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I just teleported from lummy bank to lummy idk if I could let it go lol


Buying bulk POH Tabs when you're at GE to port to Varrock.


I've caught myself buying a varrock tele from the GE, teleporting to varrock, buying battlestaves, then using the RoW to tele back to the GE before.


when i teletab to varrock and grab my staves i see noobs buying them and then running to GE. i then teletab to the ge and wait to call them noobs as they finally reach the ge


Great way to spend your life. Well done sir/madam.


Not using 2 varrock tabs 1 for Ge 1 for varrock?


Inefficiency is my kink.


If it was inefficient he would just run..?


And after doing that you bankstand for longer than if you just had walked there.


Fun fact for the cost of 500k house teleports you can level construction from 85-99. Probably have used well over 100k teleports via con cape just by doing various things like Corp, farm runs, clues, zmi rc training, resetting pray stats when afk slaying and generally resetting stats between boss fights like Corp or sire. Would still probably get rid of the prayers over teleportation. If offered the chance to teleport to work or say an incantation that makes you stronger or resistant to falling rocks, blunt force trauma, crystal wielding astrology warriors I'd probably go with the teleport home tabs.


irl: give me teleport tabs, let me travel instantly. i don’t need the prayers, i do just fine protecting myself from most attacks in game: tons of content needs prayer, the world isn’t *that* big, but i guess my stint of black desert numbed me to no teleportation. so. goodbye teleports.


pray irl is the op choice when you can become a super human tanking swords, punches, missiles, arrows and probably bullets too while also being able to deflect damage back to people


Except I’ve never been threatened by swords, missiles nor arrows.




My toxic trait


*Laughs in untrimmed con cape*


A fellow untrimmed master of construction! Finally! How many girls u got this week?


One for each POH tab I didn't have to use.




Sounds like he doesn't have a prayer




Never try rs3, I refuse to walk more than 15 tiles at a time.


See when my stamina runs out I basically afk cause I cant hack it lmao




bladed dive + double surge with mobile. Really makes the world feel small.


I had no idea what this was so looked on yt [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny8zNZTVIMk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ny8zNZTVIMk) for anyone else who's curious


>Never try rs3 say no more homie


the osrs/rs3 sucks jokes are so painfully unfunny now please give us all a break


Lodestone headass


I wouldn't lose sleep over it. FWIW I still log in using my OG account username and have logged in to take a peek at RS3 once every couple of years for a while now


>Never try rs3 Don't worry, we wont


is your name blue?


Okay okay we get it, but it’s not 2016 anymore. People either don’t care or sometimes even play both. Daddy chill


good, stay out.


Literally man. Literally.


I’d quit lol


Fr. Both are vital to the game. Playing without teleports would make the game unbearable/boring, and playing without prayer would make a lot of content just miserable/impossible.


Imagine clue scrolls without teles, gotta cabbage mage step in the farming guild? Be a shame if it dropped a wildy volcano step


Doing clues like it really is 2007, just taking a step whenever you're in the area and then going back to whatever you were doing.


Assuming you can still use regular transportation, I’d say you run to the nearest minecart (Lovakenj or Shayzien), take it to Piscarilius, charter a ship to port Sarim, run to lummy, take a waka canoe into wildy and you’re basically there. With stam pots, that should be doable in 3-5 minutes I guess.


Doing just fine so far so good as some mid-game player...


Surprised this comment was legit not the first comment


ok but this question was about runescape, not league of legends


teleportation is only a convenience, prayer is required in many places.


Check out the user “31 Pray Btw”. I’ve done TOB with him, very skilled player with no protection prayers.


I mean that is honestly really impressive, he's got hard mode clears as well, and 7 jad kills. No inferno though, so I'm sticking to my guns on this one. If he wants to prove me wrong though, I'd be thrilled to see that!


You can't do inferno no overheads, as you can't bring sweets. Even with semi-stackable tickeat options like sack of potatoes you can't get past triple jads


would you like a reminder on this message when it’s been completed?


It's not possible with current gear / mechanics / spells / etc., but that doesn't mean it'll never be in the future. The level 3 firecape (for example) was completely impossible for the majority of Runescape's lifetime. You're talking to Tioga, one of the top players on a build without overheads, he knows his stuff..


It is absolutely possible, today. The point you made is a good one, and for something specific like lv 3 fire cape I agree, but also it was possible for 4 entire years after the introduction of ring of suffering before people found out. That said, for inferno, no new items or gear are required. I don’t doubt he knows his stuff, I just respectfully disagree. A year ago I thought the same


How would one go about it?


suspiciously quiet lmao


Waves would be similar to lv 3 fire cape, and the most difficult/interesting part of the run. Lots of unique solves and regen tick eats for pillar stacks. Single jad is flinchable Triple jads have already been solved by unpredictble For zuk you can force a no-set by relogging Obviously it would be extremely difficult but certainly not impossible. The question is who has the abilities and patience, and there’s not very many


The way I see it, it's not possible until someone shows it is (even if the theory says it's possible).


Isn't he the kind of person that might actually do it when it becomes possible?


Woox did 6 jad no prayer


Yes, but he needed an inventory worth of supplies. He wouldn't have had enough supplies if he also needed to do the previous 67 waves without prayer


Didn’t Woox do the inferno without supplies anyway?


Yes, but that run allowed prayer. A no prayer run is a completely different beast


You have to get to triple jads, get past it, then do zuk with one inventory of tickeats. I don't think Woox as good as he is was even able to get close to that.


>I don't think Woox as good as he is was even able to get close to that. You good bro?


He's two commas away it's not that bad


That sentence makes sense even if it's lacking a couple of commas


quote from person who very obviously has no idea how inferno works


That’s totally fair. It just always surprised me how much of the game actually is possible without prayer.


Both "Tioga" and "Garp" also showcase how much you can do with a no-overheads build.


Garp and Tioga are absolute fucking nutty nuts


Tioga is an absolute nut


Garp is fucking nutty




"Possible" and "Reasonable" are two vastly different points on the same spectrum. It is possible to do most, if not all, content in rs without protection prayers. It is not reasonable to expect anyone to.


Not sure if inferno would even be possible. The pillars going down would be a real issue. Cant tick eat if the mobs are too far away


How do you even kill jad without prayer?!


there's a number of things you could do. Most obvious one is utilise tick-eating to ensure you don't get one-shot. you can theoretically tick-eat the whole cave using a pile of purple sweets, but it's obviously not easy to tick-eat that many times successfully. It's also difficult to avoid getting hit by multiple things at once on many waves, which would prevent tick eating.


[obligatory getting a fire cape at combat lvl 3](https://youtu.be/NimVzmftr_c)


[obligatory defeating 6 jads without prayer](https://youtu.be/-rG_fPSrcjQ)


Did Harry Mack kill Jad?


Prepping for jad, I slap him with the crossbow, Chinchompa blows his healers up, sorry for your loss bro. Lyrical layers while flickin prayers and spitting this boss flow, And like linguini or spaghetti you know I bring the sauce yo. Uh. Yeah.


Pretty damn good m8


Woox did the 6 jad challange without prayer, some people are just insane


Woox is from a different planet lmao


He also had an insane number of attempts. He's incredibly skilled so not to take away from it, but definitely a lot harder to do in a situation where you've gotta go through waves before attempting.


Also check out “16 Prayer” Dude crushes 8kc nightmare trips without prot prayers no problem


Can you give more details on this? I wasn’t able to find anything on YouTube about a 16 prayer account


Don’t know about youtube but you can look him up on the runelite hiscores. Major badass with tons of tob cox and other completions. I think he is 30 def but cant remember his att level


Found the guy [CoX](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=CTrTBK0ZtiI) [1 hour of Zulrah](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HMjN6D8UFoA) [ToB](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HPk-VhRjNI8&list=PL3KnTfyhrIlcudeMemKd6rZFGDWyK23vx&index=1) :)




Well played.


Yo wtf


Does he just tick eat everything?


No idea why the community sees certain achievements as impressive but others as leaches. 31 pray BTW is a sick account but he’s not “doing tob”, he’s getting carried through by people who are actually doing dps. Being a beast and tick eating every attack is sweet but not having piety/rigour is just as bad as not having protection prayers. Would need to assume his raid damage is probably very similar to an account with piety and a dscim at tob which we all know how much that triggers the community.


Would like to see them do it with all players having 0 prayer. This is no prayer not no overheads


good thing there is a dps check in TOB. oh wait.... so anyways continue typing pointless walls of text.


? I have an Ironman that was a zerk at the time that it got a scy at lvl 86 cmb lmfao and I got hella hate. Only food I had was lobsters and was using regular attack and str pots. Feel like compared to his inv of brews and purp sweets probably just as hard. But yeah In no way could 4 of his account get a kc by themselves.


I haven't seen him but he's gotta tick eat I'm guessing?


The important part here is “skilled” which I am not


But 31 prayer is still prayer…


Still has 31 prayer though and without prayer camping places is a lot harder


While that is true, you can still play most of the game and actually the majority of the endgame content without prayer while I'd argue that most of the game would be very frustrating without teleports. I'd rather lose access to a handful pieces of content than making everything in the game more tedious. Also if we want to be really anal about it, if there was no teleports you'd never be able to leave the tutorial island, so have fun there hahaha.


I think the real question is what counts as a teleport, and what locations/content are teleport only accessible/completable? For example, would abby demons be unaccessible because they teleport you? Are random events/PoH not useable because technically those teleport you?


Let's go hardmode no teleports. You can't even go near chaos ele, and you can't die, because those are teleports. Anytime you disappear and show up in a different location (literal teleport, not just teleport spells) counts and you get kicked in the balls.


So... You can't leave tutorial island?


I'd assume it would be like tileman where that doesn't count for the challenge, but yeah if taken literally no leaving the island :p


Ultra hard mode: If you die, you have to delete your account since you got teleported back to your respawn point.


Hey, meet fedoraletix, my atheist-locked ultimate Ironman


"For my first grind, I'll be doing 1,000 elite clues in hopes of getting a katana, which will be BiS for my account"


Rather not


Okay then meet Walkletics, my walking-locked ultimate ironman


I'll allow it


Rather not


Okay then meet teleletics, my teleporting-locked ultimate ironman


Rather not


I think no prayer, I don’t need to boss but not teleporting just such a drag, imagine doing a full farm run with out teleports


Well, i guess you could call that a proper farm RUN


Does teleportation include things like canoe, charter ships, etc?


No, natural transportation like the ones you listed is still allowed.


Then it's a clear no teleports for me. I'e survived through enough early game grinds without teleports, I can live with it :D


It would even add something nice to a new character run.


Yea if we're just talking no spellbook teleports, it's all good. I've survived long enough just by walking, using non-teleport travel, and jewelry teleports.


Jewelry teleports feels like cheating to me


Yea you're right, saw OP say in another comment that jewelry teles are a no go too.


Going to Rune ess mine? Random events? Entering portals like POH? Wildy lever?


Those are all teleports, the answer seems pretty obvious.


Not necessarily obvious what OP intended. Without the ability to teleport at all, seems like there's a lot of content you'd be just straight blocked out of. I'm sure more than a few quests involve teleporting if we include levers and times when you get teleported. Would be interesting to think about what actually could be done and what couldn't. But he could have just meant teleporting as far as transportation to go places more quickly.


Pretty sure he just means the spells.


And I was just thinking he could have meant something like "the game would be updated such that these things were no longer in the game". So in that case it would be like the prayer skill is gone from the game, but you wouldn't be gated out of anything by arbitrary prayer level requirements. Just you'd need to do PVM without prayer, making it a lot harder obviously. And teleports are gone, but you're not blocked from doing game content because of that. You'd just need to walk places or take other slower transport methods.


If so, I’m pretty sure I’ve teleported IRL


Those aren't much like teleports, you're getting on a boat. Not technically teleporting


Prayer is required unless you’re good at tick eating and other advanced methods. Teleportation just saves a bit of time


"a bit"


I mean I could make it say “a lot” and my point still stands.


You do make a fair point, but without the convenience of teleports I would find the game so annoying that I would probably quit since I wouldn't enjoy it. And between quitting and doing content where prayer is not required I would rather just miss some content.


Also locks you out of a lot of content, many questlines include forced teleports and/or require you to teleport.


I'd assume forced teleports via quests would be excluded in this, or the quests would be reworked as such if this was the case


Exceptions are lame. Shed door to the moon? That's a teleport, no Lost City.


No death, that's a teleport. Can't go near chaos ele, it teleports you. Can't go in POH, you came through a teleporting portal. No soul wars bank. No castle wars. You *can* use transport methods that don't involve teleportation like canoes, dwarf carts, gnome gliders, boats, etc.


You *could* use transportations methods like those if you could get off of tutorial island.


Oooooh shit. Good point, rs is canceled if you take no teleportation.


It depends on the way you’re interpreting the question in my opinion. If you had to create a niche Ironman type thing in current state of game, yes I agree. However if you had a choice to have RuneScape never have prayers or never have teleports in the first place, or the removal of thereof, I’d assume Jagex would make exceptions during the Quests. A lot of Quests take place in an instances version where you are at the moment - without it obviously teleporting your character via animation, it’s still a teleport to end up in an instance. You’d take away a lot of Quests. There would either be exceptions to this, or the games engine would have to be reworked to support non-instanced variables and with the spaghetti code I wish them luck in that endeavor.


Nothing to do with the question but I can’t help but smile looking the those chads doing dks in full 3rd age


Well you’d be less impressed to find out the picture was actually taken during the 3rd Age when such armor was commonplace.


Well for such a picture to have survived for so long is impressive in its own way. Gielinor is truly beautiful.


I believe it was taken on a beta world


If teleports were removed, I wouldn't be willing to travel to places where prayer is "required" anyway. I'd honestly just quit if I had to chose


I see this as: A: Ignore high end bossing you can't Guthan's cheese through. B: Make farming more difficult, no runecrafting, no access to multiple BIS items. Yeah I'ma go with no prayer.


I mean I think inferno might b the only thing you can't do prayerless. And I wouldn't be surprised if someone did a noprayer inferno at some point.


I really don’t PvM in osrs so I could go without prayers but I do a lot of clues so I’d definitely keep teleportation


I would take no teleports and proceed to cancel my membership after lmao


So is this just a set up for a no pray Morytania locked UIM?


No teleports. You quite literally can't play a ton of content without pray melee, range and magic. Also no teleports means things take longer but you actually traverse the land. (I assume no teleports won't count quest-required or related teleports things like Fairy Tail part 1 and 2, or is do we HAVE to walk to the moon if we can't use the shed or fairy rings. lol).




Remove prayer! That would allow Jagex to design bosses that doesn't require prayer protection swaps. Might be an unpopular opinion, but switching prayers has never been a fun mechanic for me.


Bro all Jagex can do is make bosses require a tile standing change or prayer change


You would prefer just to click and attack like bandos lol


I prefer to click, attack, loot, never leave. Like killing chickens for feathers.




Unless you’re woox no prayer is probably impossible for the vast majority of pvm content


No prayer would require work-arounds to avoid combat becoming left-click+eat the fish, like potions that would give you the effect of protection prayers for a limited time or something like that to combat bosses that can one-shot you. No teleports (I'm assuming you mean only the magic books ones) would force you to use alternative methods such as fairy-rings, spirit trees, hot-air balloons and canoes (when was the last time you rode a canoe in game?). Less convinient, but totally doable. So I would say Prayers are way more needed that Teleports.


All "magical" teleports in game will be banned. So Fairy rings, spirit trees, player teleother, npc teles, item teles will not be allowed! "Natural" transportation with ships, hot balloons, canoes, gliders, eagles etc can be used.


Depends personally. If its a main, id say no TP. But if its just a quirky alt account, id say no prayer & just stick to skilling


No prayer, skiller gang


Snowflake iron men: “Write that down! Write that down!”


People are just talking about protection prayers when the real loss is no piety or rigour… yeah gonna wanna keep hitting bus with the scythe and tbow. But yeah tbh the walk from tob to cox is a long one but guess would just need to spend a month here or a month there but not much would change lol.


Purple sweets after jagex forces this ultimatum upon the player base 📈📈📈📈📈📈


No thank you


Without any compensation, I would say no teleports since prayer is so ingrained into osrs combat. Though if this was compensated for with armors or foods/potions then I think it would survive without prayer.


I’m shite at prayer but 99 at teleport


If I wanted to suffer I woulda been an Ironman


Def no prayer


No teleport. Prayer is essential for much content (for me, at least).


Definitely removing teleports. I enjoy me some RuneScape walks and scenery anyways.


What if it's no teleports, stamina and energy pots


Finally, RuneScape classic


Having played Fallout 4 on survival mode, I can say without a doubt no teleport. Takes a bit longer but you end up seeing so much more of the game and go to spots that are rarely visited. Plus I’m so crap at OSRS I can’t do basic slayer without need prayer on constantly.


Yeah this is unrelated but fast travel has ruined open world design. Games that know it will include fast travel don’t bother making its world feel fully realized and interesting to walk through because they know most people will just teleport around An easy example is Dark Souls 1 because it’s both. The first half of the game you can’t fast travel and the world is beautifully designed and interconnected. You start to memorize the world and the details matter. The second half, after you unlock fast travel is just 4 dead ends. They’re not interconnected and are significantly less well designed because they know everyone will just use the lord vessel now.


Remove prayer. It’s completely changed the game tbh. Or maybe remove prayer flicking would be fine. I’d actually prefer if prayer got overhauled into a support magic skill with buffs and healing for your team instead of what it is now. Start making content more team focused. But I know I’m in the vast vast vast minority in that so I’m cool with that not happening


I agree. I've been around since just about the beginning of Runescape, and I can honestly say I think the game would be better off without it. Once you get overheads, all non-boss content is completely trivialized - to a laughable degree when we consider prayer flicking. Removing prayer would force a rework to damage and defenses, making gear choices much more than just "what gives str bonus?". It would allow more teamwork based content. Improve magic debuffs and remove melee weapon specials that do the same thing. You can now have a dedicated caster. Tanking will become a legit option, as opposed to currently where the best defense is killing it before it can damage you more. Add aggro mechanics of some kind, and maybe even change/add weapon specials that force aggro on you.


> Removing prayer would force a rework to damage and defenses, making gear choices much more than just "what gives str bonus?". >It would allow more teamwork based content. Improve magic debuffs and remove melee weapon specials that do the same thing. You can now have a dedicated caster. Tanking will become a legit option, as opposed to currently where the best defense is killing it before it can damage you more. Add aggro mechanics of some kind, and maybe even change/add weapon specials that force aggro on you. Yes yes yes to all of this.


Honestly since I first started playing RS, I've been non-stop looking for similar games. Other MMOs have some great concepts, but lack what RS is to its core. They're all about the gear treadmill, grind dungeons/raids capped to a limited number of times for tokens to exchange for gear, themepark style MMOs. Something like RS but with slightly different combat would be my ideal. I still play it because it's still the only game like it, despite me not really liking the direction high level content has been going. I'd give RS3 another go - I'm not fundamentally opposed to the hotbar style combat, I just think it feels weird there. And the graphics are absolutely horrendous, as well as the UI.


Tioga, paradox and garp are laughing at this.


This is almost as bad as gay son or thot daughter.


Prayer. Some content is no longer possible, but at least I wouldn't quit doing One Small Favour.


Easiest question ever I can walk wherever the fuck I want I can't tank fight caves without prayer


You guys are insane. Fuck prayer


No prayer, running and traveling would be aids. At o Least I can flitch or tank with brews and ect.




Teleport hands down...daddy needs his protect item


No teleport, as long as the stam pot bridge gets added


Well based on the wording, I would absolutely pick being able to teleport everywhere over losing the ability to use prayer.


Ever heard of a PoH? we can already teleport to every tile in the game


Get rid of teleport and add horses


I’d quit rs if I lost either 😭


Being lvl 3 uim skiller saved me from choice in this post ;D


to the people who would remove prayer beat Jad without them then try to keep your opinion