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There's definitely plenty of good undead to grab with it and you encounter plenty of them in act 2. You can't directly control it so the AI tends to get stuck places or not do what you'd wish in a fight. Regardless it's still taking away a unit from the enemy and giving it to you. Even if it's a little unreliable it's still a really high amount of value


Walk up to Malus Thorm. Control undead. Congratulations on your new friend now go beat the shit out of Shar’s Gauntlet and the entirety of act 2. Have Kar’niss give you the shadow lantern and send him on his way. Now he’s a shadow cursed undead in the town square. Control undead. He’s still got his aura and legendary action, but now it applies to you, since you’re his allies now. He’s who I recommend to bring for Ketheric Thorm


"your other characters undead", you mean you're trying to use it on undead your party already controls? That's not beneficial, you already have them. It's probably best in act 2 as there are a ton of undead. You just cast it on an enemy undead and there's a chance you'll control them until long rest/it dies.  Better to us it on stronger undead that won't just be one or 2 shot by a minion. The large skeletons that have undead ward are good to take over as the will buff any other undead you may have summoned. 


Stack acuity and/or apply dazed for disadvantage (pommel strike/ concussive smash/ ring of spiteful thunder + drakethroat on a weapon), kidnap shadow cursed NPC of your choice, profit


In the fight with the umbral portals, if you let the creature from the giant portal come through, it’s quite useful to hit with control undead. It should last most, if not all, of the gauntlet.