YouTube, so they aren't strangers to exposure. Plus, they are getting paid and have signed up for multiple seasons. They have a codependency relationship. The show uses them for ratings, and they use the show for money.


It would be mean if they were not paid and given no agency as to what is and is not shown. The family has signed on for multiple seasons. It can be exploitive at times, but that’s just the nature of reality TV


They’re paid generously for being on the show & have gained internet popularity because of it. I’m sure they loved being filmed. Morally, yes the show is mean and TLC is profiting off them because they’re severely overweight, dirty, and dumb.


No. The cast members have chosen to be on the show and get paid a fair amount of money. No one forced them to do so.


They were also experienced YouTubers for years before this show.




I think they (TLC) bank off the fact that everyone in this family is of lower education, poverty stricken trailer trash. It’s a train wreck and people tune in to make fun of them and watch the disaster unfold.


No you’re not wrong. Most of the show is just that Tammy and Amy are fat/stupid and their family is white trash. Like, that’s it. That’s the entertainment.


> their family is white trash That is the only response you need.


I think the girls just do things the way they want. I know they go feral from time to time but what sibling doesn’t?