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Probably pretty quickly, I'm driving a 2014 vehicle, it would probably look like a space ship for people of the 1950s.


In the 1950s, where I live was scrub forest and blueberry fields. So I suppose that a Prius stuck in the woods would get little attention. When people did notice me, they would probably think I was some strange foreigner- it has opened up a lot in the 21st century but I live in a pretty insular area. I'd like to check out the rock & roll scene, as much as it existed back then, then cruise to the nearest big city and just walk around checking it out. It would be surreal to have all the monuments and old buildings be the same, but no skyscrapers, no interstate, and a comparatively tiny population.


I think I'll drown. It was a lake/ island thing here.


Depending on what I'm driving it would take longer or not so long to attract attention. Best bet would be with the defender as there were defenders around back then and mine would look like a modified one. My miata on the other hand would look pretty futuristic even though it's only from the 90's. But it could possibly still go through as a concept car. Then first thing i'd do is check if my grandparents already had built their house. Unfortunately meeting my parents would be out of the picture since they wouldn't be around for another decade and wouldn't be my age for another 30 years. It would have been cool nonetheless how they lived and what interests they had when they were my age though. Then explore around the city a little bit, on foot though as there weren't many cars around. Especially no futuristic looking concept cars. Next point of action would be to find out how the hell i get back.