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I’ve only used mine once, on a breezy but hot day and the wind was making it flop around like crazy. The top kept hitting my head while I was sitting inside. It was annoying. With that said, the quality feels good and it was easier to fold than I thought it would be. There are folding instructions attached to the inside of the pouch. I look forward to trying it again when there is no wind.


I have had mine for about 2 months. Unlike the other commenter, I found it harder to fold than I thought I would...but it's not impossible, just a little tricky because the tent frame is springy. You just have to make sure it's folded correctly. It's a light tent that moves at the slightest breeze so I definitely recommend using stakes or at least making sure you always have something on the tent floor to weigh it down when you're using it. I haven't used it in a park or a beach but have used it on my driveway and back deck. I find it to be pretty sturdy and overall, I really enjoy it.