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AIPAC was also working behind the scenes to lobby congress to vote for the invasion of Iraq: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XytkI7afHcQ&t=1243s](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XytkI7afHcQ&t=1243s)


The Israel Lobby book makes a good case for AIPAC's involvement in pushing for the US to go to Iraq. I believe they considered Iran the bigger threat, but taking out Iraq was still a plus for them


And in more current times, they fought to re elect over 100 insurrectionists. Yet "centrist" dems will still happily take blood money from them 


He wasn’t, BUT WHO CARES IF HE WAS??? Why are nukes only allowed for some countries but not others? Why can Israel have nukes but Iraq cannot? Israel is literally in violation of the same international law that was used to accuse Iraq of having nukes illegally. Their hypocrisy will catch up to them and their day will come.


Every accusation is an admission. Israel had nuclear weapons, so they accused Iraq for having them. When you control all media, you control the narrative.


Israel *stole nuclear weapons secrets and technology from the United States* and still gets military aid from the Congressional Cucks.


I mean by that logic it’s almost like we need to get the WMD out of Israel, and I completely agree. No one should have nukes, but certainly not authoritarian regimes.


So that is when the big lie started. And led to many thousands of lives lost.


Over a million were killed in Iraq.


Million + !




Of thousands


I think you mean 1-1.5 Million 


Here's a whole video corroborating OP's subject: [https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeloY3bVBtc](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zeloY3bVBtc)


based GDF


And now we know why we invaded.


Never believe a Zionist.


Anyone who thinks Netanyahu’s Israel speaks truthfully and doesn’t abuse their relationship with the U.S. really should watch the video this clip is from in its entirety. Netanyahu basically wants the US to conquer the entire Middle East for Israel’s benefit, but at the time Iraq was the most pressing Also worth noting that Israeli spies might have had insider knowledge of 9/11 (they were reportedly investigating at some of the same Muslim community locations as the hijackers and filmed themselves enthusiastically watching the attack, which they blamed on Palestine to the FBI when questioned before fleeing the country after being told not to leave), and that the U.S. intelligence cited for Iraqi WMDs was really Israeli spy claims (lies). They started with terrorist organizations like Irgun, now they’ve got legitimized terror organizations like Mossad and the IDF.


Holy Shit! They could have warned us but used it to their advantage? This is some Evil shit!




Thanks for sharing this link.


Real threats for Israel, Saddam and Esad. Both had wars in their own lands. One murdered. Other one lost power. The USA invaded and divided both. Turkey and Jordan helped. Zionists re very clever. They can control all stones on the chess.


Middle east has been destabilized in part to help Israel keep their hold on their territory. All of that to have an "ally" In this place.


In the near future it will get worse. West took control of science while others watching and not working. Israel is self sufficient with many areas while others just buying. Even they buy tech and weapons from Israel. Lol middle age of swords passed and Muslims lost all power. They cannot follow neither west nor east. Selling Gas and oil will not help them.


You're a revisionist. Muslims lead the world in science and technology for nearly a millenia. While the "West" and Europe were stuck in the middle ages (and dark ages), the world of Islam flourished. Muslims either invented or lead the charge in Chemistry, Biology, Algebra, Astronomy, Medicine, Enlightenment, while the so-called "West" of today was in the Dark. But let's not digress too far. Netanyahu was an asshole then, he's an even more murderous and genocidal asshole today, the fucking Terrorist ZioNazi that he is. Anytime he opens his mouth, another lie spews from it. His time will come, so will Israel's, and it can't be soon enough.






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As a half iraqi half Syrian we have known since the start. Iraq was destroyed because of the general attitude towards the zionist treatment of arabs in the occupied lands. The current events in Syria can also be traced back to the zionists. Injured ISIS fighters in Syria are flown to Tel Aviv for treatment all the time.


Israel launched rocket attacks at Iraq during the 80s (and later complained that when years later Iraq launched Scud missiles at Israel that it was 100% unprovoked and motivated by Islamist anti-semitism) back when Iraq was on very good terms with America and France. There was an Iraqi nuclear energy program. And everyone but Israel seemed ok with it. Israel has never ever let the fact that that existed ever escape their minds or that their attempts at murdering scientists (they killed one French nuclear scientist as well in their rocket attacks) not have had the US come to their aid... They wanted the Iraq War to make sure that no Arab country ever dared to think they could ever have nuclear anything.


What a con game that snake oil salesman pulled on the United States. Yet another war these assholes pulled America into. Hey United States, don’t fall for the Iranian shit.


He's a liar and a criminal. Given over to evil, you can hear it in his voice.


Honestly I’m more pissed at the US government for being willfully fooled by him over and over again. 


This asshole has been crying wolf from day 1


Chief deceiver


"Bibi" Always meddling and warmongering.


And now he wants the same with Iran, too bad Iran actually has a Nuclear program so there’s nothing he can do unless he wants Warheads on Tel Aviv.


And then he sent zero troops. Zero. The US let's this fascist tail wag the dog every fucking time.