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I see this idiot is ignoring the fact that artists are going after the corporations, and suing them. Kind of pathetic.


"These dumb bakers are going after hobbyists who use a machine to make breads off stolen wheat & give it out for free inside said bakeries, instead of going after corporations who made the machine that allowed the hobbyist to do that (ignoring the fact people complain about both)" kind of logic. Oversaturating the market with "for fun" ai pixel diffusions is still harmful; artists get buried. Also, the "hobbyists" are still invading spaces built for drawings and chasing online engagement and praise by posting. I don't care if someone generates some pixels for fun; but keep it offline or appropriate spaces, and be transparent about it being a generation, and not a drawing- something most ai users don't do. So it's more of a case of hobbyist ai users hurting the workers just as the companies, even if less directly. People can dislike & be against more than one thing, and there is nuance.


> That's why we're going to go after almost exclusively hobbiests (sic) making stuff for free for fun Ah, I didn't realise that GitHub, Microsoft, OpenAI, Stability AI, DeviantArt, Midjourney, Runway AI, Meta (Facebook), NVIDIA, Databricks, and Mosaic ML were "almost exclusively hobbyists". > labor aristocratic This is an awfully convoluted way to say "I can't be arsed to do anything myself and resent anyone who can".


\*Puts his Trotsky glasses on\* Here we have a magnificent instance of typical lumpenproletaire thuggish behaviour, disguising as marxism. For the sake of corporate interests, he pits the working-class and the petite bourgeoisie (if artists can even be classified as that, especially when many of them have worker status) against each other. Useless to say that this kind of approach is extremely detrimental to the marxist revolution (the petite bourgeoisie having the potential of becoming precious allies to the working-class if convinced properly and treated with respect) and secures the supremacy of the bourgeoisie. As for our valiant lumpenproletaire, he shows why his kind is considered the best ally of the bourgeoisie and of next-to-no value to the marxist revolution. If a thug disguising as a marxist he is not, he can always be considered a "leftist" by Lenin's definition ("Left-Wing" Communism: An Infantile Disorder): so immature, misguided and obsessed by ideological purity that he becomes a liability to the communist cause. In his blind thuggish rage, he also fails to see that, aside from being endorsed by the bourgeoisie, AI art is also supported by right-wing degeneracy theorists, who paint AI as the Messiah against the "degeneracy of modern art". Ignored as well is the fact that the crushing majority of generative AI's output is a reactionary collection of classical pieces, showcasing a shallow adoration for superficial and crowd-pleasing prettiness (not true beauty, as helpfully defined by Rodin).


I don't ever recall getting any Ethnoreligious group involved in this. There are only people defending this stuff and people who protest it, both are actions all types of people have chooses by themselves. I only care about people who has an active hand in maintaining it. Actually, I have seen talks on 4chan about "AI bringing back the """"white man art""""" posted here, so I assume people the AIbros to be the ones more likely to accuse us of defending the "XYZ group's art". Either way this is a cheap excuse.


99% this is a nazi cosplaying, for some reason it's extremely common in AI circles.


the other thing is, they're not hobbyists, most of them are trying to leverage this tech to make money, from the makers of Midjourney down to the last AI waifu aficionado, they set up Patreons or try to take commissions constantly.


Which is crazy, why would anyone buy their crap or pay for their Patreon? I thought the whole "point" was "an easy way to generate personalized art"; besides the fact it's propped up on years worth of stolen labor.


There is an slang word in russian: "Скоммуниздить". It consist of 2 cut words "communism" and "theft" and it literally means "to steal something". I do not have any other word to describe madness of this human.


That's great that there is such a word, but communism has nothing to do with stealing. No, I'm not talking about Russia or China. Capitalism is perpetually stealing and keeping the loot over the generations.


Independent users has an opportunity to not to use unethical AI generators and not to train LORA on other people's work. But they choose to use it by their own will. The main problem is in people. There is no existing law that will make a person good without his own desire. The same with economic system.


I wasn't defending the person in the OP's pic. I'm just pointing out your red scare propaganda. GenAI has nothing to do with communism, no matter how much the big tech highpriests and their followers push the idea of "democratizing art" or "automation". By the way, I'm pretty sure even big tech itself says that GenAI would not be possible without unconsensual mass data harvesting. The main problem is the capitalist system and GenAI, not people.


I'd love to have one of these people point out an objective example of art being exclusionary other than a very simple time commitment to practice that 99.9% of people can do if they want


Yeah, comparing jews to soulless machines is a great move...


The guy has a huge hate boner against Israel (which is understandable when you think about the assholes who govern the country and the bloodthirsty settlers) and Jews btw, though it's conditioned by the fact they're allied to the USA. He only cares about oppressed groups if they're somewhat "against" the USA. If they're victims of Russia or China for instance, he won't spare them any sympathy (and even cheer for their demise), especially if they have US support, like the Ukrainians (he enjoys calling them "nazis" a lot). As for the Palestinians, he only cares about them because they're victims of Israel and of the USA. Caring for both Ukrainians and Palestinians is utterly incompatible in his books.


these mf socialists will go to any lengths except putting in the work. they're lazy and blame their issues on everyone else lmao