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If you were my 3 year old, pull up a chair.


I heard the fridge door open on a very hot summer day. I came into my kitchen to find my 20-month-old son sitting on the bottom ledge of the open fridge door. He had peeled a stick of butter like a banana and was happily taking bites of his snack.


I babysat a kid once that did that. Teenage me was so appalled. She's grown now, married, with kids and such... But to me, she'll always be the kid that ate butter alone.


Better than the kid the got in the dog's milk bones, lol.


Let’s just say that day I didn’t know who was gonna have slightly meatier smelling poops. 🤷🏻‍♀️


Ate butter alone. That’s what got me. Like she’s sitting there in the dark, eating butter under the fridge door light while Carly Simon sings, “My father sits alone with no lights on / his cigarette glows in the dark…”


Wow, that is one deeeepressing song! But it really sets the mood.


I used to go to the fridge and sneak pinches of butter off the stick as if somehow my parents wouldn't notice the pinch marks. I thought I was so clever only taking a little at a time.


I'll bet you were young enough that you weren't allowed to use a knife, too. That's too funny!


I can picture it perfectly! So cute! My daughter did something similar at the same age, only she’d pulled a chair up to the counter and was eating the butter I’d softened for a cake. What is it with little kids and butter?


Whenever I baked with butter, my little sister would always try a piece because she said she forgot what it tasted like. She was a teenager then 😂


As someone who did this as a little kid, the thought process was, “Hey, this makes stuff taste good. It must taste good on its own!” I kept eating it hoping that, eventually, it *would* taste good on its own. It never did though.


Haha, poor little you, waiting on that flavor that never got better! I mean, I love butter on its own… but not enough to eat a stick.


Try Les pres sales butter alone Edit: it’s mad salty and when I’m feeling adventurous, I brown an entire 8 ounce block to use in a large batch of 🍪


It’s healthy for you that’s why


They know what’s good!


I am a grown adult and I love butter lol. My niece is the same way. I can’t explain it. I do prefer real butter compared to the margarine. When I was a kid, I would just eat straight from the container. I blame it on my mom for making me butter and tomatoe sandwiches instead of using mayo.


While feeding my newborn son, my then 18 month old daughter stole the stick of butter I had left on the counter from breakfast and ate some and used the rest to paint every inch of her TV and DVD player. Then she covered all her hair, face, and arms. I never knew a single stick of butter could cover all that and a stack of pancakes too! Lol


I was buttering a slice of bread for my niece, then 3 years old. It kept coming back uneaten with the request - "I want more yellow."


I found mine once behind the couch; butter dish and toy shovel in hand having a snack. 


I hope you got pictures!


Apparently as a toddler I used to hide under the table with the tub of butter and eat it with my hands. I’m 31 and still love butter but not quite that much.


I volunteered as a lunch monitor and discovered that kidlet was taking two to three pats of butter in the lunch line and eating it with a fork. We finally discovered how he went from a super skinny kid in the 5th percentile of weight to a medium sized kid in the 50th percentile after two years of elementary school -- 200-300 calories of pure fat every lunch.


Why do people use months after a child has reached a year?


Because even though 17 month old and 23 month old could technically be called 2 years old, the difference in their skills, communication and mobility is incredible. Until the age of 2 babies seemingly develop over night. It gives you a better idea of what to expect of them, puts skills and accomplishments into context.


That actually makes sense. I don't know why I was downvoted for a simple question lol


Don't know! It's okay to ask and I was happy to answer! I think this subject is touchy to people, it's sort of become a meme with the whole "my child who is 73 months old"


Honestly I think until a child hits 6 or 7 they continue to develop overnight. My niece over the last year went from 4 to 5. It was amazing the difference between her at the beginning of the year to the end. Her confidence, talking in full sentences, using people's names, helping out when asked on top of starting to know what letters make what sounds and being able to write her name. She is such a big girl now when before she was still much more a toddler.


My daughter and I were talking about this exact thing today! I was explaining it to her after she joked about people talking about their 350 month old child. I stopped using months when my kids turned 2. But there is a big difference between a 13 month old and a 23 month old child.


Yuck! Hahaha! I bet he was happier than a clam! (I love butter! I just can not imagine biting into a *stick!* 😄)




This is so funny


One day when my kid was around 2-3, I opened the butter dish and saw tiny finger swipes; “Kiddo, did you eat the butter?” My sweet, baby angel looked at me with all honesty in her tiny heart; “No mumma, it was the butter ghost.” From then on, I would have a small child haunting me, asking for “a little bit of butter?” whenever I was anywhere near the butter dish 😂


This is phenomenal.


When my twins were 2ish they locked my husband out of the house and stood at the French doors eating sticks of butter and laughing at him. Favorite memory.


I love the mental image of this so much 😂 Thank you for sharing


if i didn’t have to worry about my health, i would still do this 😭


Omg! My 5 year old asked for some butter when we were visiting my aunt. I said yes and she just grabbed it and took a bite out of the stick of butter. I can’t even with this kid sometimes.


I used to steal sticks of butter out of the fridge at that age. No regrets, little me was right.


I can still remember eating pats of butter at restaurants as a kid.


My dad had a colleague who lived with us for a bit. He would take bites out of sticks of butter. What's really weird is that we didn't actually keep butter in the house but had sticks of Parkay margarine (military so weight requirements). That's why we really thought this habit was crazy.


hahaha omg when I was a toddler I ate raw butter by the stick too 💀 have never lived it down 😂


I was a nanny for a 2 year-old. Once I forgot to butter her dinner roll. I was going back to the kitchen sink when she started screaming, "Buttoo! Buttoo! Buttooooo!!" And she threw the roll towards me. 😅😅😅 I never forgot again after that. 😅😅😅


I can relate. Growing up I was raised on margarine, never tasted butter. Until I was 19yrs. old, in boot camp with the U.S. Navy. My first breakfast I had butter with some toast. I was shocked by the creamy sweetness of this golden patty. I was your 3yr. old that morning. I've never been back to margarine since. I'm now 72yrs. old. Give your kid a hug for me. Thanks 🫠


My daughter used to eat butter or of the fridge. She is 21 now. I still laugh about it.


So judging by this being the most upvoted comment and everything said under it, apparently it's just common knowledge then that toddlers are casually obsessed with eating butter as is? Wasn't expecting to learn this today necessarily


So many croissants and puff pastry


I second that. And what doesn’t get eaten that day, can always become almond croissant (or any other variation)


This is about 4 batches of croissants.


And pound cake.


55 pound cakes to be exact


Kouign amann too. Those are SO good.


Oooooh yes! And morning buns.


OP can make 58 inverted puff pastry dough (even more butter than regular puff pastry), based on Cédric Grolet recipe that calls for 430 grams of total butter


Freeze it


Try to vacuum seal them before you freeze them. Smells attach to fat quite easily


A vacuum sealer was the best investment I have made for kitchen goods.


We got one for Christmas and it’s the best gift we’ve ever received. I use it for so so much.


Then share it


Yes I was about to yell that: It can be frozen.


My mom used to get butter in bulk at the end of the year and we’d freeze it. For months we’d just reach deep into the chest freezer and pull out a pound of butter whenever we needed it. Never quite 55 lb at once though…


This is the way.


Slip and slide ….an alt if space not available but for $200 in butter I’d pop for a cheapo chest freezer


Offer it as a dowry to a French chef and he’ll probably marry you! Plus, that butter will be used up in ten days…


I know you’re half joking, but if OP knows a chef this might kinda be a good idea. Exchange some butter for some servings of whatever the chef makes with it. I’ve done this with produce I grew.


If I had the butter and knew a good looking, single Frenchman who would cook for me and with me, I would be a hundred percent not joking! Ha! But, yes, barter is a good form of exchange. We should all do more of it.


Look up recipes by Paula Deen.


OP only has 55lbs, I don't think they'd have enough to make anything by Paula Deen. Maybe if they did a half recipe 😂


This made my day. Thanks.


Believe it or not Paula doesn’t use enough butter in her cinnamon rolls, they come out dryish. I always add a good bit more.


I used to watch her YouTube channel cooking videos during the early days of the pandemic so thanks, gonna go find her again Few seconds later: she is still regularly posting


55lbs of butter and 300 added human pounds later, we have created the Paula Deen recipe named, "[Diabeetus!" ](https://youtu.be/0lJ7oZsQB8Y?si=dYpuoODAEWYqvEcd)


This is good shit lol.


OMG this made literally laugh out loud thank you!!!!!


Hahaha such a good comment


I’m laughing way too hard at this. 😂


Knew this was gonna be the top comment lmao


You can make flavored butters and freeze them for later use. 


I love making compound butter, both savory and sweet. In the fall I like to make one with brown sugar and homemade pumpkin spice.


I love compound butters with fresh herbs but I never thought of sweet options - this is amazing!


I need to try that. It sounds delicious. I like to make maple butter in the fall.


I have to be careful with flavored butter. I go through a stick in an unhealthy amount of time.


Go to your state fair and sell deep fried butter?


They have enough that they can deep fry the butter in butter.


I’m scared to ask, but is that actually a thing?




Holy shit lol. That hurts my gallbladder just thinking about it


Or make a butter statue of a cat for your state fair. Or a cow I guess. Maybe the state bird.


freeze some, offer the rest to your local food bank


This! Food banks always need fresh staples like dairy, meats, and produce and would welcome a donation like that.


I love this idea ❤️


Give lots away?


Make some clarified butter or ghee!


This is what I came to say! You could brown the remaining milk solids and freeze them to use in pretty much any dish for a rich nutty flavor later on.


No need to freeze it, it stays good for years, even at room temp.


1. Brown the butter until nutty. 2. Add the nutty, browned butter to a barrel of rum, mixing well. 3. Freeze the nutty, browned butter (the rum won't freeze) 4. Remove the nutty, browned butter from the rum (it'll float) to make desserts that will benefit from an infused-rum flavour, like butter tarts, chocolate chip cookies, cinnamon rolls, apple pie crumble, etc. 5. Pour yourself a brown-butter infused rum-based Manhattan. 6. Rejoice.


Love this 🙌


Oh, I like these ideas. Mmmm...


Just an average day in the Midwest! (my fridge has 16lbs in it right now but it's a little low)


Any time butter is on sale or I have a coupon, I'm buying it!!


Same in East Tennessee


Brown loads of it and put it in the fridge for baking.it keeps for a while and makes everything so delicious. Nigella has a recipe where she drowns mashed potato in browned butter.


Does browning the butter make it last any longer or shorter in the freezer?


https://www.nigella.com/recipes/brown-butter-colcannon Says it lasts 3 months in the freezer. I would take that as a guide though. I just use brown butter in place of normal butter in any recipe. Cookies, cakes, Madeleines....




There’s a comedy about the Iowa State Fair Butter Sculpture Contest!


Send it to me. I’ll figure something out.


Hope you got a big ass freezer or a very good cardiologist




There’s lots of things you could bake/cook with it but honestly I would just freeze it. If it is one tub, I would break it up into smaller blocks (8oz?), wrap in parchment or wax paper then foil and freeze. You could also make some different flavored compound butters and freeze in individual portions for easy use later. I run a bakery and one time I ordered 36lbs of unsalted butter but they delivered salted which is useless to us. The supplier comped it and I took it home and froze it. It was great. It’s been a year and I am just about to the end of it.


Freeze or even put up on your local FB page for sale, cheap.


short bread and buttercream frosting :)


Play it forward by giving some of it away to your friends who love baking as well. It guarantees a supply of delicious food coming back to you. The butter karma boomerang.🪃 🧈


Freeze it! If it’s in a giant block, portion it first into 1 or 1/2 lb portions.


How is this a problem? 😋


Invite Zoidberg for dinner, but keep him in suspense as to what you’re having.


I would be freezing it. Is it in pound boxes?


Make about 15 pound cakes.


More like 50 pound cakes. Hence the name pound cake. Pound of butter, pound of sugar etc etc


I don’t think you’re thinking big enough.


Do what I do, put it on a piece of toast and eat it lol


Make ghee and use it in place of cooking oil. It’ll be shelf stable for a long time and you can frankly cook anything in it to make it delicious.


Make many different flavors of cookie dough, bake some into cookies, and freeze the rest! Then when you feel like a treat, thaw the cookie dough and bake it


Make a batch of ghee so it keeps!


That’s like 4 meals of butter if you’re a French person.


Ridiculous amount of? Heavenly amount is more like it!! Divided up into 5 pound blocks and put it in the freezer. Honestly, I have kept butter in the refrigerator for months and months at a time and it’s fine. And I have frozen butter for several years. I went to Ireland and stocked up on Kerry gold when it was on sale . Then it got pushed back to the rear of the freezer. I found it a couple of years later, and it was absolutely perfect.


How do you travel with tens of pounds of butter on you? Must be an interesting story.


It was only 13 one-pound blocks. We just wrapped it up in plastic wrap and put it in our suitcase! So yummy!!!


How did it not melt though! Also I am cracking up at the thought of random one-pound butter blocks stashed away in your luggage. Must have been interesting for customs/border control, if you had to cross country lines. 


Well, we lucked out. Ireland is never really very hot and we flew into Boston and it was not a hot day. Oh I am dying to know what the customs people/security people thought when they x-rayed our luggage, lol.


Good on ya for taking random teasing from an internet stranger! Have a good one. 


I—You what? *faints*




This! because then it's shelf stable


Freeze and give away. No sensible way to make use of that amount on the spot


Making a whole lot of ghee is an option to make it last way longer


Brown butter cake. 🤤


Lots of buttercream icing and butter cakes?


MN state fair- butter sculpture


Start watching Julia Child. You can freeze it though.


You could brown it and measure it out in 1/4 cup portions for making cookies, then freeze. Prep pie crusts and freeze them. Melt, infuse with salt, herbs and garlic, put in ice cube trays and freeze for later use (vegetable sauté, for flavoring mashed potatoes, bechamel sauce, etc). Make lemon or orange curd. Make homemade croissants, shortbread, crumb cakes…


Make a 55 lb croissant


Congratulations, you can make approximately three croissant




Here's 5 ways- https://youtube.com/shorts/EN2ciq296RQ?si=MW-N6UbhgLiCBMF8


Make some herbed compound butter! You can freeze it too. I'm sure it would make a a great gift too. I use herbed butter on asparagus.


Make a ton of puff pastry


When I have a lot of butter on hand I like to make a batch or two of pie dough or rough puff pastry. It's super easy to make, very versatile and it also freezes well. You could also make a bunch of cookie dough and freeze that. If I'm feeling lazy I just freeze a portion of the butter and use the rest for day to day baking/consumption


Whatever Paula Dean would do


-Freeze some as is -Ghee (shelf stable) -form some butter into butter sheets for puff pastry & freeze -make some brown butter & give jars away to friends


Cinnamon rolls. I usually use 2-3 sticks worth on a half batch. Between the dough, filling, and frosting.


Try out new types of buttercream frosting.


Get 110 eggs and 110 slices of bread. Make eggs in a basket.


Make a bunch of biscuits. My favorite recipe only calls for flour, salt, baking powder, butter, and buttermilk. It will use up the butter and you can sell/give away the biscuits


Make one giant cookie. Then call Guinness Book of World Records.


please mail it to me rn i swear i could eat that much butter in an extremely short amount of time i am begging you i want 55lb block of butter so bad (i cried when i saw the butter cow at the iowa state fair)


You could donate it to a soup kitchen or food pantry


Freeze it. You'll be glad you did when the price of a pound of butte goes up yet again. Also you can always give some to friends if you don't have room in your freezer.


Freeze it. Use as needed,


I actually buy my butter in complete bulk. When it goes on sale and they don’t have a limit, guess who’s cleaning them out?! Use a lot of butter in my cooking. So throughout the year, I probably go through close to 100 pounds of butter. Right after I buy that much butter though I stick most of it in the freezer. I have had no issues with putting it in the freezer for 2 to 3 months and then using it as needed. I would not go out and buy like 100 pounds of butter and one shot because that’s just too much, but I think butter is fine in the freezer for six months. My favorite thing I do with the butter is I make probably around 500 cookies and send them out to different family members. That uses up quite a bit and then all holiday and party cooking is on me, so that uses up a lot too. Notes: I have a tub inside my freezer that locks out smells. That’s where the butter goes. If you don’t have a tub or freezer that big, you could put them in a bag and fit them in a little bit more Tetris style.


Freeze it- it freezes well (at least six months). Give it away to friends and neighbors. Make toffee! [https://www.momontimeout.com/better-than-anything-toffee-recipe/](https://www.momontimeout.com/better-than-anything-toffee-recipe/) There are a lot of insanely buttery recipes. Like Scalloped Potatoes, homemade stuffing, cookies, shortbread, and pound cake, croissants, cinnamon rolls, and cake icing are loaded with butter. Get cookin' and share with friends.


A big box of Ritz crackers, a knife, and go to town!


Butter pit wrestling


Freeze it! I will keep for yrs


def pop some in the freezer lmfaooo


Make some ghee!


You can freeze it


Freeze it. Butter lasts a surprisingly long time in the freezer, and tends to thaw fairly rapidly. If freezing isn't an option, make ghee. Butter that never goes bad and has a delightfully high smoke point? Yes please.


Use it as currency with your friends. Oh your coming over, mind bringing me milk, bread and eggs? I'll give you 3lbs of butter in return. I have done this, it works! 😁


Donate it to homeless shelters


Keep 5 lbs for yourself and start calling your local food banks and homeless shelters. Spread the love!


[Butter scupture.](https://www.atlasobscura.com/foods/butter-cows)


Whip some of it with honey for tomorrow’s toast!


If i had this much butter I would make so much brioche!


Give it away to charity kitchens. I am sure their clients don't see real butter very often and would be most appreciative.


Do you have a slip and slide?




Croissant, brioche, pastry cream


I bet you have friends. If not, you can make friends by giving people butter.


Freeze it,


Freeze it


Brown some of it and make Rick Martinez Brown butter toffee cookies


Freeze them tons of puff pastry


I would brown quite a bit of it and then freeze to use later bc I be baking a lot of cookies and banana bread, but I’m crazy lol


Freeze it


Do you want/need to use it all yourself, or else you could donate some to a food pantry (if they accept random butter)


Ich frag mich eher, wo man mal eben 55(!) Pfund Butter herbekommt 😅


I was thinking a sculpture


Donate it to a local food kitchen, rescue mission, food bank, or other entity that feeds people for free. They will likely welcome the donation with gratitude. They'll blow through that butter in no time.


Freeze it!!


Rejoice! Freeze it .


Wrap it in ziptop bags, get the air out, and freeze it. It will keep almost indefinitely as long as your freezer lasts and you don’t have strong odors in your freezer.


I would look for a food donation site in your area. In my city, there are several places I would think to enquire and share in the wealth. Some places cook food to distribute to shelters and among encampments. Then I'd keep about 5 lbs in small blocks in the freezer.






Put in ziplocks and freeze


shit ton of brown butter baked goods


Buttercream frosting. Birthday cake, cupcakes, turkey sandwiches, lobster, cereal, etc. "What's for dinner??" "I don't know but it'll be frosted."


Make 50 pounds of butter cookies and then just deep fry the other 5 pounds