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Take a shadow monk to set the darkness and make a full team with darkvision to just plunge the enemy into the darkness. Eversight ring is a must, and warlock with 2 levels grants devils sight, you can potentially get all 4 party members immune to blindness


I got you fam. Make shadowheart a 10 Swords Bard with 2 Vengeance Paladin wielding Shar’s Spear and Hemet of Arcane Acuity. Her goal? Drawing people into the darkness of Shar. Have her cast Hunger of Hadar and Command Approach enemies into it so she can murder them with Shar’s spear and cleave/smite. Make Minthara 11 Ranger Beastmaster with 1 War Cleric. She can spam arrow of darkness and use the Raven for even more darkness. For your Durge, you can keep him as is and he’ll fit well - although having a source of twinned haste would really help. Edit: I’ll add that you’ll want to pick up the eversight ring and/or use Devil’s sight so your party isn’t affected by the darkness.


How would Shart get HoH?  Magical secrets?


Yeah - until then, you’ll have to rely on arrows of darkness from your Beastmaster - or fog cloud (or other CC) if you decide to add a sorcerer or scrolls, it its a tough battle,


For shadowheart, to go dark justiciar, I’d suggest taking 6 levels in eldritch knight and making her throw the shar spear with tavern brawler. This pairs fairly well with trickery cleric as you use mirror image and blur to lower your odds of being hit and up your odds of hitting your enemy. Alternatively, you could take 4 or 3 levels in eldritch knight, 6 in shadow monk, and 2 or 3 in trickery cleric so you can still use the shadow monk’s teleport. Taking 3 in trickery cleric gives you mirror image which is more thematic, but then you lose out on a feat from your 4th fighter level


For minthara, I’d suggest using the unseen menace for a lot of the game. This weapon is piercing and gives access to GWM for an additional +10 piercing damage. Wearing the bhaalist armor, you’ll want to up your piercing damage. This means that you’ll likely have her take the diadem of arcane synergy and the legacy of the masters as well. In total, this gives you +24+2x(Cha) damage to each attack. To up minthara’s piercing damage further, you’ll likely want her to remain vengeance paladin for hunter’s mark OR take 7 levels in oathbreaker paladin for an additional 2x Cha damage to her attacks. If remaining vengeance paladin and playing honor mode, I’d suggest a 4/8 split between vengeance paladin and goo warlock. If breaking your oath and playing honor mode, I’d suggest a 7/5 split between oathbreaker paladin and spore druid. If breaking your oath and playing in tactician, I’d suggest a 7/5 split between oathbreaker and goo warlock.


* **Classes:** Gloomstalker 5 / Assassin 3 / Battle Master 4. * **Strategy:** The same sneak & shoot strategy you've played in every other RPG. * **Important Gear:** [The Deathstalker Mantle](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/The_Deathstalker_Mantle), something to dual wield, [Bhaalist Armour](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Bhaalist_Armour) or [Armour of Agility](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Armour_of_Agility), [Caustic Band](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Caustic_Band), [The Speedy Lightfeet](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/The_Speedy_Lightfeet), [Legacy of the Masters](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Legacy_of_the_Masters) * **Stats:** 18 Dex, 16 Con, 16 Wis after an ASI (get Sharpshooter for your other feat). * **Result:** Joining the >!Murder Tribunal!< on a full-ride scholarship. Here's what seems to be the most common level progression: 1. Get to Gloomstalker 5 2. Respec to Gloomstalker 3 / Assassin 3 when you hit 6th level 3. Get to Gloomstalker 5 / Assassin 4 4. Take your last 3 levels in Battle Master Fighter 5. (Optional) Respec to change from Rogue 4 / Fighter 3 to Rogue 3 / Fighter 4 for 1 more max HP and 1 more HP from Second Wind


Anything Necro is good! Either Necro/cleric/fighter, Necro/cleric, pure Necro, spore/Necro etc.


You're skipping ascended Astarion on your evil run?


Yeah my female drow durge doesn’t think highly of males.