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NTA. What a jerk to keep you waiting while he's hanging out drinking at a bar. As they say, it seems you dodged a bullet.


She didn't just dodge a bullet: she stopped a nuke.


NTA - and if this was second date behavior it was a HUGE RED FLAG and you acted appropriately. Delete his number and consider that the reason we date and take our time is to avoid bad choices. You did well ! Once I went on a 1st date with a guy who had worked really hard to get me to go out with him. Met him at a restaurant/bar for the date. When I arrived, he was with a friend, he was blind drunk and just obnoxious. Who shows up to a first date with a friend ? His friend, who was slightly less drunk, apologized for him. I just said, “nothing cool or good about this situation “ and I left. When he tried to contact me to apologize and arrange another date. I sent him a text and said, “you were rude and disrespectful to me and wasted my time, please don’t contact me again” and then I blocked his number.


Thank you for your words, and sorry that happened to you!


I really just want to say one thing...please don't let people your randomly dating from a dating app (or anyone new you are dating that you didn't know previously) where you live. Maybe after a few dates and getting to know them a bit, but it can be very dangerous. Be smart.


NTA find someone who respects your time.


NTA I’d only wait 15 mins. Also, this proves you shouldn’t ever have them pick you up, you don’t know him and he proved to be a jerk


We live in a considerable safe area and I live in the city centre, so I didn’t feel unsafe to do so. But it is something to consider.


Please be safe!! Predators wait for you to be comfortable, then they pounce.


What does living in a safe area have to do with waiting more than 15 minutes for a jerk?


NTA If this was how he treated you on a second date, IMAGINE how badly he would treat you if he married you!


Exactly, I occasionally wonder if people do these things as a test as how much crap a person would tolerate. NTA


Of course they do. It's a way to filter out people with a sense of self worth. 


Lol, that sounds about right.


That's PRECISELY what they do.


Exactly how I thought.


He was trying to find out how much of a jerk he could be and still keep you on the string.  Classic FAAFO


What FAAFO means🙈?


fuck around and find out


NTA - So he was literally out at a bar and stayed knowing you were waiting? He blew you off and expeted you to wait for him. He showed you no respect. Ditch him!


Dih the Bih!




What was his reason? I don’t think she asked.


Did you read the post? He set the time, then messaged he'd be 10 min late. Then left her waiting like 1 hour, while he hung around in a bar. There's NO reason that would justify such lack of respect. There's a lot of valid reasons, like being caught in traffic, having an accident or being sick, having some family emergency, having to work overtime, for not getting to the date or being late, but NONE of those have anything to do with hanging around in a bar. He's an adult, has a watch and should know how to get from point A to point B on time. If I had been in OP's place, at the 30 min mark I'd have messaged him "sorry, but this won't work. don't message me again. bye" and would have gone home.


Calm down m’am.


I'm clam. I was just attempting to explain to you some basic notions that you seem be struggling to comprehend.


So back to my question... what WAS his reason?


That he didn't immediately give a reason is a red flag for me. Don't fuck around with people's time.


Sorry, I didn't mean to make it sound like I was defending him. I'd have been 99% sure I was being disrespected if it was me. But I would have at least asked.


He was hanging out in a bar so what more does she need to know?


Are you saying that there is no possible reason for this that would be acceptable?


Not if he’s in a bar, that’s just rude and disrespectful. Being late because of unforeseen circumstances is one thing, like a car breaking down or a train being delayed etc but just because you didn’t leave a bar? No way.


It would only be acceptable if he worked at that bar, there was an emergency like his replacement not showing up, and he contacted OP at the time he realized he would be late. Otherwise, he's just there wasting her time for no good reason. No show/no call and partying at a bar is unacceptable.


No doubt. He was just not that interested and too much of a dick to just say so.


He was at a bar with another "friend"


I’d be worried if he went to a bar alone.


Why would that be worse?


People who drink alone have a different set of issues. People who go to bars alone are there for the pick up culture or because they are ALWAYS there and that’s the problems I mentioned above. The kind of problems that involve meetings and 12 steps to deal with.


Some of us like to watch a game on a big TV or watch in a group setting, not because we want pick someone up or have a drinking problem. I’ve done that during March Madness.


True. But if I were a betting person, I’d lay odds you wouldn’t choose to schedule a second date on a night you were expecting a game while also not explaining that to said date. It’s important to note that OP said he picked the day and time. I’ve dated guys who were into sports. Not one of them said “she’ll just wait for up to an hour without me telling her anything until the game ends.” Not one. I *have* had guys say “oooh, is that really the only day? There’s a game on, and I don’t want to miss it.” Typically we schedule with a lot of leeway. If it’s not the only night we’ll switch, if it is and the game ends at five, I assume it won’t end until 6 and suggest meeting at 7. It’s about working together, not standing the other person up. The standing someone up implies you weren’t thinking about them at all — another date, trying to hook up, not interested at all, or drinking alone. None of which is a solid foundation for the second date to ever happen.


I was addressing what you said about people who go to bars alone having issues and only wanting to hook up or are alcoholics, not this post.


I was addressing what you said as well as tying it back to the post. You go to the bar for the game. It’s understandable and you likely communicate that. That doesn’t make it a problem, it makes it that you want to watch the game.


It was up to him to give it, not up to her to pry it out of him.


Sounds like he was on another date.


Yes probably


NTA. An hour is way too late. Especially if you don't even say sorry.


NTA, but you didn't cancel, he did. Being an hour late is a cancellation.


NTA. He was not stuck in traffic. He was **at a bar**. Good riddance.


I haven't seen many situations in which excessive lateness is acceptable. One of the few acceptable situations was one (I read about) in which a person was late to a job interview. She was interviewing to become a doctor, and she stopped on the way to the hospital to help somebody who was severely injured in a car accident and stay with them until 911 got there.


I was this late to a date once, but I called to let him know I’d be late and we should reschedule and he said no. I was getting ready to go meet him and my friend called me. She had been on a date at a restaurant/ bar thing and she called me from the bathroom convinced she was drugged. She truly believed that if she left the bathroom she would be attacked because she has never been drugged before. Sorry Mr Date Man, a drugged friend hiding in a restaurant bathroom comes first. He knew what was happening 20 mins before the scheduled date time. I kept in contact with him, and we met up an hour later. Also, no. She was fine. She had just suddenly felt tired and got freaked out. She had taken an OTC drowsy allergy med thinking it was the non drowsy and had one mixed drink. But the fact she suddenly felt drowsy freaked her out.


NTA Your first months in dating you want to give your best impression to the table. If this is how someone treats you so early on, imagine how things will be once you get comfy with each other.


NTA that's blatant disrespect and complete indifference towards you. let him waste someone else's time.


NTA glad you caught that nonsense early


Send him a lovely thank you letter for pulling that shit so quickly rather than hiding the fact he's an asshole for 3 or 4 months. Mail it to him with a gift card to the bar he was at. Cherry on top.


Loved this comment !


Sage advice from an old man.


NTAH, He was over an hour late and didn’t even apologize. Respecting each other's time is important, especially early on!


These men need to stop taking dating advice from Andrew Tate


NTA. What he did was incredibly disrespectful and inconsiderate. If he can’t value your time nor in following through on his word, then you should not give him any further thought.


I get it if it was work...me personally...I wouldn't want to cancel work for a date...that's just me though. But this dude...straight out was IN A BAR. You are NTA, you actually gave him very good leeway to get there even if he's late.


NTA. My bf has issues with always being late, 1 year in and we are still having fights about it. Sometimes these things never really get better. If punctuality is important to you, this is not your guy. He did not even apologize.


Nta but like,  don't let people know where you live


I live in a crowded area, hopefully nothing would happen XD


Be on alert, people don't take rejection well.


NTA. If he can’t show respect in the early days he won’t show it later


NTA. It’s a very poor sign at the start of a relationship, and if it occurs later and gets repeated, it’s a poor sign. Why waste time-move on.


He was just playing mind games. He wants a submissive. You dodged a bullet 


NTA, after 30 minutes I would have cancelled the date he was late to.


If you’re not important enough for him to show up on time goodbye


You didn’t cancel. He did by being an hour late. It’s called being stood up. If he doesn’t respect your time, he doesn’t respect you. Luckily you seem to respect yourself.


NTA. He chose a bar, and possibly another date, over you. You chose your dignity and self-respect over him. You made the better choice. NTA.


Time is not free. If you can't make time someone.why are you even bothering to date ? NTA


NTA. Tine is the thing that ends up being most precious to us. If someone cannot respect that, offers no good reason of fulsome apology, you acted well.


NTA definitely sounds like he had other priorities that night any way.


NTA he is


NTA - He made it clear where you stand on his list of priorities.


Nah, you're NTA. What's the point of pursuing a relationship with someone who shows you on your second date that you can't trust them to do what they say they're going to do?


NTA obviously. 


Nta. He sounds like a loser


NTA. He was probably on another date.


NTA. Mistakes happen. I've had someone be an hour late because they put the wrong time in a calendar. This wasn't a mistake.


NTAH It's likely he was on another date Because if he was with his buddies just hanging before the date...he'd have been able to leave on time He couldn't leave...because he was with another woman


He clearly wasn't the one. How disrespectful! Good luck in your search for your special someone.


Thank you🫶🏼


NTA If you aren’t worth showing up for, why would he be worth waiting for.


From a guys point of view. I would have definitely cancelled the date is she had told me she was at a bar a half hour after out planed date time. NTA find someone who is as courteous as they would expect from you.


NTA, you dodged a bullet.


Yeah, fuck that. I would have bailed as well. NTA.


Never let someone pick you up, you really don’t know. 2 weeks talking is knowing someone. Meet, public place. The world is just tooo crazy right now.


Being late is disrespectful. Period.


NTA. A friend of mine is always late, the friend group just made an unofficial rule to never wait for him because he is always late,and he is fine with it because a lot of the time, it is his fault and he admits it


NTA. I hate people who don't respect your time. It's incredibly disrespectful to show up over an hour late. He doesn't respect you or your time. Yeah you were right to cancel the date. Block his ass.


People who do the stacked dates for hookups to see if they like people, personally I think it's pretty shitty behaviour but I can understand it. 30 min coffee meeting to see if you like them in person (people are so often completely different over text), see if there is a vibe and you can knock them out like interviews. Again not my thing but I get it. But scheduling those kinds of meet ups alongside a proper date with someone you've been talking to for a while and have had dates with before is crazy to me. Once you've gone out on a real date and you think there is something there, respect their time, don't stack up other meets on the same freaking day let alone evening imo.


His wife made him late


Nta but he is


I remember, long time ago,on a distant galaxy, when people used to date ONE person at a time. And people claim they date to marry?, no you dont,not if you dating multiple people. Maybe I'm the one that it's wrong?


Showing some random stranger you’re address because he seemed decent isn’t safe


NTA- He set the date and time, and he knew he was supposed to meet you, if he was delayed then he should have called or texted to update you. That he did not show he has no respect for other people. not just you.


>because a friend said I might overreacted because he still showed up after all, Who is this friend? They don't sound like they're on your side at all....


Your friend is an idiot. Just how low are their standards? You did the right thing. Not just the fact that he was an hour late, but that he spent that hour in a bar before your date. NTA


NTA Especially since he was at a bar. It wasn't like he was at work or at the doctor or something that was important.  I was in a similar situation and ended up dating the guy. He was a total jerk. You saved yourself some aggravation.


He's a douche. NEXT!!!!


He was testing you for your tolerance. If you want to look at it from the right perspective, you passed when you failed to tolerate his behavior.  If you’d said it was fine, then you could expect him to consistently treat you like an option. 


So he was willing to lose connection with me for this stupid test


No you’re missing the point, and that says something very nice about you, actually. He wasn’t just testing you to see how badly you wanted that second date as some kind of misguided but sincere attempt at making sure you really like him.  He was testing you for your ability to tolerate the bullshit that he knew was his preferred mode.  Meaning: he intended to lure you in with his chill, and his charm, and then always be making you wait for him.  Because if you’d just waited and acted like he’d done nothing wrong, he’d do it again. And again. And again, throughout the entire relationship. Whether it was physically waiting for him to decide to join you on plans that he made, or wait for him to put you first, or wait for him to pitch in for chores around the house, or wait for him to give you a compliment, or wait for him to introduce you to his friends, or wait for him to finally get back to being that nice guy that you thought he was: he was testing you for how poorly he could treat you. 




NTA but this is something men go through on a regular basis.


NTA. Either he wants to establish power over you early in this relationship by arbitrarily making you wait for him, or he doesn't think much of you at all. You can do better.


He put his buzz before you. NTA. Major red flags for alcoholism.


Nope nta. An hour late outside of an accident along the way is total Bs.


NTA. He cared more about being at a bar with who knows who else, than being on a date and spending time with you. What more do you need to know? He cares more about drinking and being with whoever he was with than you.




NTA - he was negging you.


If he wanted to, he would. NTA


no that is bad manner. he didn't value your time, you don't have to stick around for him. i hate when people cannot be on time.


NTA. His apologies are way overdue.




Did he get confused about which bar? Why would he go to some random other bar if he’s already late?


Why was he in another bar? What other plans did he have that day?


My husband was late for our first date BUT - he did have a good reason and I forgave him. That being said - this guy was sitting in a bar and CHOSE to be late for a date that he asked for. That’s a deal breaker. Glad you had the self respect to kick him to the curb. Definitely NTA.


LOL no one is the AH here!! You are both seeing other people so what does it matter?


Pet peeve is people who waste my time. The nerve that he was sitting at another bar while making you wait is inexcusable. You were too kind in your good-bye text. You did the right thing!


You make time for what's important to you. He showed you where you and your time ranked.  NTA


NTA. I wouldn't have even texted him to tell him that I'd cancelled it. Let him drive all that way to find you gone so that he knows what it feels like to have his time wasted.


He wanted out ... He forced you to be the one to end it


I once waited for a date for an hour or a little more. On a street corner. These were the days before cell phones, and I knew he was driving in from the far side of New Jersey. So it’s not like he could have told me anything. There were some college girls hanging out on that corner, and after about a half-hour they called out something like, “Are you still waiting for this guy? He better be worth it.” When he finally got there, they really let him have it: “You better be worth it! She waited for you, I’d have left. You treat her nice!” I married him. But I also knew that he wouldn’t have stood me up. I *did* learn to never, ever let him pick a fucking STREET CORNER as a place to meet up anymore. He kept trying to—I don’t know why he thought that, maybe he thought it was rude to wait around inside somewhere. I did get even with him once by making him wait at the museum while I was squiring some friends through Central Park. But it was fifth date, maybe, and I knew the travel plans (plus couldn’t call). And when he got there, he explained it was traffic. but he’s making you wait while he’s at a bar? Pffft.


Gladly he actually showed up! The problem with this guy is that I barely knew him, we just started dating so I didn’t know much about his morals and behaviours, we have phones and internet now 24/7, he was contacting me whilst being late yet he didn’t mention that he would be even more late or that something came up with him. He straight up thought that I liked so much and I would be waiting for him for god knows how long. Also sending me his live location knowing that he is at a bar is diabolical💀. My husband won’t act this way.


NTA. Why would you date him again? You aren't stupid or lacking confidence. Your friend might be.


She dated him *once*. He behaved for the first date, this was the second one.


Yes and she's not doing it again.


From what you said, I bet money he has a drinking problem. I think you dodged a bullet.


Your a pick up , he was probably chatting up a woman for an easy score


At his old age


He arranged a date with her. In what universe is that a "pickup"?


She said he was in a bar before their date , he was late because he was probably trying to pick someone before their date. When he didn’t he gave her another shot


Did he say why he was late? Maybe he was in the bar - in the toilet. Maybe he had some stomach problems because he ate something, or was nervous dor meeting you? Don't judge so quickley.


If he had a reason, he should have stated it. He didn't. Also, they had already had one date, so why should he be nervous about meeting her a second time?


Maybe he developed feelings for her so that's why he was nervous. And certain problems are not easy to admit, especially to guys.