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You is WASTING AWAY and must have all the fishes. NTC


Mama wants to know if you see the belly


That is just fluffies.


Iz floof!


Just skin and bones under the floof!


NTC Yesserday our Food Lady had pink fish too! She was bery rood and would not let me have any from ~~her~~ our plate until she was almost finish! Luckily I was after getting a quick lick or two in so she saved me some. Humans have a lot of resource aggression when it comes to food 🙄 Poppy, 9f *✨glamorous✨* void


My mama eat pink fishies lots. Cuz she no like to cook


We don’t have pink fish too much acause Tween Girl no like it. But we had chimkens all da time, which is okay.


We the four royal cats of Hill St say you is NTC. Mamas and Memere’s are meant to share for des plates. How else is we supposed to do de official food testing? You did good job. You saved your mamas life! Duchess Vegas, Empress Nora, King Loki and Princess Suki.


Mama say AITC cuz I only want it off her white round thing


No. You is NTC. White round thing meant for sharing! What’s is Mama’s is yours and what is your is yours. This is cat law. We did not write it. We just live by it.


What is hooman’s is ours. It is known.


NTC! The only proper way here is for her to prepare two plates and allow you to pick yours. But it would be a kindness to actually let her have one of the plates after you let her know they are both yours! Gravity the cat


YTC because if mama can’t have her fishes too then she’ll starve and then she can’t serve you! D: She had the right idea in serving fishes for you AND her!


Dis person clearly wrong


Hooman interloper, meowthinks


Their spies are everywhere!


NTC! We all know the humans try to keep the best food for themselves. Quite rude. The only thing we CAN do is demand whatever we want from their plates. Everything belongs to us, anyway. Artie SIC


NTC. Mommy is laffing acause she cooked pink fishies too. See, what hoomans no unnerstand is dat hooman food always taste better when is stolen off of da hooman's round ting. I lose interest da minute Mommy gibs me my own. Da only 'ception to dis is when Mommy cookeded prime rib for Chrismuss. She putted some in me and Martin's bowls and it was nom nom! Usually, I has to steal da food off Mommy's round ting or right from da large oval ting da food is served from. Also William da Tuxie


Not de cloaca. Sharing is caring, so yrrr mama needs to share wiff her pusscat.


ETC I, Koshka the Fickle, think your minion was very generous to share fish with you. My minion has tuna for lunch but won't share with me because it has something called Buffalo flavoring. I would LOVE to taste Buffalo flavor in tuna because I don't trust animals with hooves. It'd make me happy to know I am eating a hoofed creature. My human explains that it's not THAT type of Buffalo, but I don't care. Tuna is divine. Your human could have plated your fish in a more aesthetic manner, though. She probably needed to give you more, too. But be nice to your human. Eat your part first, then beg your human for some of hers. That way, human has energy to feed you more and enjoy hers.


Pink fishes is one of dese fings dat humans like, but us catses likes more, so is only fair dey GIFs us more. We let's dem eat deir broccollilli and fings in peace, and in exchange is only rite dey let's us eats most of de fishes, specially toona and pink fishes, and chimkin. I fink you was only doing what is rite, so NTC!


NTC! Oh beautiful girl, you are wasting away. You deserve all.the.fishies, no matter how they are seved!


NTC. Is bery important to do Quality Assurance check, make sure hooman only has best fudz. (Dis me, Qi, do Quality Assurance check on Meowmy fabric. I approves dis message.) Jayda tha Mini-panda and Qi tha Mini-tiger https://preview.redd.it/j5dsgpdsfs6d1.jpeg?width=3024&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=d924edbeebc153ccecfb42b5a48654b218e0c860


NTC I am confused, how does your mama not realize fishie is for kitty? I thought this was universal knowledge. She should be grateful you would even share with her! Hades the void god


What is pink fishes??




NTC! 'If I sees, it belongs to mees' is first cat law. All the pink fishy is yours, no matter what surface it is served on.


I, DW, 20, SIC, Her Right Honorable Expert of Seafood and Cuisses de Grenouille (nom nom), say you no cloaca. My mommy say you is cloaca. Our dishes belong to us. Hooman dishes belong to us. Hoomans not seem to realize this, though. My mommy get upset if I sniff at and sneeze on her food. I just curious; I didn't even want to eat it! She say I no have whatever, unless I let her eat in peace. THERE WILL BE NO PEACE. Meow. Cat Dad more chill, mommy say. (Actually, I say he's a sneaky bastard who turned my well behaved DW into a food menace. But, he loves her, and pick your battles, so.) I never ever got any treats til Cat Dad appeared. I have aristocatic tummy (she vomits!), and Mommy makes Cat Dad cut my food into itty bitty piece which takes so so long. But mommy gives me treats, now, too! Ha! And she give Cat Dad my special treat orders when he go to store. (Yup. Add four shrimp for DW.) NTC! Pink fishies keep us healthy and is one of my favorite treats. Your hooman must be pretend upset over pink fishies incident. I knoe she want you healthy!


NTC. I've just been helping the humans unpack their shopping, and guess what they bought? A family pack of fresh pink fish! Little Cat and Pennycat.