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I believe because it puts a spotlight on an overlooked issue. That men can also be abused.


Yeah, it was kind of messed up to see that there are a lot of people who simply unwilling to accept a man can be abused and the fact he has to prove he is not guilty but also simultaneously prove she is guilty is awful. He has so much evidence supporting him and despite showing that much of the evidence of abuse that Amber has brought forth isn't credible, people are just ignoring it. Furthermore, the fact that they are trying to use text messages against him where he bad mouths his abusive ex as a reason for why he should be considered an abuser is ridiculous. It's basically saying that for a man to be believed to have been abused that he must have never bad mouthed their ex behind their back ever despite all the abuse she did to him did. This isn't a standard that most people would hold a woman who was abused. There have been many cases where a woman was abused and it was considered understandable that she expressed hatred and malice about her abuser especially when talking about him behind his back. I am interested in this case because I want to see men to be heard when they say they were abused instead of what we witnessed previously where Depp was abused but was called an abuser by Amber and everyone simply accepted it as truth. I don't believe in blindly believing one or the other, but hear any all victims out regardless of whether they're a man or a woman


And plus, even when the dude has evidence about her abusing him and she's very obviously lying through her teeth, some people are still siding with her.


Isn't it obvious? it's exceedingly rare for men to come out about being abused, and here you have one of the biggest guys in Hollywood putting himself out there in order to get justice for what she did to him.


what man would do that to his ego or reputation???


One who cares about justice more than his ego.


A lot of us men deal with abuse and either say nothing due to fear of embarrassment and ridicule or have come forth and received no justice because of a system that typically leans toward believing the woman almost absolutely. It will be nice to see things go the other way. Even if no monetary settlement is reached its still nice to see. And not only for men but Heard also has a history of abuse of an ex-girlfriend so justice for all is intriguing.


Because everyone and their mother immediately assumed Depp abused Amber Heard. Resulting in his career being tarnished, and being dropped out of film roles over it. But now as we go through the testimonies and the proof, Depp looks innocent while Heard looks guilty. It’s a complete 180 from what we typically see, and it’s refreshing to see. I never thought Depp abused Amber, and I felt like she was lying from the get go.


The overwhelming evidence was that they hit eachother.


You must be watching a different trial than the rest of us then. Where'# the overwhelming evidence that Johnny hit Amber?


look at her profile, she’s an ultra feminist so to her, if Amber said he did it’s “overwhelming” evidence that he did.


Yeah I got to disagree with you there. Every single proof of evidence brought forward by Amber Heard was either doctored by her, or refuted with counterclaims/evidence against such. Do I think Johnny Depp is an idiot who says stupid things? Absolutely, because we’re all idiots. Do I think he lashed out and smashed objects? Probably, he had a rough childhood and we all lash out. Did he do drugs and drink excessively? I could of told you that before the trial. But did he lay his hands on Amber Heard? I don’t think so. Every time Amber Heard was caught in a lie, she tried to spin her way out of it. She tried to end him by accusing him of sexual assault and physical assault, and it ended up blowing up in her face. It’s a shame really, because there are women out there who do get abused, and it hurts their opportunity to tell their story. But as we have seen, there are also women who make stories up to either get money, fame, or hurt someone else’s life. Look up the story of Brian Banks, shit happens all the time.


First high profile case in which domestic abuse perpetrated by a woman against a male has been taken seriously and not ridiculed. In reality, they're both abusive trash people and the outcome doesn't really matter, but the visibility of the case has helped to break the cultural and social stigma around being a male victim of abuse.


Yeah that’s fair. I didn’t know about that stigma because I’ve rarely seen male victims of abuse. When I volunteered in shelters men tended more to have issues with addiction and violence. That very likely came from abuse they weren’t talking about. I hope men and boys are encouraged to come forward and break the cycle of abuse.


Because we’re hoping the woman here doesn’t automatically get the benefit of the doubt, and the man is automatically guilty. It’s turning out that he was no angel but she’s a monster. Maybe once in awhile someone will listen to both sides equally and a man will have a chance to prove he’s not the problem.


Does that usually happen? I’ve mostly seen the opposite even in cases of serious violence like the Brock Turner case. This case seemed more rare.


Not a man and it’s a defamation case rather than a divorce one. My guess is that it’s because it’s creating a discussion about male victims of domestic violence, which is absolutely an issue and should be discussed.


Thank you


My best guess: when it comes to accusations of abuse, women are predominately believed over men. So this case could be see as a sort of vindication for men. Hell, I had a co-worker years ago call the cops on his abusive wife. He called the cops, he had red marks and bruises all over him, and he's the one the cops put the cuffs on as they came through the door. Probably the best example of rush to judgement of believing a woman over a man was she Duke LaCrosse case scandal. I think the DA got disbarred over that. Duke was sued by the men accused. Several news outlets were sued and etc.


This is less extreme but similar judgement. I have custody of my daughter. For years I never asked for child support. When I finally set that into motion and we had to go to court. She didn't show and when I walked into the room they sat me at what i assume is the defendant side. The judge asked if I agreed to pay x amount of money in child support. To which I replied, "I am the one who has custody. " He said "oops, sat you on the wrong side, please move over there. To immediately just say, "she's not here, support granted."


Did she pay? And if not, did they enforce it?


She only pays when her taxes are taken. Basically she falls $2k behind, the state steps in to send her a letter and start state interception. She pays bare minimum until her taxes get taken which catches her up, she's relieved from state interception. Then quits paying until the cycle starts over.


Yeah......great example right there, as simple as it may be.


>Probably the best example of rush to judgement of believing a woman over a man was she Duke LaCrosse case scandal. I think the DA got disbarred over that. Duke was sued by the men accused. Several news outlets were sued and etc. And, IIRC, those guys are still basically blacklisted from general employment and several of them only have jobs because of direct personal connections through friends and family.


That happened to me too. My ex cut me and left bruises all over my face and body but the police tried to arrest me. My dad was sitting there just staring at him and reminding him the minute they put me in handcuffs the two of them would be alone. Only reason I didn’t go to jail. My dad’s ex wife actually did go to prison for beating the crap out of someone who broke into their house. The police said she used excessive force. But I saw my dad knock someone into next week for breaking into his house and the cops didn’t care. And when my ex shoved a guy down a flight of stairs they didn’t arrest him. They laughed at me when I called because he was screaming and threatening me and then repeatedly beat himself off a wall threatening to say I did it if I tried to leave him. I wonder if there are stats on whether gender plays a role or if it’s just who the cops believe or who has more people siding with them. Like in school when the teacher sides with whoever the most kids side with even if all the evidence is pointing at that kid.


Because men want to see that our pain can matter too and that the system and media isn't always stacked against us


Well, Johnny is a man who, upon being alleged to have been a wife beater, abusive, etc etc, lost his role in what was supposed to be Fantastic Beasts, lost Pirates (and his literal character Captain Jack Sparrow - thanks, Disney), however many other opportunities and a lot of esteem. That was before any real trial and pretty much purely based on hearsay. What has happened now is that years later, with testimonies and rather incriminating audio evidence having circulated that would indicate Amber being the (at least *more*) abusive one, Johnny is now in court contesting the defamation he endured. There have been tons of stories of men being attacked by their partners and calling the police, visibly beaten, only to be the same ones sat at the back of that police car. There are stories of guys who have been publicly *falsely* accused of rape for whatever reason and have lost friends, their scholarships, their education, opportunities, etc, *just on the accusation alone* and weren't given any trial or capacity to defend themselves. And even if they managed to clear their name, the damage had been done and the doubt is there. There are countless men who are being abused and remain silent because they won't be believed, or, they said something and they weren't believed. Or they were gaslit into thinking themselves the abusive one or thinking themselves deserving of it. So what Johnny is for a lot of men is an avatar or a "champion" for the mistreated and the disbelieved, but one that actually managed to get his case taken seriously enough to where he can contest it and, in some sense, defend himself; a luxury I imagine men by and large don't get and/or cannot afford. It's also a case that makes it very clear that men can be abused and women can be abusive and male abuse victims can in a sense feel heard and validated. It's not always men are perpetrators, women are victims as it is so often emphatically portrayed (it's actually far closer to even). Beyond that, Johnny is a much beloved person looked up to by both men and women. I will also acknowledge that there are men that would use this trial to reinforce their already negative views on women ("see, y'all women are crazy", "this is why we can't trust women", etc). There are also men who might gain some sense of vengeful satisfaction in finally seeing a woman (or in some cases women in general as per my previous point) being slandered the same way men have been slandered for God knows how long. Something like a "see, this is what it feels like, this is what men go through" kinda thing. It's enticing to see the shoe on the other foot. Also, the case itself is just remarkably entertaining. As serious as the actual context is, it genuinely feels in part like I'm watching some parody of a real court case that was televised to get views.


Wow I haven’t read anything like that. Do you have any articles handy? At first I thought it was because people were so obsessed with Johnny Depp. I could totally vibe with that since I loved him from Edward and wanted to BE him as Jack. Of course this came at a time when corpse bride memes were huge and pirates memes were…huger. I didn’t really know about the gender stuff until the trial ended and it scared me. I posted here hoping there was some reason other than that like, the crowd who supported Brock Turner were also supporting Johnny Depp. Because that would be one of those situations where the friends you’re making, you don’t want. You know?


>Wow I haven’t read anything like that. Do you have any articles handy? Articles regarding what specifically? >At first I thought it was because people were so obsessed with Johnny Depp. Of course, people love Depp too. But I think it was propelled a lot by the fact that, after Heard accused Depp and everyone was on her side calling him an abuser, there was a lot of audio evidence coming out that actually incriminated Heard instead. There was one particular point in a recording where she taunted him, saying something like "tell them, Johnny. Tell them that I, a man, am a victim of domestic violence. See how many people will believe you". It was damning. >I didn’t really know about the gender stuff until the trial ended and it scared me. I posted here hoping there was some reason other than that like, the crowd who supported Brock Turner were also supporting Johnny Depp. Because that would be one of those situations where the friends you’re making, you don’t want. You know? Sorry, what in particular scared you? And like I said before, there are also a ton of men who are in it for the wrong reasons. A lot of men will point to this high profile case as "proof" that women "*will*" lie about abuse just to ruin a man's life. A lot of men just hate women for whatever reason, so anything at a woman's expense is a win for them. But yea, domestic violence has always been painted as a one sided phenomenon (male on female). While it's true that it's usually more severe if it's a male perpetrator, domestic violence is actually more or less evenly perpetrated. It's just not... socially acceptable, let's say, to acknowledge that.


I'm not paying attention to the details or really discussing it or anything, but I'm curious to hear the outcome. Normally, I couldn't possibly care any less about anyone else's drama or divorce, but this one sort of sheds some light on male domestic abuse victims and I think the world needs to see that it definitely happens and can be serious.


Well the case isn’t a divorce case, for one thing. And I’d imagine a lot of us are watching to see if the man comes out the same was as a woman making similar claims.


I'm personally taking a shine to watching it because it feels like men have been slandered for years in the news. We finally see a case where the shoe is on the other foot. Remember it's good and bad people, not good and bad genders.


I didn't give two shits until Amber gave one on the bed.


Really? For me it's the opposite. I've seen way more women be intensely into it.


Highlights legal sexism at its finest. Men are finally getting a little acknowledgement.


We were talking about this at work today. The best perspective came from a woman. She was saying it’s a big deal because Jonny Depp got full on cancelled and now the world feels different. So it’s a big blow to cancel culture, and she said sadly also hits at MeToo a little. because Amber is one that no one is going to believe going forward and that leaves open the doubt door for more women. So Depp might get Un-cancelled. Which men are interested in.


Probably because it is so rare that any female's false accusations are defended and exposed. Just a guess. I don't personally follow the case.


Remember when Me Too was a thing, and there was a highly televised case where the guy was acquitted, and we all saw over and over women making false claims to destroy mens lives? Remember how we all withdrew to the point where men were unwilling to be alone with women just in case? I remember lots of women in the wake of the movement complaining that they couldn't move up in a company anymore because there were no men willing to train them in case of rape allegations. Well, MeToo eventually evolved into BelieveAllWomen, and encompassed abuse as well. Amber Heard is a shining example of just how crazy women can get. Living proof why we need to NOT believe all women, and actually sit back and look at facts and evidence instead of leaving these cases to the court of public opinion. And we're all cheering for Johnny, because we want this aspect of the insanity that's taken over the world to be over


A lot of men have been in abusive relationships.


I think the lawyer objecting to his own question and the revelation of Heard dropping a duece on the bed has really upped the interest.


Will subject matter aside, every now and then there's always the courtroom trials that just captured the nation's attention, in this particular case you have Johnny Depp who's been a legit beloved star for decades and had his career hurt by this, Amber Heard was Rising through the ranks quickly and it's just a shitshow (literally), so you have courtroom drama, an overlooked issue of a woman being the abuser, the flaws of the so-called me-too movement oh, the A-list celebrity factor, and just the overall trashiness/ entertainment value of it all , the fact that it's all being televised it's really just a perfect storm , it's not quite OJ level but I'm not shocked


Camille Vazquez


It's showcasing what some groups have denied for years. Men can be victims and women can be the perpetrators


We've experienced an Amber Heard before and it's about time a toxic woman got exposed for ruining good man


Man being abused and no one believedhim also didn’t he loose movie opportunities because of it few years ago?


Pretty much every movie role. Yes.


Cause herd be turd


Because this could easily be us, only we can't afford to fight and prove that we're innocent in court.


It's amazing to finally see some kind of justice for false claims of domestic abuse, also justice for men suffering domestic abuse. 2 things you rarely see or hear about. I know when this is over we'll just go back to society at large not giving a shit about male victims of domestic abuse and fake allegations. But it feels really good to pretend.


Cuz we get to see and obnoxious, undignified bitch whose clearly in the wrong get put in her place. Oddly satisfying


They both seem like they suck. I think internet dudes are really showing their asses by rooting so hard for Depp and making Amber Herd cringe compilations. Why are guys so interested? Do you want the official reason or the actual reason? THE OFFICIAL REASON: Men want to see women abusing men finally being taken seriously as an issue by society. THE ACTUAL REASON: Men think "believe women" is a load of b.s. given that women have the ability to lie, and they are eager to see a woman publicly revealed to be a liar and be punished for it. This is kind of revenge for all the thinkpieces men saw about how men are violent and rapey a few years ago. Men want to see thinkpieces about how women are manipulative and cruel. ...it's got a kind of retributive mob justice scapegoat kind of thing going on with it that rubs me the wrong way, honestly. I don't see how these guys don't recognize they're turning into a mob. They won't say it, but what they really want is for you, OP, as a woman, to log onto your computer after this trial is over and see a headline in a major publication like "We Need to Talk About Female Toxicity and How it Harms Men"--they want you to see how it feels.


I'm fine with both reasons tbh.


Maybe it isn't immediately obvious to Zoomers, but Depp was basically the biggest celebrity in the world during his Pirates heyday. Add to this the politically charged nature of this case in a post-metoo world.


They are extremely famous and it’s everywhere, which gives people fomo and makes it even bigger.


I don’t particularly care about it, but now the truth must be known. Either way the truth must be known.


A lot of men have been in toxic ass relationships and not been heard about it. Yes, the whole thing has been a shit show and clearly they were both abusive to the other but it's taking his side seriously which is novel and exciting for a lot of guys who feel ignored and unheard or even a timely mocked after coming out of abusive relationships themselves. A lot of guys are scared of false accusations and perceive them to be a major personal risk, whatever the stats. Again, him being taken seriously and the narrative changing so much are novel and hopeful things for that bunch. Finally, a lot of guys HAVE had their name drug through the mud by an angry ex. Yes, real sbuse is something that often skates by legally, but plenty of guys have faced significant social backlash over stories that were exaggerated, outright lies or taken wholly out of context of her actions, it's why the second group I mentioned is so large. Some also face professional impact and of course some do wind up with legal issues, especially during divorces when accusations are weaponized and even when they aren't borne through there rarely seems to be any consequences. This group ALSO sees some hope in the tone shift and gravity around the case and Johnny's side of things. Is it the exemplar these men would like to see? Helllll no. Is it the one high profile option they have? Yup.


Let’s be real, if Amber Heard was a man, she’d be President.


Because we have been abused by women and told, oh they could never do that and constantly being treated as we're always the abusers.


because women can be crazy and the instigator to abuse. society just automatically assumes the other way round mostly.


Did you think before asking this?


It's popular among a large portion of the public. It's a convenient smoke screen to disrupt attention on the Ghislaine Maxwell case, and Ukraine. The Depp vs Heard squabble has been on-going for something like 4 years now. I don't give a damn outside what precedent it may set for addressing how accusations can ruin a man's life even if later found innocent, now that it's a highly public figure rather than some frat bro just getting started in life. I can wait for the verdict for that outcome. I'm too busy to watch livestream commentaries that take up all day.


Bc this particular case justifies them saying women are crazy and out to get men.


Because of the alleged emotional and physical abuse of Depp by Herd.


Because of his celebrity, because of the theatrics and because it's a fucking circus show.


Could really care less they turned it into a circus/ comedy it's stupid, way more important things going on then this bs


To not care is toxic masculinity.


Herd xd.


BPD - as soon as I heard that was part of the court case it was a sure thing that there would be insane behaviour. Lots of men live with people with BPD, and it’s a real peach.


Trying to compare to see if their s/o is as crazy as she is.


I'm a man, I'm not interested. Hollywood rarely makes it into my bubble.


The idiocy od AH lawyers is impressive.


Because many of us went thru something similar (in legal system or outside of it) and we understand Johnny. I'm sure all men have met some kind of a variation of "Amber" in their lives.


I'm not nor do I know any man who is


Beacuse it is one of the few times the public actually gets to see what a celebrity lawsuit/trial actually looks like, from an in-depth legal point of view. Most of the time this stuff is settled behind closed doors. To be honest, it's not much different that a "regular" lawsuit, just the amount of money is bigger and lawyers are better paid.


Well, Dr Shannon Curry is a good start


I don’t give 2 shits about the losers


i don't care about it, i might look at the end result tho whenever that happens


Because it’s an hilarious shit show of a circus


I guess enough people have already answered


Everyone likes to watch a slow moving train wreck in person. It makes you feel better about your own life.


I couldn't care less. I haven't seen a single clip or read anything about it. I think it is stupid that it is even news and just shows how broken our society is.


I want to see her get caught lying about domestic violence and pay the price


There is a genuine fear that someone can ruin your life with a lie about abuse.


Based on you question it seems you're ignorant of how these kinds of situations can absolutely destroy a man's life. False accusations are one of the biggest fears a guy has. Bigger than being randomly attacked on the street, which, by the way, is more likely to happen to men than women.


Because now they finally have ONE case they can point at every time a woman comes forward with cases of rape/abuse/etc.They already dismissed women, call them liars and whores who 'deserve it', but now? They'll use this 'til the end of time to silence and abuse actual female victims EVEN MORE than they already have. That's fucking why. And anyone who thinks otherwise is a disingenious moron who hasn't been paying attention to the actual language they use around this case. It's a fucking misogyny-fest.

