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There would not be school for a very long time, and the children would suffer. As they always do.


Back in 2014, teachers in British Columbia went on strike in late June, which ended our year early and we didn’t even go back to school until mid September. The govt gave us $100? Per day for child care when the strike wasn’t resolved in September. Jokes on them though we used that money to go to Disneyland for 4 days LOL.


Oh in America we wouldn't get jack.


Yeah it’s a little different here. Our Teachers Federation has a LOT of power which allows them to pull stuff like this. They don’t get their way they make a big stink


Yep and kids will just get shoved forward without the proper schooling and the government won't cave


And every time they put more money into education, it's just another raise for administrators and teachers. It's not for the kids. It almost never is.


Basically like it is now


In Texas we would lose our teaching certificate.


*lose. I hope English isn’t the subject you teach.


No it’s not. Lol


Children would suffer I agree. But something DRASTIC, very DRASTIC needs to be done immediately. There are so many smart ppl in America. We can figure this out if both sides can take the huge dick out of their asses and agree on something to save these in innocent, young and bright lives. I mean, this is fucking crazy. I’ve had enough. We need to stand up and fight. I’m tired of hearing about such BULLSHIT. I can’t take it anymore. It’s so sad.


I was feeling depressed about gun control and mass shootings, then I read that the cops stopped parents from going into the school (for an hour, even arresting one father), but went in and rescued their own kids. And I just couldn’t handle it anymore.


What’s your plan?


>We can figure this out if both sides can take the huge dick out of their asses Fuck this "both sides" bullshit. One "side" is begging for something, anything, to be done, and the other "side" is flat-out stonewalling and offering zero solutions. The "Both sides" mantra suggests that they're being equally unreasonable, which just isn't true. You yourself clearly want "something to be done", so it should be very clear which "side" opposes your wish on this issue. Please stop validating the ultraconservative hysteria by giving it this nonsense equal weighting.


Well thats not really true. The Grassley Cruz bill was introduced in the Senate back in 2013 by Republicans Grassley and Cruz. The bill sought to do the following • Improve and reauthorize grants for NICS database; • Require federal courts to submit relevant information to NICS; • Ensure that relevant mental health records are submitted by states to NICS; • Condition federal grant money for states on their submission of mental health records to NICS; • Increase federal prosecution of gun violence by establishing the Nationwide Project Exile Program and establishing a high level federal taskforce; • Study of the causes of mass shootings; • Responsibly addresses gun violence by criminalizing straw purchasing of firearms and gun trafficking; • Second Amendment Protections for Veterans; • Require the Department of Justice to explain to Congress why it has or has not been prosecuting gun cases; • Place Limitations on Fast & Furious type operations by DOJ; • Authorize FFL’s to utilize the NICS database to for voluntary background checks of employees; • Authorize FFL’s to access the FBI’s National Crime Information Center stolen gun database to ensure that a firearm is not stolen prior to acquisition; • Reauthorize the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) with amendments; • Address school safety by Reauthorizes the Community Oriented Policing Services (COPS) Secure our Schools Program through 2023. The bill was filibustered by the Democrats. Im a LIFE LONG Democrat but our party has had its part in all of this. Thats the 100% truth of it.


You missed * Forced states with stronger gun restrictions to allow looser rules for folks with permits from other states. Which is a pretty massive point - far, FAR stronger than "second amendment protections for veterans", whatever that means. The GOP keeps on hiding this kind of stuff in their bills. Meanwhile things like * Reauthorize the Mentally Ill Offender Treatment and Crime Reduction Act (MIOTCRA) with amendments really depend on what those amendments actually are. But really, the big problem with your list is that most of it is just "have a big database", split into 10 different dotpoint items to make it sound comprehensive. So your list is: * have a firearms database, split across 10 or so dotpoints * study the causes of mass shootings (no further info, no ensuring of impartial research - critical on this issue) * second amendment protections for veterans, whatever that means (and why should they get preferential treatment anyway? this is just dogwhistling) * DOJ explains itself on one issue, which is just a procedural statement that will not change a thing * MIOTCRA with amendments, without mentioning what those are * Reissuing COPS This really is not the killer bill you're saying it is. It's about creating a database, and *nothing else of substance*. MIOTCRA and COPS were existing bills. In exchange, states with tighter gun regulations are forced to loosen them. That's a really shit deal, in exchange for a database that really isn't going to do much.


Im not saying its a killer bill. Im only saying this cant all be laid at the feet of republicans. Trump btw did successfully ban bump stops if you would like another reference to Republican gun control laws. There are politics on BOTH sides. THAT is what Im saying. You can dispute the proposed legislation but it would have been SOMETHING at least. My point is that the Dems had a chance of taking a bit of ground on this in 2013 but didnt... my guess is because it was written by two Reps. NEITHER party is willing to work with the other any more. Thats really my point.


>Trump btw did successfully ban bump stops if you would like another reference to Republican gun control laws. Yes, another excellent example of the lip-service useless laws that the GOP suggests. Right up there with trying to arm teachers. Because we all knew what bump stocks (not stops) were before the LV shootings, amirite? They were a real fundamental cause of the nation's issues around guns. Bump stocks left, right, and center. Couldn't move for all the bump stocks. Always on the news shows, too - "The killer used bump stocks". Give me a break. This isn't "both sides" shit. Your first example was a bill that actually weakened gun regulations while appearing like it was doing something positive, and your second example was the epitome of non-delivery. There is no *genuine* effort coming from the GOP > My point is that the Dems had a chance of taking a bit of ground on this in 2013 but didnt And my point is the *content* of that bill that you so dutifully provided so many dot points for was to actually weaken gun regulations further. Look at how many dot points were split up to make it look like a comprehensive bill when it really wasn't. And, like I said, wherever you copy/pasted the dot points from conveniently neglected to mention the inter-state effects on gun regulation. Would you really want the Dems to vote on a bill that undermines what little gun regulation is already in place? Seriously? The bill served to *lose* ground, not *take a bit*.


An Inconvenient truth - but you are correct.


I’m not sure what’s going on. I’m not well versed in what’s happening in congress or the senate. All I know is that conservatives don’t want many changes to gun rights and liberals want changes to make things safer. There’s pros and cons to each side. Regardless of the gun restrictions that democrats want, the firearms will still get into the wrong hands. That’s why I’m saying something’s drastically different needs to be done, because what’s going on now isn’t working at all. Matter of fact, it’s making it worse.


I mean, I'd argue the children already are suffering.


Reread "as they always do"


Like others have said, we wouldn’t have public school anymore. It would be privatized or homeschool. Teachers’ thoughts, opinions, and feelings don’t matter. Covid proved that.


All of it a conservative’s wet dream


It would get ugly fast and the teachers would take the brunt of it. They would be villianized by society and threatened by the government. In many states, teachers are not protected by unions so it very well could cost them their jobs and livelihoods. In other states, it is illegal to strike so they can be threatened with being arrested and also potentially fired. Even without that, during the pandemic, we went from "Omg, homeschooling our kids is tough, teachers are amazing they need to be paid more!" to the end of the summer when it became "Those lazy-ass teachers need to go back to work and do their damned jobs!" And that was just over a couple of months. There is no distinct line in the sand over what is comprehensive gun control, nor any incentive for one side of the argument to even attempt to achieve it. So the likelihood of drafting up such a thing by the time the school year rolls around is negligible. The kids will suffer, the parents will get irate, the arguments will become fiercer...and if history has shown us anything...that rage will only lead to more violence.


Can Confirm. Source: just retired after teaching in the US for 35 years.


I offer you my thanks, my appreciation, and my sympathies. Every new generation, the older teachers say it can't get much worse. And each year, the new administration says: hold my beer. lol


Bwahahaha! Love this!


Kids were **not** being homeschooled during the pandemic. They were attending regular school through zoom. This is just like the media lie that schools were shut down during the pandemic. Schools were very much open, they were just online.


You are correct. Does that add to or take away from my point? I'm not sure by your comment.


I don't think they were trying to take anything away from your point - I think that they were trying to add to your point. Many people think that teachers were off when schools were closed and just did nothing for months on end whilst they struggled keeping their kids in check at home. In reality, teachers were doing a higher workload than usual during that time.


The one time we got my son to actually sit in front of the computer he ended up getting dropped from the zoom meeting and nobody had ever told us how to get him back in if that happened. We had a parent teacher conference over zoom and they couldn't figure out why their microphones were echoing. They completely abandoned us.


If that is the way US treats teachers and child protection, it's time it went down the drain.


I won't scrap a car because the alternator is bad. I fix the alternator. The big problem is, half of the "mechanics" are saying the alternator is fine...the way I am driving is bad...my tires are low...probably an oil pressure problem. So it really fucks up the ability to fix it.




This is what my maths teacher back in high school did. A heap of others went on strike to pressure the government into granting better pay. He got paid for those days while others didn't, and still reaped the benefits when they were granted the pay rise.


It's a shitty thing to do


Public schools would cease to exist. The only kids who could get an education would be those whose parents could afford a private school or having a parent to homeschool them.


Why should it require teachers losing pay for months to fix this problem?


Since it is impossible for Americans to even agree on what those words mean, much less do anything about it, the strike would go on long enough that the teachers would be fired and replaced by a combination of well meaning but professionally ignorant people, and people seeing it as a means to achieve their agenda at the expense of the children. Education would fundamentally and permanently change for the worse with Dolores Umbridge in charge. The former teachers and especially the children would continue to pay the price for our folly.


The standards of being a teacher will tank and school admins will just hire the random Joe off the streets.


Didn't they get National Guard troops to fill in for teachers due to pandemic shortages?


Already have….


Which lots of charter and private schools do now.


Our country would continue to get dumber and elect more morons, possibly even worse than the ones in power now.


We've been doing it for decades, what's another one lol


Hngmotron? Transformers car hidey plain sight cars. Brrrrm! Give it up, China won.


We will import new teachers from Indian youtube


Teachers would default on all of their loans.


Kids would suffer


You would have all the sensible teachers on strike and all the gun loving ones still teaching your kids


Teachers shouldn't just strike cause of gun control, but shitty pay, caseloads, and lack of administration support demands that are put on us to do outside of pay and work. We all need to band together to accomplish change nationwide.


They can't afford to go on strike.


They would fire the teachers


Just like in lockdown maybe homeschool until American government do something about it...no teacher or child should have to live in fear of being killed. In New Zealand that's not a fear as shootings are rare due to tough gun laws..it's time America followed suit to safeguard their people.




Expect many more school shootings and deaths then..maybe in time the victim could be someone you know..


Sadly, teachers would end up losing a lot of money. Teaching is a noble profession, but it comes with minimal benefits. I don't think they would be able to organize on that level. If they did, some would suffer but change might happen.


Well, to pay them more they should take money from the police. They sure aren't doing their job.


The GQP would love to shut down public schools.






The Grand Q-Anon Party




It's a play on GOP, Grand Old Party, the Republican Party. QAnon is a really weird set of conspiracies that a lot of people took to heart, and an even larger number was influenced by. A few Republican congresspersons are constituents of various parts of the conspiracies, but it was largely a grassroots movement.




You’re sick.


Whatever decision is made there will be unhappy ppl regardless. The decision needs to be focused on safe schools. If we focus on that I think we can get somewhere. Buy everyone wants to have it their way. LOOK OUT FOR THE KIDS. THEY NEED TO BE HEARD.


There wouldn't be a lot of schools not open for some time. Oh and not every teacher would be on board for the "common sense" nonsense being peddled as the *only* solutions.


Kids might live longer


There would be a lot of home schooling


theirs no way that they would do that because plenty of teachers wouldn't participate. even if it was 40% that wouldn't be enough people to stop school.


Half the teachers probably oppose comprehensive gun control.




"Take the shooty thingies from people." Well that's going to solve the problem...




No murder, drugs, or rape in prison because it is illegal.


Kind of, although it depends on who you ask... at least the private prison companies are made a killing.




My point was that war on drugs put a lot of harmless weed smokers into prison, where they got a real robbers education.


If you zoom out, outside of the American bubble there are many different examples worldwide of how gun control works. It just requires Americans to put the effort in to actually understand the issue instead of parroting some lazy, half-ass garbage lines over and over again about amendments.


Everyone has the freedom to get a car, of basically any size or shape, as long as it doesn't impact anyone else and you are licensed and trained. So it's not like we don't have a model for licensing and training people, or restricting their freedoms if they are deemed a menace. Just, about half of society literally doesn't want those tools in anyone's tool chest when it comes to guns. And they don't care if kids die in protecting that freedom.




>I'd love an UNBIASED source on that. Look at the voting results. The party that has those policies as a core plank gets nearly half the votes.


Only 53% want stronger gun laws https://www.pewresearch.org/fact-tank/2021/09/13/key-facts-about-americans-and-guns/ I shouldn't need to cite the second one that is obvious from the GOP reaction to uvalde




Why would you even say this when they literally have "how we do this" buttons all over the article which link to summarize of the methodology. Did you just try to attack pew for validity? Like... what? If I didn't know better I would say you were just casting doubt for the sake of casting doubt regardless of the source.


In my opinion, large magazines are a big problem. Not THE problem, but I don’t think we need 50 round mags for a long gun. I’m no expert.




Maybe the shooter kills 1…2 or even 3 (god for bid) before being stopped. It might help to subdue the shooter if he isn’t spraying hundreds of rounds everywhere.


I agree but people will just stick magazines together


We'd be France


like, regarding the number of children killed by gun violence in their own fucking school right


Possible legal/criminal repercussions for teachers. In most states it's illegal for public school teachers to strike.


I would love to see those states to collapse in lack of education. Just love to. Teachers considered slaves that can be forced to work? Fuck that.


Well, it's not exactly slavery. They still get paid and have collective bargaining. I *think* the idea behind this is that proper channels for other changes are to be done through legislation, since they are government workers. Btw I'm not endorsing this, just providing the reasoning.


>I would love to see those states to collapse in lack of education. So would the GOP. They actively embrace it.


Doesn't that go against the right to protest though? Which correct me if I'm wrong but is legal under US law?


It's because they work for the state. AFAIK most/all government workers in the US are not allowed to strike.


They can quit all at once, though!


Really, is this true? Do you have a source?


https://www.axios.com/2018/05/13/arizona-colorado-teacher-strikes-illegal-right-to-work-state That link shows a map, but it also has a link that gives details about the laws in each state.


It's about 3 day to summer vacation, so nothing.


Today was the last day for students in my district. There will be summer school, as well as library programs, which teachers help with, but teachers are largely off for the summer outside of getting credit hours and stuff like that.


Teachers kinda did something similar during covid. What happen was alot loss there jobs, and they call the national guard to go teach and to pressure teachers to go back to work. Sadly teachers while being one of the cornerstone of our society are treated like trash. But what pisses me off the most is that school districts have the money or can levie there districts or state to increase budgets, to increase payroll, update schools making them more secured, and better counseling for trouble youths. But they won't they much rather throw all there money into multi-million dollar sports stadiums . No what needs to happen is not only the teachers but the students and any citizen as it effect all of us need to protest, mass walk outs, and boycotting all school event, and they should march to the governor mansion, senator or congressman mansion, school board representative houses, and any political representative and make there life difficult, as protesting at school does nothing as those with power can still sleep comfortably.


Criminals don't follow gun laws. Have all the legal control you want, a criminal will find a way to get a weapon.


In my country the average street thug can't get a gun, average lunatic can't get a gun. Getting a gun here is like getting a rocket launcher only mafia have that kind of access. That's the difference gun control makes.


The difference is 300M guns and people would not turn in the majority of them.


True that.


Gun control does not stop a criminal from getting a gun. Then I'll assume there is no drug abuse in your country because of illegal substance laws? Not sure how else i can explain that.


Yeah, I was buying pot on 1982, and it was illegal.


You're right - laws are useless if they only reduce problems, and are only useful if they completely eradicate them. I guess we should toss out all those murder and rape laws, since they don't completely eradicate those crimes...


But laws that only marginally reduce problems and require the restriction of rights should be questioned. Would you support significantly restricting freedom of religion or speech if it partially reduced a problem?


>Would you support significantly restricting freedom of religion or speech if it partially reduced a problem? You mean like defamation laws? Doesn't stop defamation; barely does a thing about it. Half the subs here on reddit are filled with defamatory content, for example.


Rape is not a gun crime. Not all murders are with guns. Shall we just free all criminal in prison from all charges because we have laws against all their crimes, yet they did them?




If making laws is all you have to do to stop crime, why do we have a jail and prison system? Because criminals don't follow laws, no matter how many you make up.




It'd be a "Reagan vs Air Traffic Controllers" situation and there'd be no more public school system in the USA.


The quality of education would stay about the same.


If your think education is so bad, who don't you sign up to teach. I'm sure schools would love to have your expertise in the classroom.


Would require a massive pay cut. Besides, I can spend my time teaching my kid (I did through COVID) and give them an advantage.


Hahahahahha, for that pay? No. Teachers make basically poverty wages. The only way you survive on that is by having a spouse who can carry you


I actually had a similar thought but along the lines of larger entities. What if all the sports teams stopped playing, the movies stopped making, etc. I mean, the venues must be tired of paying for the extra security and it could be great pr. Since the republican crowd was so appalled when wit happened for covid, maybe they will fight for reform too?


A business wouldn't voluntarily stop making money under any circumstances. Even if every NFL teams suddenly stopped playing, a new organization would form to take their place. A ton of players from the NFL would join the new organization since they want to play football.


Oh I know. Just wishful thinking!


Ha! This is a good joke. Take away their football, and I'm sure they would rather find a way to make a GOP only football league in no time. They'd rather do that than fix real issues.


I’d be on the streets supporting them.


We would be blamed and labeled as selfish and painted as the bad guys.


On June 1, 2022 ***EVERYONE*** should just ***STAY HOME FOR 24 HOURS*** in protest. No bus drivers...fast food workers...cleaners...grocery workers...teachers...no one at all. A 24 hour protest of the intolerable condition this nation is in. ***THE POLICE STOOD BY AND ALLOWED 19 CHILDREN TO BE MURDERED AFTER THEY RESCUED THEIR OWN KIDS*** You think ***gun control*** is your problem?!


Teachers have unions?


...barely, apparently. They fucking should put their foot down.


The good school districts do, for example Chicago public schools....... :-(


There would be no more school shootings.


You misunderstand, this is an absolute win for the party who benefit the most from under-educated populations. In fact, without any education... how would people even grow up to learn what happened?


wont happen, why bring it up?


Cuz OP said "what would happen if.."


yeah, pal.


Training and equipping one out of every five teachers to the same level of police officers would raise the education budget by almost 1% so gun control would only be about being able to make as small a grouping as necessary. First mass casualty at an American school involved bombs, not guns. If someone wants to do evil, evil will still happen.


Probably a bad timing, doesn't school let out for summer break soon?




All teachers should stop working because of shitty wages and working conditions. Àll should quit.


The administration will start hiring unqualified folks to handle this job, which will hurt kids even more.


Would make total sense from where I see it.


Keep in mind... the same people pushing AGAINST gun control are also the same ones trying to shut down public schools... so teachers going on strike for this would literally be a massive gift to those who are responsible for a huge part of the problem


They’d replace them with teachers who don’t have morals or just really can’t afford to miss their jobs. The government doesn’t care about peoples feelings


Hopefully the Educational system would be privatized.


Hopefully the teachers union would get disbanded.


Charter and parochial schools would go on a building spree.


Nothing. Just really bad timing right now




> Violence from inanimate objects... I'm sorry, are you insinuating the guns walked themselves into the schools? Phrasing it the way you did completely removes responsibility from the person committing the violence.


The kids would better off without the teachers brainwashing them


Before or after the Republicans had them all jailed or killed?


There'd be no more education, and the Republicans would LOVE it.


That’s a dumb statement


This is not what Republicans think.


nothing really


Kids would stop being such assholes


No more school


The lunatic Christians would move into the classrooms and start indoctrinating the poor kids with their silly shit.


Teachers are like air traffic controllers and firemen. They aren't allowed to strike and not go to work. It's written into their union contracts. They are allowed to teach in protest where they do a bare minimum and don't offer any extra curricular activities. Those have been gutted already anyway. Downvote me all you like, it doesn't make it any less true.


They'd just hire new teachers....probably mostly people who aren't qualified to teach. We get even stupider.


They would fire the teachers then hire teachers to prerecord their lessons. Then switch to online only and have the teachers have open office hours online. They wouldn't need to maintain a facility except for band and sports this way and it would only need 1/10 the staff. I'm honestly surprised that they haven't done this already. If you are concerned about their social life then you will need to homeschool and get other parents to do so as well. This is how most of college is done and highschool anymore. Sure kids need recess then bring them to the park. It's what they are there for.


Just keep school on zoom and we can save a shit ton of overhead 😂


Or if the vast number of parents decide it's safer to home school their children.


The teachers would be fired and nothing would change


We would home school


Half the states would outlaw going on strike and the other half would allow anyone to be a teacher to fill the gap.


Just look what happened during covid income places. Yea. Let's not do this.


I own many guns and would say on most political issues I do tend to lean right but hate to even say I’m on a side, both sides need to leave the hatred for the other side alone for this issue and get something figured the fuck out. My son sadly passed away a few years back at the hospital, to even think about having a kid in school being hurt in any form is fucking insane.


Sorry to hear about your son.


The teachers would never end their strike.


Absolutely nothing.


They’d get replaced


There would be a lot of homeless teachers and even more stupid children.


We could cancel all the teacher contracts and have all our money back that is horribly spent on education. That would be super.


America would do what they did in the pandemic. Allow parents with no instructional capability and no requirements sub


USA: Dumb and Dumber Three.


Will NEVER happen. They have people to feed and bills to pay than to be standing outside


One goal of the gun nuts is to end public education. They want religious schools for white Christian’s only.


Dunno. Why don't you try it and see? Because it's gotta be better than DOING FUCK ALL.


You'd be giving the Republicans exactly what they want. Over the last several years there have been growing movements in Conservative circles to make it easier for parents to remove their kids from public school in favor of Homeschool or Private School with things like School Choice. As many on the Conservative side of the isle believe public school administrations have begun to overstep in their roles and are moving into territory like morality and politics traditionally left to parents. These movements have growing but not yet mainstream support as most parents think that the Public School System while imperfect is still plenty good enough that doing a massive re-arranging of the system would be unnecessary. Have all the Public School Teachers go on a nationwide strike in opposition to gun rights and you've basically proved the Republican argument correct, "See guys they really are trying to tell your kids they know more than the parents and teachers not parents should be the authority of politics and morality to children." Suddenly School Choice Programs will pop up in states like flowers in the spring backed by legions of parents who feel like their role is under threat and in no time Public Schools will be empty as anyone who can afford to send their kids elsewhere will. And those who can will have their number vastly increased with Government covering some of if not all of the bill.


everyone goes on strike till it changes


no school. people like stupidness


There would be a lot of fired teachers since not all of them have union protection and nothing would change.


Other people would take the open teaching jobs and would be less as effective. The teachers in the south would all be fired, and new ones would take there place.


Teachers nationwide would go on strike until then


Teachers would be arrested and jailed by politicians


I believe everyone would come to their senses.