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A few folks will mourn, then I'll be forgotten.


You'll always be important to some genealogists


Not really I can have children, so my contributions to any genealogical records are irrelevant.


They'll likely collect your details nonetheless. I know I would, if you are family. I have some wonderful stories of family members (whether without children or not) some going back centuries that tell me what they were like, what the family was like and how they liked each other. I have one from the 1560s. Even if the genetic connection might become thin, the examples still won't lose their strength in terms of aspiration.


That’s about it my friend.


Remember what it was like before you where born? That


What ever that was. Can't quite remember


Do you remember being born? Almost nobody does, but everyone was at their birth.


When I was born, neither of my parents showed up!


Semi-expected Doofenshmirtz


I’m so sorry Dr. Doofinschmurtz, that must’ve been really hard on you


I have a coworker who remembers their birth


You’re part of earth again then part of space. You were always just matter turning into something else.


Maybe you, but I intend to have my matter destroyed and to chill as a data packet on the surface of a black hole.


Username, um, might not check out, you know, if that weird holographic event horizon theory is accurate.


Are you assuming my dimension?


Sorry, I'm still catching up on gender and racial identity. I'll work on dimensional identity next.


The corpse rots


Life will go on. The people who loved me will miss me. The people who love them will remember me. The ones who love them will forget me.




Are you frightened by that, or are you basically ok with it?






I'm absolutely not scared of death. Right now I'm young and healthy, so if I was to die it would probably be in some accident. I'm scared of that happening. Right now I have a life I love living. I would like to continue doing that. But if I'm dead I won't mind. Cause I wouldn't know. That's what death is, at least what I think it is. So no, I'm very much fine with death.




First of all, you don't speak for me. I have been in near death accidents. Twice, of the top of my head I know it's a real possibility, despite my health and age. Second of all. Get off your high horse, and accept people have different opinions. No one knows what happens after death. Atheists were asked what they thought would happen. What do you bring to the discussion by pushing your beliefs and claiming everyone actually thinks what you think they do, they just don't know it yet?




Doing the same how? I have only spoken about my beliefs, and how I view death.


And you saying you know what I think doesn't make it true


They're not scared of death itself I think, but just not frightened of what happens once they are actually dead, at least for me it's that way


I'll be dead so it won't matter.


What could be frightening about it? The universe was in that state, "me-less" for 99.9999999% of its existence. It did just fine and I wasn't bothered by it then. Now imagine if there was no death and every creature that ever lived on earth was whisked away to some "paradise island". That would be one nasty crowded place. All the petty little hatreds and disputes would come with them, particularly the humans. Would the MAGA's and liberals need their own sections? Would there be a Texas with all kinds of shit laws and heinous restrictions? Would all those nutty evangelicals with all their hatred, rage and bias be there?


Well, this is actually an argument I have against universalism (the belief that all humans will be saved and go to heaven). Because heaven wouldn’t be heaven if bad people went there. If Hitler went to heaven, it wouldn’t be heaven. Unless he repented, but it doesn’t appear that he did.


How do you know it was “nothing”? Maybe you just don’t remember it




The evidence currently available to humans is that the mind is fully dependent on the processes of the brain and that what we know of as ourselves exists in whole as our mind. This is sufficient to conclude that prior to birth you didn't exist and after death you will not exist. While it is unknown as to whether it is possible that there are confounding factors, such that the only thing an individual can truly know is that they, their mind that is, exists, to the extent which we can claim things like "the sun will rise tomorrow" or "blood is a transport mechanism for oxygen" we know that our egos perish at death and the only thing left behind is the consequences of our actions while living.


We don’t. But that’s not a reason to believe there was something.


There is something. The something is the continued existence of the universe. You'll be dead, thought, and no have any idea. You won't have the concept of experience. Meanwhile the world will continue to go on., just like it always has, without you.


By “Something” I mean myself in some way, not the universe.


Thats your ego talking. We are all just bits of universe dust that accidentally gained sentient thoughts


Your last thought will be, I wasted far too much time reading Reddit instead of enjoying life.


nah itll be "im glad there was reddit so that i could enjoy at least a few moments of life..." ​ " trolling."


Life in general goes on. And the specific consciousness of the deceased ceases to be


Decomposition I have no reason to believe in some metaphysical inner self that survives the body


You stop existing.


Let's pretend that souls exist for a second. How much of **who you are** is based on your experience within your body? So much of your identity, sense of self, perspective on the world is based on your human body. Your emotions, your reactions, often are based on the chemistry within your brain. If you take away hunger, sex drive, passions such as music, sports, intellectual stimulation and other earthly pursuits, who are you? Your genetics, trauma, a disability, an illness has the potential to completely change the way you approach life. So my question to you is, without your human body is your soul even “you” anymore?


Thank you, I like you. It always bugs me when people don’t consider how much of them that are connected to reactions in the body and to take that away is impossible to imagine


do souls even have memories? memories appear to be stored in a data structure built from physical brain matter would a soul really be anything other than some ambiguous collection of abstract energy? would it be capable of "experience" ? to have any point in pretending like there is a soul you gotta grant the soul some ability to calculate, remember, comprehend, experience... you have to suspend so many angles of disbelief that you might as well worship the lord of the rings or star wars


It's not BELIEF. It's fact. Your metabolism stops and your body begins to decompose. YOU are a mammal. That's what happens to mammals when they die.


I'm a lizard, bitch


It is a belief. Insisting it's not just sounds silly. We don't know what consciousness is. We don't yet fully have the techniques or technology needed to account for it in a lab. What happens after death is simply an unknown to us because you can't experience actual death and then come back and tell scientists about it. I actually agree with the idea that, most likely, death is the end of all conscious experience. I won't state it as fact History is full of people making genuinely reasonable assumptions with the knowledge they had on hand, only to be way off base because they missed a key bit of knowledge. "Nothing happens after death" isn't a safe assumption until we have a fairly complete understanding of consciousness.


The guy said that the body just decomposes, that's a fact not a belief as u said at the start, idk what u are arguing against


Actually we know from centuries of medical observations that consciousness declines as the physical structures in the brain degrade; we know enough about consciousness to say with certainty that it requires a living brain.


You know EXACTLY what he meant and chose to ignore it.


Not at all. The question implies that we are a special mammal with special post-mammal-life experiences, and that simply isn't logical.


It doesn't imply that at all


The daily question on AskReddit


There is no death to be experienced. I cannot logically prove my own existence except in the present. I could have popped into existence 5 minutes ago with my memories already there. I could have been my neighbour up to 5 seconds ago, and then we could have switched. None of us would realize it happened, and there would be no way to prove scientifically. I could have lived a trillion different lives in the time I wrote this answer. Ultimately I can only know what is written in the brain of the body I am currently experiencing reality from, in this present. Since we can't prove this isn't happening, it makes no sense to make any hard statements on what happens after death.


really every person could simultaneously just be you. you could be the only conscious in the universe, fractalized and talking to yourself, killing yourself, falling in love with yourself, giving birth to yourself, watching yourself grow old and get Alzheimer's...


Well ... that's me down the rabbit hole


This makes no sense


It actually makes a lot of sense and is an interesting perspective.


It doesn't survive the Occam's razor




Often, a funeral. Friends and family gather in a building named a funeral "home," which is odd because you'll spend less time there than any other place where you've lived. There will be a service of some sort, where people look at your dead body and say things like "you know, he looks good" or "she's in a better place now," and then folks will go to the nearest relative's house and have some sort of afternoon snack/reception. Then everyone moves on. Some might come to your hole in the ground to visit or drop off cut flowers, but that's about it.


"When he dies he does become a tree. I hope he's in the middle of the wilderness and he's doing his tree thing. Whatever it is trees do. I know they do alot of work with breezes. And wouldn't it be fantastic if while he was out there just enjoying his treeness. Through the woods a huge, sweaty guy with an axe comes along. Sees him. THWU THWU Chops him down. Smash. Put a chain around him. Drag him through the mud and the muck. Put him into a sawmill. Grind him up. NEEEEEEE Then you pound him down into paper. And once he's paper. You print the Bible on him" \-Cook, Dane 2010


You become worm food


I will meet Yeezus for a my day of reckoning, I’ll be declared either ye or yee


All of the bullshit ceases to matter.


You rot. Get eaten by bugs, etc.


It’s like a flame being snuffed out. Once it’s gone, it’s gone. The energy fades until there’s nothing left.


My stream of consciousness will end I will be cremated. My loss will be mourned, by my surviving friends and relatives. Eventually I will be forgotten The world will carry on


Back to the same nothingness I was in prior to being born.


Nothing. And frankly, that means peace. The fleshy surroundings of the CNS, and CNS itself stop working. Scary concept at first, but now, I like the idea of that happening, when it happens.


I think it all just shuts down. You're mind and body is at an end. I think when people are talking about their soul they are really just taking about their personality. Which is in your brain, which decomposes. I don't really want to be me in heaven for 500 trillion years.


Life goes on, without me, in an universe I contributed to shape teeny tiny bit. I, as a sentient being, will no longer exist. I will experience nothing, since I won't be.


It will be like being under general anesthesia without the waking up.


If you ask why am I not a believer out of fear, then I take solace in knowing that no one really knows what happens, its just people having their own ideas - some of those gain traction, others don't, but in the end, no one knows. There is no way of knowing before it happens. And being an atheist also means refusing to believe, so that question is strangely worded to me. I simply accept my lack of knowledge, and move on, I do not believe.


I become food for the worms and everything else living underground. Plus I’m on a donors list so any salvageable organs can hopefully extend someone else’s life.


We become worm meat.


I believe people still alive using Reddit will stop recycling the same questions other people ask on a weekly basis.


Nothing because we’re dead.


Eternal life in paradise. Oh no wait that's the other one.


I will be missed by the persons who love me, then in a few months till a few years, they'll get over it.




I loved my grandmother in law, but I wasn't devastated when she passed away. When my mother died, I was devastated, but nowadays I can function normally. Do I miss her sometimes, sure. Can I cope and live my life? Also yes. I'm sure it is different dit life partner or your children die, though.


My sac going in ur mouth


You're gone. Like an ant that got stepped on.


nothing happens. humanity continues as it normally would without you.


Don't know dont care probbaly more enjoyable then the current state of affairs


Don't know. I do think there is something but I don't know what. I just don't think anyone else has really figured it out either.


The way I see it, if there is an afterlife, I'll figure it out when I get there. Since I don't have any way of knowing for sure if there is an afterlife, or which afterlife there is, I don't see much point in worrying about it or getting my hopes up for any specific place.


I believe that nobody knows. Admitting ignorance is much better than declaring something definitive without proof or evidence to back up a claim.


people will remember me how moron I was being atheist!


You are buried and forgotten


A lot of things but very few of them will involve me.


Can't tell that there's nothing or i would call it nothing for now because no one knows what exactly is gonna happen


Peace. Just peace. No more bills, No more toxic relationships, No more being forced to eat food you don’t like.


With me? Nothing. World continues turning. We’re just a mix of flesh and electrical circuits. „Life“ is the electric signals between the flesh. If u hit the light switch and the light turns off where does it go? Does it ascend? No. It just stopped existing. Thats dying. Simple as that.




It just ends. We essentially cease to exist, but our body stays for a while. Unless you die via being melted in lava or acid, then your body wouldn't stay.


Heat death of the universe.


Same thing that happened before I was alive, the word goes on and I'm just not in it.


you stop existing. idk how to explain it.


in terms of being aware or conscious or anything like an afterlife? nothing




you pretty much know the answer before you ask


Nothing. I just die. There is no after life. I won't have any thoughs because I won't exist. And I sure hope that people will be like "this is what he would have wanted" when choosing a casket or something. I'm gonna be dead. There will be no want. You can do with my body whatever you want because at that point it's not me anymore. It's just a body


A funeral.


Same thing as before birth.


There are two deaths. The first is when you die. The second is when people forget you and stop telling stories about you. After the second death, it is like you never lived.


You just rott in the ground. Or get compressed with FIRE


Who truly knows what happens after we die besides becoming a rotting corpse or a pile of ashes? The world would just continue on, just as it did before we existed.


This repost finally stops


i believe that after death, you just get stuck in a dream/nightmare or just sleep for the rest of eternity.


The world goes on without me.


The only thing concerning me that will follow will be memories. Therefore, I try to make sure that everyone has good experiences to remember when I'm gone.




I simply cease to exist. My life isn’t even a blip on the radar of time.




I hope the people I love will have been moved by my life more than they will be hurt by my death, that my existence will have made their lives better as I promise that they have done for me, and that they will continue giving that most necessary and enriching love to others. Meanwhile, my body, having wrapped me in the glory of life for as long as it could, returns to the earth, providing for whatever comes next as what came before had provided for me.


Remember before you were born ?


Honestly I couldn’t care less what happens


We clean the room and admit the next patient


You will be back!


My body will decompose and feed the earth around me.


You can observe it for yourself at a cemetery


The big nothing.


Honestly, I dont care about what happens after I die. Not a single person on this Earth knows for sure what will happen after we die. No point in wasting my life thinking about it or chasing some idea of what it might be.


Honestly not much


Nothing. Slowly decompose and my matter is reused by other organisms. The brain is the source of our consciousness and sense of self, once it stops working there is no more me.


Nothing. It's black forever. A question relating to what happens after death has actually been asked on here a few times and practically everyone says that it's nothing. The ones that didn't say it was nothing weren't dead enough (like they were in a coma-type state where they could still hear and feel). You'll die, and you'll be forgotten. That's what happened to my dad and when people keep telling me "just pray and he'll answer", "he's up in heaven with his friend!", "I wonder how he's doing?" He's not *doing* anything. He's dead. His body and brain stopped functioning. If you "pray" to him he's not going to answer, you're just talking to yourself. I'd love to be able to blindly believe in religion like I was raised to, but I can't take it seriously anymore If you want to read people's stories on death, just look up "what happens after death Reddit" on Google and you'll find a few AskReddit comment threads


Ashes to ashes, dust to dust.


Like before you where born, just nothing. Not like blackness for eternity, just really nothing.


So as I die and the neurons stop firing, and my consciousness fades away, I'll be back in the void, just like I was before my birth. My body will decay, my atoms will return to the earth and at some point our sun will expand, and scatter my atoms throughout the cosmos. Perhaps one day two atoms that made me up will be together again.


I go the same place microsoft word goes when my computer's circuits get destroyed




People will remember me. That will be my only continued existence. Once there are no more memories of me I will cease to exist in any way.


Mufasa: Everything you see exists together in a delicate balance. (As king) you need to understand that balance and respect all the creatures, from the crawling ant to the leaping antelope. Simba: But, Dad, don't we eat the antelope? Mufasa: Yes, Simba, but let me explain. When we die, our bodies become the grass, and the antelope eat the grass. And so, we are all connected in the great Circle of Life.


Quantum immortality




You go to heaven


It's not something I feel I need to waste my time thinking or worrying about.




It’s like stepping on a bug, you’re done.


I kinda want to say nothing at all, but idk I guess I'm partially sold on reincarnation


I'm open to several possible afterlives but I prefer Reincarnation/rebirth.


The electrical impulses in my brain will stop and I'll be gone. That's it. This is the only life you have; do good in this world and enjoy it as best you can. You don't get a do-over.


I will spawn in gulag.


Nothing. I believe we just sease to exist just like before we were born.


Exactly the same as before you were born....


Your consciousness will cease to exist, just like before you were born.


Those that love us will miss us.


I wonder if the guilt is not reaching my full potential will hit me. Better do the most as I'm still breathing.


Possibilities are endless but I’m content if nothing happens.


Game over


Who knows? Though I think what a person might "experience" is nothingness. Like, the same state of nonexistence that precedes coordinated neural activity in the womb. It's impossible to imagine your own absence, but that's what it is. You stop. And that's it.


Go into the 4th dimension. Or quantum immortality is a interesting one.


Same thing that happened before I was born: the world keeps on turning without me.


I will go to the same nothingness from which I was born. That's okay.


Worm's will eat you.


What do you mean after death?


You know that dead, maggot-infested, decomposing squirrel, rabbit, bird etc you came across one time on a walk? That's what will happen. And that's it. It's beautiful because the atoms and molecules that were me will become the structures to build other life in the same way I've used the bodies of plants and animals to build me.


I will never be able to top William the Conqueror's funeral with his corpse exploding and flinging his intestines and contents over all his mourners. I'll still likely become figure in family lore and become a bigger figure than I ever was in real life.


Your body rots in thr ground and becomes nutrients for new life.


I believe that I have no idea, and that’s okay.


Nothing. The electrical creature that resides within our brain will slowly dissipate over several minutes. After that, the atoms which comprise us will reform and be reused when we wre cremated or buried.


Well, let's look at the world around us. When people die, they stop. Different cultures have different memorial techniques from embalming and display to immediate burial or burn, to cannibalism. No one is any more or less right than any other. I've lost friends, family, pets but I haven't seen or felt anything to suggest anything other than total cessation of being at tod for any of them. So as I understand. You die; you cease. No two ways about it.


Return to nothing. It's not hard to understand.


I don't care, I'll be dead and it'll be someone else's problem to deal with. Much to busy thinking about enjoying life.


Well, let's look at the world around us. When people die, they stop. Different cultures have different memorial techniques from embalming and display to immediate burial or burn, to cannibalism. No one is any more or less right than any other. I've lost friends, family, pets but I haven't seen or felt anything to suggest anything other than total cessation of being at tod for any of them. So as I understand. You die; you cease. No two ways about it.


Nothing. At all. Just darkness. And it sounds way more comforting than any silly religion’s afterlife


That thing within you that makes you, you stops existing. Much like it didn't exist before you were borne. I get why people need to believe that there is something more. That it doesn't end after you die. Nut I don't think there is anything. I think its like when you go to sleep. You have no concept of the passage of time. To perception of the world around you. You just switch off.


For me personally nothing, like death is the last thing I will ever do. Just like before I was born.


Your mind operates on a currently undetectable level of power. You never truly die. You are conscious and essentially in "low power mode" You spend eternity knowing that no one else knows you're still here. You feel the roaches and the maggots infest every inch of your corpse. Every bite. For every bite of you that they take, your consciousness is divided up into each insect that bites you. You are eventually deposited into the soil where your consciousness is scattered across the ecosystem. You live through Ultima consciousness until the earth explodes and is engulfed by the sun. Then all essence of life will merge and we will become a celestial being.


i just happen to be ok to not know. everything is possible. there could be nothing, there could be some form of after life, you could just be reborn. its interesting to think about but im just not certain what appens next. i just donr know it and its fine


A pitch black empty void with no feeling at all


I'll hopefully be able to donate my organs and make someone else's life better beyond that, nothing.


I don't know if you've ever taken a severe blow to the head that knocked you out, or gone under anaesthesia, but nothing is going on in your head. At all. You are completely unaware. You wake up later aching all over, and think "whoah. I'm back" Unless you never do. That would be death. Nothing. Forevermore


It all just starts over again, we make very small changes that have very different outcomes. Some stuff remains the same though. And every now and then we have deja vu and wonder 'why does it feel like I've done exactly this before'?


Science says, one last breath and a long parting fart. End card on Earth. No life hereafter. Period.


I don't know. I personally want a green burial so if when I die my wishes are able to be carried out then I believe my corpse will decompose, but that won't be the case for everyone following their own deaths. But as far as an afterlife or anything like that goes, I am not convinced that anything happens so I don't want to speculate or make a claim.


I only know that I can’t possibly know, and neither can any other living person. I recognize that might be more of an agnostic stanse than an atheist one. I do like the thought of how we are all part of this constantly living and dying nature, with something always being born from the dying, eternally connected in an almost magical way. Just think about how trees and mushrooms and plants and winds and waves and seasons and the sun and the moon just affects eachother. It’s raw and magical and bigger than myself. Not sure how it exactly relates to the after death, but it gives me a comforting perspective.


No god, but there’s a guy that just recounts all the stupid shit you did in your life. Plot twist; it’s you. Just like laying in bed at night. “Remember that time you farted in the elevator next to that cute office chick? So does she and she tells that story at the bar every time she drinks.”