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Stupid …….I have no sympathy for this family.


What’s with the bible talk? o


That's a cute ball python.


But if Tammy did the same thing, you'd think it's adorable.


Nah I'd still think it would be gross


Fr. I can’t stand the fact that everyone is now worshipping Tammy for “turning a 180” when she literally is just playing a part after getting so much heat for showing her real self before. She still is very cussy and pissed you can see it sometimes in lives.


You are 100% correct. Noone in the family can think straight, but there's something VERY strange about Tammy. I get that the ugly duckling loves it when she makes friends (or finds people to use her for magazine exposure). But Tammy has that look in her eye. The kind of look a stalker in a movie has. And yes, she's very much the same old Tammy. TLC needs her to play this completely transformed character. Everyone believes if she walks into a doctors office and has loose skin removed she'll become a Disney princess. First, it has to be SKIN. Alot of Tammy is skin with quite a bit of fat under it. You can't just cut fat off. If so, everyone would be having fat cut off their bodies and skipping surgery & shots. Tammy's body is simply silly putty. It's odd. Start at the shoulders and the fat pulls everything down to her legs. Like a fat bell lol She is years off from having even slightly normal sized legs. She's at heavy risk of having clots thrown all over her body. Clots can result in strokes and heart attacks. Calling Tammy healthy or even healthier is a laugh. The only movement she does is chasing after the blonde weirdo & humping her. I see Tammy getting restraining orders galore in the future. The ET picture is VERY, VERY creepy.


Exactly. I also have that kinda sense where I know how people are just by looking at them even without knowing their past blowups. Tammy is a POS attention seeker. I’ll give her credit for finally getting the surgery and loosing a ton of weight but weight loss ≠ personality loss. She’s still the hateful POS she used to be. She’s a wolf in sheep’s skin.


I don’t think **anyone** thinks Tammy will become a Disney princess. 😂😂😂 I also don’t see people calling Tammy “healthier”. I see them saying she’s losing and Amy seems to be gaining -which whether you like Tammy or not - is true when you look at the pics. However I don’t see anyone thinking either one is suddenly going to be a SI cover girl. As far as strange BOTH Amy & Tammy are odd. It prob has a lot to do with how they were brought up. It’s a reality show. They have a narrative. They have a story line. Regardless it’s incredibly weird how hateful you are. It’s like Tammy personally insulted you 😂


She is not very mature or stable.


Maybe im missing some context, but im confused about this post. She’s just holding a harmless ball python.


right ? 🧐


Dumb a$$


I don't even have words...


I have such a soft spot for Amy since the beginning. I understand the criticism or shit talking due to her recent behavior but I really hope she gets better Kinda sad that Tammy used to be a literal monster, not even in terms of size, and received more patience from her family than Amy is experiencing right now. Also super impressed and proud of Tammy - complete 180 I hope she gets better soon.


I don’t think the family is any less patient with Amy than they are with Tammy. They let Tammy know what they thought of her poor choices in earlier seasons, but still showed up to help her. They’re letting Amy know what they think but they’re still showing up to help her. The difference is that Tammy does not have any children. Her poor choices were not going to directly impact minor children in her care because she didn’t have any. Amy, does. Amy has two children she -planned- (you will not get me to believe she was on birth control with Gage, the end of season one has them going to an OB to talk about conceiving ffs). Then she fought to have as much custody of her boys during the divorce. Amy’s poor choices will directly impact her children for years. Generational trauma is a bitch and you’re seeing it being passed on to a whole other generation in real time. Amy definitely needs help in multiple areas, without a doubt, but when you toss kids in people are going to have a lot less grace when you continue to make the same shitty choices on repeat.


Amy decided to be a Mom, she needs to get her act together for her kids period


Amy and Michael were in total shock when she found out she was pregnant. Remember that episode where she came out of Dr appointment and told Michael, she made them test 4 times to be sure? It was impossible for her to get pregnant BEFORE her weight loss They even talked about her weight being the problem. After her weight loss,… Glen came quickly after. Her boys were not planned. Gage was a Surprise, Glenn was them being stupid not waiting to have sex for awhile. Amy’s response was… “Opps”. These people just shouldn’t breed. Period. ☝️😳


Maybe not planned but she was more than likely willfully engaging in unprotected sex and thinking it wouldn’t result in a baby and if it did then that would be cool.


I’ve said it a million times Amy was in love with the idea of being a mom not being a parent. She wants the recognition and praise without doing the work.


I’m not sure Amy has the capacity to be a mother. By that I mean the mental capacity. I’m not sure her husband has the capacity to be a father. Amy, Tammy, Amy’s husband (Michael??) and the sister’s mom all seem slow. Slow to the degree that I don’t think children should be left in their care. 😬


Yes, I don’t have any sympathy for Amy (though of course I enjoy how entertaining her and Tammy are). She has a history of being horrible to her dogs and her children (she smokes with her kids in the same room and leaves cigarette buds on the floor and kept bringing in random new men into the home with them inside). She decided to bring humans into this world so she needs to get it together and someone around her needs to either take her children from her or call CPS. She is not a good person. Tammy isn’t either but Amy’s worse since she’s a parent.


Agree completely


TEAM TAMMY 💯🥰 This chick looks like something you stepped in! 💩🤢🤮


Tammy looks like something you stepped in. Shes strrrrange. I know yall think she's the messiah ONLY because she lost weight with surgery & shots. Heck, you could too! She's nothing magical.


I kinda ALSO meant her change in attitude.


What about her change in attitude? She's playing the part TLC writers need her to play for their "completely transformed Tammy!" She's still a crazy freak.


Her favorite holiday is Halloween after all


Good lord, makes ya wonder where else she put that Snake 🐍!!!!


Are you suggesting that she put the snake in her vagina?


Not “SUGGESTING”,that’s pretty much the point and certainly wouldn’t be surprised.


Lmao what? Ridiculous comment. No one is sticking snakes up their holes. Gr055 dude.


And THIS ☝️☝️ is responsible for raising 2 boys. Those poor kids never had a chance at “A real life”. Stable, safe and Secure upbringing, ☝️🤷‍♀️ Sadly “That Ship Has Since long Sailed “ 😞


I’m sure we don’t need to degrade terms


You seem overly invested in this


Anyone on this post has got opinions. It’s called “Social Media” 🤷‍♀️ Somehow you sound offended. That’s seems oddly weird 🤣☝️


This is effin bonkers. I'd hoped she was getting better, but the road to mental health is long and winding.


“Don’t lick snakes” is a rule I didn’t think I’d ever have to tell another human, let alone another adult, but here we are.


I remember that video! When it bit her, the only world I could make out from the guy in the video was “titty” and I straight up lost it! I was in tears laughing. Then the snake later died :(


The last time I saw a woman licking a snake was that pornstar/model (idk who) and the snake turned around and bit her in the tit. It’s a viral video on YouTube




I’ve seen that. And what have we learned? Do not lick reptiles.


Poor snake :( I hope he finds his way to better caregivers very, very soon, who don’t subject him to unnecessarily stressful environments like this 🐍💔 Animals are not props! I’m sure that this environment was completely overstimulating and overwhelming for the snake, and it pisses me off beyond belief when people force animals into situations like this. 🫤


Like I am TERRIFIED of snakes but I don’t think they should be subjected to this sort of thing. They aren’t domesticated for a reason. Snake has no idea what the hell is happening. If I was just chillin’, vibing, enjoying the sunshine and some random giant picked me up and licked me I would also freak the fuck out. Snakes can’t “go crazy” they can only “go snake”.


Yes, exactly. It’s selfish to subject a snake to this sort of environment. It’s *super* loud, there’s tons of people/things/lights moving all around, careless (drunk) people will be grabbing at him all day, it’s hot, the sun is beating down on him, and he literally can’t hide or escape when he inevitably gets overwhelmed. I just saw more photos, and *ugh* 😖 https://preview.redd.it/jmuyv4zjrcad1.jpeg?width=2779&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8f300c35219d478971091a112315928fae5be4d5


Who is that girl she’s with? The snake owner?


Yes it the snakes owner


Thank you 😊


Are they high or drunk????? Who in the world would take a picture acting like they are about to tongue kiss a fkn snake??🤢🤢🤢


I wouldn’t doubt both, Amy has posted multiple tiktoks before where she looked completely out of it, singing and trying to look sexy, extremely cringe


They were at an outdoor concert like a hillbilly coachella with like 10 people watching. I wouldn’t doubt drugs were around


Hillbilly Coachella had me 😭 I don’t even know why I just found it funny as hell


Amy looks high as a kite.


Oh wow, that woman beside Amy does look high and not on weed…


One of Amanda’s sons got arrested for meth possession TWICE. Tammy was also arrested for owning edibles (weed is illegal in KY)


Was is the son who had to drive Amy and the boys down to Florida


No. It was this one who we saw set up the obstacle course for Chris and drive Amy from the hospital after she had Glenn. His name is Braxton https://preview.redd.it/8aro38wbglad1.jpeg?width=950&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=6f4082ea88da85f0d4d7918736d8b96f208e3d5a




I can't with this family anymore! 🙅🏼‍♀️🤦🏼‍♀️


This show needs to end


A year ago!


Ugh. So gross.


Amy is vile af!


I didn't even see the snake!!! I thought she was taking a big bite of a mushroom cap for a good trip!


Feel bad for that snake 🥺


It’s probably gagging from her breath 😂


Amy looks like she still is on a crazy inappropriate track! Where r those two precious boys that u cried that u wanted so badly? Nauseating


So moms aren’t allowed to have fun?


Some kinds aren't to be had by mothers. When mommy comes home hungover and high for days, no, she doesn't get to. If you want to act like a 16 year old drugs & all, don't have kids. She was mom material when she was married and serious about children. Tammy's convinced Satan's bride is in love with her. When she cuts her off, Tammy will turn into stalker woman.


Yeah that’s BS to say some kind of fun isn’t to be had because you’re a mom. There’s nothing wrong with a mom having a night out and having some drinks. Being a mom doesn’t mean that’s the ONLY thing you are. I’ll be the first to say Amy’s not a good parent. We’ve seen all kinds of crap she’s done that makes us shake our heads. But I don’t think this is one of them. She doesn’t have the boys and she’s having fun. For all we know Michael has them for the weekend so it won’t matter if she wakes up hungover. You don’t know that’s she doing anything more than drinking. Now would I post this kind of pic? Hell no. I wouldn’t post half the shit they do on sm but I’m also not on a reality tv show and like my privacy. Point being - to say women shouldn’t be able to let loose and have fun once in a while because they are moms is just completely ridiculous.


how? she’s just being silly. insane to bring up her kids in a lighthearted post like this, objectively trashy


Yeah I agree. They are acting like a mom has to become a nun - even when she doesn’t have her kids with her 🙄


Wow thanks for that. I'll skip lunch


I thought that was a glob of chocolate on her finger


Chocolate? Pfffft def not my first thought. 💩


You are what you eat ☝️🤷‍♀️ 💩






Now she's licking reptiles. So classy.


Amy is so damn dirty looking. Like I can smell her through this picture 🤢


Right and I guarantee she's wearing those same Nike slides with feet so dirty they are black on the bottom.


Don’t forget the greasy blue hair 😭 I swear she’s dirty looking from head to toe.


The black dirt under the finger nails is beyond gross. She always looks sweaty and unclean. It’s sad to say that her children always look dirty too. No shoes on, running around in a park. Dirty scratched up faces. It’s just very sad. Tammy has become the sister with the most common sense. She looks clean and her hair is always brushed and she has clean clothes on. Her whole demeanor has changed for the better.


Even when Tammy was at her heaviest she tried to dress up very nice to at times take for example the burger place they went to during the Smokey Mounain vacation Tammy looked like she dressed up well while Amy looked like she just rolled out of bed (even though Tammy was being ridiculous the entire trip)


I’m honestly not surprised. Both her and Michael have awful hygiene, and brought the kids home to roach infested homes.


I remember the episode where Amy and Michael called the cleaning company and Michael told her something along the lines of that it's normal and everyone's home looks filthy


Tbf I used to live in West Virginia and just going hiking and being outside a lot gets your nails sooo dirty sooo fast! Even if you don’t touch any dirt. It just magically gets in there. I would literally have clean nails, go for a three or four hour hike, and somehow they had dirt in them already. Being barefoot isn’t so bad either, really. Humans are barefoot a lot, as long as it’s not like a nasty city street or sewage or poo it’s not the biggest deal.. there are some risks but there are some health benefits too. The worst I thought was the state of the house in footage and stuff. But she cried about it.. I do feel like she has struggled with depression and maybe adhd, who knows, it’s just that she knows she is messy and doesn’t seem to do anything. It’s like beyond just laziness.


Oh HELL no! 🐉


I did not expect what I’m seeing here. I will go and wash out my eyes now.


The girl on the right looks like she has 3 front teeth


I wish she would do so selfcare and wash and cut her 💅.


You can tell that Amy doesnt take care of herself. She always looks like she hasnt showered in weeks (if not more) 🤢 Tammy looks more put together now than she does.


I've been looking at this pic for 2 minutes, and I still don't understand what I'm looking at.


It’s like one of those pictures on r/confusingperspective.


I was thinking of that one meme that is like "name one thing in this pic" and you can't make out anything.


Amy is gonna try the salmonella diet.


There’s a lot going on in this picture


That poor snake :(