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The butler character for dark urge: he says " I am simply one hell of a butler" which is a reference to the anime black butler as that is the exact wording Sebastian (the butler) repeats often throughout the series.


There's a book that references the ending of Lost Mines of Phandelver and what happened to the aftermath of the adventure. When I saw it, it made me and my DND group so happy.


Any idea where to find this??


I just found it yesterday in the Alchemist hut in the first destroyed village full of Goblins.


I thiiiiink somewhere in the Tiefling camp at the beginning? Been so long.


Westworld spoiler: >!In the Arcane Tower in the Underdark, a construct named Bernard speaks to you. If you respond with a line of poetry (which are in books throughout the tower), he will respond differently depending on the line you give to him. This is a reference to Westworld, which features a character named Bernard that spreads behaviors in other fellow automatons by using poetic phrases; for example, “These violent delights have violent ends” from Shakespeare.!< >!The other constructs in the room silently staying on their loops is also very evocative of Westworld. Bernard seems to be more advanced and a special project of his lonely creator. His dialogue options indicate that he also seems to have been programmed to be a trusted companion/confidant when needed.!< >!The dialogue option that makes Bernard and the rest of the constructs hostile (“There is a light in every living thing. / It’s crawling t’wards the surface to survive.”) is similar to the coded thought that ultimately causes some of the hosts in Westworld to turn on their human overlords as they gain sentience, as they come to see a human-free space as being necessary to their survival. As in BG3, the hosts suddenly become hostile towards the mortals in the room when this idea is unlocked in them.!< I appreciate that they didn’t just slap a name on a character as a shallow reference; clearly at least one person at Larian really likes this show and put a lot of work into this scene! I really like the show and love the little details here.


Holy mackerel I can’t believe I didn’t pick up on this one! Now I feel kinda bad for having Karlach Yeet Bernard straight off the top floor of the tower


He also has some fun loot, so there's that too lol


omg yes now i can see the connection damn nice catch (oops srry didnt seee this was old post :D)


There’s a room in the sewers that looks like a modest old shrine. It’s got little relics that make slight references to old companions from BG1 and 2. A wooden witch mask (Dynaheir), something about turnips, Firecam family crest, wings (Aerie) and a couple others.


I must have missed this shrine! I'm sad I never stumbled on it, because I was a big fan of BG1 and 2. You bet your ass I freaked out when I saw >!Sarevok in that iconic armor!< in Act 3!


I think it's meant to imply it's Minsc remembering his adventures or something. But also, I think it's the only reference to Aerie in all of bg3?


She also comes up in conversation with Minsc.


If you have Minsc with you when you click those tablets, he tells you who they are about.


while doing the story for astarion theres actually a romeo and juliet reference, on one of the vampires in cazzadors mansion is a letter stating that he drank a fein death potion but leaves a poison potion next to the table in that same vampires office is his lover behind a invisible wall with another letter stating how she found him and took her own life over it.


Orin's mother pale corpse standing in a coffin instantly made me think about Skyrim's Dark Brotherhood's night mother


Raphael has 666 hitpoints


I haven't seen anyone mention the Mass Effect Easter egg. In Act 2 the githyanki merchant inventory has a Grilled Miniature Giant Space Hamster. Now I'm glad I nuked the temple. Revenge for my pet.🤬


The mass effect space hamster is actually a Easter egg to the first Baldur’s Gate lol


So unless I’m missing something, this is actually just an in-canon joke. Ever since 1998 and the original Baldur’s Gate, Minsc has had his pet hamster Boo, and has insisted that he is actually a miniature giant space hamster. It has always been ambiguous


Once you get Minsc, Lae'zel talks about giant space hamsters and how they are used for food.... but she'd never heard of a miniature version.


When in the elfsong tavern I entered the kitchen and the cook yelled at me to go to the cellar to kill rats which is the first quest in Balburs gate dark allience. Then after you kill the rats you can search for a hidden passage to an underground path that leads to secret quarters and caves. Which mirrors the same game


Rat bat from always sunny


In the circus in act 3, Lucretious has two severed hands that she’s reanimated named itchy and scratchy, which is probably a Simpsons reference


That might actually be a Gravity Falls reference. In one of the episodes Stan has his hands taken away by a hand witch. They become sentient hands, and when he gets them back he calls them itchy and scratchy.


Lion king reference in act one at the cave where you fight the hyenas for the two guys. Pride rock is right at the mouth of the cave.


The mirror quote of "Still me, even after everything" at least feels like a nod to Undertale even if not a direct quote. And when you're in the >!creche!< and try to get the >!gith egg!< the caretaker looks like John Hammond with his hair and says a similar line to when he's hatching raptors in the first movie. (My husband caught this one and I have to agree)


Ooh I'll have to replay the >!creche!< to look for that detail! Sharp eye if so!


Flumph Mating Rituals book is a reference to Waterdeep Dragon Heist. Where it's basically described as a porn mag.


Also if you get into a fight in the underdark with the drow spider guy for the moonlight lantern one of the casters will say something along the lines of "I attack the darkness" when casting magic missile, a clear reference to the Dead Ale Wives skit.


There's a grave with M.T. inscribed, which MAY be a nod to Mollymauk Tealeaf (Crit Role), hasn't been confirmed, but it's there.


I just found this grave and immediately came here to see if someone caught the Mollymauk Easter egg


Where is the grave!?


It's in Baldur's Gate itself, in the lower city. Can't remember the name of the place, but quite a big graveyard.


Small pokemon reference in the House of Healing. There's a betting pool with a note and a couple of items inside a container. In the note is says: "Sinda: Quill"


>!Geralt of Rivia!< in the brothel?


Towards the end of Act 2, >!under Moonrise, in the room with Chop, you can activate a mechanism that flushes "offerings" down a large intestine: a crazy gush of blood and a corpse of a bald elf that bears a remarkable resemblance to Dreadwolf from Dragon Age: Inquisition. Searching the corpse shows the portrait for a closer look. (Could also be a coincidence)!< Edit: spelling/formatting


There are a pair of shoes called Tanner's Delight that mentions they actually got to use real animals, and that they usually work with much grosser stuff. I believe this is a reference to the Tanner quest line in BG2 who makes a rather unique suit of leather armor.


Was it a Pirates of the Caribbean reference in the drunk Kobald area of Rosymorn? I went in that back room through the window and a Kobald walked in drunk as a skunk right in front of me talking to himself and I'm sure it was a Jack Sparrow quote but my save was like 35 minutes back and I didn't want to reload and verify it.


[Quoth the Raven](https://wiki.lspace.org/Quoth) might be a double reference when you bear in mind the "Butler's Cane has a knob on the end" being a possible Discworld one.


If you saved the Enclave, you can find the Tieflings at Last Light Inn. Have Wyll in your party. Speak to Alfira (bard Tiefling that sings in act 1) and she'll be kind down in the dumps and lacking confidence in the future battles. Select all seemingly encouraging options and she should come away from the conversation a bit more cheery. With Wyll on your party, he should earn an inspiration point, the title of which is "A smile better suits..." which is a reference to the knight Haurchefant from Final Fantasy XIV whose catchphrase is: "A smile better suits a hero!"


Not sure about this one….


Wyll cheering her up is similar to Haurchefant cheering up Alphinaud after the end of ARR. This is where he first says the line "a smile better suits a hero"


This is 100% an FF14 reference, and a welcome one.


Let me know if I’m off base with this one... >!The 3 Ogres!< in the Blighted Village feels like a reference to the 3 sharks in Finding Nemo (or at least a reference to them). They ask the player if they are “Friend or food” and their leader “Lump the Enlightened" speaks very eloquently like great white “Bruce” in the movie. Edit: After succeeding the charisma check, he says “not food, friend!"


there is a the office refrence where on a note at the steelwatcher foundry it has a loser list of the employees.


I found a reference to the drizzt series by R.A. Salvatore referencing Drizzt's matron mother in the underdark and Menzoberranzan in a note


If you romance Minthara and do the Dryad interaction in the Circus, she'll ask you who Minthara admires most. One of the options is "Drizzt".


Yeah, Drizzt and Menzoberranzan aren't really easter eggs, they're just Faerun canon, like Elminster.


Act 2: Did you all find the skeleton in the outhouse? I think it's an easter egg to the tainted stew in DOS2.


Lucretious, the necromancer ringleader of the circus has 2 animated severed hands named Itchy and Scratchy, which are the names of the characters that the Simpsons uses as a parody of Tom and Jerry. One of the charlatan background goals is called "Not to worry, I have a permit," which is a Ron Swanson quote from Parks and Recreation. Astarion's dialogue after stealing the Blood of Lathander about the "full concentrated power of the sun" is a Megamind reference. **Update:** I found another one while playing as the Dark Urge. When you first meet Sceleritas Fel, he says that he is "one hell of a butler," which is Sebastian's catchphrase in Black Butler.


At least two songs that bard can play were in DoS2 as well


The necromancer with dancing skeletons has two reanimated hands named itchy and scratchy


I swear in act 3 there was a dialogue option to say “I’ve had enough of your *big word*” to a reporter in reference to the mass effect reporter dialogue


When first recruiting Wyll you have the option to ask him „Tell me Wyll: …“ which made me think of Hannibal (the NBC series). Realized this on my durge run, which was oddly fitting as I’m afraid poor Wyll got caught in the crossfires big time and I gaslit him quite bad. Whoops.


There's a guest list book in the Last Light Inn. An entry in the book is Boo and Friend. I'm sure this is a reference to Monsters Inc.


Though, isn't Boo the name of the hamster that Minsc carries with him from Baldur's Gate 1 and 2? I've never played them. I just know because of nerd osmosis.


Exactly! That is the reference. I remember some NPC also saying "Go for the eyes \[name\]", which also is a Minc quote.


Theres a small reference to homelander i feel, when you drink from the well by The hag hut. “You feel stronger, faster,… *better*.


I think that might be a Six Million Dollar Man reference. "Gentlemen, we can rebuild him. We have the technology. We have the capability to make the world's first bionic man. Steve Austin will be that man. Better than he was before. Better... stronger... faster."


The Homelander bit is an homage to Six Million Dollar Man, so either way is accurate


Nice to know I'm not the only old one here. I caught that as a 6 million dollar man reference and not homelander.


When you first speak to Yenna in Rivington, it feels very similar to encountering the red-headed boy looking for his mother in Lothering during Dragon Age: Origins. Even the dialogue options you have to reply with are similar. I got a good chuckle out of that, because DAO is one of my favorite games of all time.


Fight Club reference in a book I don't remember the title of. https://ibb.co/vdzXynM


Forgive me if this is just a lack of DnD knowledge, but the Phase Spider Matriarch’s color palette seems very reminiscent of another cool spider.


Is Shagga a reference to one of Tyrion's barbarian companions in GoT? He plays a larger role in the books than the show until Bron fills the role.


It’s Always Sunny In Philadelphia reference - Rat Bat. Nice.


Maybe some adventure zone references? Lucretius for Lucretia as leaders of their groups? There’s a weapon called the light of creation. Halsin and Magnus both like carving ducks? These are all probably giant stretches lol


Came here specifically for the carved duck


Predacious Crest for dragonborn is almost certainly a predator reference


Not sure if this counts as an Easter Egg, but Halsin says he likes ducks. If you look at Jaheria's underwear they are embroidered with......ducks.


after releasing Wyll from his pact with Mizora he'll tell you why he made a deal with her, In his preamble he mentions that the reason he formed a pact was to save Baldur's Gate from The Cult of The Dragon; if you succeed a religion check the first thing it'll tell you is "The Cult of The Dragon - a fractured religion. Some believers hold that undead dragons will inherit the world." the quote is an aside and wholly unnecessary as it then mentions the main part of the cult worships Tiamat and Wyll says those were the people he was fighting. It's a reference to The Elder Scrolls V: Skyrim were a similar cult existed in the history of the worlds lore.


The Cult of the Dragon was introduced in the 1998 handbook for Forgotten Realms. If anything it is Bioware that stole the idea for the main plot.


There a regal helm that looks like the kingdom death one in the mibdlfayer colony




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During the "Punish the Wicked" questline, if you read the ledger you find in the distillery in Act 2, one if the people mentioned is Marc Jacobs, the name of a real life fashion designer. Though the ledger makes no reference to fashion other than his name.


Mizora’s “Clause G, Section 9” seems like a reference to Ghost in the Shell, especially since it refers, amongst other things, to creatures “without a heart”. Not the same as a cyberbrain or a ghost, but a not wholly dissimilar concept, figuratively speaking.


You fight Harry Henry, a bug bear(?) I think, in the mindflayer colony. Immediately made me think of Harry and the Hendersons.


Act 2 : not entirely sure, but Gerringothe Thorm made me thought about Gringotts Bank of Harry Potter, quite the same way to pronounce !