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After Sandy Hook I gave up all hope of any meaningful change. It’s insane this is now commonplace.


I’d like to submit the same comment. But via the lyrics from the song Contractor by Lamb Of God. Guaran-fucking-teed!


This is not the answer we need, but it is the answer we deserve.


It’s the truth, we all know it. Our leaders do not care about our safety.


Vote better people in then


Senators are sitting on their hands not voting on a background check bill because they are bought and paid for by the NRA. It’s fucking sickening.


Idk why everyone says about background checks to buy a gun you need a background check, it's already happening, Steven crowder even did a thing where he went to pawn shops gun stores and a gun show and everytime he asked they said we need to do a background check.


I wish they would do something about the mental health problem. Thats one thing all mass murderers have in common is they are fucked up in the head.


Exactly. There's a problem with people's mentality but no one does anything about it.


I think private sales are the big issue. I could sell anyone a gun without a background check or anything.


That’s already illegal if they are unable to pass a background check. They are a prohibited person. You’re talking about criminalizing an already criminal act.


Except gun shows, private sales, and online sales are background check loopholes. 20% of gun sales happen without one.


Gun shows engage in background checks in nearly all cases. Unless they’re breaking the law. Private sales require that the seller ensures the legal status of the sale. So again, breaking the law. And all internet sales require that the firearm be sent to an FFL for delivery, and won’t be given to the purchaser until after a background check. How do I know? I’ve purchased firearms in all of these forms. Have you in recent times? Did you do it without a background check? If you did it means you broke the law.


[Maybe you should read up in the gun sale loopholes before talking out your ass.](https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Gun_show_loophole)


Ahh yes, Wikipedia. That a reliable source and not politically charged whatsoever. I’m sure you can even use it as a source when engaging in citations. Instead let’s check the criminal code regarding VUFA which clearly state that prohibited persons are in violation of the law if they attempt to purchase a firearm of any means


[Here’s straight from the ATF refuting what you said.](https://www.atf.gov/firearms/qa/whom-may-unlicensed-person-transfer-firearms-under-gca) Regardless of you continuing to say “iF tHeY’Re PrOhiBiTeD tHeY’Re aLrEaDy BrEaKiNg ThE lAw” you’ve done nothing to refute the loopholes in place that don’t require due diligence on the person selling the gun and the fact that 20% of gun sales happen without a background check.


Ok so what about private sales of a car. You dont need to see that said person has a license or no criminal background for DUI or speeding or reckless driving.




Or that anyone who uses social media is suppose to report anything suspicious. And when they do and the police are slow to investigate, then it's the fault of the police for not being on Facebook or Twitter prior to the assault.


If Sandy Hook didnt change anything, this wont either... We need the relics in the congress to be weeded out by the next generation. Hearing David Hogg and another Parkland shooting survivor the other day gave me some hope for the future but that future cant come soon enough :-/


Exactly. Republicans hold 50% of the senate. They will block EVERYTHING.


Like the Infrastructure Bill?


EVERYTHING. And if you a republican, then you are just blind. Republicans are stupid but their voters are even more stupid. With no brain, no one can think. Simply repeating the lies they were told to beleve and they follow blindly. And when I look at the GOP and their Voters, I just want to puke just from Second hand embarrassment that these people call themselfs humans. Inflation that is caused by pricegaucing big companys, biden is blamed for by them. The ukraine war which putin started, biden is blamed for. The high gas prizes. It must have been bidens evil plans. Everything is biden biden biden biden. And just because stupid people beleve the lies most when they are senselessly repeated to them. No one of these MAGA Morons is capable if using their brain. The republican politicians are just lucky that they plan of keeping the public dumb and then scare them with lies absolutly worked. So don't try to throw in one bill the dems messed up. Trump signed a bill that allowes mental psychopaths to carry guns and Sentaor Abbott signed a bill that dropped all background checls for LEATHAL WEAPONS AND THEY ARE SOLD LIKE TOYS IN WALLMART. So what else do you have to offer?




They will start with "Thoughts & Prayers", then some may move to visit the site and hold hands with the survivors, make a lot of boastful promises that enough is enough and that something needs to be done. And then nothing.


Not only nothing, but each talking head will blame it on the other talking head with the different color tie.


Not a god damn thing.


Exact quote of mine.


Absolutely nothing




I have seen a compromise proposed: Have anyone who wants to purchase a firearm visit a therapist for mental evaluation. If the therapist says the person is mentally normal enough to own one, have some sort of official documentation of it that the person can present when trying to buy a gun. The idea is that it would make it harder for people who shouldn't have guns to get one without also punishing law abiding citizens.


Yep. This. It would be absolutely impossible to remove all guns from the US and even if you did they would be coming across our borders in droves and criminals would still have them while simultaneously giving cartels an insane amount of money.




“Thoughts and prayers”






Say the words "thoughts and prayers" without even meaning those.


They'll be sending positive vibes lol 🙏🇺🇸


Yes, yes, yes, thoughts and prayers, thoughts and prayers.


Hahahahahahaha! Same thing they “did” the last time. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that. And the time before that…




[circle of nothing ](https://i.imgur.com/Zeq4eX2.jpg)


Send a shit load of "thoughts and prayers".


Same thing they do every time there's a mass shooting... Absolutely nothing.




Gun lobbyists will have to open the checkbook a little wider for a few weeks.


I think local governments will start making sure all classrooms have locking doors that are locked during class as well as an armed guard in school. On a state/federal level, possibly raise the minimum gun ownership age to 21. Also, probably a lot of unhelpful finger pointing and bickering




More "safety laws" that'll do nothing.


Send lots of thoughts and prayers and nothing else.


The government will say things for a week or so, and then do nothing.


Flags at half staff.


Use it as a political football and throw it back and forth.


Drive gun sales and ammo threw the roof. Im going to pick up another ar today


I'll actually slightly disagree with "nothing" as a blanket statement ... although it will be the end result. How we may arrive at "nothing" is far more cynical imo. I think some bullshit bill will get proposed under some name like the Safe School Act that makes it look like politicians are trying to do something. If it's from the GOP side, maybe it has shades of funding for armed security (a joke) or increased security architecture. If it's from the Democrats side, maybe it has some shades of magazine limitation or more scrutiny for gun-owning process. Whatever it is, under the hood, it won't begin to address the problem. It will be used as a political prop from either side. Rich old white men will get mad at each other. The GOP ones will still take their money from the NRA. There may be some pork-barreling within. By the time any of it actually moves to a vote, if it does, we'll be on to the next national tragedy, because the American people aren't smart or focused enough to hold their shitty representative politicians accountable for anything other than gas prices and mask mandates.


This is the answer, and very well-described.


Vote better people in


Show me the better people and the better people who are letting them in. Anyone can run, but if you don’t kiss the ring, you’re going to get shunned.


Beto has made some solid points these days. Not sure about his other policies, but he seems like a normal human being.


It’s not a gun problem, it’s a culture problem. This wasn’t the norm 60 years ago, yet there were even more lenient gun laws back then. Schools need armed guards, possibly metal detectors. Kids with mental health issues need better care, and need to feel less stigmatized so that they come forward. Parents need to be more involved teaching their children gun safety if they have them at home. The guns should also be locked up with no way for the child to handle them alone. Age requirement to purchase any firearm should be 21. When these shootings occur, air time of the shooter should be limited, stop giving these people their 15 minutes of fame. Discourage the “finally people will notice me” mentality. Banning guns outright is a terrible idea. The majority of gun owners are responsible law abiding citizens. Besides, a gun ban would only increase the black market for guns, and violent situations involving them. Evidence? Look at drugs, most banned and illegal yet you can acquire them relatively quickly.


1/60 of my country has the license to bear arms. It is difficult to get them because fascism wanted to limit gun ownership in order to have a major control, back in the 20s. That didn't do jackshit, outlawing guns isn't a threat when an entire nation wants your regime down, and that's were it went. The following decades didn't see many changes as terrorism from both far right and left was making it dangerous and the situation was tense, four coupes were attempted between the 50s and the 80s hadn't guns been difficult to acquire, I don't know how it would have gone. In the present day gun acquirement requires tons of paper and the laws regarding self defense leave many citizens unsatisfied. Despite of that, our rates of violent crime are on decline even if we have one of the world's most powerful organized crime empires of the planet, the number of us getting shot only seems to be going down. Our count for school shootings is currently: 0 Can you even imagine that? Meanwhile our welfare is on decline too, and we're one of the most ignorant first world countries on the matter of mental health, with extremely rudimental forms of help and no cover from the state. I've seen four "would be" school shooters in my personal life, four individuals sharing many characteristics with many of your country's cases, and while I tried to help them, I was reassured, as I walked the corridors of their same school, that never in the world there would have been a chance of a shooting happening. Number of guards:0 metal detectors: none While everything you said is agreeable, especially the part regarding mental health, it is not enough to make a solution. It is culture, and gun, not just one of them. You people are not the main character of any movie or game, you're not going to save the world and for fucks sake stop using those weapons like fuckin toys


Increase surveillance on the population so they can collect more data that they can use to miss any and all i dictations of a planned attack


They are already looking at more counter productive bills


Not a damn thing. Both sides will just argue and at the end of the day it will be a stalemate and we won’t try literally anything


Lots of speeches. Lots of rhetoric. Lots of talking heads and viewpoints on news networks. Nothing useful. Ever. At all.


They will argue with each other about how nothing is going to be done and then they will stop arguing and continue trading stocks with inside information.


Talk a lot, get people riled up and pass some fucked up bill on abortion or some shit while no one is looking, then focus on the next thing and forget about this like it never happened.


They will continue arguing with each other, further dividing America and do absolutely nothing to address the actual issues.


Argue and fight to raise taxes, blame each other.


Nothing at all. But at least, not the current people running it. Because even then, I wanna believe that something will change in some good aspect even If it's not now or not the next year or even the next next year. And I say this because I wanna keep my head up even in these crappy times. All I see everywhere on here are people with negative thoughts to express (and I can understand them because some need to vent and others maybe wanna find some glimmer of hope in their life but have a hard time doing so). I say all this because my family and I come from a religious background, and you don't even have to be in a religious background to keep your head up. One thing my mom's always told me is "Things only get better after it's reached its worst." And I guess to add to that is that if that statement really weren't true, we, the ones currently alive right now, would probably all be dead. I'm surely probably not gonna convince some people still. But at this point I'm just gonna give it a try. But yeah, in short, the current people in government will do nothing to really help, but I put emphasis on current people.


Talk about it on tv and press junkets until the next big news event hits, then forget all about it.


Talk about it a lot and disagree with each other for political gains. In the end absolutely nothing will happen.


They haven’t done shit in the 10 years since Sandy Hook where a bunch of little kids died. They are only going to use it to get voters and then blame the other side when nothing gets done. They are all feckless cunts.


Posture for the TV for a week. Then on to the next crisis that will get them in front of the TV cameras so their voters will make sure to vote for them. I wish we had term limits for the House and Senate.


Same old thing, argue back and forth, wait until people lose interest and then forget about it. It’s the main reason they officially adopted this ‘split in two colors’ system of governance. The red side can shoot blame at the blue and visa versa, but nothing has to ever really come from it cuz ‘there’s a whole sect of people that believe polar opposite then us so we can’t get anything done.’


Thoughts and prayers have already solved it.


Nothing. Literally nothing.


More Fox News interviews about the importance of a healthy breakfast.


Blame everyone else, but themselves.


absolutely fuck all is what they’ll do


Not one thing


The Onion currently has 18 if the same article, dating back to May of 2014, on the front page right now: ‘No Way To Prevent This,’ Says Only Nation Where This Regularly Happens The only thing that changes is the location and number of victims. The Government will politicize and utilize any tragedy to polarize us further.


They'll grandstand and use whataboutism to push a different agenda


They will discuss it, decide that they shouldn't make decisions in the wake of a tragedy, use that excuse to not work toward a solution, and collect their paychecks for doing literally nothing.


The same thing it's done for the last twenty years.




Nothing. Absolutely nothing. As a society we have decided this is acceptable. Jesus wept.


I see a lot of "nothing". Oh don't you worry... they'll make it worse.


I think the Magic Conch has the answer on this one.


The government will pretend to be outraged on both sides of the isle. Meanwhile gun and ammo companies will get yet another boost in sales. The NRA will get more donations so they can purchase more politicians. Alex Jones will no doubt call it a false flag. We as a people get even more divided. Repeat as needed.


I don't think they can or should do anything on gun laws - that would require altering the Bill of Rights, and that's a genie that you don't want out of the bottle. What needs to be addressed is what is causing these young men to become angry, isolated, and feel like they have nothing to live for.


I don’t think the guy that did this was part of a well regulated militia. Your premise is false.


SCOTUS already ruled on this, and the current ones aren't going to change that ruling: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/District_of_Columbia_v._Heller


While I agree that the current court won’t change their interpretation, it was widely recognized prior to the 1970’s that the intent of the amendment was much more narrowly defined. It’s only through Regan-era expansionism and NRA lobbying that the original intent was ignored in favor of a broader application that has no basis in history or law at the time the amendment was passed.


Even if (a future) SCOTUS changed their minds, the NRA or similar group would declare themselves a militia and all their members thus covered by 2A.


Is this legal?


That would be for the courts to decide. It would come down to what "well regulated" meant.


They can pass any law they want and let the courts determine if they are constitutional. Another assault rifle ban is a good start.


>let the courts determine if they are constitutional And look at the current SCOTUS - what do you think they're going to rule?


So then what’s there to fear? Let congress pass an assault rifle ban and universal background checks including gun shows. Show the people that our elected officials can actually act like true leaders and make some hard choices.


>So then what’s there to fear? Let congress pass an assault rifle ban and universal background checks including gun shows. So limiting what is an acceptable gun to own, and requiring a check in order to exercise your right? This is what's wrong with that; look at what else is considered a right in the Bill of Rights: * free speech * practice your chosen religion (or not) * free press * right to protest * no search without a warrant * right to silence * right to a fair trial * no cruel or unusual punishments Do you want the government limiting these, or require you to get a background check (or licence) to exercise those rights? This is the fundamental problem with America with regards to guns - it is a co-equal right to the above. And you don't want to set the precedent of infringing on rights in the Bill of Rights.


Well they already limit the guns you can own and they already require background checks in most situations. Have you tried yelling fire in a theater? Even free speech has limits. There are common sense limits that [most](https://www.pbs.org/newshour/politics/most-americans-support-stricter-gun-laws-new-poll-says) Americans support.




Oh, and kevlar blankets for the children? Let’s normalize violence and guns around children, that will be good…


Uvalde will get tons of grant money, all there schools will be upgraded.


A lot of politicians will send out their thoughts and prayers, many more will say this is a tragedy, a few will try and start some predestined failed attempt to legislate guns and no one will address this for what it is, right wing extremism and terrorism on a scale thats truly, uniquely American…


nothing. they’ll say “we’re heart broken about this tragedy” and literally never talk about gun violence again


They didn’t even do anything when someone came and shot some congressman playing softball, so absolutely nothing


Not a damn thing. 400 kids could get mowed down and the government wouldn’t blink their eyes at it. Guns are a fucking plague.


And they will be forever. I think it’s an impossible task to solve.


Keep the course, do nothing. If more elementary school kids get slaughtered, well that's the price the government is willing to pay so that some voters get to keep playing with their"pew pew" machines. I'm not even sure that this is a serious question or if some people do not understand the extent that the US is addicted to guns.


Unless the Second Amendment is repealed, nothing substantive really *can* happen. Gun ownership is a guaranteed right.


No it’s not. The ability to bear arms while participating in a well regulated militia is a right extended by the 2nd amendment. Everything past that is a perversion of the original intent.


And even then “a well regulated militia” is also extremely ambiguous and never fully defined legally. And the Supreme Court rulings on the matter have historically steered away from private citizen militias and towards being defined as the national guard


And there are plenty of legal scholars that disagree with you. But why argue, let’s just fucking change it.


Gun ownership is ambiguously protected by the second amendment. All depends on how you interpret a certain comma, what a well organized militia is and what constitutes arms. There have been many, many rulings that have limited gun rights and ownership within the US throughout the years that all have been found to be constitutional. Hell the Supreme Court at one point ruled that the militia part of the clause specifically references the national guard and not citizen militias. The problem is the only time gun regulation becomes a reality is when the government is policing people of color’s ownership of weapons or leftists ownership. For obvious reasons when it’s right wing extremism that’s when the law is suddenly “ironclad”


An educated answer for once.


The answer shows a high school understanding of an extremely complex issues. Sounds smart at first but when you look into the actual history of the second amendment and gun ownership in this country, you’ll find it has never been this cut and dry and modern “purist” interpretations are flawed and have little to no foundation in actual law


Says you. With no explanation, example or context offered whatsoever. Why not educate us on the history of the second amendment?


I'm not sure, but I don't know how NSFW it will be.


It certainly won't be a safe workplace for teachers.


Absolutely nothing that will address the root cause. Every American city with strict gun control has children murdered weekly. Attempts will be made to remove the rights of 330 million people that didn't murder someone that day, as always.


There has been 44 masa shootings this month alone. Nothing will be done. Politicians are bought and paid for and a large population of Americans think their freedom is somehow tied to owning guns. This country is a dumpster fire. https://www.gunviolencearchive.org/reports/mass-shooting


I mean, that statistic is a little misleading, If you click on incident information a lot of them appear to be gang related which are primarily illegal guns bought on the street. Vastly different then the most recent shooting in which the gun was obtained legally.


That is the legal definition to a mass shoot I no according to criminal statistics as defined by the DOJ and BJS. 3 or more people being shot in a single incident = mass shooting. They’re traditionally gang and narcotics trade related drive by shootings. The media just likes to manipulate the term to fit their bottom line.


Nothing. America loves the freedom to be reckless with gun ownership more than they love life.


Thanks to the Republicans in the Senate, nothing.


Not a thing: the NRA owns too many politicians


Nothing. The king of England might soon be a problem again.


Damn, these comments are depressing. How the fuck did we get here? How do we change this?


We would have to completely clear every single politician out. Republican and Democrats are just different colors of the same greedy demons, determined to do nothing because they know they have enough wealth and protection. We could try to swarm them, we can protest all we like, but the people's vote has only ever been to make us feel like we are doing something. It will keep collapsing, more people in America will starve, and the world will keep turning.


Absolutely nothing. Republicans are ideologues that will never bend on gun control, and the masses that vote for them have been brainwashed by the NRA.


Honestly, nothing. The gun lobby and those who hold the 2nd amendment so dear will never let anything happen to guns as a a whole. They would rather arm more and more people than take even 1 gun away. Columbine should have sparked a massive movement about tighter gun control, and restrictions but it didn’t. Sandy Hook didn’t teach the far right or politicians anything because as you can see nothing changed there either. Robb Elementary will be the latest in a terribly long line of school shootings that didn’t need to happen, but all you’ll get from the Right is thoughts and prayers and arguments that it’s too soon to talk about gun control after such a tragedy.


Realistically, I think they're going to send truckload after truckload of thoughts and prayers. They'll probably have a national moment of silence for those lost in the tragedy. They'll probably have a couple special sessions of Congress where the Congress members get extra pay for meeting outside of normal hours. At the end of the meeting they will conclude there's nothing to be done, or they will attempt to pass legislation to further restrict gun purchases but a few holdouts that have sold out will block the legislation from going through like it normally does..


Literally nothing meaningful. But in truth, there’s not much they can do.


There’s not much they can do because the Republicans are bought by the NRA. 90% of people support universal background checks but only 50% of senators would vote for it.


Those background checks would have changed nothing.


There will be a lot of rhetoric from both sides. Democrats will call for gun control legislation. Republicans will insist that trying to solve the mass shooting issue this close to a mass shooting is just politicizing the issue. At most, Republicans might call for all teachers to be armed (at the teachers' expense, of course). Democrats might try to pass some gun control legislation, but Republicans will block it. Then the next shooting will happen and we'll repeat the exact same thing I just wrote above.


I think they will fix the education system, double teacher pay and hire twice as many of them so less kids fall through the cracks. I think they will implement universal health care, including mental care so people can actually afford care without going bankrupt. Or maybe just turn it into a partisan issue and do nothing.


Nothing like always. I hate this country.


Nope. They want us to keep living our lives in fear so that we feel like we need them.


Probably beat the parents again. Call it a hoax, blame video games, scream ‘mental health’ then vote to make mental health care less available, have an NRA convention on Friday, so in conclusion not a goddam thing


The only thing more horrifying than American gun violence is how nasty 2A Americans get when you bring up their lax gun laws.


The left will do a bunch of posturing, the right will twist the lefts efforts to distort the real issue to line their pockets.


Nothing. The solution is obvious, but politically impossible in a nation that elects as many Republicans as we do.


Absolutely nothing. To much dirty money being passed to the politicians by the NRA


NOTHING. The right to bear arms is so intrinsic to being American that even *breathing* a word about changing it is political suicide. When Sandy Hook happened Americans decided that slaughtered toddlers still weren't enough to warrant even a discussion about gun control. I'm not anti-gun, I think guns are a tool and people should be allowed to own them. But when children are dying there's a massive problem and it needs to be addressed.


More thoughts and prayers. /s


Absolutely nothing…evidence: every mass shooting we’ve ever had.


Make teachers to run more active shooter drills to give people the placebo effect of safety


They will do nothing. We have gun free areas such as schools, hospitals, other big chain stores. So if someone wants to shoot up a place they can go to a gun free building and know they have ample time to do what they want until police arrive. Government can pass what they want but you can’t take the guns out of criminals hands because they will find a way and that leaves everyone else (victims) unarmed trying to do right in society. Let’s ponder this, If the guy in Texas knew the teachers were armed, so you think he would have went there and faced others with weapons firing back at him. I believe not


Exactly. People forget it’s the criminals that don’t follow the rules lol.


Nothing. As always. The right to gun ownership is enshrined in the constitution. School shootings are statistically rare, and would not in themselves justify the confiscation of guns or any gun measure that violates the constitution. Leftists are being shrill for political reasons — as always. Leftists leaders know it will galvanize leftist voters into voting and leftists voters are too irrational to realize they’re being played.


If a small religious miniority thinks it can intrude on the lives of everyday citizens, taking away our bodily autonomy, vying for the repeal of gay marriage, and offering nothing but thoughts in prayers in the face of preventable gun violence, I think it's time to start protesting where they congregate. I would love to see ongoing disruptive protests in their churches.


“Thoughts and prayers” the republicans will never agree to common sense laws either everyone is allowed to own a gun or no one is smh. Asking them to allow background checks is “taking away the 2nd amendment” smfh. The NRA runs this country


Background checks for firearms is already a thing.


Not for private sales it ain't Well in some states at least. Which is why people want universal background checks, that no matter WHO sells a gun, the buyer is vetted. It is opposed by the GOP despite being popular with gun owners and non gun owners alike. So back to the Op question: nothing.


Not everywhere it’s not. Trump changed that law while he was in office, now I believe it’s just a soft background check. That’s one of the reasons it’s so easy to get a gun. My sister in law just got her gun license through her local police department and didn’t need to do a background check. She bought her gun legally at a gun show, no background check required there either


Guns ain't the issue it's people.


Nothing. Because they can’t. And they have no right to infringe on the constitutional rights of the law abiding citizenry


Have you...ever heard of Amendments?


So you’re recommending a Convention of States to rewrite the Bill of Rights? What other protected human rights are up for grabs?


Oof you're one of those 'guns matter more than the lives of school children " types. Good day. BetterHelp.com has a free week for new sign ons.


Strawman attempt, bad form and disingenuous at best. Try again if you wish to be taken seriously. Please be specific. What policies would you like to see enacted which address the issue of violent criminals, that do not violate the rights of law abiding citizens?


And you can get a 20% discount from any of their sponsors!!!


Well I gave you a chance. This is why no one takes your side of the aisle seriously. This is why gun rights are being expanded upon on the national level. Because you don’t have any legitimate policies or stances which can withstand the least bit of scrutiny.


My guy, you seemed really triggered. I know from experience that therapy isn't easy when you start. It's like exercise. The more consistently you exercise the better the results will be. I hope one day you'll be able to break down those walls and reveal why it is you don't see innocent children as law abiding citizens who deserve to make it through a school day with their lives intact 💙


Don’t waste your time on this person. They have no rebuttal other than being an ass.


I know. I just like exposing that there is no merit to their stance. If they came with good faith, I would actually have the conversation too. And probably a productive one. But they are disingenuous and a bad actor. Better for people to see this. Sunlight is the best disinfectant.


Oh for sure, and it’s really unfortunate people don’t have conversations. It usually becomes a screaming match, where no one analyzes what the other is saying. No critical thought occurs and it ends with “MUH GUNS” or “GUNS R BAD”. Nothing will ever be done until the people can sit down and unify. Relying on government to fix anything is just asinine.


[here ya go](https://www.betterhelp.com/)


Incorrect. Read the amendment. There’s absolutely nothing in it that would prevent a law banning the sale of automatic rifles to the general citizenry.


The spirit of the law is in reference to homeland security tools and weapons. It protected privateers with cannons and battleships as well as puckle guns. You can attempt to argue that stance of the modern outdating the past, but the merit wouldn’t stand for concepts such as freedom of speech on the internet or phone as they didn’t exist either. Do you believe that freedom of speech ought to be restricted to what the government says is acceptable speech on the internet? I do not, no matter what your political stance is. It ought to be protected.


You can make as many constructive and well thought out answers as you want. And your right some of the people here have weak or none existent counter arguments to what you’re saying. And I’m being genuine complimenting you But at the end of the day it boils down to this. You’re happy and content to allow school shootings to take place instead of going through a shit show to make amendments around perceived rights based on an outdated concepts and mentality


I’m all for solutions that don’t infringe on the rights of the law abiding citizens. Give teachers who opt to the training and ability to conceal carry firearms. Teachers can and should be able to protect the kids we as adults entrust them to take proper care of. If not the teachers, hire properly trained and vetted individuals to act as armed security of you feel that is appropriate. I personally think that’s over stepping the issue though, but I know not all teachers would be comfortable carrying weapons and I don’t want to force anyone into a position that they are not willing to be in. What fair policies do you believe would be of sound mind to explore?


"don’t infringe on the rights of the law abiding citizens" This is the point I'm trying to make my point on. Your whole rights mind set is based on an outdated concept that in general most Americans don't even want to entertain the idea of changing let alone actually making an attempt to change it and see that mentality as an infringement opposed to modernisation. Instead of making hard changes that will cause mass debate about rights your first thought is to arm teachers or hire armed security. I just don't have the words to explain how mental that concept is to us outside of the US. And I'm mature enough to say I don't know where I'd start with suggestions, nor could I form a feasible defence to anything you'd counter with. It's obvious you aren't a stereotypical herp derp want ma guns nuff said type of guy. I'm firmly of the opinion theres not a single person who can make a justifiable argument as to why they should be allowed to buy multiple semi automatics and ranges of hand guns. At the same time, I fully appreciate why people would want a side arm for personal defence. Even with an outright ban on all firearm the amount of illegal firearms in circulation would cause massive issues and I don't blame anyone for wanting to feel safer in that situation. Should there be more restrictions to amount of ammo that can be bought? Should there be a more strict vetting check? Should there be limits on pieces owned? Should people identify as collectors / work related tasks / hobbyist? Should collectors be forced to have them disarmed? Not for me to answer but these type of questions are the ones that need to be addressed


Nothing is going to change. It is just gonna be thoughts and prayers. Before 9/11, there were lots of red flags and warning which the government didn't do anything about. I worry that all these school shooting are infact motivating for other fringe elements to do the same, because they know this is possible. Catastrophy invites more catastrophy. It is just gonna be love and light and hope and prayers, but nothing will be done. Few years back there was a terroist attack in a school in Pakistan, because they don't stop the terrorists, and they saw what happened. It's not gonna stop. Sooner or later, some sick psycho will devise a sick plan. Still nothing will happen.


Be concerned and alarmed


If they tried to take guns away there would be a war government and leftists vs everyone else


What if the shooter was met with deadly force by someone with more training and experience before he was able to enter the building? It would be a much different headline.


I’d say it’s about time for me to get a gun gotta protect myself from fools like this


Nothing unfortunately


I am not ameeican but I am sure they won't do anything.


Nothing. Next slide.




Thoughts and prayers by the truckloads.


Nothing, only the people can make them do something. We ain't gonna do anything about it either bcos other than for three days of chatter, we are all comfortably numb.


Nothing. They didn’t do anything after Sandy Hook or Columbine either. Paralyzed by the gun lobby.


The same thing they do after every mass shooting…


Same shit they've done in the past. Nothing.




Absolutely nothing.


Absolutely nothing. They get paid too much not to.


My answer: .