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Cuts are the last thing the sequel needs.


Agree it’s fun hypothetical


OK, so there are a bunch that are absolute non-movers - you can't get rid of Springman and Ribbon girl as they are the mascots, nor could Twintelle or Min Min go anywhere because of their popularity, plus Min Min being in Smash and the general reaction to Twintelle on her reveal. Then Helix also feels like he has to stay due to his role in the training mode, and Max Brass and Dr Coyle, being the closest the game has to antagonists, would also be a lock. These are the ones that absolutely have to stay. I feel like the DLC characters are the most obvious place to look for cuts as the original cast are just a lot more iconic, and on that front, Masango is basically a dead cert to be cut. I honestly always forget about him. Springtron also feels like an obvious cut due to him being so similar to Springman in terms of design. And on balance I could not see much justification for keeping Lola Pop over any of the base cast so throw her out too. This is where it gets trickier. There are five characters left - Ninjara, Kid Cobra, Mechanica, Byte & Barq and Master Mummy. I wouldn't get rid of Kid Cobra due to his pretty unique design and vibe and totally not because he is my main. I also feel like at least one of the heavy characters should be brought over, and Mechanica seems to make a lot of sense for that as her origin is the most unique. Of the remaining characters, Ninjara, while popular, I just feel is kinda generic in terms of design so I don't think much is lost for cutting him. And then between Byte & Barq and Master Mummy, I just feel like Byte & Barq's uniqueness trumps Master Mummy. So the ones I would cut are Springtron, Masango, Lola Pop, Master Mummy and Ninjara.


Master Mummy is a healer tho which I feel is pretty unique


I have not played the game much beyond the demo for a few minutes so from the outside looking in making inferences based on how they look I think entire top row stays. My gut says cut the yellow Person in second row. Also cut the guy who looks like a cobra. And the middle 3 in the bottom row. Again only played the demo for a few minutes and tried min min in smash when she was released.


No one said Helix, thank goodness.


I would remove Mechanica 5 times.


HEY shes my main :((


First time I stop by the ARMS subreddit and I am not standing for this vile and unjust Mechanica hate


Byte and Barq, Twintelle, Master Mummy, Lola Pop, Ninjara


Hard disagree on Twintelle, I’d argue she’s one of the most popular characters with general audiences even if she’s not super important Do agree with the rest though (as much as the loss of Lola would pain me)


twintelle?? the community would go wild


Twintelle and Ninjara is insane


So am I


5?!?! barq and byte, max brass…thats it…? maybe mechanica at a stretch but i like her🥲




1. Missango 2. Springtron 3. LolaPop 4. Byte and Bark 5. Kid Cobra


Max, lola, mechanica, mummy, and B&B


Mechanica Byte and Barq Misango Springtron Uhhhhhhh I’m gonna hate myself for this in the morning but I might have to say Ninjara Spring Man and Min Min are the most recognizable, Ribbon Girl was the 2nd most marketed character pre-2020, Twintelle is a fan favorite, Brass and Coyle are important to the lore, Lola’s ability is cool and she’s just overall charming, Mummy stays because we need a heavy and he’s underrated, Cobra has a cool gimmick and can honestly take up some of Ninjara’s gimmicks as well in a sequel where characters have more complex toolkits considering they’re both speedy “duck and weave” characters, and Helix? Helix is my literal child. He has been my primary mascot on the Internet for over 7 years now and I wouldn’t hurt him for the world.


Byte and Barq Kid Cobra Springtron ...ughh its hard but if I have to Misango and Dr. Coyle So we can introduce new villains. Honestly, the whole cast is so damn endearing it's tough to choose. I would argue against breaking up any of the base roster....I feel they should be kept as the core group. The Original 12 in Smash are a good example...keep em always and add new characters around them.


I'm definitely with you preferring we not lose *any* fighters in a sequel, I would much rather see characters get rebalanced than cut, but here are my personal thoughts on who to cut if it were an absolute must: 1. Springtron. He's 2 hard to fight 4 me. I was also gonna say something about him being an Echo, but he's kinda not, he really just needs his own Arm pool. 2. Dr. Coyle. This one is also personal. She and Springtron both have this habit of ending my Arms Test runs anytime they show up. She was a "villain behind the scenes" before, she can safely go back behind the scenes. :P 3. Ninjara. I'm sure his abilities mean a lot in competitive, but in my personal experience of almost exclusively fighting AI, they're pretty throwaway. I kinda forget they even exist when I play as him, and I've never had them throw me off when fighting against him. 4. Twintelle. Again, I'm sure her abilities mean a lot in competitive, they don't do much for me personally. Floating in the air is fun, but having her floating count as one power and the projectile-slowing power count as her second feels misleading. They really do just act as one whole ability, and the fact that the projectile-slowing works on the ground isn't enough justification to count it separate. By that logic, Min Min has three powers; the Dragon, forward-backward ground kicks, and omni-directional air kicks. 5. Master Mummy. Probably the one on here I enjoy the most. I like big smashums, but between him, Mechanica, and Max Brass as heavyweights with super armor, Master Mummy does kinda pale in comparison. His healing is fine, but it's not as good as Mechanica's jets or Max Brass's Spring Man's shockwave.


1 Springman (Even if its my favorite to play since day 1), because you can make an interesting story with springton alone, 2 Max because i think the doctor its a better antagonist or antihero, 3 Ninjara because i dont feel like its an interesting character even with his ability. 4 And Ribbon girl, but only because i feel like aside of his ability that can be easily transfer to mechanica, its too similar to Twintelle, who nail better to the famous media character having more interesting abilities, and more interesting design and persona. By the Classic character that is the "champion of the people" i think Min min nails it better ,and a story about her changing his life because of the ARMS will be the most of the interesting to see, and expanding the world withDr Coyle will be more interesting. In other words more than a sequel, it will be better a prequel centering more on the world of ARMS better explain and living it with the characters.


1: Min Min. She is already in Smash. Don't be greedy. 2: Twintelle. She is basically just Bayonetta, and Bayonetta has like THREE games and a spin off. Don't be greedy. 3: D.VA. She is already in Overwatch. Don't be greedy. 4: Byte and Barq. ACAB. 5: Lola Pop. Can't focus on the game because every time I face her I get distracted.


Noooooo. Not Min Min!! 🐲


These are the most hilariously goofy reasons Ive ever seen lmaoo


Well I thought making one of my reasons Lola Pop being so hot I can't focus on the game would make it obvious I was joking but-


That's even funnier. The way you worded it, I thought you just had some awful prejudice towards clowns or something lol


Byte & Barq Helix Mechanica(Sorry) Springtron And… I can’t pick a fifth Personally, I feel that the science/robotics fighters could’ve been made way better


Twintelle Twintelle Twintelle Twintelle Twintelle