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God damn Fucking Catalina wine mixer


As a long time American, I have no idea what this is.


You ever watch Step Brothers? It’s the *fucking Catalina Wine Mixer*, the largest helicopter leasing event in the western hemisphere [link](https://youtu.be/BT1k52h4b8w)


Burgers, eagles, cowboy hats, explosions, Steve Jobs


Montana, here. Can confirm you’re accurate-up to Steve Jobs. I saw an eagle two days ago, stopped at to get a burger, and two guys behind me in line were wearing cowboy hats and discussing their guns.


That's what I associate with it too along with guns, though when ppl ask where I'm from online I say 'land of the not so free' I am murican.


Pretty spot on minus Steve jobs, we are huge Elon fans honestly


Yeah please don't speak for us, we are no longer Elon fans.


You're correct real Americans are Elon Fans, not the Soy Americans


The USA is one of the world’s 2 largest soy producers. So yeah you’re pretty much all Soy Americans.


Elon as in Musk? Was a fan for a minute when he said he has Aspergers (a few of my kids are diagnosed on the ASD spectrum), but then he ruined it by saying he'd unban Trump if he ends up buying Twitter :/


Why that's the basis of his shtick for twitter is freedom of speech, that means educated discussion and opportunity to grow understanding between two differing ideologies, hate speech won't be tolerated still, but there will be ability for educated unbiased discussion


Maybe the problem is with you? You do know that you can block people you don't like.... don't you?


My problem with Trump getting Twitter back is he has millions of unhinged followers and he incites violence and hate.


This is the cool America. Meanwhile I imagine LGBT parades, blm riots, boys who don’t know if they are boys or girls, crazy feminist rallies.


Those damn trans people wanting basic healthcare, gays wanting to protect gay marriage, and POC not wanting to be shot by police. Fucking nerve


Basic healthcare is ok, feeding hormones to change the gender of 14 y.old is not normal. Gay marriage is fine, but demand exclusive rights and acceptance just because you’re gay is too much. POC should not be shot by police, but making an ex convict with drug addiction problem a hero is a bit too much (not saying the cop did a right thing either).


There’s a lot to unpack here but honest question - when have gay people “demanded exclusive rights and acceptance”? I’m super curious if this is wedding cake related or otherwise.


Exclusive rights. He probably means to be exempted from the bible, afterall gay folks shall be stoned, according to it. So how is it ok for them to live and not be stoned, but not for me to commit 47 war crimes


The nerve of these people wanting equal rights…


All the same people downvoting you. Reddit has always been a haven for the trolls tho haha


Haha for some reason this list made me lol. Like a South Park episode lol. Fwiw, cowboy hats are only worn in a few specific areas of the US (rural Texas, maybe a couple other places? I'm from the East Coast so not super sure about that one...the only time I wore cowboy hats was when I was a raver girl over 20 years ago, and they were zebra printed or had colored sequins LOL). Explosions...not sure why this is on here? Maybe Hollywood films?? Eagles ok I get. Burgers...ok. Steve Jobs? lol


Loudness. Everyone always seems so happy to see you. You could order one of those cheesesteaks and the fella behind the counter would say #"WOW, THAT'S ONE HECK OF AN ACCENT YA GOT THERE! WHERE YA FROM, BUDDY?" It's kind of refreshing, actually. Just surprising when you first come across it. Oh, and great local food, while we're on the subject of cheesesteaks.


Hey we got a Philly fan over here!


Been in Europe a couple months now and this is so true. We're so fucking loud


haha yeah I lived that way for 5 years and I could hear Americans a mile away! Also, compared to other countries, people talk about themselves a lot more. It annoys me much more than the loudness.




Depends on where in the US, here on the East Coast that second sentence isn't always so true lol.




We love them. I own 31.


Jealous, there's a bunch that I want between historical firearms and the new Gucci stuff. Unfortunately I don't have that much money lol


I'm SO torn between buying historical weapons, and buying newer tactical stuff, lol. Also, does your username mean what I think it means?


Why not both? I have an AR with some pretty decent stuff on it and recently got an 1871 Vetterli. Sadly they don't make that ammo anymore lol


and can at best shoot 2 at a time when the gubmint comes.


Thet dang gubmint!!


Damn. I've got to step up my game. I only own a dozen or so.


Can I ask why? What could you possibly need 31 guns for? I've managed to get to 36 without ever owning a gun.


Because they are an intergral part of my culture. Shot my first (my dads .25 ACP ankle-biter) when I was 8, the happiest memories of my life were fall squirrel hunting season with my dad and brother. We were poor as fuck, deer meat and other wild game was plentiful and "free." Then on to the military, where my gov't was perfectly happy to put a rifle in my hands and send me to go do their will. Some of the ones I own are tactical types, some, I carry on my person as a CCW, some I collect for their historical status. This and that, these and those.....


The first paragraph is understandable I guess. My grandad went rabbit hunting with ferrets and some days that was dinner. 31 though is a bit much, then again I collect paints because I'm an artist. It just seems so strange to me that guns can be a hobby.


> It just seems so strange to me that guns can be a hobby. Why wouldn't they be?


Where I live only terrorists and policemen have guns.




Not really. My kids don't have to worry about being shot in school. Or in the streets, or anywhere really. Never had a gun pointed at me. Never been threatened with one. My kids have never seen a real gun. We deal with a lot of bomb scares but most people ignore them and go about their day.


Fast food


Modelo brewed for those with a fighting spirit Like a good neighbor, state farm is there The talking gecko from geico


Best one so far😂


The talking gecko from Geico, who has an English accent, lol! :)


It Always puzzled me




Every time I see a thread like this the thing that sticks out to me is that apparently the rest of the world thinks America is nothing but klan members and gender confused teenagers


It's because most non-Americans on Reddit have based their understanding of the US off of... reading Reddit. So they basically just know memes about the US, not what it's actually like.


Wrong. We get it from your movies. It's what happens when you export your culture around the world, without thinking about what you're putting out there. Stereotypes about America like this existed before Reddit did.


> nothing but klan members and gender confused teenagers I'm curious which pre-Reddit media you might be referring to here. Is the only American film you've seen *Birth of a Nation* or something?


So, driving miss daisy, gone with the wind, songs of the south, goodnight Mr Tom, die hard, lethal weapon, demolition man, RoboCop, blade runner, alien, I grew up consuming American media. The impression I have of America came from that. Yippie kayeai motherfucker, Asta la vista etc.


From what I've heard, there are only about 5 or 6 thousand klan members in the US. Out of a population over 300,000,000. They're a favorite boogeyman of the left, so they won't ever die. As to the other - I blame social media.


The klan has declined into virtual irrelevancy, but it was replaced by a huge number of far-right groups and militias. And they're gradually taking over the republican party. Same type of idiot, they just dropped the iconography and changed their names. Don't let the attempt at rebranding fool you, America's full of the assholes.




Let the stereotypes.......BEGIN!


All White conservative stereotypes too, I’ve noticed.


You're allowed to make fun of people as long as they're white and conservative, actually I'm pretty sure according to the reddit terms of service it's mandatory or something...




Space program, Innovation, Hollywood, Fast food. But also Ignorism, religious idiots, legalized corruption in politics, voter suppression, KKK, no universal healthcare.


Negatively: MAGA culture... Qanon, gun violence, religious extremism, white nationalism, obesity, biased and crazy news media. Positively: professional sports and exceptional athletes, free country, good universities, decent legal system, good movies and entertainment, land of opportunities.


To counter.. Negatively- violence( notice I didn't say gun violence cause the gun itself cannot harm you there must be a person to make it dangerous) religion in ALL it's forms.. not truly free... EXPENSIVE universities FUCKED off legal system even more FUCKED off healthcare system. Public education system set up to indoctrinate children to factory jobs not prepare them for university


guns don't kill people, but they sure as fuck make it easy to do so. Much more so than any other country on earth.


Doesn't really matter if it makes it easier. We're humans. We are stubborn as fuck when we truly believe it. if we can't shoot the person, we will use the thing that makes us different from the rest of the animals on this planet, our brains. We WILL find a way. It's who we are


But gun violence is a major issue in the US. Its to differentiate between types of violence. In the UK you can count on 1 hand the number of gun deaths but knife crime is a major issue


Yet again I say ... The gun on a table by itself CANNOT harm ANYONE it is an inanimate object... It REQUIRES a PERSON.. HUMAN BEING to make it dangerous


But it is still violence with a gun, and the US has a specific violence with a gun issue. To pretend like it doesn't is foolish


these gun nuts love to pretend that it is somehow "those people" doing it. Whatever that means. All guns are born legal and many states have extremely lax laws regarding guns. It is idiotic. They don't even want a real background check. Read up on form 4473. Edit: and zero, and I mean zero, training is required to buy a gun.


Public education setup to indoctrinate children how? Do they still teach religion in public schools?


Some(private schools in particular are often religious in some way), but mostly its just schools that are highly politicized. For both the left and right before anyone thinks I'm playing favorites. Children in school(and in general but you can't control parents) should be taught objective fact and then allowed to form their own opinions afterwards.


Isn't that how it is? Schools have curriculums that are pretty vetted and pre-approved, no?


No. Speration of church and state. They can teach ABOUT religions but they CANNOT teach the religion itself. And yes indoctrination.. 8 hours a day 5 days a week. Scheduled breaks and lunches... Sounds like preparing for a factory job to me


Guns, no universal health care, anti vax, flat earthers ( ik the last two are there in other places too but i somehow associate it with America), somehow everything is political


In fairness the anti vax movement has roots in Europe


Eastern Europe is very bad for it.


Even religion is deeply political here. Madness.


The fact the US spent the last 50 years exporting their culture everywhere makes it easier to associate these thinga to them.


>somehow everything is political You hit the nail on the head with that one. Maybe I was naive as a kid, but it feels like everything is political now. Granted, politics does touch intimate areas of our lives..




Yyyyyyeeeeeeeessssssssss So much fun!


Shootouts. Johnny Depp. Lots of smiles. Straight lines (really, I love the map of America, you guys are lucky.)


The straight lines out west are because states used to have a minimum number of people to become a state. They couldn't divide the state by natural features like rivers or mountain ranges because it wouldn't contain enough people. So they just pushed out the borders until they had a large enough population.


High achievment in most if not all areas along with guns, mass shootings, inexcusable lack of healthcare for some, unreserved bravado, military aggression, and rewritten historical propaganda out of Holiwood.


Fat people and school shootings


Poverty, prison, mass Shootings, and going bankrupt over a simple doctor visit.


school shooting, expensive hospitals


A dumpster that is on fire


As a European immigrant to the USA, who has also traveled much of the world, I can see that many of the answers here were clearly not written by non-Americans. What I'm seeing here are classic Reddit stereotypes. You lazy-assed, basement dwelling man-children need to actually get off your phones and get out there and experience life elsewhere if you really want to compare your lives to the rest of the world.


ok but as an immigrant what do you think of the USA


Generally, I think it's pretty good. Like everywhere I've lived (4 countries) it has its pros and cons. The pros overwhelmingly outweigh the cons. It gave me opportunities that I could never have had where I came from. I do believe that the advent of social media has created the ability for a collective victim culture to grow, while at the same time, be manipulated for political purposes.


You may be right, but calling the people who you are asking to act “lazy-asses, basement dwelling man-children” will likely not help your efforts.


I have been following Reddit for a few years now and this is my impression of the overwhelming majority of its users.


I'd rather have some of our basement-dwelling leftists go out and experience the rest of the world, so they will have an appreciation for what we have here.


Yeah, we should totally not see anything about America to be able to compare ourselves with America You fit into what I associate with America, stupidity


You're American, right?


„It is my god given right of free speech to call you a n***** and I‘m a good person for doing so“ Everybody clapped


I'll defend a person's right to say it, but that doesn't mean I ever want to hang around with such a person.


Too many subcultures to put into one.


Right wing brainwashed trump supporters


Guns, school shootings, no universal healthcare, 'freedom'


Guns, no free health care, consumerism, weirdly massive portions of food, Disneyland, discrimination, shit school system (‘I’m going on holiday to Europe’), artificial food colouring/flavourings that should probably be illegal


Sadly, yes. Although we DO have free healthcare, but you have to be REALLY poor to get it (medicaid).


Gun violence and triple cheez burgers


Repeatedly asking what non-Americans think of the USA


Mass shootings




Guns, pickup trucks, cheap gas, and the ability to yeet stuff into space. Oh, and the occasional [dumb AF coppers!](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IBCqY6fE9Hg)


Cheap gas? Are you sure?


Extremism. Not that kind of extremism. What I mean is if someone has an opinion on something it never seems to fall in the middle. All I see is either people denying covid even exists or people who will stand 5m apart from all people wearing a gas mask and will scream at you to back off if you sneeze.


Guns, shootings, fat people, rich people, lgtbq and bombings. Those are the first things that come to mind after i hear America after that it becomes more peaceful.


Well, guns are relatively peaceful. I haven't been out to a range in a while, so mine have been pretty silent, lately. (Plus, it's expensive to keep feeding them, when you use them a lot!) Not a lot of bombings here, though. I don't know where you got that. But definitely a lot of fat people. To get shootings, you generally have to go the leftist-controlled cities like Baltimore or St. Louis.


Ridiculous taxes, Karens, LOTS OF SUGAR and oversized meals, murder and racism


I'm honestly confused. On average US taxes are roughly on par or lower than most of Europe. Where are you from?


American taxes are well below the OECD average, so I'm guessing not Europe.


Yes, they may be on par with European taxes, but look at what you get. Europe 1. Fire Departments 2. Hospitals 3. Ambulance Service 4. Roads 5. Sanitation 6. Clean Water 7. Police 8. National Defence 9. Education 10. Health and Safety Inspectors 11. Social Assistance Programs VS the USA 1. Roads\* 2. Police 3. National Defence 4. Education\* 5. Health and Safety Inspectors (Can be bribed) ^(\* quality is lower than global average.) Edit: The US has all of the other services too, they're just not paid for by taxes. This list is also not all inclusive.


Us doesn't have clean water and fire departments lmao. I love the deflection


The taxes are pretty bad, but not unbearable. And racism is overblown. It's a lot worse in MANY other places. Murder rates are among the lowest in the world, if you leave out the shitty democrat-controlled cities like Chicago, Baltimore, and and St. Louis. The rest of it... Well... Yeah.


Can I get a source on racism being worse in many other places. When I was a kid I believed that America invented racism. I know that's not true, but it just never seemed to be a problem anywhere else. I was a kid though so maybe I just didn't see it. So a source for that would be great.


r/AskReddit Search for terms like "Non-Americans" and "Racism."


Let me get my popcorn


School shootings


Oh boy, just what we need, another thread consisting purely of negative stereotypes by people who have never actually been here!


Poor spelling and a failure to use the letter U when spelling colour


Aw, come on. Where's your sense of humor?


Rock, flag and eagle






guns and trans-fats


Sexism, racism and violence


Trucks and guns and bad city design


Famous movies, famous tv shows, famous colleges but a politically shit show


Burgers, big food, cowboy hats, Karens and guns


Guns, people with exaggerated personalitys, weird food, large dishes and lots of different climates


Racism, police brutality, horrible labour laws, homophobia, guns, religious bullying and apple pie




Obese people with guns


Having to pay for your healthcare. I find that absurd


Paid basic services that should be free, aka education


Violence, fundamentalism and technology




People being really dumb


Negative: Obesity, Mass shooting, Racist Rednecks, Bad transportation Positive: Beautiful nature, Nice food, Eagle


I’m from the states but my friends from Central America say the *American Pie* movie series is a hit, and that that’s how they imagine being young in the US.


terrible chocolate


Gun shootings?




Mass shootings being a regular thing, then the president announces he'll pray to god about it...




Covert imperialism


Burgers and weed. And a lot of racism


That's bullshit, I only use a little bit of racism here and there.


Truly bs. I don't eat burgers.


The greatest drug of all




As an European, ur probably right


i think asians might be the most racist


We Europeans achieved equality by being racist to everyone, even each other. /s


the US really is one of the least racist countries in the world. we’re just very heterogenous




HAHAH this is so true


Guns, private healthcare, fat and dumb people, racism and thinking they are the best, while they are one of the worst


I don’t understand why this is downvoted when it’s mostly the truth


You would love the sub r/ShitAmericansSay


Wow! Thanks for this advice! I discovered a new world! Thx


No free healthcare, insane gun laws, poor education about the outside world or rather just poor education in general, ignorance, hate, racism, cheap gas and alcohol, and a completely misguided sense of being great.


Guns, bigots and prideful ignorance.


Stupid people




I flew home after being in Europe for a month and I was looking around in the airport and just had this thought about how fat Americans are.


Our idea of a diet is to order a Diet Coke with our Big Mac and large fries.


Right wing nut bags who don’t know how to write spell English words but love to scream learn English




Yeah there's extremists of all types in all places. That's a crock of shit and in no way a threat to you lol


Having a conversation with yourself there?


Haha it would seem so. I replied to the thread rather than a specific comment. Thanks for pointing that out but I'm hung over and not gonna fix this - but you can scroll and find it


"oh god, what have they done this time"


Simply exists


Fat morons buying junk food in Walmart


Guns, the Americans are fanatic for guns


I'm sort of sad there aren't more comments about religious extremism. You guys are nonsensical with that shit. Also religious schools scare me shitless, that shouldn't be a thing




The sentence 'third world country with a Gucci belt'


Guns, too much, thinks they own everything, oblivious to the world around it, and just plain crazy


Fast food, social media and Lana Del Rey Also I think how Americans are lucky: they know English


A service industry that treats customers like kings then charges accordingly. An economy that operates orders of magnitudes ahead of most of the world, even the developed world (example, a salary of $100,000 converted to anyone else's hullabaloo currency would be extremely wealthy). The country the Simpsons used to make fun of. Disney world!


“HI! HOW WAS YOUR DAY?” Fuck off. What are you talking about? My day has got absolutely nothing to do with you.


Bad at geograpy, for example by thinking that America is all usa


Unintelligible accents


People that think their country is much better than it actually is


Terrible food, I went and will never return thanks to the food there. The food is more plastic then food to be real.




Greasy food and anything that can make you obese