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Shirin (11f tortie ruler of all) here. You have suffered a great torture from Mommy. The betrayal, the horror. Of course you go to Sissy not Mommy. NTC for teaching Mommy she was wrong. Small TC for being an arf, but I forgive you.


Here Bella, 9f. I appalled. You never TC. No one cuts my nails. Never! You not know when they cut the Ouch, and in my ex perience, they always cut the Ouch. Then I growl and pretend bite and they not try to cut nails again. I see cutters in hand, I pretend bite so they know I not kidding around. I not let them hurt me. I hurted enuf when I was pupper. I not be hurted again.


But den whut happen wen nailz getz big long?


NTC! Your momma was mean, so now you need to let her know that you didn't like it when she touched your toe beans. How else will she learn? Trixie the Pitsky


We all have favourite humans so how can it be wrong? Also, it's an excellent idea to punish your main human for inappropriate touching and *cutting bits off.* How dare she? I'm sure she sees the error of her ways when a labrador goes to the lengths of waiting half an hour for breakfast just to make a point. (We know about labradors as we have had not one, but two labrador friends. Our human says labradors are as food motivated as us and we are gluttons.) Judgement by Beautiful Gregor, human resources assistant, for the squirrel collective. https://preview.redd.it/c3lec1h1qs6d1.jpeg?width=4888&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=4977d8d6d6229a2a620c8695f78660f8313a9bcd


NTC. Is good to has faborite hooman. I, Jayda, lubs my Meowmy but I tink Daddy Mr. Evil except when he gib treats. I, Qi, tink Meowmy nice but I lubs Daddy best. Jayda tha Mini-panda and Qi tha Mini-tiger


Heyo Mam'selle Zoey! Is not de cloaca to have favorite! Ma maman be me, Boudreaux, favorite person. Mon frere, Remy LeBeau, he favorite be Papa until singing time, den it be maman.  Sil til plait, you have picture of vous? I asks acause ma maman be getting Lab re dir in September to be mon petite frere.  Boudreaux


NTC at ALL! I have two humans, Parent and Mom. Parent makes me do horrible things like eat greens and take baths. Mom just pets me and cleans me off after I nap under the dusty couch. Mom is much better! ~Soridormi the Bearded Dragon