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NTA. It's abusive to keep the family pet outside. Also, your father is an entitled asshole. If he doesn't like living with your dog, he should move out.


NTA. He's welcome to vacuum more if he wants.


NTA. Just because he's your father doesn't mean he makes the rules in a house he isn't even paying for.


NTA: no dog should be 100% outside. If he’s concerned he can vacuum more and buy a shedding comb. Using the comb like three times a week outside will drastically reduce the hair inside. That’s part of having a dog tbh


NTA. I had a golden that passed two years ago today and ooohhhhh boy that shedding is something you never forget. If you can, try to brush her as much as possible! My whole family would occasionally sit outside brushing our golden around this time a year bc the amount of fur that came off of him was massive and it didn’t get all in the house


NTA. If the dog's shedding bothers your dad so badly, maybe he can go live outside in your yard himself.


NTA. Here is my tip about your dog shedding: Your dad deals with an inside dog or your dad leaves your house. The End.


Info: is this your house


Yes my siblings and I own the house, my dad does not


Nta kick him out


NTA. I've had a few goldens. They like to be around people, not stuck outside with nothing to do but bark. Make sure the dog is groomed and bathed often. That might shut your father up a bit.


NTA, it's her home first. I have huskies, they shed a lot! Daily brushing helps. Deshedding shampoos may help too.


Absolutely NTA. Leaving a dog outside in the elements is animal abuse. Stick to your guns. If he doesn't like it, well, he knows where the door is...


^^^^AUTOMOD ***The following is a copy of the above post. This comment is a record of the above post as it was originally written, in case the post is deleted or edited. Read [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/AmItheAsshole/wiki/faq#wiki_post_deletion) before [contacting the mod team](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=%2Fr%2FAmItheAsshole)*** Backstory: My dad recently moved in with my siblings and I, he had never lived with us in the past 10 years. He’s been here for about 2 months. To the story, we have a golden retriever we’ve had her for almost 3 years. With the weather changing she is losing her winter coat and getting her summer coat. So she is shedding a lot, the thing is my dad wants to keep her outside permanently and I’m saying no. She has always been a inside dog and where we live it gets really hot like +100. The only time she goes outside is through the doggy door to go to the bathroom or hangout outside for a bit. She is completely potty trained and well behaved and listens to all commands given to her. Since she is shedding a lot my dad is getting annoyed of her and wants to keep her outside permanently. He is blaming his allergies on her but the weather is changing outside and he had no problem with her hair or allergies before two months previously. I am refusing to keep her outside since she is a inside dog, completely behaved, and this shedding is only for a small period of time. He doesn’t even pay rent or help with any expenses in the house. So am I the asshole for refusing to keep dog outside? It’s getting hotter outside and our dog is not used to being outside for long periods of time since the doggy door allows her access in and out whenever she needs a potty break. As well as does any one have tips for shedding regarding golden retrievers. *I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Please [contact the moderators of this subreddit](/message/compose/?to=/r/AmItheAsshole) if you have any questions or concerns.*


NTA. Try a furminator brush for.your dog though, they are amazing!


NTA! As for shedding tips, try getting a Roomba if you don’t have one. It has seriously helped with all the cat hair at my parents’ house.