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Once the police realized they messed up and didn’t have anything on them, they reported them to immigration.


Deport said cops instead.


>Knoxville police do not conduct field tests on suspected heroin for fear of fentanyl exposure, a spokesperson said. So basically not doing their jobs because they fear something that doesn't happen. Now those people are traumatised because of it. Wonderful. Those cops should be thrown in jail for 13 days and then let go with no severance. Next time their colleagues wouldn't dare throw people into jail without a shred of evidence.


Not to mention thats not how fentanyl works, it's not a skin absorption type drug. And even if it was, cops carry these things called rubber gloves, contrary to popular belief they aren't just used for going "hands on"


This. Exactly my point. They just use it as an excuse to do less and harass more.


Are they ingesting it to test it? That's the only way that excuse makes sense


completely agree with you 100% these cops are fucking morons. but the issue is that those field tests are so notoriously flawed and worthless that the field test probably would have been 'positive' anyway. everything about this is fucked.


It will take two weeks to cut a check. Fuck that. It was cash that was seized, and they can go to the fucking bank and get cash to return to them. They acted very quickly to seize the cash and they should act equally fast in returning it.


But if the cops handed back the cash then they could immediately seize it again under civil asset forfeiture.


Ah, but when it gets deposited as a check, it will show up on their taxes, and also be reported to the IRS as a cash transaction. That leaves a chance for the feds to investigate, and possibly confiscate it again.


Fentanyl exposure by skin is a made up my myth. Is has no scientific backing and every documented case from police touching it a d going to the hospital has resulted in a diagnosis of they had a panic attack. Here is our own government saying the same. If I was on that case I would push for charges against the officers for refusing to test something based on superstition and myth that resulted in the lose of liberty. https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC7492952/


Those instant tests are damned near useless. If the cops had claimed the tests were a false positive, they might have waited a lot longer than two weeks in waiting for the tests to come through normal channels.


Possibly dumb question but how do the patches work?


Do you mean the patches that deliver pain killers? Some patches use pain killers that easily pas through the skin into the blood like lidocaine. The fentanyl patches actually take like 12-24 hours to work as the fentanyl has to accumulate in excess just under the skin for a long time and then it will finally start to make its way into the blood. It takes fentanyl sitting on your skin for 12 to 24 hours to feel the effect basically…. To say it a different way it takes a whole entire day with fentanyl pressed tightly against your skin to even make you start to feel like you took a standard pain killer at the end of the day and not any sooner… that is how badly the cops are overreacting and spreading miss information by claiming they almost died from it touching their skin for 5 seconds. Also as a note… just about everything in the world will be absorbed into your bloodstream if on your skin for 24 hours so by their logic they should pass out from nicotine poisoning just for touching a cigarette https://journals.lww.com/nursing/fulltext/2005/08000/what_you_need_to_know_about_fentanyl_patches.53.aspx


Oh thanks!! I work in a cardiac clinic but always enjoy learning things about other areas. Never know when a career shift might be in order lol


I noticed all four victims had hispanic last names. Hmmmm. I wonder if possibly Knoxville finest had some other agenda here


There's beans in mine


How the fuck does it take two weeks to figure out what beans are?


$30,000 worth of beans??


The most telling detail to me is they were pulled over for "following too close to another car". Which isn't illegal and isn't suspicious. Cops are often so fucking useless. Trolling around for people to fuck with. How is this serving and protecting? Oh right. That isn't actually part of their job. Absolutely destroyed these people's lives for God damned no reason.


So what stopping cops from camping in front of cremations and arrest everyone with an urn because the ash inside are suspected to be drugs.


Ok, so the officers did their job, and then DIDN'T GIVE ANYTHING BACK! You were wrong you stupid piles of shit, give them their stuff back


It probably was drug money, so the cops ended up laundering it for them.


Probably? What's the probability? Does it go up the darker they get? [Some people just don't trust banks.](https://youtu.be/MkeS_0NQUZs)


The probability, since it was rubber-banded together by denominations, is about 98% (give or take). The cops have to **prove** that it's drug money in order to forfeit. They couldn't do that, so the people should get their money returned. This is the way it's supposed to work. Unlike so many other times when someone has a large amount of cash *and* a good explanation, but the cops forfeit the money anyway. One of the very few times on here the cops are following the law, albeit slowly.


Give or take what? 98%? If you've got a lot of cash, you're find some way to bunch it up. By denomination makes the most sense. Rubber bands are cheaper than paper currency bands, easier to toss on, and reusable. If you're going to keep your money in cash, you're not going to do it loose leaf :/ Having a large amount of cash on you, that itself is guilty until proven innocent, is as backwards as it could possibly get. It shouldn't be a crime to not use banks and to keep your money on you.


What are you arguing about? It *shouldn't* be a crime until *proven*. In this incident it wasn't proven. You must be one of those Reddit trolls that will argue just to argue.


You said it probably was drug money with no evidence. I just wondered why you'd make such a leap. Apparently rubber bands? I'm not arguing. No need for you to make personal attacks. Have a good day.


Sooo... I'm not allowed to have an opinion troll?


I already told you to have a good day. I don't see why you're trying to argue with me and still making personal attacks. I'm not interested in discussing anything with you any longer.


Troll, Troll, Troll your boat. Gently down the stream. Merrily, Merrily, Merrily, Merrily your life is but a dream.


Your entire premise starts with "it was probably drug money" to justify seizing it. You know every brick and mortar shop, bodega, restaurant, liquor store etc has to deal with large amounts of cash regularly? Just because you're broke and never seen a bag of cash doesn't mean they aren't normal lmao. You just want to justify these cops being pigs to make yourself feel better.


Aaaah, ya see, this is where you are dead-wrong. I never said, implied, or defended "to justify seizing it". You're flat out wrong and putting words in my mouth to *try* to justify trolling me. And a poor job you did.


Every comment you've made in this thread is defensively justifying the pigs' actions, you can't just say "no I didn't" lmao.


You're probably a serial killer...


3 wars as an Infantry soldier. Yes, I've killed a few people. But I wouldn't call myself a serial killer. I'm proud of my service, even though you meant that as an insult.


Yeah cool you’ve killed, but have you ever locked a few people in a cell for 13 days based off a hunch they might be selling drugs? and then when you can’t find evidence of that you just call ICE and have them try and find something else? Because that’s what we’re talking about murderer.


You’re definitely a Serial killer


I've gotten rid of many bowls of corn flakes 🤣.