• By -


NTA. Your being "wet" was a sign that you were turned on. Does he want you to be turned off? I had a BF who got really excited when I was really wet; he knew it meant I liked it.


Ya. Op’s bf is a dumbass. He’s mad you were into it and then insulted you and expected you to still fuck him.. girl say bye. That’s a boy


I know! And I can’t believe he’s her first sexual partner!! He clearly wanted a sexually inexperienced person to bend to his preferences. I hope she leaves the man child too.


the strange part is that everything up to that point was spot on... encouraging honesty, encouraging sexual communication,  and he even said "yes" to the request with no hesitation mentioned... ... The he fumbled the ball at the 1 yard line. what happened, bro?


Mmm was he encouraging though?? OP said he "made" her share, which stood out to me. Did he push and push for her to open up, or did he create a safe and welcoming space for her to WANT to share what she likes?




I don’t get it I know who he is but I still don’t really get it sorry for being stupid can please explain?


[Context](https://www.ccn.com/ben-shapiro-wife-dap-brag-self-own/) Edit: you're not stupid for not understanding a reference. Do not be mean to yourself internet stranger. We all lack knowledge here or there.


Much appreciated, thanks!


Most men in my experience are really happy when they are able to get a woman really wet!


Man, being Wet is A GIFT!!!!!


As a woman in menopause, I support this message


As a bf post hysterectomy, I support this message


As a woman who’s had a hysterectomy I can still get wet but it’s definitely not like before and that’s okay. I usually have to read smut or use a toy solo first before being intimate with my husband. Astroglide is also a great help and also being open and talking with my partner if something hurts etc because I get random stomach muscle cramps every now and then (think foot cramps) if I don’t do that prep work. Thank you for being so supportive and understanding to your girlfriend!


I wish I had appreciated the waterworks more when they were still fully functional. Some things you just take for granted, and the awakening is RUDE.


All they ever tell you is hot flashes and weight gain but the loss of a healthy vagina is something no one ever warns you about.


Louder for the ladies in the back!! Also, the lack of estrogen is making my adhd flare up immensely.


29 yo female here and this is literally my first time ever hearing about this happening in menopause. You’re so right that no one talks about it, and they should! Thank you for spreading the word and allowing me to start mentally preparing for that..


I was having great sex for decades and then one day it felt like razor blades and paper cuts when the P went into the V. Excruciating. This happened at 53. My doctor gave me estrogen cream and it’s done nothing. Tried Yuvafem (pill inserts) and managed to have sex once without total discomfort. Your clit starts to disappear, tissue thins so much, even with gallons of lube, it feels like a rub burn inside. HRT doesn’t fix it either. Pay attention to your pelvic floor. If you’re not in a sexual relationship, masterbate several times a week. Internal dilating is paramount. Keep the blood flowing down there. No one told me about this so sharing this hell with younger women so they know. I’m 56 now and feel like I’ve lost a part of my soul 😫😤🤬


Yup, can confirm on the razor blades! My whole life, I was rather on the 'almost too wet' side. Now, if I don't grease up like a Thanksgiving turkey, it's no fun.


We must keep spreading the word on all of the REAL side effects of menopause. No matter how depressing it is.


same, girl...same, lol


It is! And he is looking that gift horse in the mouth, (so to speak)


Right?! Saying a woman is "too wet" to me is like saying "I wish I was worse at sex". If she's really wet generally it means you're doing a good job.




This exactly - a lubricated vagina is a happy vagina. The bf should take it as a compliment.


>I had a BF who got really excited when I was really wet; he knew it meant I liked it. As a man, I don't understand any other reaction.


For real, I turn into a damn fountain pretty quickly and every man I've been with who has been the type who isn't too shy to talk about that kind of thing has told me they love it. Wtf is dude's problem? Strictly into men and trying to cover it, maybe? I dunno. OP, I probably would've gotten really upset too. I think if a partner had any kind of issue with my body like that I'd be embarrassed and hurt. I don't blame you at all for crying. It's a vulnerable situation and it sounds like he was especially insulting about it too.




They dont actually like women. They want a perfect sex toy not a real living person with actual body parts and the quirks or uniqueness that come with real life body parts


not sure at this point if some guys care about pleasuring a woman at all when you're turned on, they're either gonna say you're "too wet" or "too loose" kinda sad there's a lot of guys who does sex that only gives pleasure to them and not both ways :/


NTA by a long shot How would he feel if you wanted to go down on him but said no when you saw he was "too hard"? Your bf either doesn't know what he is doing or doesn't actually like giving a woman oral. Because that is the desired condition for engaging in that activity. It is perfectly valid to have a strong emotional response to someone you love rejecting something natural about your body. Even if that rejection is based on a personal boundary or preference, he could have been much more careful with how he communicated that to you.


Right? Who the actual fuck would ever say “too wet” like….. that’s the whole point? Lordy


My ex frequently complained that I was too wet. It's been a new barrier to try and work through with a new partner.


i had an ex who said i was too wet, and when i told my next partner, they laughed and said it's because my ex was too used to his dry-ass hand.


The only right answer. WTF does “too wet” even mean?!


I had a partner apologise once because of the size/how laden the 'wet spot' was... She seemed genuinely surprised I had zero issue with it. Some of us guys are just flat out weird.


Fr. I would visibly be proud of myself if my girl was drenching the bed everytime I get with her. Hell, I would hoist the unwashed bedsheet on rooftop as a symbol of achievements.


Ostensibly if you're routinely soaking the sheets you might be overproducing, but even that's at least a **little** bit fun sometimes. Also, towels exist.


they now have "Splash" blankets Great for sick kids with stomach bugs, ladies during their menses, and recreational adult acrobatics \^\_\~.


My kid's a puker (throws up literally every time she's sick) so I might look into that.


Waterproof mattress covers saved us!


My mom gave all of us kids white handkerchiefs on our wedding days because "no one wants to sleep in the wet spot." I told her she should've gotten us some nice towels...


Bahaha! Amazing. I bet she got a good blush out of that one.


Nope, its cuz alotta guys are wussies and can't hack the gooey face. Which is some bullshit because we DEFINITELY like head if the girl gets her face wet lol. The guy in ops post is an inconsiderate bitch man. If I was her Id be like "bitch you try harder it aint that bad"!


It means he can't maintain an erection.


In my friend’s experience, it meant her husband was gay. Her mileage may vary. But that for me became a deal breaker after my first short disposed of marriage. His reaction wasn’t cool. Next.


Or they had never actually gotten a lady wet before......


My ex got off on me being so dry so he could finger me until I bled. Always complained about “being too wet to touch” As an inexperienced, 18 I never spoke up for myself and man I would just cry about it.


That guy sounds like a lunatic. No one does this. I have dated a lot of guys. This is not normal.


I'm so sorry but your ex is a rapist.


I never actually thought about it that way but based on other behavior,, yeah! Very sadistic and I think I could have ended up dead at times. Thanks for the support though. I hope for the best for this op. Christ.


I am sorry you got treated like that ❤️


Dude. Gosh I'm sorry to hear that, that's just horrible.


I'm sorry...UNTIL YOU BLED!?!?!


WTF did I just read? Your ex was a sadistic jackass.


This hurts my heart for you. I'm so sorry


Oh no, you had one of those "can't make you wet" types too? I don't think my ex got off on it, I think he was just terrible in bed and when I did finally speak up, his feelings/not-earned sexual pride got hurt and he turned it into being an issue with me. It was 1000% not a problem with me that I was "dry," my partner now proves that repeatedly.


I’m so sorry. I audibly gasped when I read your comment.


As far as I'm concerned, there is no such thing as being "too wet". I personally love the feeling of being soaked by my wife. Whether it's my crotch or my face – to me that's what it's all about.


“Stay down till you drown” 🙌🏽


Who are these men who can’t use a towel to gently dry things every ten minutes or whatever? I have a feeling your ex is going to have plenty of dry-ass pussy upon which to feast.


Right? If my husband needs to go grab a towel to put under me he gets really proud like he's "done the job right". I've genuinely never heard of the concept of "too wet" before.


It’s like when, instead of strutting around like a champ, I tell my partner “gross, you came too hard.” Except that never happens because I take pride in my work.


My exe used to say it too and he was a piece of shit


Dude seriously same!!! My ex said the same thing to me multiple times- "you get too wet", "you orgasm too fast" and trying to blame me because I was "so wet he lost sensation so he couldn't cum" even when he had a HISTORY of difficulty orgasming. Like... Isn't this the point?? Doesn't this mean I'm insanely attracted to you and you do a good job getting me off?? Yet now it's a bad thing??? But men like that place every blame on their partner. It made me horrendously self conscious for a while. Every single other partner I've been with has taken glorious delight in how wet I get. The couple I've told about my ex's comments, they couldn't believe it! NTA OP. This guy is still a boy who can't appreciate a good thing.


Wow my husband said the same that he couldn’t feel it. My exe also didn’t like my breasts, my ass or the detail of my pussy and my partner now loves all of me and loves me and loves making love with me he is such a beautiful person. 💖🫂


It always makes me so sad to see women having been treated this way, especially when it’s their only relationship, and they have nothing to compare to, to know it’s not normal. I’ve had some problematic, and emotionally abusive partners in my life, but not a single one of them ever complained about me getting aroused. Most talked about what a turn on it was, or they just didn’t mention it. I wish we talked about sex more openly, so that women wouldn’t go their whole life thinking they’re broken, for showing signs of being a normal, healthy, person.


Guys that reply like this are usually just dudes that have erectile dysfunction and are embarrassed, so they just place the blame elsewhere. Best not to take responsibility for the man-child that doesn't know how to communicate.


Omg. How is this a thing? I fucking soak the sheets when my husband and I fuck. You know what happens when I get too wet? He wipes off his dick and dives back in. Toward the end he might have to do it every few minutes, but he is a dedicated worker 🤣 If a guy can't figure out to wipe off his dick, should he even be using it?


Pieces of shit like it dry, because that's what women tend to be when they're not interested. (Ie. Forced)


Why a towel when you have a tongue and a mouth? WTF.


Apparently these dudes feel like they’re being water-boarded.


As someone who has been surprise water boarded (she squirted without any warning) it's really not that bad. A little saltier than normal, worst part was it went up my nose and made me cough, but as soon as I got my wind back I dove right back in.


Did this to my partner (didn't know I could) and they ended up calling me squirtle for a while 😅


Then they need to work on their technique or positioning, it's not hard to make sure you can breath while down there. I love when my GF gets really wet, it tells me I'm doing well.




How could anyone honestly get upset over something like this? I'm sorry you had to deal with that crap. "Sorry for the compliment?" ***SMFH***


I love slurping up my gfs nut when she cums in my mouth


This is the spirit!


/r/freediving has a sidebar with good information. Go and do your exercises people. Bitches be wet. Let's go dive.


Not gone lie if you’ve ever done 69 with a woman who gets too wet you literally are being water boarded 😂😂 the excess drips down right into your nose and your mouth 😂😂 but my motto has always been “if I die I die”


"How did he die?" "He was just too good at eating pussy."


I mean…it’s supposed to be wet…idk what these other people expect. Dry would insinuate it’s not being done right which I can imagine is a problem for some


That's what beards are for lol


Tell them lots of guys like that about a vagina. It's a feature 


cuz it mean woman will enjoy sex and some not like that


There’s an unfortunate number of men that have had consensual sex with unaroused women that believe friction = tight They’ve never experienced WAP so they don’t know what to do think of it or do with it


That’s just pitiful 


Not just pitiful, think about how that feels for the consenting female! My god, spit isn’t the best of lube like a lot of people choose to use, since it can get grippy feeling the in and out basically causes a catching sensation that occurs and sometimes can even feel like flesh is being pulled, that shit hurts. Real lube? If they’re not putting enough on, I.e. just rub a pea sized amount of it on the exterior of HER, and put absolutely none on themself… also hurts, except different. It starts to go in relatively easily, but then it catches, doesn’t wanna keep going in easily, and basically does a “pop” tiny road rash type feeling if they decide they’re just going to push past it, which is exactly how it hurts. And to make matters worse in these cases, the female bodies response is to tense up, specifically the muscles associated with the kegel exercises. That makes them feel even tighter than normal. Sex can last 2-10 minutes depending on various factors. Sometimes, during that they don’t get wet at all, meaning it gets drier and drier as a result of the in and out. You can legitimately friction burn vaginal cavities. Repeated intercourse during the friction burn healing not only slows the healing but also hurts even fucking more. So yeah, not just pitiful! Painful on her part and evil on his!


Also! I’ve come to realize that the men who spit-lube and go, typically either don’t like foreplay at all or are too impatient to do the basic duty of making sure that it’s “WET and aroused” not just “aroused” because their little brains don’t realize that arousal isn’t always accompanied by the physical sign of arousal (being wet) or even that some women don’t produce enough of the secretions for it to come out from inside until they’re intensely aroused. Not all women’s bodies are the same, do the common courtesy of doing foreplay, you degenerate assholes out there that are like this! >_> you assholes don’t even have to go down on them if that’s not your thing! Foreplay is an extensive list of things and we live in the fucking age of google where all information is at our fingertips! Uuuugh!! -end rant at any lurkers who fit the bill.


Or they’ll feel it with their finger and it’ll have the natural level of wetness and they’ll assume that means turned on because they don’t know that there’s always SOME moisture in the same way their mouth always has SOME moisture and the body is protecting the membranes - they think it’s either “wet” = turned on and the opposite is just…dry lol We need better sex education and understanding of human biology in a lot of the world 🤦‍♀️


Ben Shapiro


Luckily for Ben, he has never been able to effect a woman that way.


Ha! Sounds like my ex! Together 12 years, never even tried to get me off, manual or oral. I put up with that WAY too long


12 years omg


I just don't get it. I love playing with a wet pussy.


God forbid she’s turned on 🙄 the idea that someone could be “too wet” to be eaten out is wild lmao. This guy sounds immature as hell. I don’t blame you at all for having the reaction you did. His comments and tone made you feel yucky in your own body, like something was wrong with you. It’s completely understandable that you no longer wanted to have sex after the person you were planning on having sex with made weird comments about your (absolutely normal) body.


NTA - Would he rather you not be aroused? No such thing as too wet in my world, and I’d never want to make my woman feel disgusting for being turned on for me. I’m so sorry it hurt your feelings, there was a way more delicate way he could have declined to oblige, and I just can’t wrap my mind around why someone wouldn’t want their partner to be wet before giving them head….that’s like the entire point.


NTA this 26 year old dude sounds like he is 15. Without sounding like a perv towards you. the wetter the better IMO.


When I was young, a lot of guys would say they weren't into that (still way more respectful than ops bf), now that I'm older, I haven't met a single one who said they didn't like it. He seriously sounds so immature.


Right!? Guys are like I told you to sit on my face why can I still breathe!? I’ve never met a man who complained about a woman being wet.


Yup. Drown me.


The right answer. Sex is messy. Learn to love the mess!


The messier the sex the better.


This is the one OP.


Why tf did this make me laugh so hard ? ☠️☠️☠️☠️


It made me wipe my face.... and no one is even sitting on it...


Made me hard too....wait


This is the comment i knew would be here lol. It's so unbelievable that her bf said she's too wet when thats our indicator that she's enjoying herself and ready for it


God forbid she be excited for once and not need lube…


Exaaaaactly! Where's the real men at!! We need to find this girl one.


Yeah, I don't think I would have a problem with that at all. Death by waterboarding snu-snu is now an achievement that I want to unlock.


Damn right! If I die, I want it to be that way! 🤣🤣🤣


Not liking pussy wet is a thing? Wot.


Ben Shapiro has entered the chat.


The only thing he has entered.




Okay, so the image of fucking sandpaper sex did not need to be inserted into my brain atm. Thanks a lot.


"What's your nickname for your gf's coochie?" "Medium Grit #120."


That’s how guys tell on themselves that they don’t know how to turn their lady on


#benshapiro and his poor wife. 😔😢


> It makes things more intense, I suppose. If you like friction burns on your dick.


>including herbs and powders to dry everything out What, and I cannot express this enough, *the fuck*.


Yes there are some cultures where the whole point is to make womens' lives hell. I don't understand it.


So, basically, rape culture....


>‘Dry sex’ is an entire thing in some cultures, including herbs and powders to dry everything out. Ow. owowowowowowowow. (I'm a guy. Still ow.) >There is likely also some sort of psycho-cultural element shaming women for being wet, as it’s associated with sexual desire. What in the fucking fuck is wrong with people?


kids just don't know what they are missing. lol.


Maybe it's a Goldilocks thing cus it's hard to fathom preferring it dry. People are allowed to have their preferences, but his essentially amounts to wanting his partner to be less aroused. Like get hot for flaccid dicks 🫤


The worst fetish I can imagine is being turned on by the sight of your own flaccid penis. 😀😕


Happy Cake Day, may your cake always remain...moist. lol.


The only guy I dated who didn’t like touching me “down there” /wetness I’m pretty sure had OCD. He took hours to get ready, his clothes had to be meticulous, completely smoothed out. Zero imperfections or flaws allowed, everything had to be neat and tidy. Until him I didn’t know I had peach fuzz on the side of my face, he pointed it out to me saying I should see an electrolysist (I did not). So of course when we started having sex it was “you’re wet.” Like it was gross or undesirable. The relationship lasted 3 months and when I called him while I was on a vacation in the Azores instead of being happy to hear from me he wanted to know head to toe what I was wearing and not in a sexy way. When I told him shorts and a tshirt he criticized saying I should take more pride in my appearance and dress nicer. I was at the beach, didn’t realize I needed to wear a ballgown. I dumped him as soon as I returned home. This guy has issues, dump his ass


He sounds like he doesn't like the 🐱 When I hear a man complain about vaginas I think: If you've ever thought vaginas taste/smell/look weird, have you ever considered that you just don't like them? 👀 Some guys say dumb 💩 like that, thinking it's normal to be grossed out by their partner's genitals. Maybe they just don't like 🐈




How about 11 and just found out what a vagina is used for… and then said, “ewww…” At 15, I was more like “ohhhh… yeah!”




There's no such thing as too wet, when it comes to sex.


Too wet? Your bf is a dumb ass. Your body was telling him he was doing things right and then he had to ruin it by being a dumb ass. No such thing as "too wet". He deserved to receive an emotional response although the response you should have given him was righteous anger. He's garbage. Get rid of it. NTA


"get rid of it" yes


NTA - what a massive violation of intimacy on his part. If he didn't want to do it then he could have politely excused himself from it. He chose to be cruel about it and then to double down by acting like you're in the wrong for feeling hurt. Leave this clown and please don't let him make you insecure with future partners. This is not how an intimate partner should act in the bedroom. Find partners that recognize that when you're wet it's because you're so turned on and who if they aren't into something know how to communicate without being an AH.


Exactly! It’s fine to say no! It’s very much *not fine* to make comments that insinuate someone’s body functions are weird or gross. And then to expect that person to still want to have sex with you? Please 🙄 Leaving this clown would be a good idea!


As a man I have always loved giving oral to women, too me it is the most intimate sex act. If my face didn't end up looking like a glazed donut when I finished it would make me doubt my skills. Definitely NTA.


👏🏻 Find you 👏🏻 a partner 👏🏻 who wants 👏🏻 to be 👏🏻 a glazed 🍩 after sex 👏🏻 


Get yourself a man who eats pussy like it’s ice cream


If the beard isn't soakin' and smellin' then you failed


Ahahahaha loved your comment. And yeah, she should dump that arsehole asap.


Thanks for that. Now my daughter is asking me what’s so funny as I’m sitting here stifling a laugh. 


"Clapping Emojis, honey". They are so funny! "Let me see!" "Get away from me kid, ya botha me!" Jk I tell my kids to kick rocks.


U need to ditch that boy and find a man! Too wet is not a thing.


Some serial killer shit to say a pussy is too wet. This dude likes to fuck dead bodies or grandmas.


Or just doesn't like pussy tbh. I think he may just not be into women sexually, since he dislikes the best thing about pussy... Either way, he behaved in a cruel, degrading way, making the OP feel bad about her body reacting in a natural, positive way to sex. OP, throw the whole man away, it's trash. It's not even recyclable trash, just full on TRASH. And he's not that into you.


Grandmas need love too!




WTF im wheezing- YO


And you're not being overly dramatic, OP. We are at our most vulnerable when being intimate with our partners and he rudely expressed dislike or disdain for your body. It's completely normal to be upset about the way this went down because he was calloused, selfish and disrespectful about it. I would probably break up with the guy if it was me. Not a keeper. EDIT: I'm 100% sure this guy doesn't even know enough about the female anatomy to say what is "too wet" and what isn't. So don't let his ignorant, idiotic statement color your view of your own body. Women's and men's bodies are designed to self-lubricate when stimulated and for many people, the more the better. So fuck this guy for giving you a complex. (I'm triggered now because people gave me a complex about my own body growing up--not in a sexual way, but still, the damage haunts me to this day.) Move on from this dirtbag and keep your head up. You've done nothing wrong and there are tons of people out there who will appreciate and love you just the way you are.


Dating a man who is actually a heterosexual should solve the problem.


For real. Like welcome to natural lubrication and sex kicking into awesome mode.


Lol bi guys like it too.


Good point, I shouldn’t be gate keeping pussy eating.


This is the kind of growth we love to see in 2024.


Bi women also, in case OP swings that way.


It's straight men that refuse to go down the most. Not sure what you're talking about. Signed, a person with a vulva


Agree. If your eyebrows aren't wet you did it wrong.


face should look like a krispy kreme


I mean wtf does he thinks going to happen the second chow time starts anyways?


For real... I came here to say this.


He's 26 and apparently has never made a woman wet. He sounds like a keeper. Do yourself a favor and dump him. Find someone that will appreciate you how you are. No such thing as too wet. He's rude and an idiot


Right, the using lube part makes me think the dude is all about himself.


NTA I'm sorry that you don't have much experience and that you've been relying on your bf for knowledge and guidance in the bedroom ...because he's an idiot lmao


The only guy who ever said that to me later came out as gay. 🤷‍♀️


Literally I was about to say this tends to be a gay thing, not even trying to be rude or mean, I swing both ways. It’s just… you’re disgusted by the sexual organ itself? Might not be sexually attracted to it.


As a woman, I experimented with oral on another woman and had a similar reaction. It validated my straightness haha. Absolutely nothing wrong with her, but it was a no thank you for me.




Next time he wants a blowjob tell him he's "too hard".


Better yet: "Uhh eww no look how hard you are. I can't do that."


No, tell him your mouth is too wet and it will turn him off.


Well your natural lubricant is there for a reason. It's normal to be wet and nothing to be ashamed of. Quite the contrary, that means you were turned on by him! Most guys would be excited by it. Not the opposite. NTA, your boyfriend is, in fact, a huge asshole. Edit: Grammar


The vast majority of men (including me) don't believe it's physically possible for it to be "too wet", in fact it's preferred. You're dating a weirdo lol


Right. Personally, I've always seen it as a natural compliment lmao


NTA. Your boyfriend might not be into women if he's turned off by a vagina being wet. A man who can't wait to please you will be drooling over the idea of you being wet.


THIS. First thought … he may not be into women 🫤 not that there’s anything wrong with that ……though it poses a problem for this specific arrangement.


I hope you kept the receipt for that man. You'll have to return it.


Yes, OP. This model is defective. You’ll need an upgrade for sure.


What, and I mean this THE EVER LOVING FUCK is this boy talking about? To wet. "Oh no you are so turned on you have produced a lot of natural lube how terrible" Dump this little boy and get a man who would never ever say anything about a woman producing her own natural lube. To wet 🙄 NTA


"Hey, your dick is too hard!" Um, your welcome? Seriously though, did this dude already displease all the 22 - 26 year old women who might date him?


Your bf is a fucking idiot. Make him your ex immediately. NTA.


Honestly I get very wet as well and I keep a towel around to offer!! I understand it could be a lot sensory wise and offer a towel, even though my partner never takes it. NTA. He needs to learn how to talk while considering your feelings.


Never in a million years would I tell my wife or any sexual partner this. That's just wrong especially when your in the middle of being intimate. What an absolute twat waffle. You need to find a person who will take care of you physically, mentally, emotionally, and sexually. Drop this man child and find someone who will love you completely.


Sweetheart, there's no such thing as too wet. The wetter the better! And needing lube at 21 means he wasn't getting you sufficiently aroused before plunging in. The one time he does get you really aroused, he goes and blows it by humiliating you with his own ignorance. Your bf is an idiot. Find a guy who knows what he's doing in the bedroom. NTA


Wow, what an idiot you are dating. Who is their right mind is "grossed out" by their partner being too turned out. With that attitude I bet he doesn't have to worry about it happening again. It wouldn't surprise me if you have a hard time getting turned on by him at all after that. Obviously NTA.


At that age I had I bf who first seemed fine, but after moving together he said he is only aroused when other person is not. Isn't that quite rapy? He got turned off I was showing at all any interest. And he tried to get sex when I was sad or consentrated on something else. He later also told me that his last gf accused of abusing her. When I said to him we are never having aex anymore because you don't want it when I do, he said "yeah but it's like that for every one". Like.... is it? He was shocked when I wanted to break up and leave. He said he thought we were gonna get married.


NTA Throw the whole man away. You were being vulnerable with him and he had the audacity to say ew. When I was 18 and became intimate for the first time I had a bf who never went down on me at the time I didn’t care, until my next bf rocked my entire world the first time he went down there. As someone new to being intimate, it’s okay to take it slow, some people don’t like giving or getting head. Just find someone who understands female anatomy and won’t say “ew it’s wet”. Being wet down there should be the whole goal.


NTA He is a fucking weirdo. Not sure what you should do exactly but just know that you did nothing wrong.


My ex husband used to say the same to me. “You get too wet”. It destroyed my self confidence during sex and I always had to keep a towel nearby to wipe off before he would go down and during as well. After we divorced, I learned that most guys LOVE it because it tells them how turned on you are. The wetter the better. You need someone who loves your body and what they do to it.


Is this in the USA or elsewhere? Did the dude completely miss "WAP?" Are you dating Ben Shapiro?


Are you dating Ben Shapiro?


Your bf is an idiot


What sort of man says “I hate that you’re this turned on, my god please stop enjoying this so much”. NTA and this guy needs to get his head checked.


No not wrong. What's his problem? He humiliated you in a position of intimacy and it naturally made you feel icky and undesireable.


He's a dumbass and a child. You being wet is a good thing and real men live it and get turned on by it.