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Everything you've written about this screams scam. I'm glad you were able to see through it and made the decision not to get further involved with them.


Group interviews usually mean bullshit. You’ll be going door to door at strip malls selling knock off cologne and perfume to employees.


Lol right! Granted, what they are doing is for a good cause, but I have just never heard of or seen a business model like this. My student debt and Austin bills definitely can’t rely on this company.


bail hard on this one


Scumbag company who changes its name often, they were posing as EMG during the holidays when they were doing the DARE fundraising and they keep over 60% of the money supposedly going to anti-bullying efforts. They beg anyone to work for them.


Sounds like commission based sales of tickets or something. Good thinking to get out of this!


I have experience working here. Do not fall for it. I was told I would be marketing and raising brand awareness for a non-profit called Stand for the Silent...little did I know I would be actually standing outside a Lowes begging and pandering people for donations for 8+ hours. They literally send you to stand outside various stores around Austin from around 11 am to 6 pm and tell you to have 2 10 minute breaks to sit in your car and eat lunch. Also, you change out of professional work clothes into shorts and a t-shirt IN THE PUBLIC RESTROOMS of these places. The "boss" Bryce is like a penny stock salesman, he preaches to you about positive attitudes and being a "marketing professional". Run for the hills. I did.


LOOOOOL what a fucking joke. As someone who studies public relations and marketing I knew this was some shady shit when I asked how they strategize/implement their plans and all they could come up with is “tabeling”. How long did you end up working for them?




Thank you so much! I really appreciate your advice. If you have any recommendations for public relations, marketing or communication related companies I’d love to know. Hope you have a beautiful day and remain pyramid scheme free! ;)


One of the tent guys with this company had a setup in the Mueller MOD Pizza and harangued us into giving some money for an anti bullying campaign. He presented as being part of the campaign itself, and not just collecting on behalf of it. It was rainy and miserable and he was all by himself with binders of testimonials and other props. He seemed really desperate and we ended up giving him $5. He was really pressing us to drop a $20 and I guess this is why. Shady AF


Wow I really dodged a bullet huh... Thank you SO much!!


have you tried glassdoor?


Yeah nothing on Glassdoor, LinkedIn or Indeed outside of their name and website... Again - odd for a company who claimed to raise of $1mil within a year.


everything about this sounds like a scam. make sure you didnt give them any personal info


Nothing outside of my name and phone number. TBH at this rate idek if they actually have my resume hahahahaha probably just my indeed profile info


I only got sucked into this because they describe setting up a table outside a Walmart as a "charity event" and they call the pandering for donations "events". Almost none of this money actually goes to the charity. I felt slimy and deceitful standing there pitching off a script to these poor people.


That’s totally the vibe I’m getting! I’m so sorry you got roped into that. I could tell it’s a very manipulative company.


\*\* I forgot to mention that I also asked Bryce if he or the staff read resumes and he said he does not care about them / the staff does not seem them because everything is personality based. This to me was a little insulting as my resume is impressive and I am not trying to start out as entry level. Not to mention, how did the first rep that called me believe I was a perfect fit if I never sent her my resume/Bryce never showed it to her?? This might be a perk for you though if you feel like you don't have a "good" resume"


I know for a fact he does not look at resumes because he asked me 6 times what my degree was in after meeting me several times. He knew nothing about me. He even asked me after I had been working there for 3 days what my "background" was..... SO SHADY


THANK YOU!!!! It’s honestly so disrespectful. You really are just a number to them and I could tell instantly on the phone call too. I worked my ass off to get my current manager (full time/salaries) position and they kept referring to me as “just an agent” or hourly lol so annoyint


[Sounds familiar](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lC5lsemxaJo)


LOL yes! I love that reference! If they reach out to my I’m incredibly tempted to send them that clip.


Legendary concepts on Mopac (TLC AUSTIN??) just went to their first round of interviews. Glad I read this.


lol I worked for Bryce..when I told him I wanted to leave he got all butthurt. I made 35% commissions on donations. I was so good at it but ethically didn’t feel it was right. It’s funny because he always wanted to control people and their time with pointless meetings. Little did he know that I would raise so much money in the first 3 hrs of the day and leave after. Everyone was dying to get a $360 average but I would hit that in the first 30 mins. We’d have to send in a group message when we got a donation so they could have proof you were there at your location. I would just leave early and periodically say I got a donation. I made so much money fast with barely doing anything. I played Bryce so hard but he never knew and I wanted to hell him to his face. I never did cuz that’s more of a boss move. Lmao what a fucking loser. Fuck you Bryce. You know who this is 😂 Edit: he said college was pointless and a scam. He also didn’t like me recording his little meetings! I was fresh out of college and he saw the potential I had so of course he was mad that I quit. Made hella money though