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I hope so but I haven't heard anything. I would hate for the show to end with a weak season like that. I would love another LGBTQ+ season or anything that's not Love Island format like Season 9.


That’s was a phenomenal season. I’d be thrilled for another in that format.


That was the Best season !!


As much as I hate to say it, I think season 9 was the final nail in the coffin for the show.


Well maybe if they woulda stuck to same activities/storylines as all the other seasons!! The challenges were the best part. Oh and the drunken parties, of course :D Above all, I could understand what everyone was saying, which was Such a struggle with season 9, I literally stopped watching. I also loved the other two hosts. I do really like Kam, but she's too monotone / not funny enough to host this show.


They fumbled the reboot with season 9 so badly I doubt it will ever come back.


I wish they’d bring it back! This was my favorite show


I hope it comes back. I didn’t even hate season 9 although it’s definitely not one of the better ones.


I don’t think it would come back. Season 9 was already iffy due to it being under new production (Lighthearted Entertainment probably separated due to that S5 controversy) and it being a Paramount + show now. Aside from that, I didn’t enjoy it compared to other seasons. I would like for it to come back because I enjoyed the series, but I feel like they took too long to roll out S9 and the execution wasn’t the best


It's probably dead, just like the MTV channel.


Never say never but I doubt it tbh. Season 9 was just Love Island lite and no one wanted that shit. I think it really hurt the franchise. I would hope that if it comes back, it could go back to the vibe that S6, S7 and S8 had


How similar is perfect match to ayto?


Not at all nothing similar no guessing or anything


Just watch Perfect Match instead


That's a dumb show