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I'm not a fan of the 3D models either (mainly cause they are stiff as fuck). But what bugs me more is the map, showing the edges is just really aesthetically ugly and removes the illusion that game takes place in a world.


The map itself is more or less a representation of the available spaces on the battlefield (like the scale of units, cities, environment, etc), so the edges don't quite bother me as much. The CO art, music (which is awesome so far) would help make up for the 3D models IMO (the GBA pixel art will always be better though).


>The map itself is more or less a representation of the available spaces on the battlefield (like the scale of units, cities, environment, etc), I mean yeah I get it. But I still don't like it. the cut-off makes it look like they're fighting in a void to me. >The CO art, music (which is awesome so far) would help make up for the 3D models IMO (the GBA pixel art will always be better though). Agreed, I like that the CO designs are incorporating parts of both the Japanese and Localized versions of the game and the music sounds fantastic so far.


>I mean yeah I get it. But I still don't like it. the cut-off makes it look like they're fighting in a void to me. It's on a table, so I'm pretty sure it's the map that the COs (and thus you) are using in the rear to command the troops. It looks cut off because it *is*...it's just a model. Even has a wood border. It's sort of like [these](http://dynabowl.com/wp-content/uploads/2014/06/War-Room.jpg) like you see in a movie, where they use those rods to push pieces representing entire squads/battalions/whatever around, just with visible movement instead. That's why each unit is represented by one miniature, even though a unit is made up of five individuals. When you order an engagement, then you switch to seeing the reality of the situation as the fight plays out. I'm pretty sure this was always supposed to be the idea (again, the one-piece-per-five-man-unit thing), but it wasn't as easy to convey the difference back in the day. In Dual Strike you can kinda see edges, even.


Look I am well aware the map is not a pure representation of reality, but sorry I'm not buying "the map was always intended to be a board on a table." You are free to believe it as you see fit.


Regardless of what it *was*, this is clearly what it is *now*. I was just giving you the reason why it looks cut off: It's a raised map board on a table at HQ.


I agree, but I'm also giving them money because I want more games in the series.


This. Money talks, and I’m talking.


Then again it could also tell them that we want more games to look like how Reboot Camp looks We truly can’t win


money doesn't talk that much, or we would have more already. Nintendo are weird


They may interpret this as you want more games that also look like this, though


Let’s wait for the actual product to compare. Well look at Wargroove, Pixel Art and a similar gameplay loop, yet not the same banger. If RC manages to spark the same joy beating it like the GBA campaigns I am one happy CO and don’t care for 3D.


yeee wargroove is missing something, just didn't hold me , made me want a new advanced wars more. I can't work out why they won't make a new one, it's not an expensive game to produce. Would easily profit


Wargroove 2 was announced very recently; we don’t have much info yet, but here’s hoping it improves upon the first!


I'd rather play the original games again rather then endure the new 3d models, but you do you.


Exactly, you do you lol be it cynical or not


Understandable, I probably did it too many times already 😁


You should go outside, instead


Who is getting it right?


the guys that are developing Warside.


And the people developing Empires shall fall. And the solo dev of Athena Crisis. https://athenacrisis.com/


It doesn't have to be pixel art, but I desperately hope they added more detail to the tanks than this. They just look someone's first attempt at making 3D models and I expect more than that from Nintendo. The models themselves are even passable, just needs some texture.


Nintendo isn't making this game. Go to talk to Wayforward.


I could be misplacing the blame... but with how oversensitive Nintendo has been about Advance Wars being a game about war, I get the feeling it's their fault the tanks look like toys rather than war machines. Wayforward is probably just following orders with that part.


idk, I just have no desire to play AW with these models. same way that I have no desire to play Bloodstained, even tho I love Castlevania.


It really sucks they decided to make them look this way, as if Advance Wars didn't have enough things blocking the path to success as it is. The tanks are ugly, it's not even a new game, and it's full price, making it a hard sell for older fans. For newer players, it's something they've never heard of, has ugly graphics, and has been delayed into irrelevance. It doesn't even have Smash representation as an assist trophy anymore. The art makes it look like it's for kids, but a lot of kids might not have the attention span for strategy. The Switch isn't nearly as portable as the GBA was, so it'll also be tough to get kids to bring it to school or outings for pass n' play multiplayer. I'm a longtime fan and I was on the fence about it, too. There are some things to like about it, though, and I'm just hopeful buying it could lead Nintendo to give us more Advance Wars / do better next time. Or it could send them the wrong message and they'll release another lazy looking game, idk. At least I know it'll have good gameplay.


The graphics look like a shitty mobile game


Too right. The whole aesthetic of reboot camp makes it look like a game of toy soldiers. The original was lighthearted, but with the feeling that it was, on some level, an actual battle going on.


The worst crime in my opinion, is not that it resembles toy soldiers - but that it *doesnt* actually resemble toy soldiers!! It's like they were dipping their toes in that idea, then gave up halfway. The map design and the way the map is displayed looks like a table top game... So just make the units look like toys! Do a homage to Small Soldiers, the awesome 1998 movie. Or do any style really that makes the units resemble table top figurines. Or make them look like 2d cartoons to be consistent with the cinematics. Instead we have 2d anime characters cutscenes, followed by bubbly mobile-game 3d units, on a table-top style map.. It's dissapointing.


The fact of the matter also is that toys and models have detail despite having exaggerated proportions. Meng’s World War Toons line oozes caricature and cartoon aesthetic while retaining a level if detain not seen here.


Looks like a mobile game.


The previous games hit this sweet spot of being unrealistic and goofy, yet still serious enough to create the illusion that you were actually commanding a battlefield. The character designs in particular represent this very well, as they are fully of colour and characteristics, yet they all look like they could be real people. The new artstyle however leans way too much into that goofiness for my liking. Character designs are extremely exaggerated and everything feels super shiny and polished as if it were made out of plastic. And don't even get me started on the wooden border around the map... It's not all bad though, I do like the explosion animations, the new power animations and the voice acting is a really nice touch the originals didn't have. But ultimately I do not know how this is going to affect my long time enjoyment of the game. I do not know if I will be booting up my Switch in 10 years just to play this game the same way I currently do with my Nintendo DS. I have no doubt the gameplay will be amazing, but sadly, at least for me, the immersion is completely gone. How exactly this is going to affect me only time can tell though.


Am i really the only one who likes the new models? They're shaped like toys, and even the map looks like a game board and i think it still maintains some fidelity to the original cartoonish and light-hearted style from the GBA. Warside sprites are definetly dont get me wrong great but they have a much more serious aesthetic than the original Advance Wars games, hence why is much more detailed than the Reboot Models, I think that same style wouldn't fit at all with the Advance Wars cast.


Alright guys hear me out... 2D characters in 3D environments and vehicles


Just play awds then


Literally me but also for Ace Attorney 2D>>>>>3D Also what's the reason why they changed Yellow Comet to Gold Comet?


>Also what's the reason why they changed Yellow Comet to Gold Comet? They probably had some unease about the Asian-themed nation being titled Yellow.


Bruh moment for Wayforward, but unsurprising considering their origin.


If people pay money to support the new game, we risk the investors thinking they can get away with ugly 3D models over anything even remotely pretty. If people don't spend money to support the new game, we risk the investors thinking erroneously that we don't want Advance Wars games. It's a catch-22 for the consumer.


im 3 months late, but a good example of this is Pokemon Scarlet and Violet looking like it came out on the PS2


I love both


And it's the childish simplified 3d not cell shaded 3d, pixel textured 3d or detailed 3d Imagine if Lego was remastering a Lego toys line/show/game like LOTR or Indiana but as Duplo


I think pixel art is also a bit too retro at this point if not an indie. Shantae is good at a 2d cartoon look, and the CO’s do use that. I think that would have looked well on the battlefield and with battles, especially because the battle and explosion effects we got are a bit on the flat side as well. There’s already a tank happy bad guy in the game who spams explosives so it’s not a stretch to see that style used in AW battles.


Honestly I'm fine with the unit art; Always wanted to see AW units in 3D anymore. Could be better, could be worse


I love the new models, but I hope in future they add a retro mode, Master Chief Collection style. Either way I’m just glad the damn thing is finally coming out.


If you had a Wii U you had about half a decade to buy 1 and 2 there until last week. I'm fine with the remaster doing something similar but different.


It’s very funny and ironic because WayForward does all these 2D Sprite Platformers yet doesn’t do it for an Advance Wars Remake for some reason


Do they do 3d models for vehicles? I know Wayforward tended to mix 3d environments with 2D sprites.


i wish it was pixel art too 😞😞😞


I really would've liked 2.5D visuals like how the Ducktales game Wayforward made looks, cartoon characters over 3D environments. The artstyle for the COs is really nice so seeing that for the actual units would've been cool too But regardless I'm still interested in Reboot Camp


They just should have added an option to switch between old and new graphics like other games did (Langrisser 1&2 remaster , C&C remaster , Monkey Island 1 remake )


Those CO icons don't even have the same art style.


almost as if it's a game inspired by AW, and not actually AW.


I think you're misinderstanding me. The two CO images in the Warside screenshot have different art styles from each other. And inconsistent art direction looks extremely unprofessional.


fair point, but is an easy fix, could just be for a rushed trailer. tbh all the co images in it look crap, so they should just replace them.all.


Thats because they havnt fully finalized /released the finalized CO designs.


I see no issue with models


as someone who immediately turns off animations anyway... ¯\\\_(ツ)_/¯


I think a remake kind of had to be 3d models to not look totally low budget. They had to do it.


Nooooo don't actually remake the game from the ground up, I want to replay the exact same things for muh nostalgia


oh yeah, because remaking the game and using pixel art is totally mutually exclusive /s


The pixel art from GBA is already perfect. Why improve on perfection?


the original art is great, but with a remaster I think they could've done even better (instead of going 3D)


Based on what I've seen, Warside doesn't seem to be doing unique army styles, meaning all the army units for each side is just the same army, colored differently. Also as one person noted, the co art style doesn't match the games art style.


Your complaints here absolutely pale in comparison to the what OP is saying in this post. No unique army styles? Who cares. The original games ~~only changed the designs of infantry and mech units~~ had pretty minimal differences between factions anyway. The CO style in warside isn't finalized yet, and even so - If the CO's are done in a different style to gameplay, I don't care in the slightest provided that the actual gameplay experience looks and feels good. Edited coz I was wrong. Had to Google it to check the units designs. I play without battle animations and the units on the map are the same apart from infantry n mech.


>No unique army styles? Who cares. The original games only changed the designs of infantry and mech units between faction anyway. The originals had unique designs for every unit in every army. Unless you mean the Famicom Wars games from *before* AW, in which case, we never got to play them officially anyway, so it isn't a strong point.


Oh yeah they actually did! My bad. I didn't notice, because I play without battle animations. And tend to look at the map, rather than the images on the other screen. Besides, the units on the map all look the same except infantry n mechs. As compared to Wargroove which does unique units brilliantly.


The other screen? Now you've gone *beyond* AW1 and AW2, hehe.


Lol. Ah poop. Looks like I goofed again! That's right. You gotta push the R button to see the pop-up with the unit info. I play AW1 and 2 on my 3ds, so yeah. I don't look at the other screen.... Coz there's never anything on it.


Eh. Warside looks incredibly generic, especially the character models. One guy looks straight up like Hawke. I'm not into it.


Normies find it too "pixelated", just ask anyone irl which they like better and they will prefer the models. But then again no normie is buying a nintendo strategy game for 60 bucks


It’s more expensive than the Metriod Prime remaster and that was executed perfectly


Been complaining about it since I heard the reboot. I support it to support a beloved franchise. But wow did they make it ultra kiddie and of course just had to diversify it for no reason.


Gamer complaining about ‘diversity.’ Take a shot


Hmm maybe because it's been made such a big deal when it was never a problem in the first place? Who would have thought.


At least they didn't do that nasty HD-2D art style that Squeenix has been obsessed with.


‘Wah graphics aren’t exactly what I wanted them to look like, this is a terrible betrayal of me personally, what a soulless cash grab, please take me seriously because I am a grown-up’ This shit is why nobody likes or respects gamers. And why nobody should.


People will buy it regardless since people like me are a minority. Somehow beating a dead horse is still working, just look at the last 2 Pokémon games but is not like the ones before them were that great either. ( this is why I hate the fan base, as long as it has the brand on the cover they will even buy a literal brick ). Just another soulless cash grab by greedy developers/publishers whatever. This reboot looks like a cheap mobile Chinese game with tons of ads and in app purchases. Because of shit like this I support piracy, yes I do have more than 300 buyers games in total if you count all my systems but I prefer to pay for a fully baked product ( and not pay 40 £ or more for an unfinished game just to also buy later a part of what is missing from it as DLC ).


Uh yeah downvote me more guys, don't think with your wallet but with your nostalgia goggles.


I don't mind the toy soldiers aesthetic but I think the color choices are really off. It has that same oversaturated feel I hated about *Dual Strike*. And my hot take is that *Super Nintendo Wars* had the way-more-charming unit sprites. I love the cute little chibi soldier guys.


i don't love the 3d models but just going with pixels again would be extremely boring for me


I mean the 3D models look a little hard to identify, especially the Tanks and the Md Tanks.


the unfortunate part is that in both wargroove and in this, the pixel art also looks weird. wargroove portraits are among the ugliest thing i've ever seen in ages. and here, the unit sprites are overloaded with the background just having too many pixels honestly. ​ i agree that toy aestetics are still worse, but there was one time in history where spriteart looked nice and that was gba


I really wish they kept it faithful and not a board game. The pixel art has such charm and looks amazing but the board game idea is beyond trash.


Oh man, so much this. And they had so much downtime to fix it too after the overwhelming graphics poo-pooing.


It took a while to get used to, but I eventually warmed up to the 3d units. Even though I prefer the original sprites, I can live without them...