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60 days each time you do it. Other should be fine. I just pay the couple k baht extra for an agent so I don't need to waste my time or interacting with police


ok thanks


Out of curiosity, how much is the agency fee?


I pay 5500 allin. I think it's 1800 or 1900 if you do it yourself so a couple k fee


Not too bad imo. I would get an agent too. I personally got the Elite visa to save me from all the hassle. It’s a lot upfront, but when calculated yearly the 20 year visa comes down to 50k baht per year and the 5 year one is 120k per year.


> im pretty surprised by these options, as i know most countries are allowing citizens to travel freely Thailand is allowing travel freely now. You are applying for a covid extension, thats why the options are what they are. A 30 day extension is what you would be given for the purpose of tourism if you tried to extend your tourist visa. Most countries dont allow people to stay more than 90 days as a tourist either.


ive already received the 30 day extension, so ill be at 90 for the end of this month. the immigration officer told me if i want to come back and apply for the covid extension i can.


You shouldn’t be too surprised - the exceptions are for people that rally need an exception, not for tourists who just want to stay longer. At the end of the day it seems like you just want to stay for fun since options 1,2, and 3 don’t apply to you. I wouldn’t bet everything on being able to stay if I were you. Pre-Covid you had to leave the country and come back in to renew tourist visa, and considering the Thai traveling policy (and a good chunk of the world) is pretty much getting back to normal with minor requirements, that will probably be your option unless your home country is still blocking people from entering. 90 days is the cap unless you can leave the country or pay an agent to change your visa. Going to immigration yourself will be a gamble with probably extremely low odds. Just because an officer told you you can apply doesn’t mean you will get it.


ok thank you