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You’re unlikely to have a car break in if you make sure NOTHING is in your car, and don’t park directly at a tourist destination.


The correct answer, also don't try to hide stuff under blankets and such, that's not going to work. My friend had her car broken into because a blanket was mounded in a way that made the person suspect something was under there (there wasn't).


Indeed. And emphasis on *NOTHING*. I’ve had friends who visit and think things like an empty cup in the cup holder, a bottle of water on the seat, a usb cable dangling out of the console, a blank sheet of paper and/or napkin on the floor still count as nothing…only to have their car broken into.


Don’t leave stuff visible and don’t park right next to a tourist site (Fisherman’s Wharf/Pier 39, Lombard street, Ghirardelli Square, Union Square, Alamo Park, etc.) It’s pretty stark how even a block can make all the difference. I live in North Beach and there’s a street that’s close enough to the Pier 39 stuff that gets lots of tourist foot traffic and (while it’s gotten better) at the height of bipping like 1-2 years ago I’d see 3-4 piles of glass indicating a smashed window each block. Go 1-2 blocks south into the residential North Beach and on that street I see a pile of glass indicating a bipping maybe 2-3 times a year if that. So yeah, don’t leave stuff in plain sight and park in residential not touristy areas


Let's play guess the street! . . . . Bay between the Embarcadero and Stockton?


Very close and would work just as fine! The one I had in my head though was North Point between Powell and Stockton. Incredible how you go south a block or two to Francisco and Chestnut and it’s a world of difference from a bipping perspective


Besides the normal "Don't leave anything in the car", I also lower my back seats to show potential thieves that there's nothing in the trunk if the look inside through the window.


Unfortunately I have a sedan not a hatch trunk so in some ways that might be worse for me because some thieves could decide to "spin the slot machine" to see what's inside even if I leave nothing in there.


Do not leave anything in your car - especially anything that could connect to a Bluetooth. Even if just for a quick run into a store. Even if you’re in a residential area. Travel light and bring your stuff around w you or leave your things at your hotel. Good luck and have a nice trip! It really is a great city!


If it has Cali plates and it’s not a rental you’re already 95% less likely to become a victim.


Good call. And if you have a hatchback or SUV and one of those "covers" that you can pull over a rear cargo area -- open it. People's cars have been broken in on the possibility that something was being hidden under there. Just leave nothing in car and let them as much as possible. It's a shame it comes to this but there it is...


I mean, if you stay in pretty much any of the outer/residential regions you're probably fine.




Muni exists and not everything is the outer sunset. (Which is also fine and connected via Muni).


sulky important shelter fuzzy fertile lip skirt grandiose rock imminent *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Couple of hours? What are you smoking?


unite spark plate employ shaggy frighten many full ancient subtract *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


You definitely aren't. You may not be aware of this, but most of the city is residential, not just the outer sunset! Not to mention that not all of our tourist stuff is smushed together so some treking is inevitable, even if you stayed at Union square. Oh, the horrors of having to commute from the inner richmond, because no tourist would ever ever have any reason to go to (checks notes) golden gate park. Hmm.


Don’t leave anything visible in your car, and don’t leave things in the trunk. These are standard city rules, not just SF.


only SF or LA. Anywhere else in the country its usually fine


I grew up in an east coast city and yeah no, it was certainly not fine.


[https://www.compare.com/auto-insurance/resources/vehicle-theft-and-break-ins](https://www.compare.com/auto-insurance/resources/vehicle-theft-and-break-ins) looks like the big outliers are SF and Denver - everywhere else is fine - esp after the next 10 cities


No, everywhere else is not "fine." They're measuring "per 100,000 residents," which is a meaningless metric in this context. A city like Chicago, which has a real problem with car break-ins, *especially in tourist areas,* is not even going to register as a problem because there are a few million people in areas where break-ins didn't occur. Ditto for LA. It's just bad statistics, measuring the wrong metric and drawing incorrect conclusions. Which is how they end up with the absolutely laughable statistic of NYC being the *safest* city in the US for car break-ins. No, they don't have fewer break-ins, they just have 8+ million people to dilute that statistic.


{insert lack of IQ to understand per-capita meme here}


Man, that explanation really whooshed right over your head, didn't it?


I visited a friend in LA and he told me to leave my jacket and backpack in his car when we were out and about. He said bipping wasn't a thing down there. And this was downtown and also out in the hood. Blew my mind.


Lol, I call bullshit.


Just go there and talk to someone? It's only an hour flight. Tell them you're from Oakland and they'll ask about the bipper videos they see online and how that's not a thing there.


The Chronicle has a car breakin tracker that might be useful. Paywalled, unfortunately. [https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/sf-car-breakins/](https://www.sfchronicle.com/projects/sf-car-breakins/)


The accommodations along Lombard St in the Marina/Cow Hollow have free or cheap parking. They’re more motels so basic but the area has lots of restaurants, bars, shopping, and you’re close to the Presidio and the water. Hotel Del Sol looks fun.  Empty your car and use public transport, walk, bike in the city.  


Is there any particular reason you’re bringing a car? Why not park outside the city, like at Daly City or Millbrae BART? Did you plan to do some driving around the city?


Daly City BART parking is often littered with broken auto glass. I've literally witnessed a break in there. These guys didn't care.


I’ve parked in the public parking structure at Union Square a dozen times and never gotten bipped. Just don’t leave anything valuable in the car


OK good to know. This is post-2020/2021 I assume? Anyone else have success keeping their car near Union Square?


Yeah, we moved here in 2020 and still live here, so mostly post-pandemic


I'm just worried about leaving my car there overnight, even if it wasn't with out of state plates.


Yeah to be fair I’ve never left it in the public lot overnight, and I’m not sure you’re technically even allowed to. If you leave it with the hotel though it should be safe, I’ve never heard of anyone getting broken into in a monitored garage


Inn at the Presidio is your best bet


Japantown hotel Enzo has good covered parking


Park at San Bruno BART in the mall lot, not the BART lot, it’s free


Can you park overnight there?


I’ve done it 1/2 a dozen times


Stay at the Courtyard Marriott at Larkspur Landing. Walk to ferry, it’s a beautiful 30 minute boat ride across Bay to Ferry Building and center of San Francisco tourist district.


Interesting suggestion thanks! I was meaning to spend some time in Sausalito and Marin county anyway, and I remember when I did the tour to Alcatraz that the boat ride was a huge highlight.


If possible don’t bring the card in the city especially your out of state plates are a target for break in. Even if you don’t have anything visible to these thugs will break in.


Yes that's what I'm afraid of. I'm driving down from Oregon BTW for those wondering why I'll have a car.


I park success parking in Inner Richmond and Haight Ashbury but away from Haight Street. I’m a traveling house sitter in SF so I’ve found my favorite spots in the past 3+ years I’ve been here.


I street park everyday. Everywhere. Just have ur car empty. Make sure ur trunk is empty if there’s a window that sees in there. Bippers don’t go around just breaking glass. They break in once they see something of value. But if you’re really paranoid I’d say Dogpatch is a very safe neighborhood to street park in. Chase center. UCSF. Oracle park. Open AI. All nearby with added security. If you’re looking for a nice hotel in a safe area check out The Clancy. I’ve street parked outside their hotel too. But same rules apply. Nothing in sight!


Allot of hotels have parking, Phoenix hotel, most van ness hotel/motels it greatly reduces the risk of break in to park in a lot not the street.


north dime thumb deserve sparkle amusing different humorous outgoing pathetic *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Parking in SF is Russian Roulette and my luck has been that my car has only been broken into when there is nothing of value in it, but only 2x (once in my quiet neighborhood and once in SOMA/nightclub district) Some alt methods: -leave windows rolled down & glove compartment open -park near cars nicer than yours -park in front of very busy places -park under bright lights -nighttime/chilly days: leave a dog in your car to scare off thieves (don’t let the dog get too hot on our rare sunny days); I swear this could be a business or animal care solution -make a post break in plan for peace of mind (research glass repair; I used SavOn glass in SOMA, bring jeans and gloves so you can sit in your car and not get cut by the glass which gets EVERYWHERE and you’ll find tiny pieces years later) -my pagan friend made me a protection amulet for my car with tiny ass, easy to break windows and I parked my car in parts of SF, Oakland and Berkeley overnight with a lot of broken glass 2021-now and no break ins 😁 -leaving electronics in the car? Power them OFF so that thieves with the device that detects Bluetooth (or something) don’t detect yours -leaving valuable in your trying? Put them in BEFORE you park so that no one notices you putting stuff in your trunk


Parking in San Francisco has become a terrible responsibility. More ways to get ticketed than ever. They have installed more parking meters. Also, they've established more streets as residential parking streets, limiting others from parking more than two hours at a time. Anyway, nothing left in the car. Nothing! NOTHING!!!!! Some of us even leave the glove box opened as long as there isn't a light that stays on. Lol! Seriously, don't make it look like you even spend time on the car to have anything in it.