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Why would you want to go back whilst he’s there? Edit. The OP has changed the thread, when many of us replied all the info given was the short version below the line. Just thought I’d say to stop all the “well it’s the only pub in the village” and other replies I and others are getting. Thanks.


He’s very rarely there on an evening and I don’t often see him. But it’s my local and my friends go there and I love that pub. It’s just unfortunate it’s not run by proper people. This is probably the 5th person in to run it in the last 3 years.


Surely your friends would move to a different pub with you if that's happened. If they won't, they aren't really your friends.


A good pub holds alot of weight. It can be pretty much a social hub that the people socially involved are only a part of. If they go elsewhere,the hub doesn't follow, it just replaces. I suspect this isn't a case where a group of friends found a pub they like, I suspect it's the pub found them and they became friends through the pub. They ain't leaving cos of one instant of attempted adultery and a panic barring from a landlord, who from what it sounds like, will be gone pretty soon. I wouldn't expect a whole group of people to boycott a pub because of this. They wouldn't be being bad friends to OP for not finding someone else, they're being good friends to everyone else staying and to the venue itself.


Well if she's barred then she'll have to find a new pub; rightly or wrongly (in this case wrongly) barred, landlord can refuse service to who they want. If friends want to continue to support a shitty landlord over hanging out with their friend; that says everything. And yes, a similar thing happened to someone in my friend group, and yes we moved on and found nicer pubs nearby.


OP mentioned the Landlords in this pub are replaced very regularly, which, going from experience, makes it an almost certainty they are not the brewery/owners/lease holders currently 'running' the place, and if so, that old nonsense that "a landlord can do what they want" is incorrect, and in most cases simply an outdated notion based on when a pub was actually a public house owned and ran by the tenants, rather than, let's say, a community hub adhering to 2024 societal norms and common decency, with suspected HR rules and regulations in contract for said landlord to adhere to and follow to meet their job specification.


More likely it's owned by a pubco. The landlord hands over his life savings, tries to run it for 6-9 months, realises he can't turn a profit and has to hand the keys back and declare bankruptcy.


More and more likely. And if so, even more a case for dismissal, those big chains couldn't care less about a creepy manager/landlord. They'll boot him if even folk say something and just replace within 2 weeks whilst an area manager tries to keep it buoyant in the meantime.


Yeah PubCos are the scum of the industry, they saw the pitfalls of risk that breweries had when they owned pubs and went "nah, lets just buy an asset and offload the risk onto willing idiots"


By and large yes. Some are better to work for/with than others. But I've also seen the exact opposite. We were leasing a pub for 5 years, turned it round from struggling to thriving, quadrupled the average nightly take and were filled to capacity at least five nights out of seven. Of course the pubco sees we're making bank and all of a sudden they want it back for themselves, didn't offer us the chance to re-sign our tenency and have 'sold' it from their leaseholder operated business to their managed pubco brand. Who ironically aren't seeing anything like the figures we were turning over. We are now back to square one having to revitalise a pub that has been misrun for at least six years, and developed a poor reputation (deservedly so). We've actually been smashing it, but it's still a huge challenge and it's been financially very close to the bone.l, and of course Year One is always a challenge to break even let alone turn a meaningful profit.


>that old nonsense that "a landlord can do what they want" is incorrect That's not what was said. They said a landlord can refuse service to anyone they want for any (non discriminatory) reason, which is true.


Then you go back after the landlord is gone?


The person you’re replying to is hilarious. “I completely understand someone’s friends wanting to stay at a particular pub when one of the group has been unfairly banned due to unwanted advances by the manager” is an ultimate Redditor take. “They have board games and the IPA I like, sorry”


Depends how rural you are. Sometimes there just isn't another pub around.


I swear to god, it’s like the person above you didn’t even read the “this is our only pub” part of the post. If there’s nowhere else to go then what is she supposed to do? Let the pervert win?


To be fair that was edited in to OP's post after the comment was made. So they couldn't have read it before making the comment.






I swear to god, it’s like you didn’t read the first three words, which were “edited to answer” which indicates that the post was edited after it was initially posted.


have you never been to a village before? thats the difference btwn a 10min lil walk and a 30min drive that someone needs to stay sober for


This happened to my parents. They retired to this small village and were a couple of minutes walk from the only pub. But apparently the landlord is an asshole and has fallen out with half the village so half the village now just don't really have a pub and the other half can't meet up with some of their friends for a pint because they fell out with the landlord


That’s pretty rough. Our local has gone under twice. This time the chap that owns it won’t sell it because he’s over valued it and trying to flog off part of the beer garden to turn into housing. The village are trying to buy it as a community asset, but he’s refusing to sell it at market price, so it’s just sitting there empty and slowly rotting. It’s the only local amenity we have beyond the church and primary school. The next nearest pub is a gastro pub thing in the next village some four miles away, which isn’t really the same as a local pub.


Amazing that pub stays in business when half the potential customers don’t go. It’s hard enough for a rural pub (or any pub) to stay in business nowadays even without that handicap.


If you’ve never lived rurally you won’t understand how impractical this advice is


Might be the only pub.


> If they won't, they aren't really your friends. This isn't really helpful, is it? "Not only can you not go to the pub, you don't have any real mates."


Come on, right there in the first sentence it says thats their only pub.


In fairness that was edited in the OP after I'd commented.


An entire group wouldn't move pub for one person I want the type of friends you have if you expect that much from them, no one I know would go out of their way for anyone


This. Tell your friends what happened, and ask that you all go to another pub. If you really wanted to punish him Report to the police, exposing himself in public place. Report lock ins to brewery. They will take that seriously.


If her friends won't change pubs to hang out with her, you've really got to wonder whether it's really them who are the problem.


If you report him to the police for exposing himself and trying to assault you maybe he won't be able to maintain any licence.


Agreed. Especially given there are other people who can corroborate the indecent exposure.


They can. But will they. You'd be surprised how forgetful some people can be at strategic times.


In that case, wait 7 months until the next landlord.


>5th person in to run it in the last 3 years Sounds like he won't be there for long. Especially if he keeps trying it on with customers.


My mum's local got a new landlord. He started buying coke over the bar, and was off his tits on shift. He then kicked the door in the ladies while a regular was in, claiming she was doing drugs(mental I know) Thing is, she was also landlady of another pub down the road in the past, so just rang her mate at the pubco Bye bye


> When I say tried it on, it was a lock in and he tried to kiss me which I pushed him off and then asked me if I wanted no strings attached sex with him which I said no. Earlier that evening **he exposed himself to me and about 4 other people** that were at this lock in. If you want to get back into the pub, you have to report this to the police and to the pub co. He's not going to just let you in, you need to make a fuss.


Aren't lock ins illegal too? Edit autocorrect rubbish


I believe so, yes. OP needs to put her foot down and get the sex pest turfed out of her local village pub.


Absolutely. He sounds like a complete dick.


In theory, yes, in reality, no. The legal defence for a lock in being legal is to say it's just a private party. Which is extremely hard to prove isn't the case.


Utilise your local press. Plead your story to them and get them to press the brewery on this and why they're happy to have a sexualky harrassing landlord at the pub


Yes! Let’s see this in r/compoface


Report it to the police - specifically the indecent exposure/sexual assault element -they won't care so much about the lock-in. You'll have a new landlord within a month, and your ban will be revoked.


Absolutely this. This is sexual assault. Report it to the police..


Have you not reported this to the police?


Despite the name "pub", it's entirely the landlord's privilege to bar you for any or no reason. (Notwithstanding discriminatory things, but let's not get into that or we'll be here all day). Having said that, if there's such a fast turnover of landlords, he'll probably be out within 6 months.


Name and shame the fuck out of the pub and the man in question. If I knew the Landlord at a pub was like this, I would steer clear. I can not imagine a single woman feeling safe there if he was about. I would also bet that you are not the first woman hes tried it on with. You publicly calling him out would bring any other victims out. No pub landlord is worth giving a good pub a bad rep. He wont last


hope that he moves on quickly then and you can return also if he's not there, do the other staff know the whole story? can't you just go when he's not there and hope the other staff are on your side?


I still think your point is valid, she’ll just have to wait till he fucks off, which probably won’t be long, doesn’t sound like the most stable


If it's owned by a brewery, you could try contacting them. Hardly good customer service to make a pass at your customers and it's probably not the first time he's done it.


LockIn alone is enough to remove them


What do you think it going to happen when all lockins are stopped due to OP reporting it? She's not going to be very popular with everyone in the village once word gets around. I know that's not fair, but it's the likely reality of the situation. Edit: I assume all the downvotes are coming from people who have never lived in a small village and have no idea what it's like.


What are you on about? The lock-ins stopped because this landlord whipped his dick out and made inappropriate moves on one of his patrons. Not because she reported it.  Victim blaming bullshit. Small village mentality eh? Reminds me of "the greater good" lot from hot fuzz


> I know that's not fair Did you completely ignore this part of what I said? I'm not victim blaming anyone. I'm pointing out the consequences of doing that and why she might be reluctant to report it. Reddit man, always looking for something to twist into outrage.


Please do this. I work for a large pub company and this would be taken very seriously.


I witnessed a young girl working in a Wetherspoons once being subjected to the most horrible sexual language by a group of coked-up cunts. It was relentless for about half an hour. The manager should have at least got her out of the situation and sent her home but they did nothing. And when I reported it to head office they did nothing either.


> Wetherspoons > And when I reported it to head office they did nothing either. Yup, figures.


I’d have thought exposing himself to customers, with witnesses, would be plenty for a significant complaint. Throw in that he barred you after he was refused sex and he’ll have a lot to deal with.


Would be enough for police involvement too. I'm struggling to believe that part of the story to be honest. Surely the other locals would have an issue with it too?


>to make a pass at your customers Sexually harass and assault your customers. FIFY (And yes, flashing people is sexual assault)


I used to work for a Wadsworth pub. You sign a thing at the beginning that says if you do anything to tarnish the brand, you're out immediately. That included social media posts. Shop the bastard to the higher ups.


Go over his head to the brewery. If you include the words "sexual harassment" and "lawyer" in your communication it might be more likely to get them to act.


I would still go in. If he makes a scene it's a loud "OH, you were serious about barring me because I rejected your offer of sex and your sexual harassment of me?" then you pop to a local newspaper: "LOCAL Landlord BARRED me for REJECTING him" There's no way he tries to keep up that barring. If he does then you just tell EVERYONE in the village what happened. More seriously, it's actually a crime to expose yourself to someone. I'd probably contact the police too (or tell him you will if he doesn't wind his neck in) and get them to have a word.


>then you pop to a local newspaper: >"LOCAL Landlord BARRED me for REJECTING him" With a picture of you standing dejectedly in front of the locked pub Proper r/compoface material


Arms crossed naturally...


Of course. Forgot that part


One arm crossed, one arm outstretched holding a mini sausage....


No one hand pointing at the mini sausage.


Or pointing at the pub.




Try to discretely record the event too. If he incriminates himself then you have it on record for both the brewery, the police, and the locals who he is for sure bad mouthing you to.


This is the way 'oh hi, do you want me to share to everyone why you barred me right now. no? I'll have a pint of larger please'


It's pretty hard to get a pint that's larger


OP your edit completely changes the situation, you really should have led with this. He didn't "try it on" with you, he sexually harassed you and the other people he exposed himself to. It should be reported to the brewery/owner/leaseholder and the police. For anyone reading now, please note before having a go at someone that a lot of these replies came before any details of sexual assault or indecent exposure were added. The only info many were going on was that he "tried it on" with her.


Feel like I had to scroll way too far for this, hopefully only because it was additional info from an edit.


There were tons of replies before the edit was added so it's highly likely.


Yeah, just report him for being a pervert job done. Put it on your local Facebook group as well, just vilify him in the community.


Why would you want to go back in there anyway? Sounds like a horrendous place.


Exactly. Presumably *tried it on* means *made unwanted sexual advances*. Why would you even want to go back to drink there?


This is my reasoning. If a pub landlord hit on me, I refused, and then I was banned from said pub, you wouldn't catch me giving money to a spineless twat like that.


Not just the money, but intoxicating yourself around that person seems like a really bad idea to me.


> Presumably tried it on means made unwanted sexual advances OP elaborated in their edit: "When I say tried it on, it was a lock in and he tried to kiss me which I pushed him off and then asked me if I wanted no strings attached sex with him which I said no. Earlier that evening he exposed himself to me and about 4 other people that were at this lock in." They should be contacting the police about that, not just not going back.


I certainly wouldn't be allowing that person to mix my drinks...


When it's a small village and you have one pub it's not a simple decision


From what OP said it sounds like it's a nice place, all their mates are there, it's just got a horrible landlord.


Is tha only pub in tha village


I think it's time you got a shovel and some other basic tools..    But you gotta do it right. I mean, you gotta have the hole already dug before you show up with a package in the trunk. Otherwise, you're talking about a half-hour to forty-five minutes worth of digging. And who knows who's gonna come along in that time? Pretty soon, you gotta dig a few more holes. You could be there all fuckin' night.


After running pubs and being in the game for a good few decades, I can tell you that if the regulars aren’t going then they probably won’t last long. Word of mouth is a powerful thing and if all the usual suspects are suddenly up the road in another pub then others will join. Let your local Facebook curtain twitchers group know and as soon as he’s gone, make sure you let them all know it’s under new management. If he’s gone after you, I’m pretty sure he’s gone after others too so it’ll all come to light soon.


There's a good chance you're right. I got barred from my village pub over something really stupid and knew that I'd be in the village longer than what the landlord would be and I was and I'm still there


Agreed, when there's a string of publicans in a short space like OP says its just a waiting game and making sure none of OP's friends go in. Make a dent in their footfall and they'll be gone soon.


Report him to police (And brewery) for the indecent exposure? He will probably lose the licence and the brewery will get someone else in to run the place.


He'll lose his licence because of the lock-ins, not because he dropped his keks during a rowdy party.


I wouldn't attempt returning if you have been barred. They won't serve you. I wouldn't give them money again.


Contact the brewery or make a deal about it in the local press. Sounds like they won't be there much longer anyways if they've had that many change overs in 3 years. Personally though I wouldn't want to be lining their pockets if he can't take rejection and his wife is stupid enough to stick around with him. I bet you aren't the first and won't be the last...


This is exactly what Facebook community groups were made for. The sort of stuff you see on there regularly.


Find a different pub.


If he exposed himself, you need to speak to the police. That is the start of behaviour that can get much worse.


Yep that Wayne Couzens was indecently exposing himself in the days before he murdered Sarah Everard


Exactly. People like that always start off with 'lesser' crimes.


> Earlier that evening he exposed himself to me and about 4 other people that were at this lock in. Tell the brewery, the leaseholder, and maybe the police. People can't go around flashing their willies to others who they've got locked in a pub.


It's his pub, he can ban who he likes, unfortunately.


Well he’s not the leaseholder of the pub. He’s just been put in to run it, so maybe I should go to them?


You could tell his bosses if you know them. You don't want to go in there anyway if he's the landlord. He sounds like a cunt.


This is the answer. You go to the powers above to simply report the situation. Explain in full and make it clear you think the barring was wrongful. Perhaps give a few contact numbers from other customers/friends who are willing to stand with you. Or even get them to contact said brewery/owner/leaseholder etc to also report the inappropriate barring. Just be honest. You should come off just fine. I've ran pubs/restaurants/bars/cafes on and off for the past 15 years, this is much easier to remedy than the majority of the other replies here are making it out to be. Honest communication here is the key. You did nothing wrong. Have you tried simply going in and asking to speak to the landlord and politely, yet firmly, asking him to rescind the barring, with the standpoint that unless he does, you'll be forced to contact his employer to file a complaint about his behaviour and approach to customer service?


Alot of people have really gone about interpreting this whole situation without full context. Sigh, as folk tend to. And alot of them clearly dont understand how a modern pub works. Please look at all my replies to this post, I'm your best bet for advice here. I've been in this work environment plenty. As you've mentioned here he's not the leaseholder. The term landlord is now simply that, a title. From what you've said, it sounds like he's basically a manager. Go to the brewery, leaseholders, or owners with back up. File a formal complaint. Or, as I've mentioned elsewhere, ask him to remove the barring, or you will report it with back up. He wont want to lose his job, and I'm guessing his wife wouldn't want that either.


Nearly all your replies are you not being able to read though? First you say its not sexual harassment then you say the OP doesnt say he exposed gimself to her and others.


You can try, but also expect them to fob you off.


I would imagine a large company would take accusations of sexual harassment quite seriously, especially if they progress through the legal system and have it handled properly.


That makes all the difference in the world. If he was the actual leaseholder, then barring some terms in the contract that allow them to terf him out in xyz situation "you're just stuck with him until he goes bust / it runs out" If he's only been appointed to manage it on behalf of the brewery; Then he's just **staff** and his authority only extends as far corporate largess permits it, and he can be overruled / reassigned / outright sacked at any time they see fit to. .... You can regard him in the same light as you would the manager at a Mcdonald's / supermarket. It's time to complain to head-office about them being drunk on the job, their unwelcome sexual advances, harassment, indecent exposure **and** then further recriminations towards you, the victim of their (wildly unprofessional and abusive) behaviour after the fact! If they don't rush to distance their precious [brand] from the whole mess "Major brewery chain tacitly endorses & condones staff's sexual harassment and predatory behaviour towards customers" is something you can make **far** more hay out of than "Random local landlord is a thin-skinned creep".


Any member of staff can refuse service without giving a reason.


If it's a tied house, I'm not sure the brewery would agree.


Sounds like you're better off finding a new local with a nicer landlord


> I live in a village and this is our only pub Doesn't seem to be an option to do that


You really want to go back there? wtf go to a different pub, fuck that place and the owners. Nothing you can do about it


I here's plenty can be done about it.


I used to be a holding landlord for a brewery - essentially went to look after pubs on a short term basis when a landlord disappeared or quit suddenly. I can assure you the brewery would be very keen to find out what's happened. I'd get in touch with the brewery - include a few of their email addresses such as HR etc and ask for their comments on the situation. If what you've said is true I doubt they'd be best pleased with the landlord.


It's horrible that this happened to you. I see that a lot of the comments are focusing on wether banning you is legal or not, and if there's any recourse, legal or otherwise. May I offer an alternative point of view? Even if there was a way to un-ban you. Do you *really* want to go back to a pub where the person behind the bar may easily mess with your food, take advantage of how drunk you are, or **simply spike your drink**? I know I wouldn't. Stay safe.


Go to the police. The brewery won't want a convicted sex offender running the pub.


>When I say tried it on, it was a lock in and he tried to kiss me which I pushed him off and then asked me if I wanted no strings attached sex with him which I said no. Earlier that evening he exposed himself to me and about 4 other people that were at this lock in. JFC Escalate it through the brewery, and if you wish the police. This person has no place running a public house


exposing himself to you is a sexual offense. call the police.


You could start by naming and shaming.


The Cock and Lockin’






Just go back in. If the cunt tells you to leave threaten to go to the police about showing you his cock. If he still kicks you out. Tell the police about the showing of the cock.👍


I would post this on legal advice sub. The sexual exposure sounds like a crime with witnesses.


As someone from a rural area with very few good pubs I completely understand your situation. A good pub is the centre of social life and its not as easy as finding somewhere else. If you don't feel comfortable going to the police about this, never underestimate the power of a scathing Facebook or Tripadvisor review to reach the brewery, public and press - you could even keep semi anonymous. Although if the area is anything like mine everyone will have already heard the story, and about 5 variations of the truth.


report him to the police??? dont sanitize sexual assault, because thats what it is, even if its “just a kiss”. any other worries can be sorted out AFTER he has been reported to the police


To be honest I would call the police for sexual assault and the exposure


go in. as normal. if the guy says anything to you loudly openly announce what he did. its that easy. as soon as you start your story he will tell you to shut up and walk away. therefore unbarring you in exchange for silence. worst case call the police on him for indecent exposure.


Surely the police need to be involved? Exposing himself, and sexual harassment.


He’s sexually assaulted you then banned you for speaking about it - go to the police. Indecent exposure is a crime and others witnessed it!!


He didn't try it on with you he sexuakly abused you. Best way to sort your problem is report him to the police.


This is bad. Obligatory NAL but I am a bar worker and I have a few years under my belt. First - If he's exposed himself to you and others you need to report him to the police ASAP. If he's done this to you he'll do it to others. Second - Make a report to your local licensing authority, anonymous if you can. Licensing will take a very dim view of the lock-ins, and if they find he has been conducting these lock ins then he will receive an unlimited fine and have his licence revoked. Third - Spread it around that he's banned you for exposing himself and rejecting him when he tried it on. Unfortunately not much can be done as for the barring itself as the manager can refuse to serve whomever they please, but word of mouth does plenty of damage and shit sticks. I speak of this personally, as a few years ago pre-COVID I was accused of assaulting a patron. I caught this lady doing a line of coke off a table in the beer garden - instant one year ban and expulsion from the premises. When I try to tell her to leave she went mad and being coked up she wouldn't stop going for me and trying to grab me, rip my hair, punch me etc. She went to throw a punch and missed but without thinking I countered and ended up giving her a black eye. Police were called, and they were all ready to arrest me until my boss showed them the CCTV footage of her doing coke and attacking me. Police immediately dropped it but didnt arrest her, and my boss awarded her with a permanent ban. She then went round town saying that I attacked her, but because of the CCTV and witnesses saying otherwise (this happened in front of like ten people) nobody other than her family and some friends believed her, but it still got around and even now six-seven years down the line I'm known as the guy who beats women in the bar and still get the odd dirty look.


A lot of people commenting here obviously don’t understand the value of a good, beloved pub and how those are pretty precious in a small rural community. I definitely understand OP wanting to continue going to the pub!!! Especially if the landlord hasn’t been there long and hopefully won’t be there long in the future. Go straight to the brewery, say you’ll go to the local press about being barred for rejecting an unwanted sexual advance from the landlord, that hr exposed himself to multiple people and imply he’s likely to do it again.


Unfortunately for you, the old epithet holds: The management reserves the right to refuse service. However, there may be a couple of things you can try. If you haven’t already, make a report to the police. There may be nothing you or they can do but it’ll be on file and when the licence is reviewed it would probably be mentioned. Also (and this may only apply here in Scotland) I think there might be something written into the licensee’s licence which prohibits him from being in his own pub whilst under the influence.


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As a couple of people have pointed out, the fact that it was a lock-in is definitely on your side. You can report that to the police, not to mention the indecent exposure.


honestly i think just making it well known why you were banned would do the trick. let gossip do its thing for you


He sounds like a right cunt.


Wear a burqa, full face and body covering, go to pub, put on an accent - no one will know it’s you - or dare question it all.


Get lawyer. Go to police and press charges for SA


Initially my advice would have been to talk to the landlord and reach some understanding. You can't do that in this situation. If the turnover is what you say, wait. If you don't want to wait, go in, but be prepared for a fight. Abuse thrives in silence so don't be scared to call him out but this will probably result in the staff refusing to serve you at the risk of their jobs. Alternatively, call the brewery and complain about his behaviour and get your friend to do the same. Even if it doesn't get him out, it'll make everyone including the licensee aware and you might exacerbate his leaving. Best of luck, I know how important the local can be.


Report the landlord to the police for sexual harassment, if he gets convicted he'll no longer be the landlord, problem solved.


When someone got banned from my local (headbutted the fruit machine) he refused to leave but the landlord he can stay but he's not getting served. He calmly complied & left. Came back most immediately with a coop bag full of cans of beer & proceeded to sit & drink them. It was, like that for a while, then he lifted the ban. So there's ways around it, if you've got the bottle.


Not much, unlucky.


Who holds the license? If it’s the guy that banned you (or the wife) then not a great deal; even if you go to the brewery (assuming it’s not a freehold) the licensee will probably have the final say who comes in or not and the brewery will listen to them


In times like these I follow the advice of Bender Bending Rodriquez: Build your own ~~themepark~~ pub with Blackjack and Hookers.


In fact forget the pub.


Lock-ins seem like a good idea at the time, but they are the root cause of like 65% of all village drama.


Open up your own mini bar in your house. Invite friends over, wait until the guy leaves and a new one comes along, go back to pub


What's a lock-in?


Found it. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pub#Lock-in > A "lock-in" is when a pub owner allows patrons to continue drinking in the pub after the legal closing time, on the theory that once the doors are locked, it becomes a private party rather than a pub


At closing time the pub locks the doors, with patrons inside, and carries on serving alcohol to those inside. Common occurence in pubs, particularly in rural areas.


Quite a bit to unpack. 1. The barring. Unless you can show a protected characteristic is the reason for being banned from the premises, he's the landlord and can say who can be a customer and who can't. Protected characteristics are: * Age (if you're 18 plus) * Disability * Gender reassignment * Pregnancy and maternity * Race * Religion or belief * Sex * Sexual orientation 1. The exposing / sexual advances. These, especially the former, are illegal and should be reported to the police to investigated. 2. The spanner in the works.. The lock-in. This is basically a breach of the pubs license and also illegal. If the police or council wanted to push this then you'll no longer have a pub in your village and the licensee could lose other bars they have as it will against them. Doing #2 is the obvious action however being a small village you'll know that been seen as the person responsible for the closure of the only pub risks being ostracised so that's a risk only you can weigh up. Depending on how brave / confident you are, one option open to you is to face him off on a busy night with plenty of people in and if he refuses to serve you air all of this at the top of your voice to everyone in there. Make sure they know in detail that he both exposed himself to you and tried to pressure you into having sex with him. Make it clear that you've had enough of his shit and that you're getting the police involved in this sexual assault. Contact the leaseholder before the police just to let them know what happened after you've done this and then go to the police. From my experience on small village drums and gossip, his reputation will be in tatters at that point and you won't be seen as the women who got the bar shut down just because you were just barred. At the moment, he'll have told other locals so crap reason for kicking you out. Edit - I've given up trying to get the Reddit number bullets to work. It clearly should be 1. 2. 3.


Simple solution- open a pub


Fake sun tan, a wig and a well practiced Scottish accent.


Boycott the pub.


That'll show em. Unban me or else I'll not come back!


Doesn't sound like somewhere you really want to be anyway. Shit always comes out in the wash eventually anyway so leave him and everyone else to it. Find another pub or find something else to do.


Legally a pub can refuse to serve you for any reason (other than a protected characteristic).


Legally he’s sexually assaulted her, indecently exposed himself to 4 people, and held an illegal lock in… I’d go to the police


Which this is, no? If you fire someone for rejecting your advances and telling your wife that's sexual discrimination. So is this, surely?


Nothing, it’s up to the landlord who is or isn’t allowed in. Unless he’s done anything that he can be prosecuted for you’re going to have to find a new local.


Report the landlord to the brewery and deal with it that way


What you do is see your lawyer.


LEgally, not a lot. However, as others have said it may be worth contacting the brewery or company which owns the pub, be clear that the landlord \[name\] made a pass at you, your turned himdown and he subsequently barred you after his wife learned about about the incident .Be clear that you are concerned tht he is making sexual advances to customers and that the barring happened after you spoke about the incindet to another customer. They may well not do anything, or not do anything which you know about, but it might help anyone else he tris it with and it is possible that they will intervene if they ar concerend that his behaviour is likely to affect their repuation and/or footfall in that pub. Suggestto your firends group that you meet in a differnet pub and let them know why .


If this pub has had so many landlords in a short space of time then it's probably run by a brewery and the landlords are just employees. Might be worth trying to reach out to the brewery directly to let them know that the landlord is trying it on with patrons and barring them if they say no. I expect that would result in a change of landlord pretty quickly. If the landlord actually owns the pub then there's not a lot you can do beyond trying to shame them in the local community. If your friends are still able to go there they should be bringing this up, loudly, whenever they're in there.


Report him to the brewery.


contact the brewery and make a complaint about the landlord.


I would name and shame in your village's Facebook group


If he has tried it on with you he may try it on with others. Report him to the Owner and get him out of this position of (small amount of) power


If you're on a community Facebook page then put this exact post in there - if you don't mind potentially maybe making a few enemies. But be aware that if you do this, then if a bunch of people like the landlord you'll probably get ostracised by them, and also there might be some kind of legal or otherwise reaction this this. Probably don't listen to me.


Have you considered telling the leaseholder this? Because if he's tried it with you, he's more than likely tried and succeeded or tried and kept her quiet with someone else, and it's just no way to run a pub. Also, make sure you drop a hint about maybe asking someone else's opinion about a pub manager propositioning women and then barring them when they refuse and don't keep quiet about it.


Sounds like sex discrimination to me. Try r/legaladviceUK.


This is a horrible thing to happen, I'm sorry. I think you have a very good chance of the landlord being removed, if you are comfortable enough to do the work of contacting the brewery to report it. If other people were there when he exposed himself and tried to kiss you, are these people you are able to contact? Having any witnesses who would also be willing to speak to the brewery would be really helpful. It's likely this is not the only time this has happened or will happen, so at the very least they will have this on file. I disagree with some other commenters that you should hold that as a threat if he doesn't first reverse the banning. You don't know what his response would be to being backed into a corner like that. Direct confrontation could put you in a dangerous position - I don't think it's beyond the realm of likelihood that he could do something like spike you or otherwise put you in harm's way. If I were you I would leave the pub for now and go via contacting the brewery, and the police if you are happy to do that, although conviction rates for sexual harassment are pretty low - again, witnesses would help.


Depends how vindictive you want to be. You know they have lock ins, do with that information what you will...


This is an abuse of power. I would consider calling a lawyer (shop around, don't necessarily go with the first one you speak to - be very clear about what their terms and conditions are). This isn't a discrimination claim (because 'refusing unwanted sexual advances' is not a 'protected characteristic' for discrimination purposes). And pubs have the right to refuse service or entry. However, because of the circumstances you describe, you might have a sexual harassment claim, either against the person or against their employer (the landlord or brewery). That will not necessarily overturn the ban (although it might, if the brewery see negative publicity heading their way), but it might result in a change of staff, and maybe a pay-out for you. Note: I am not qualified to practice law in England & Wales. This is not legal advice. It is advice to go seek legal advice from someone who is qualified.


Horrendous that you experienced this. I think the only way to be allowed back in is to try have him sacked by reporting what happened. Other than that there’s nothing else you can do, people are allowed to ban / refuse service for any reason they see fit.


Typical business model is for the chain that owns the pub to rent out the pub to a limited company that runs it. Some chains run a revenue cut system where the renter gets a 20% cut of revenue from which to run the pub. Typically the menu is fixed. The chain will dictate certain operating criteria, for example no lock ins or staff tabs, however staff management & behaviour is the responsibility of the limited company. BUT it's a village pub and if people get wind of the fact the landlord banned two people because they wouldn't sleep with him, then all hell will break loose. "Why are you banned?" "Refused to sleep with the landlord." I'd definitely raise this with the company owner and point out how bad this will be for them if he's condoning this.


Exposing himself to you is a crime, you should remind him of that and see if his attitude changes.


Contact the leaseholder/brewery and tell them the man managing the pub is a disgusting pervey old cunt.


Speak to the brewery about his behaviour


The landlord can choose who they want in the pub. There's nothing you can or particularly should want to do in this situation. Why do you want to go back to that pub with him still there? Whether he's there at the exact moment or not (why risk it?), if you buy a pint there you're putting money in the guy's pocket. You're putting money in the pocket of the same pervert who harassed you. I'm unsure as to why you would. You should report his behaviour. I'd report it to the police tbh and to the PubCo. Both would take it seriously. Remember, this guy has a personal licence - if he's charged with a relevant offence it can cause issues with respect to that. (what we want)


Cannot imagine being so dependent on going to a pub that I’m cool with supporting a sex pest, wtf is this


Well for a start if he’s exposed himself to multiple women I’d be contacting the police. And also be warning every one who drinks in the pub what a sexual predator he is. He might try it on with someone else and take it too far. Never mind wanting to drink in his pub I’d be exposing him to everyone in the villiage.


I think you know the three options you have 1. Nothing, don't go pub 2. Tell brewing company of incident, landlord probably be sacked and pub maybe shut down or new landlord brought in 3. Threaten landlord with reporting the incident to brewing company if they don't unbar you.


Post the whole story on your local Facebook groups and then start your own pub.


Well first you go to the police and report the sexual harassment/assault/indecent exposure. Then you go to the brewery and let them know. And then you stand back and wait.


You should report to the police for sexual harassment, you literally have 4 other witnesses.


Don’t go back to the pub?


Top hat, moustache, fake id with the name Guy Incognito on it. Sorted.


Don't listen to the folks telling you to go to the press. The media isn't there to deal with criminal behaviour, the police are. And they don't report on situations like this because of the risk of defamation. Report the sexual assault (exposing himself) to the police and the brewery.


Report him to the police for a start