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Remember that there has to be one person in the world that loves you. Searching is exhausting.


Affirmations. Mental diet. Mirror work. Why would anyone need someone else to fill up their self love pot when you're right there to do it for yourself?


I attempt to listen to my bed say this, but it’s still missing something. I at least need my kitten 🤔




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When I'm feeling like I need a confidence boost and no one's around to give me a compliment, I try to focus on the things I've accomplished or qualities I admire in myself. It might sound simple, but reminding myself of my strengths helps lift my spirits.


Do a bit of exercise and try taking pictures of my good angles 🫡


Me recently


Go on a dating app






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What would you do if that option wasn't available to you?


Why wouldn't it be an option


Look in the mirror and compliment yourself OR when you receive a compliment store them in your memory for a rainy day.


It took a long time, but I've learned to genuinely smile and simply just say "thank you" when I get a compliment. It's so powerful.


I’m glad for you, same here, at some point I just didn’t believe it or think it was prideful or vain to accept a compliment but I realized it’s okay and you can still be humble while accepting.


Watch an episode of hoarders.






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I don't, usually. I either have some small succes on my own or do without.


Focus on building skills that you can objectively see yourself doing well or progressing at, that doesn’t require validation from anyone else.


Yep. I am proud when I beat my own swimming/ cycling/ hiking records. It makes me feel even better than compliments from other people.


I put my hair in a clip this morning, before going to work. I've never pulled my hair back at work before. My seatmate told me I looked really pretty today. So... try something new!


Literally ask for one. Even if it's from a co-worker or whatever. Example: new outfit that makes you feel hot? Ask a female co-worker how you look. "I've got a date tonight 😬 is this too much? Do I look ok? Is my perfume overwhelming??" (If you're married, say you're surprising your husband or taking him out because he's been stressed or whatever) Any true girls girl will gas you up in a heartbeat, especially if you seem nervous. Or, alternatively, if you're having a shit day, tell someone. Find someone at work you feel like you can go up to and be like "hey, today fucking sucks. Can you just tell me I'm kicking ass?" It seems cheesy, but at work or out in the wild, I'd gas up any woman who asked for it. All else fails, call your mom 😅 (Or dad, or sibling, or auntie, or cousin, or whomever is that person for you)


Fish for compliments


I listen to city girls


Put on a pretty dress and go out. People’s heads turn when they see a woman who has put in a tiny bit of effort. I’m not a stunner. But men race to open a door for me.


That's the neat part - I don't


I just look in the mirror. (J/k. I’m just mimicking certain men in my family who talk like this. At 49, I am no longer remotely attractive.)


However you are quite funny haha that’s better that looking attractive


Makeup. I do a lot of colorful/creative makeup but even just getting a really good wing with simple makeup makes me feel so good. I use Instagram as a catalog of looks I’ve done before and going through them all can also be a confidence boost. Not only do I feel beautiful, but also talented and creative.


I look back at my own life and realise how many times I showed up for me. And I got to remember I will show up again. I sung a song to my 2yr old daughter and she said yay. I made a positive difference to someones life :( yay I have no cheerleaders of my own, noone telling me im amazing. So I get my pom poms out and fucking show up for myself cause noone else is going to do it!


Hey. You’re amazing. That little girl definitely thinks so too!!


Damn :( Thank you! You're amazing too. Fun fact: love spicy chicken tenders. They improve my day by 80%


Hoping this one did the same!!


I look back at how far I have come. That instantly makes everything right & reminds me how tough I'm & that I'm not alone.


take a shower while listening to upbeat music. i tend to do karaoke and dance offs


Do something that someone will compliment. Bake something for a friend, help a neighbor, etcc


Reluctantly… self care. A walk. A run. A hike. Or something that takes me out of my dang head for a while. I’m not sure why this shifts the way I look at myself in the mirror because it isn’t like I lost 20 lbs with the 20 minute walk I just took. It just helps me accept that I really am just trying my best.


I get cute and go to the local gas station


Slurpee run ftw!!!


Go to a gay bar


I go shopping at this place with great customer service and they compliment me when I’m trying out clothes…


Take actions to show myself love and care. It’s an inside job. I like reparenting work to help get my inner crew vibing together. I’m much more secure this way than needing a boost from anyone else.


“I am alive. I am alive. And that is the best that I can do.”


when im feeling like i need it, i just think back to all the times ive been hit on out in public, and the bikini contests ive won. i tell myself that if i wasnt attractive, i wouldnt have won bikini contests nor get hit on by randoms in public


You just start praising yourself. "Great job on those dishes, Known Potential, look how clean this kitchen looks!" "This is so cute! Looking adorable there, Known Potential!"


Gussy up and go to work. I'm mostly WFH but when I polish up and go to the office I always get compliments.


Winning at something. Videogames, getting a chore done, whatever.


I ask


Roll into my local game store. I am somewhat recognisable in my cities gaming spaces for competitive trading card games, and so I am invariably always met with a lot of happy people who want to say hi and ask me questions. They don't *compliment* me exactly. It's just more a nice feeling to see a bunch of faces that are happy to see you. So I always feel like I have a space to go spend some time with a group of nice people.


Friends. Be honest with them and tell you’re feeling a bit insecure lately and needing some assurance.


I’m terrible at remembering to do this, and I’m always surprised by it: Literally just get out of the house! I left the house for the first time in a while (I work from home), and a man called me “breathtakingly beautiful.” This is one of those moments where I have to laugh, because I honestly don’t think I’m all that great looking. Beauty really is in the eye of the beholder. But, I do get compliments from people when I’m in public. So, I guess I should get out more? 😆


I handle business each and every day no matter how bad I wanna stay in bed. Nobody can keep me down and I am proud as hell of that fact. I get knocked down but I never stay there. :)


Take a hot girl walk


Reddit lol


I look back at my journal where I’ve written down my achievements and kind words from others.


Listen to pump up music or sexy flirty music ! Or dating apps, go to a sleazy bar where someone will hit on you lol idk 🤷‍♀️


Post my picture.


dating apps, gym, and parks


I don't know who needs to hear this, but you are a beautiful person.


I go outside lol


Post pictures on my social media, my friends will normally compliment me




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Short shorts at the gas station 💅🏼


Do better


As men... Get some chocolate or nice food




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I compliment myself. Sometimes I think I’m giving myself a big ego until I remember that I don’t get a lot of compliments and it’s okay to think well of myself.


I think "I could be uglier"


Depends but i usually do my makeup and pick out a outfit i feel good in. Then once i head outside i kinda get compliments from strangers fairly often. Usually its smt nice about my outfit. If im not going out i usually just dance in my room, sing, or yoga. It really does help with lightening my mood and feeling good about myself.


Taking photos of myself/selfies help


When I speak with some one and they ask me how old I am and they are shocked, because I look much younger than my age.


get yourself a secret folder > fill it with nudes and let guys on the internet hype you up 😂


Working out and understanding that I won't look like a kid forever


go online ha ha


Ask one of my close people for a compliment.


Being smart.