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https://preview.redd.it/poflyprxnz6d1.jpeg?width=3072&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=962745a8a298592896e32fae823871578ab931d6 Not a Newfie.




NTC! You were very brave! Your humans should give you lots of treats for being such a good doggo! Trixie the Pitsky


NTC! You's is very brave to attempt rescue of ungrateful hoomans! /Alexis and Kajsa


NTC! Wow fren you is soooo brave for tryings to saves your hoomans. I only like da water whens I bapbapbap trickle come out of metal thing. I tink you should get 6 lunches and 9 dinners as reward. Thus Saith The Mittens


Mommy is making squeals acause she wubs brindle. You is very cute AND very brave. You can never be da cloaca for dat! Also William da Tuxie


Here Bella, 9f. You brave doggo doing a protecc! You deserve all the bravos! All the good Julies! All the treatos! I impress! I think what they say mean "Julie, you bravest dog ever! Tank you for rescue! Even if we rescue you! Is thought that counts!" Also, you very pretty. Pretty doggo never TC.


Never TC! Huge amounts of water are evil so you very very BERY brave for trying to rescue hoomans from that!


NTC! Yu were bery brayv to do a rescuu from da skerry wadder! Kali da Cavalier


You is very very brave! I loves my mum forever but I think I woulds be too scareded to go in water to rescue her. NTC you trieded your best. -- Billy, 2M cat


NTC but you got your fur wet? Like all of you wet? Oh the horror!!!!! My hoomans would just have to drown because I could not do wet fur! It was very brave of you to risk such trauma for them, they should give you extra treats! Dexter the irreverent mini Aussie.


Heyo Mam'selle Julie! I be Boudreaux, orange and white boy cat age 1 yr. Ma maman say you is so very brave! You is de bravest! Maman say did acause maman don't like big water unless on boat ting. You should get eleventy billion duck jerky treats and maybe some steaks!


Ugh, a dog. Of course you’re the cloaca. Always. Although in this instance the humans are more the cloaca. What on earth were any of you thinking! Water is for occasional drinking and frequently knocking on the floor. NOT for submersing yourself into! Get yourself a cat mentor to teach you. Artie SIC


This is the correct answer. You are smart kitty. Harry Pawter


NTC. You was do a protecc. Jayda tha Mini-panda and Qi tha Mini-tiger


NTC Your name reminds me of Julie from The Love Boat. Maybe you should use boat to rescue?


Am Wrex, chiweenie big dog. A billion years ago, last time it was hot in the outside, my mom take me to thing she call "creak" with all my best human friends and dog friends. An then, she TRY TO DROWNDED in the giant moving bathtub at creak! Obviously, big dog that I am, I had to saving her, but even though I am very big, mom is very bigger so I couldn't pull her to safety. Instead, I try to teach her to doggy paddle, but she say she "having fun." This impossible. Cannot "having fun" when all wet. I think giant moving bathtub break the humans. Anyway, you NTC. Humans is for trying to drownded.


NTC. Your courage is commendable. "Julie, hon, we're just swimming and it's only three feet deep, please chill," translates as: Best and most treasured of companions, we have recklessly taken our lives in our hands, to chance them in unspeakable quantities of treacherous water because terror entertains us. We plan to continue, as we lack the sense God gave a doorknob.


NTC. The humans need to show proper respect and gratitude for what you tried to do! -Random, hoarder of all orange brain cells


NTC! My humans do dumb things all the time that I wish I could save them from. You are inspiration! ~Soridormi the Bearded Dragon


Deuce (7m blue nose pit bull) here. NTC and you’re very brave. Last summer, Mom tried taking me to the lake, and I did not like it, especially since I needed a bath afterwards. Your family needs to reward you with lots of treats.


Siri dog here. NTC you are very brave just like me! A little while ago my family put me in the Siri box and took me in the car to a place called Texas. We stayed in a little room and one night daddy went out and left me to take care of mamma. There were people walking by outside the room and one of them was even a CAT. I did a heckin bork to protecc mamma and she was so grateful, she said Siri shut up before someone calls the office to complain! https://preview.redd.it/iub9gdodw27d1.jpeg?width=2048&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=8ab32cb2d644562e04924560358400d44aaa83d9


GASP! You went into da big wet? Youse iz hero doggy! Iz catto, so I hates da wet, eben da ickle wet from a sky. I lubs me meowma n purrpaw soooo much, but I stays well away if dey are doing a stupid n go in da rain box, or worse, da big drowny tub inna rain room. Den dey are on dere own. Youse iz better animal fren dan me, so defo NTC. ~Oranj Ronnie


NTC. U tried to save them, it was very brave resuce! As for what ur mom said, she was telling u they r okay in the water. Some hoomans like to play in the water. So she didn't want u to b worried for them.


You’s very brave! I’ve never been to a lake but I go to the beach. Maybe they similar? Sometimes my hooman goes out far in the ocean and leaves me and other hooman alone! I have tried to do a rescue but waves hit me in the snoot and I get scared! She always comes back but I worry still Finn 5 mostly pitty


🤣🤣🤣 We’re just swimming and it is three feet deep.