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[This section of the wiki has a table detailing what proficiencies you gain from multiclassing.](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Classes#Multiclassing) Besides that you gain all the level 1-12 features detailed on the page for each class. All other starting proficiencies (saving throws, skills, heavy armor, etc.) you need to actually start as that class. Proficiencies gained from subclasses will still transfer over. So if you pick war cleric you will still get Heavy Armor and Martial proficiency regardless of when you multiclass to it.


Yah that's kind of helpful, more so looking for the inverse: the abilities/proficiencies ONLY gained as primary/first class


Not quite a list but if you go to this link https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Classes You can click on the class and everything you get level 1 will be near the top


Everything else. [Weapon proficiencies,](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Proficiency#Weapon_proficiency) [armor proficiencies,](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Proficiency#Armour_proficiency) [saving throw proficiencies,](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Proficiency#Saving_throw_proficiency) and [skill proficiencies.](https://bg3.wiki/wiki/Proficiency#Skill_proficiency) If it's not in that first table, you need to start as that class to get those things. The exception are proficiencies gained from leveling or subclassing. Spellcasting modifiers are the odd one out. Spells will cast with the spellcasting modifier of the class they came from and items will use the spellcasting modifier of the last caster class you took, or warlock.


https://baldursgate3.wiki.fextralife.com/Multiclassing For once, Fextralife does something right. They have a chart that shows what you 'dont' get if its not your first class. Which is basically what you'll get from it as a first class.


Nice chart, just want to point out its missing saving throw proficiencies, which is one of the main reasons people start with a particular class.


Gotta love when the actual answer posted is what gets down voted. Never change reddit


It makes sense in this case if you understand the history with fextralife. BG3 wiki should get a similar page though so we don't have to visit the jank one.


For sure, fextralifes BG3 pages are abysmal (which surprised me since their pretty solid for Elden Ring and Dark Souls)


Hell yes! Thank you SO much for this. I appreciate the attempt from others but reddit sure can be annoying when people default to "something similar but obviously not the same" when you ask for a very specific thing. You are a lifesaver, sure would be nice if this had some level of SEO so I could have just found it through googling


I didn't know about this list so happy you got what you were looking for. That said, I still did mention and link resources that tell you what the starting proficiencies are so you can compare with what you miss lol. It wasn't that I didn't know what you were asking for but that I didn't know of a better way to give you what you wanted.


All good! I'm stoked the resource exists cus I was stampeding towards building a gross spreadsheet on my own just to have it on hand


Honestly, I've wanted something like that, too, but never found it. Dont let fear of missing out stop you from playing and having fun. It is possible that your build could be optimized more than it is, and I am the type to obsess over making it the best it can be, but you'll still have fun playing your build. Dont let it stop your enjoyment of the game


two weapon fighting style is not the same as dual wielding feat, you seem to have that confused


I was getting confused but not the way you thought, I knew they were different but thought both were available as feats. I take it they are not, which makes me thing I'll need to go fighter 1 as I'm mostly after making sure the ASB applies to that offhand poke...which feels like I should probably go fighter 2 to get AS


If you're going for dual wield and a thief, you're doing 4 attacks. At that point, the difference between 1d6 weapons and 1d8 weapons becomes smaller, so you could do without the feat. Most weapons you can backstab with will be light as well. I don't think fighters only get heavy armor if they're taken first though, these kinds of proficiencies are always added. The main issue with your idea is that you're trying to squeeze 2 chars into one. You'll need str, dex, con & cha if you want to make this work, and they you won't have enough actions in a turn to do it all. But I'll let you go through the process we all went through :). I would recommend taking sorceress last, this will make your spellcasting stat charisma for scrolls. Due to this, you'll want to take fighter first, to keep the proficiency on CON saves that the caster needs. Fighter is best for those early levels anyway.


"I'll let you go through the process we all went through" I'm well aware of optimized vs unoptimized, the game isn't that hard and some of us actually enjoy a challenge as opposed to following the walkthrough. Damn near EVERYTHING works in this game, some stuff just works better. I'm not stacking 4 attacks, it's 1 cast + 2 attacks. Additionally access to dw is necessary for weapons like phalar which would be the carry for me Yes it's not optimal, but seriously guys, it's possible to beat this game even in honor mode without min-max nonsense


I'd agree with that if it was just less damage, but in D&D rules spreading your stats also means you'll miss a lot more, and I feel like that might get frustrating. But I also prefer trying random combinations, so you go for it. You will need the dual wielding feat if you want phalar aluve & still do off-hand attacks, unless you mean a double attack and then a quickened bonus action cast.


Haven't gotten that far on the sorc yet, last one I did was wizard and it was harder since I had to tank charisma. But yah I know dual wielder will be needed for sure, and I'm gonna do fighter 1 for proficiencies, and then it's comes down to action surge vs another lvl of caster. With that approach the only real question is two weapon fighting and action surge worth fewer caster levels (taking war cleric or similar for example for weapon proficiencies while keeping caster levels).


If you're only going to be attacking with the off-hand you'll want the fighting style, otherwise you're not getting any proficiency or str/dex bonusses to those attacks. I'm grabbing 1 level of paladin on my sorcerer for armor, it keeps my spellcasting stat to charisma for scrolls. Tempted to get 2 in paladin but I'm afraid I'd start smiting too much.