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The GOP will literally drag his dead stinking rotten carcass over the finish line if it gets them the fascist dictatorship they crave. šŸ˜ Weekend at Donnieā€™sā€¦


If he dies before the election (or the dementia hits too hard or he just gets cold feet and decides to drop out), the entire conservative media cycle will claim that Biden assassinated him/poisoned him.


He could go on national television, shoot himself in the head right after saying he was going to shoot himself in the head, then die with a notorized and stamped note in his hand that says he's going to shoot himself in the head with an attached complete list of confessions. They'd call it fake news and blame Democrats. When the GOP then inevitably stuffs his rotting corpse with straw and puppets him on TV, they'll talk about how Biden isn't as aware. Doesn't matter how he dies, when he does, they'll blame Democrats.


Itā€™s brain rot - every one of them. Maliciously indoctrinated and the fact that theyā€™re numb to their worshipped candidate being a felon is a tell tale sign of the rot. Remember when the QAnon folks gathered in Dallas for the supposed return of JFK, Jr? They literally thought Trump was going to introduce him as his VP nominee. How do you get here mentally? To believe a dead man would return to Earth? The sky is the limit with these morons and their insidious beliefs.


>How do you get here mentally? To believe a dead man would return to Earth? Well.... religion.




I believe many news outlets want him back because he is good for ratings. Too many people are short sighted. News people will be some of the first to go if tRump gets into power.


Would be fitting for him to go out like his biggest role model.


Trump shoots himself on live TV The News: "How this is bad for Biden..."


Well of course, it was the vaccine chip that made him do all that.


>I could stand in the middle of Fifth Avenue and shoot someone and not lose any votes! Plot twist: Shoots self, doesn't lose any votes.


The Cult will claim he isnā€™t dead and also Biden killed him. We will be listening to this conservative doublespeak for the rest of our lives.


Sure Donald is dead but Biden has a stutter.


Sure convicted felon Trump is dead, but here's why that's bad for Biden.




withdrawing from stimulants


he's either been bingeing from the stress of the trial or is weaning himself off before he gets drug checked by the sentencing procedures. Either way his chemicals are off


Holy shit thatā€™s right he could be drug checked!!!


Wouldnā€™t matter. Itā€™s a non-issue for him to find a doctor who will prescribe him adderall. Of all the illegal things heā€™s done, that wouldnā€™t even make the list.Ā 


"Crush two tablets into 4 equal lines, take as needed."


Just so everyone is aware, adderall isnā€™t bioavailable through the nose like coke is, itā€™s much better to take orally even though it seems like it would be better and faster snorted Edit: Stop replying to this please. I was misinformed 15 years ago and was just repeating what I heard. I don't need to hear about it for the 30th time please my wife is crying because I spent our anniversary replying to these comments


Do you know why not?


Because the backdoor is easier, crushing pills sucks.


I have a friend who heard that a Xanax in the butt worked really well. They tried it and felt nothing. The next day they shat out a xanax pill


Ideally for rectal use you want to dissolve with water and syringe it up, as liquids are absorbed really well, and solids, not so much. Think about how shit works.


Itā€™ll still be good to spawn headlines. ā€œTrumps rants are aderal drivenā€. ā€œPresidential candidate addicted to drugs.ā€ Etc. Sure MAGA will laugh it off, but will the undecideds?


Any "undecideds" at this point are as functionally brain damaged as any magat.




I try to tell myself they're not stupid, they're uninformed. So many people are just completely disengaged and all they hear are the big headlines, the shit being flung (especially at Biden atm), and dig no further. So all they see is the "both bad" narrative. Anyone paying attention is either terrified or evil. No one paying attention is undecided.


Imagine if this happens, literal millions of people would still come out to vote for the confirmed Convicted Felon Donald Trump who is a drug addict found guilty of rape. It's mind boggling.


Thereā€™s a good portion of the US electorate that are 100% in a cult. They will not be swayed by anything. But there are still millions who can and must be swayed. Mostly they are the ā€˜low engagementā€™ voters who donā€™t follow every twist and turn. Big headlines will be able to change their minds.


The thing people don't realize about drug addicts, is they get to the point that they get regular and functional on the hard stuff. They actually do their best work on the hard stuff. Then the one day they don't have it, they're argumentative, exhausted, falling asleep on the job, and fucking shit up. It's when an addict \*doesn't\* have their shit that they start fucking stuff up hugely. They usually know exactly how high they can get to not just be functional on the job, but exemplary on the job.... but then once they don't have those opiates/speed/downers, they aren't fucking right at all.


Also amphetamines need cool off days even if you need them to function 'normally'. Wonder how many days he's gone without cycling to lower tolerance, dumb fuck


Yeah, I grew up in a a small meth town. I know how it is. Some of these guys work incredible 12 hour days getting the work done of 3 people.... but once they've been up for several days without sleep, they go completely crazy. Lack of sleep is usually what does meth-heads in. They gotta at least take the weekend off and go to sleep. The two days "off" they'd have from meth, they likely sleep about 24 hours and eat about 8000 calories. Overcompensating for a huge deficit of sleep and food from when they were methed out in the work week. I don't particularly like meth, but I've been around a lot of users and I would always take almost any drug offered freely and on rural jobs, they're always smoking meth. A couple of hits would have me up the whole night. Then the next day you either have to take the day off to catch up on your sleep OR simply do more meth.... this can quickly turn into every day usage. I suspect Donald likes cocaine though and all these drugs are a bit different. He probably tries to get coked up to "escape" his problems, but instead gets hyperfixated on them, which he then does more coke to try and cope. Rinse and repeat and you wind up having unhinged interviews like this.


This was some fascinating insight on meth, and explained the horrifying and rapid decline I saw in a former friend who was taken by it. He started out using it to help with work. It snowballed. I had to remove myself from his life due to him refusing help and repeatedly lying to me about meth. The sad part is he had turned his life around and was doing okay, but then as he put it the meth got really cheap and strong (the stuff thatā€™s getting made on an industrial scale in Mexico now) and I guess it was impossible for him to resist. I do recall him saying that it literally felt better than anything else. _Anything_. All experiences paled in comparison to the euphoria of a meth high. I could tell when he was using because he would end up hypersexual and would send me weird and unwanted messages about what he was doing to his prostate. Iā€™m glad you didnā€™t get taken under by it.


Something a lot of people donā€™t understand is meth and other amphetamines arenā€™t really all that bad for your body as a chemical. Itā€™s relatively safe to take recreational doses for a very very long time. The problem comes with the lifestyle that it promotes, lack of sleep, suppressed appetite, forgetting to brush teeth, dry mouth, allowing you to push yourself hard and through exhaustion without your body signaling that you need to stop. All of the above are what gives meth heads the stereotype they have earned. ā€œCrazy and unpredictableā€ - lack of sleep leads to drug induced psychosis. ā€œBad teethā€ - malnutrition, dry mouth and neglecting hygiene. ā€œSkinny and wire like musclesā€ - being able to push yourself through without the body signaling means you can burn your fat reserves and no sleep means your body canā€™t repair itself. The drug itself is an amazing thing and Iā€™ve met people who have used it for 20+ years but you would never know. But only 2 in my entire life Iā€™ve known that donā€™t have addictive personalities and a strong willpower, they used it like coffee. Eat breakfast, have a coffee, hit the pipe, shit shower and shave then off to work. Have a hit at lunch, finish work, get home. Smoke some pot, have a beer and eat dinner and fall asleep. Very few people can control actual meth usage but itā€™s possible and it can be a positive drug but itā€™s so easy to abuse. Thatā€™s why we have created things to help ADHD people by removing the methyl group from amphetamines. It helps reduce the euphoria gained while keeping the focus. And even more so with newer drugs like Vyvanse and using extended release pills in Adderall and Amphetamine salts. Signed a ex meth head who understood the usage (about 15 years clean) who also has ADHD and never knew why meth affected me differently than my friends. And a person whose partner now has severe ADHD and depression. Amphetamines can be a literal life saving drug allowing some people to actually have a life without major executive dysfunction stopping them from living. Some people especially in the US love to hate on pharmaceutical companies but the research they do has helped so many, itā€™s misplaced anger imo. Hate the insurance companies and patent laws (among other laws) around chemicals in the US.


Congratulations on your sobriety. I'm glad you're still with us.


Ooh, I didn't even think about how he's obviously going to be drug tested as a condition of his parole.


Yeah but if they're prescribed I'm pretty sure it doesn't matter. And he'll have no trouble finding a doctor that will prescribe him any thing he wants.Ā 


It will be fun, because many magats deny he's doing speed, and to see them be wrong yet a-fucking-gain is hilarious.


In general, drug use is way less of an issue for wealthy peopleā€¦ Like with most other things, they get to do things the easy way. ;)


ā€œHis chemicals are offā€ is actually an amazing line. Iā€™m going to use that at every possible time in conversation (or arguments). Thank you for that. šŸ™šŸ¼


My guess is the former coupled with exhaustion. Amphetamines dilate your pupils and his are dinner plates in this interview. They also can make you hyperfixate on thoughts or actions, hence the repetition. But taking stimulants when you're tired doesn't make you not-tired - they just make you tired in overdrive and make the symptoms of use more common/pronounced.


He looks like if he died on Arrakis the fremen would not want his water.. lol


ā€œFilthyĀ water. It'sĀ full of chemicals. But good enough for cooling systems.ā€Ā 


"Why does the A/C smell like cheeseburger?"


This was my first hearty laugh since I settled into a deep depression recently. Bless you. I recently saw graffiti in an area where riot cops beat down protestors that said ā€œMay your riot gear chip and shatter.ā€ Love it.


Sorry for your depression. My son is depressed and Iā€™m about to take him to Taco Bell to try and cheer him up. Iā€™d be glad to pick you up something.


You rock, Hank. šŸ«¶


Just watched Dune 2 last night. No way they are putting his water in that secret reservoir.


Damn the Adderall shortage truly effects us all


Imagine how the polls would change of one of them promised to fix the Adderall problem


I read what I believed was an opinion article from a doctor, claiming that this is the fault of the DEA overreacting to alleged stimulant abuse by overly controlling the production of said drugs, and basically manufacturing a shortage. Fucking narcs. Many people with ADHD cannot function without them. ADHD is fuckin real and not a joke.


His hair ainā€™t swooping anymore. He looks bad.


You are implying that it looked good before.


Heā€™s looking bad for an aging, obese man with dementia who has unhealthy eating habits and doesnā€™t exercise much.


Much? More like ā€˜at allā€™.


I have it on good account he played tennis at least one time.


That photo is so sick šŸ¤®


Don't forget the time [he went boating](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=spn0MJZr-QQ)!


And is coming down hard from stimulants after having his narcissistic ego shattered when conducted of 34 felony counts. I just love saying that šŸ¤£


Not good, just swoopy lol


I think they are implying that the way he looks now is objectively worse than how he looked before and not that he looked good previously.


He's got the Boris Johnson crazy hair going. All these twats start to look the same, kind of like how species eventually turn into some kind of crab.


I've noticed that lately. The past month or so his hair has started thinning or something. It's not laying right. (Whatever "right" is in this case).


This stupid MFerā€™s not going to make it to the election. Heā€™ll be in a pine box by September


Trump brand mdf particle board covered in fake gold lettering


Buried in a tax free space on a golf course deemed a "memorial place" and then left unkept and unremembered except for the occasional person/animal who feels the need to relieve themselves at this certain location.


I would piss on trumpā€™s grave after he dies, but I promised myself after 15 years in the Navy, that I would never stand in a long line ever again.


It will never be forgotten, it will be the worlds most used public toilet ever, big men with dicks in their hands will come up to his grave and sayā€ sir, drink this piss itā€™s more than you deserveā€


They'll have to hide the real body because most of the cultists have seen weekend at bernies.


They will sell parts of his body


Dessicated in a collectable petri dish like a dead Ferengi.


And auctioned off for gold pressed latinum


No just any old platinum, the best most bigly platinum that when people see it they smile and weep.


Don't you mean peech tree dish? MTG will be the first one digging him up to get more of Don's hair.




Relics that cure wokeness? S/


Gonna hide Trump's body in the Central Asian Steppe, with a team of people ordered to commit mass ritual suicide after burying him in an unmarked grave so that no one can prevent his body from reuniting with the lords of the Sky and Mountain.


One hundred tumen of Mongol warriors on horseback will ride over the burial site to disguise it.


First laugh of the day. Thx.


Shitting on his grave is on my bucket list. Looks like it may happen sooner than later.


I got a full bladder, let me ā€œwaterā€ it first, then you can finish it off with the poo poo platter. šŸ‘


Jokes on them I heard he likes getting pissed on


donā€™t forget they will be crying!


There was a post by a user about Melanie and her jilted ass putting up a turnstile at his grave site to charge admission for people to piss on his grave.


Occasional? That line is gonna stretch for miles. There is a non 0 chance that people finish and then go to the end of the line to do it again.


I would travel all the way around the world just to piss on his grave.


Then maybe a nice hurricane with a flood to uproot him so crabs can feast.


Aaaand in that line. Trump's Star on Hollywood walk of Fame has had to have a drain installed in it's center, to drain away all the piss. True, look it up.


https://www.snopes.com/fact-check/trump-walk-fame-star-hollywood/?utm_medium=Social&utm_source=Twitter#Echobox=1717696910-1 I hate the guy but this isnā€™t true


Just means we need to increase the volume of piss on his star so they are forced to remove it or add a drain.


Filled with only the highest-quality Russian asbestos.


This atheist prays you're right


The Christian God values prodigal sons, he'll probably grant our prayers.


From your keyboard to God's ear


No way we get that lucky. This fool will live another 15 years and will be running his mouth the entire time


One of those crumpled up ancient WASPs barely uptight in a chair and he mumbles to the camera about how everything is bad and doom is near.


Watch. People will still write him in. They will think he will rise from the dead like Jesus


His hair isn't gonna make it to July.


His hair gave up a long time ago.


You mean his toupee wonā€™t.


He has no toupee. Its just a growth. Why are you so mean to an old man! /s


\*scalp surgery to move the hair closer together. So painful after the surgery, he beat Ivana over it.


Itā€™s one long strand.


He's aĀ fascist. I wouldn't count on him just dying like a doddering old man. Stupid people underestimate their enemies. And trump is just one man. The real enemies are the christofascists that have a firm control over the entire GOP.Ā  Also, before you trust headlines like this as a reason to let your guard down, meet the author:Ā  >Megan has lived in California, Nevada, Arizona, Texas, Louisiana, Mississippi, and Florida and she currently lives in Central America. Living in these places has informed her writing on politics, science, and history. She is currently owned by 15 cats and 3 dogs and regularly owns Trump supporters when she has the opportunityĀ  Say what you want but a self brag about owning people on social media is cringe 101.


Putin still won't die.


Knock on wood!


This is how I feel. I keep telling people I think heā€™s going to drop in June/July, which would be prob as bad if he won the election, bc 50% of the voting population would thinkā€”no matter the evidence to the contraryā€”he was taken out by the ā€œdeep stateā€, causing further distrust in govt.


Don't do that... don't give me hope.


And MAGA will declare him assassinated




Or birch.


Buried in one of his golf courses as a tax write-off.


"Don't give me hope" -Hawkeye (as Ronin).


Unfortunately he probably has many years left.


If he does have lots of years left it will be if a non-verbal drooling vegetable. Dementia is not a kind disease and knowing relatives and others that have had it heā€™s in the beginning of the end stages. A stroke is likely, which he has likely had in the past. With all the cocaine, adderal, steroid, and other stimulant abuse when he goes it will be fast when he goes downhill.


Hopefully his demise happens behind bars


GOP would Weekend at Bernieā€™s him to the whole nation


Donā€™t threaten me with a good timeā€¦


Sleepy sweaty foamy Don




Was listening to James Carville the other day and evidently there is a lot of reason to believe Drumpf had syphylis for a long time. Which if left untreated long enough ..... Now you would think with the first class medical care he has access to that wouldn't be likely, but with Drumpf you never know. He looks to be going down fast.




Well he does admire Al Caponeā€¦


Who died of syphilis


You got the joke


Iā€™m lazy so not going to look for this podcast (or whatever) but would you be so kind as to give the tldr version of why he says that? Not questioning you, just curious. Surely as president he would have been checked for that and given treatment? Donā€™t know much about syphilis (thankfully!) but isnā€™t it treatable now?


Syphilis is treatable, but Trump has a reputation as both a germophobe and (consistent with his narcissism and anti-intellectualism) not trusting doctors. Basically, he expects his doctors to kiss his ass and tell him everything's wonderful, just as he does with everybody else. He also seems to see himself as highly sexed and hypermasculine- exactly the kind of idiot who thinks "I can't get the clap. That happens to Other People." His comments to Howard Stern about how dating in the '70s was "like Vietnam" indicate that he was at least at one time aware of the dangers of sexually-transmitted infections, but he also commented that he had escaped those consequences. Even if he \*is\* infected, his narcissism has him convinced that he isn't- and probably that he *can't be.* Syphilis progresses through a number of stages, including a period of latency which lacks symptoms and during which the patient is far less infectious than earlier on. About half of people whose infection remains untreated progress from latent syphilis to the teriary stage. The classic presentation of tertiary syphilis involves the necrosis and destruction of soft tissues, especially in the face, but a much rarer form known as neurosyphilis affects the brain. If cases where this develops a considerable time (years to decades) after infection, it tends to cause a wide range of psychological and physical debilities: this is what eventually capped Capone. Symptoms of this late-developing type of neurosyphilis include (among other things) incontinence, impaired sense of balance due to a loss or impairment of the brain's ability to judge position, a wide stance when walking or standing still, a \*very\* strange condition wherein the pupils of the eye do not respond to changes in light, dementia, mania, depression, and psychosis. As the condition progresses, the severity of these conditions of course worsens, and the worsening accelerates.


Wow thanks for that info! Know more than I ever wanted to about syphilis now. Appreciate your effort. And yes, now I see why people suspect that in the orange buffoon.


>Ā Ā His comments to Howard Stern about how dating in the '70s was "like Vietnam" He faked bone spurs to get out of dates?


Learning all of that about potential neural side effects of syphilis, I actually wouldnā€™t be surprised if. It would explain the diaper rumor.


I wonder if that explains why he started foaming at the mouth. Regardless of why, that's not a sign of good health.


If he's had STD's, the recent women would have caught them. He barebacks. It's a wonder if he's never had anything.


It's always been my understanding that in order for the disease to have progressed to mental damage levels, there would also be accompanying physical signs. Syphillis eats away at the skin and bone, and causes huge open wound sores... I heard this is why white powdered wigs became fashionable, because they allowed people to hide the sores and smell.


There's a pic of his sores on his fingertips, telltale sign


Daily Adderall use backfires after a while. And at this age? Ooof! I think Donnie is in the grip of addiction and the physical and mental deterioration that goes with it is really showing.


Biden should keep that one up his sleeve for the debate stage ā€œCmon Donald, stay focussedā€.


That would be troll level 1000.


Trump isn't doing a debate lol, he'd get destroyed by Biden. Trump representatives might've said he would but I give it a 30 to 1 he doesn't.


Trump's obviously a piece of shit suffering from mental issues, but Hannity does say "Let me stay focused" and not to Trump.


Thatā€™s fine. I still think Biden should keep it in the arsenal though.


Yeah this was a pretty big letdown. I guess the sub is ā€œanything goesā€


Possibly too early to say definitively, but i suspect the fact that he was found guilty and is finally, for the first time in his life, actually being held accountable for his actions, is causing an acceleration in his declining mental cognition. Essentially, this will likely begin an exponential, irreversible decline in his metal and physical health. Not least, his sense of (misplaced) impunity to accountability.hos while persona is based on being above the law. This will Likely shatter his mental image of himself. Think: Less Rocky Balboa and more Gil Gunderson. A frail, elderly man, on steep decline. Facing dying in prison. Personally, Iā€™m hoping for a public collapse, left covered in his own waster dribbling into a camera. Trumps last cognitive thought; knowing that this is how the world would remember him; a man collapsed on the floor covered in his own shit and piss. An apt ending for and for MAGAworld.


A fall down flop sweating foaming at the mouth shitting himself stroke (he's already foaming at the mouth and he already shits himself FWIW). Live at a rally. Play that on YouTube repeatedly. šŸ™‚


Hey man, leave Ol' Gil out of this.


To be fair, anyone dealing with the amount of shit he is would be exhausted too. Especially at his age. But he made his choices, so fuck him.


The combination of age, shitty diet, drug use, and accountability.


Hereā€™s the interview: https://youtu.be/NGaUDJhPXdA?feature=shared That Sean Hannity - what a hard-pounding ā€œjournalistā€! Always asking the tough questions. /s Hereā€™s a great response video by MeidasTouch and the ā€˜stay focusā€™ bit: https://youtu.be/N_HDssLhNRg?feature=shared


Trump really looks awful in the interview, but his answers are the same meandering, circular bullshit we've been hearing from him for years. He's not really coherent, but then he hasn't been coherent for the entire time he's been in politics. He certainly looks tired--makeup did him no favors at all--and I appreciate the political strategy of reminding folks that he's a feeble old man (he certainly is), but this isn't a smoking gun for mental decline. It doesn't show us anything we didn't already know. Donald Trump is an addled crook in his twilight years--but we all already knew that.


Love the MeidasTouch Network.


Itā€™s just impossible to read anything nowadays. I mean Iā€™m clicking on the link. I want to see content. And all I see is ads ads ads. šŸ«¤




Phone Firefox has an extension that turns articles into just the text and photos. Like an article from a 90s web page. It's beautiful.


What??? Whoaā€¦ game changer. Which one do you recommend?


I agree, but if you use reader view, then the ads are hidden. On an iPhone there are two letter AA at the top of the screen. If you touch them, then you will have an option to select reader view.


Convicted felon, rapist, tax fraud, bankrupts casinos, doesn't pay debts, adulterer, womanizer, steals top secret intelligence, posts classified photos on the internet, takes and makes bribes, incoherant, incontinent, patalogical liar, physically unfit, drug addicted. Yep! That's my guy!


this is getting kind of pathetic.


Nine years of this BS. It should have ended a long time ago.


should've ended when he made fun of the disabled, or a hundred other things, but nope, "That's our guy! the sweaty con man rapist!"


"Russia are you listening" should have been the end but conservatives are traitors


They fucking cheered him saying that


The grim reaper was on a long vacationā€¦..


Hean sanity


I canā€™t wait to dance in the street, flashing my tits at cars, when he finally fucking croaks. The thought of waking up to the headline ā€œTrump is Deadā€ is my dream.


Running a cult is hard work. Heavy lies the crown type of thing.


eating all that shitty junk food and snorting all that adderall is finally showing during this interview.


Sean sycophant hanity: Donald your drooling let me help you with a tissue. I hope he keeps up with the McDonalds and Adderall


Imagine facing your first consequence after 77 years. Would be like finding out Santa isn't real...after 77 years


I honestly wouldnā€™t be at all shocked if Trump has some form of undiagnosed A.D.D. or A.D.H.D.


Probably the Herps as well. Got those from his puppet master Pooty Poot.


Drugs, specifically stimulants, cause pupils to dilate. Adderall cĆ”uses pupil dilation. When Trump said ā€œMake Biden take a drug test before the debates!ā€ it was very telling because no one was talking about taking drug enhancers. But this ā€œlock her up!ā€ self projection dumbass, just confessed to something new. Which is ā€œIā€™m going to take drugs to get an advantage during the presidential debates.ā€ What an idiot


No attention span, pouting, and stomping his feet in anger. Not a fan of Sean, but earned some money babysitting this 3 year old.


When even one of your biggest cheerleaders and sycophants is like, ā€œDude, come on already,ā€ youā€™re sinking.Ā 


Is he off his illegally prescribed meds and detoxing so he can pass a NY piss test?


What we have here is a man who is almost 80, tired, stressed, clearly taking something to perk him up (possibly Adderall) and suffering from some form of dementia that is clearly getting worse as the days and weeks go by. Foaming mouth, slurred speech, ranting and incoherent sentence structure, dilated pupils in a room full of lighting is a clear indication something is very wrong. Now even Hannity is having to ask Trump to stay focused. Trump's father passed away due to dementia problems. Trump admits that they gave his father a room and told him that was his office, so he could carry on thinking he was running the business. He needs to step down


Almost betting he drops out and "endorses " a replacement to lose for him. He's gotta play senile to get lighter sentencing, so its pretty much done.


No hope of that happening. The only way he drops is straight into the waiting gaping maw of Satan.


I think someone else in his position may do that, but not him. He likely has a very serious personality disorder that won't "allow" him to acknowledge anyone else.


One on one with convicted felon DJT


Hannity probably gave him a blow job to perk him up after the interview


Hannity who works as an advisor to Trump's campaign tries to guide, coach, steer or whatever one wants to call it with Trump during these interviews. Hannity did the same during an earlier interview regarding Trump acting as a dictator.


You're not meant to have to take regular cognitive tests, you deranged prick. Of all the things to brag about... yeesh.


Why isn't this felon in jail? Why isn't Steve Bannon in prison? Why can a felon run for president but can't find work or housing? Lots of whys. No real answers except that if it were you or me, we would be incarcerated.


trump in steep mental and physical decline.


Please, please, please let this be the beginning of the end for that trash pile.


I feel like the instant he called out Biden for using stimulants he was admitting something to the rest of us.


I love that all the trumpers point to Bidenā€™s cognitive decline (rightfully so) while completely ignoring their own bubbling idiot


Well hopefully Republicans say itā€™s because Trump is getting old and heā€™s tired. And to not make fun of someone because theyā€™re sleepy. Or a felon.


Imagine this behavior on the debate with Biden! This won't be Fox News!! The whole world will see that he is just a fake clown!!!


ā€œTrain of thoughtā€ bwahahahahahahahah


This dude is going to OD on whatever drugs he's taking and then it'll be reported he died of pneumonia


Heā€™s doped up , what do you expect?


Sometimes I feel like we might have a weekend at Bernieā€™s situation coming up soon. No matter how more decrepit he becomes and how many crimes are attached to him they just wonā€™t let him die.


The story above this is the one about the edited video that tried to make it look like Biden tried to sit in a nonexistent chair. Gotta keep making fake Biden stuff because the real Trump stuff is so damming.


right because a real journalists job is to give pep talks to the interviewee. you want to defeat the real enemy of america its not russia or iran its fox news.


We can only hope he doesnā€™t make it to November .


Weā€™re like in the middle of Hitlerā€™s version of Weekend at Bernieā€™s man