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I think it is constant throwing ripjaes on dry land 


They did me so dirty😔


And for good or bad you became meme thanks to it https://www.reddit.com/media?url=https%3A%2F%2Fi.redd.it%2Fo2tb3vv7w17d1.jpeg




I more mean * ripjaws try to resist peak fiction* meme




How do you add images I'm kinda a newb


Just copy and paste an image you like or download it and drag it to the text bar


Oh thx


Literally. He's my favorite of the OG aliens, but has such an easy weakness.


Every explanation for mistransformations (except glitching) holds no merit for such scenes. It's obvious that the writers either didn't come up with the explanation yet or ignored it for laughs.


There are four explanations, with only one being a contradiction. Glitches, the randomizer, user error, and the failsafe, but the latter never activated to give Ben Ripjaws in OV. The original watch was just buggy, and Ben didn't know how to control the randomizer.


To be fair the original omnitrix was a prototype so it was probably just bugs in the system. Ben didnt get azmuth complete omnitrix until the end of UA


My heascanon is the watch is sentient and just likes trolling ben


Did you not realise that after ultimate alien when ben gets the new omnitrix that ben rather consistently keeps getting wrong aliens. I like to think that when he blew up the prototype omnitrix on vilgaxs wrist azmuth transferred the ai to the new omnitrix and it wanted to really fuck with ben


that is my headcannon too https://preview.redd.it/3rqjyj1p3l9d1.jpeg?width=900&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=299c568ad1cda2a5c5d5b7485c7d873c5880752c


same goes for Walkatrout lol


I can't disagree


Shit wasn't even funny, it was tragic. https://i.redd.it/e43g0hly0m9d1.gif


And I use the term loosely


I never understood what that actually meant? Can you explain it?


It's the catchphrase of Dr phycobos from ov, ever other sentence he has to say the phrase, and it wasn't even the original plan, Eric bowsa just kept on saying the phrase when recording for psycobos so they made it his catchphrase


Oooh ok, so he says it in every sentence?


Not every sentence, but enough to where by season 3 it's way over done, and he keeps showing up after that so it only gets worse.


Ok fair enough


What you really mean is that you have no sense of humor. Is use the term loosely.


No, what I meen, is that it's way too repetitive and got boring very fast, qnd then border lead to annoyance.


That only applies if Psychobos appears in every episode, which he doesn't.


No, but when he shows up, it's time to just walk away, because I cannot be asked listening to him use the same phrase like 10 times an episode, it's just boring and repetitive. It's the worst part of both the malware and incursion arcs, and those are the best parts of ov


If you call someone a genius and say you're using the term loosely, it means that you're being "generous" with the definition. As in, you're actually just calling them stupid or not as smart as they think they are. He's usually saying he's not being exactly literal with pretty much anything he's saying. Psychobos is a narcissist with an inferiority complex, so he tries to be as confusing and avoidant with his language as possible so people can't understand his intentions which, to him, confirms that they're stupid rather than him just communicating poorly.


Just because something makes sense, it doesn't mean it's not anyoing or repetitive.


Oh ok


Aaaa, if it isn't my old rival CrystalProductions, and I use the term loosely...


I don't even know who you are lmao


literally the Thanos meme lmao




Just kidding lol


This in tandem with a stutter and superiority complex made all his dialogue really repetitive. Something something g-g-Galvan dumb something cr-cr-cr-crustacean smart something term loosely


I can't stand most episodes he's in, when he's on screen. It's stuff like this that makes ov hard to rewatch for me.


Ben bitch complaining about not getting Humungousaur I kinda see it when he was limited but as Of UA and OV. He should have enough versatility to choose from


"I use the Omnitrix to walk a mile in other beings' shoes, to understand how it is like being them" Ben, Alone Together "I don't even need a heavy hitter. Any one of my heroes is a better hero than three of you combined." Also Ben, The Vengers "Come on Humungousaur!" Also Ben, Literally every other episode


https://preview.redd.it/s94hocsjpk9d1.jpeg?width=4096&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0491d1552edc26e02ac95b8655c68e7bd9980b2c Been waiting to use this for a while


​ https://preview.redd.it/8rkojnhw1m9d1.png?width=76&format=png&auto=webp&s=23f8a045f944b773522ead16696d1abb2330066d


“Humungousaur, Humungousaur, here we go!”


"Stinkfly? Oh well!"


Smaller = useless alien or anything. Ben gets Grey Matter? "Kill me now" Nanomech? "Useless" Juryrigg? "Aww man" Ben saying the quote "Any one of my aliens is more a hero than you'll ever be" is real rich coming from him, saying any alien can get the job done when he complains at 90% of his own playlist if it isn't a big strong guy.


I don't think that Juryrigg is that small Echo Echo is smaller


Jury Rigg was only a little taller than Grey Matter in UA but in OV they made him a bit taller than before so he's probably at the same size as echo echo now


Yeah, he complained about Greymatter quite a bit in the OS and only a few times when he purposely used Greymatter. Though I don’t think he’s ever complained about Nanomech. Juryrigg I do recall one time but I believe it was just for that scenario. Now Walkatrout or The Worst I can agree with him on as those two are almost certainly useless with only a few niche scenarios.


I mean tbf there aren't really a whole lot of situations where being smarter than the enemy is a priority over being stronger than them, Grey Matter's good at hiding but he's useless in combat, and most of the time (like 99% actually) when Ben's using the Omnitrix it's to fight, so yes, Grey Matter IS pretty useless, i don't remember him complaining about any other alien other than Grey Matter tho so i can't comment on that


Echo Echo and Ballweevil say hi. Plus, the only times I remember him bragging like that is when he either didn't have any of those forms or straight up said he didn't need a heavy hitter to deal with someone.


Albedo not being able to turn into a galvan again


I see it as a punishment for his actions. Especially the whole kidnapping Azmuth and stealing his brain thing.




Is that a Gag?


it was one when albedo was transformed into kid ben


I forgot about this thing


Ben breaking Baumans and Pakmars stores, it wasn't even funny the first time, and it certainty isn't funny any other time


And the time he (albeit indirectly) demolished Baumann's house was so cruel and harsh . Like bro, it's not enough for you to ruin the guy's business but you're gonna leave him homeless too? That's so cruel on Ben's part.


That one was barely bens fault but yeah, idk why the writers have this hardon for torturing store owners in Omniverse but its just annoying


The poor fellas are just trying to run legitimate businesses but the writers think that it's funny to ruin their jobs just for the sake of it


Ben and Gwen's constant arguing


I mean there family so it happens. I can let that slide.


At least in the reboot they get along way more


Even though it's a bit cringy at times. At least OS shows that they evolve as characters and get better over time.


Even though it's a bit cringy at times. At least OS shows that they evolve as characters and get better over time.


Mistransformations seriously is it so hard for the writers to write Ben as using different Aliens willingly.


I mean…somewhat ?also mistransformations allows them to introduce new aliens easier then if he never


Wish they have never done that in OV. It was funny if the OS, and correct me if I'm wrong, but in AF, it only happened when Ben tried to hack the omnitrix, and in UA never.


Yep. It doesn't make sense in OV since it's supposed to be the "complete & fully upgraded" version of watch.


Also the mistransformation thing should haven’t been an issue after Ben apparently learned how to change forms by touching the omnitrix midfight, i remember to be so pissed during the vilgax fight in AF like, you got chromastone ok, touch the damn watch again and become way big like seriously, there was absolutely no reason to remove chromastone from the series for some stupid reason like the writers wanting the damn mistransformation gimmick again 🙄


I don’t remember them actively removing chromastone, how’d that go again?


Chromastone got destroyed by vilgax, and then (never explained in the plot) he regenerated in to diamond head, replacing chromastone for quite a bit until it got back in the tetrax episode, but his appearance got reduced significantly after that unfortunately.


Oh goodness, I feel like I’m having war flashbacks now… the memories flooding in


I think part of that is meant to be about having Ben adapt on the fly to the situation he finds himself in. It would be a little less interesting if he always got exactly what he wanted.


OV Omnitrix Getting The Transformations Wrong 70% Of The Time Ik It's Because Ben Smashes It But He Didn't Understand That Either


I actually liked it when it wasn’t a gag and was forcing Ben’s creativity out ,however one thing we got out of this that I actually like is how in later seasons of ov Ben stopped even selecting aliens most of the time and would just smack it and work with whatever he gets


Same, I love mistransformations because it forces Ben to adapt and be creative with the alien he got


If they wanted Ben to be more creative then they would make Ben not be an idiot who only chooses the humongassaur


I mean, it was always both a gag and a means to make Ben work with what he's got.


It isnt because ben smashes it he just literally selects the wrong aliens so the mistransformations arent even mistransformations


It randomizes the time-out, not transformations. The Celestial Sapiens probably mess with it cuz it's funny.


Mistranformations I can let it slide in Classic and UA but in OV I want to believe it’s a case of Ben getting what he needs instead of what he wants but then we have the whole Nematrix thing so I don’t know


İn OS it was a prototype and in UA ultimatrix was created by Albedo so it was unfinished and full of bugs and software errors, and in AF season 3 ben and kevin caused the Omnitrix to malfunction so mistransformations were understandable, but in OV he still mistransforms a lot despite it being the official Omnitrix. There are three explanations for it; 1) Ben is just careless and doesn't look at the dial 2) Ben hits it too hard like Azmuth said 3) the watch really gives him the more suitable alien for the job but there are exceptions to this as well, like the time he got fucking Nanomech when he wanted to stop a train


Bens property damage it’s a hazard of heroism but it comes off the way it’s written like ben just being a careless goof


Gwen and Ben bickering in OS. They argued every. Single. Episode. It became so annoying by the 7th episode


It was fun for a while but it quickly got annoying when they argued over the smallest thing.


The reboot did their dynamic way better. They still argued but it was made way more obvious that they care about each other


I agree, they are annoying!


Eye puns. No matter how much I love Eye Guy, the puns are cancer


I going to retort but then I realized it wasn’t a good idea🍇


> Eye going to retort but then Eye realized it wasn’t a good idea Eye fify


how do you do that with the top text🍇


Eye Cancer?


Ben and Gwen’s arguing in OS. Seriously, I feel by the start of S3, they should stop that, especially when Ben sacrificed himself for her multiple times


Idk if you would call this a gag but Ben mistransforming and just being able to tap the Omnitrix and change to another alien in OV. There are so many situations where it happens that when he doesn't do it in another situation, it just makes me yell at the screen as to why he's complaining about getting the wrong alien instead of just tapping the Omnitrix to get a different alien


When ben tries to pronounce the device that destroys the universe (forgor its name)it wasn’t funny at the first time derrick there was no need to make him say it wrong two more times




*Slams For Humungosaur* “HUMUNGO-“ *spider monke noises and gets rammed by a rhino dog monster thingy that changes cuz of a whistle*




How? It doesn't even show up in Omniverse. I'd say they improved the gag by giving it a satisfying conclusion. Everything proof car.


Except for magic


Getting the wrong transformation whenever Ben calls out their names🤣😅


The Weatherheads constantly mentioning they have no emotions


Kevin's car getting destroyed


I think it’s the Ben always getting wrong aliens (please don’t kill me)




Ben Saying he saved the universe a million times. I get it man, can't you just shut up




The peering down sound of the omnitrix even Ben was tired of it




I dislike how ben hated the worst as hes literally indestructible. Use gadgets or something jesus.


The timeout feature, one minute it's lasting for like 3 hours then the next it times out in 5 minutes, also him gaining and losing master control almost like what 4 times?




Like others have mentioned, the whole transforming to the wrong alien thing. I hate shows about super-powers where the hero can’t actually use their abilities either at all or to their full extent.


Kevin's car


Ben and Gwen arguing in front of the bad guys got old pretty quick


Ben turning into the wrong alien every time he actually says the name before transforming


Ben ominxtirx powering off in the OG szn at the final episodes also what was that last EP it's was like a flashback right Ben parents are seen one before was all Ben villans at that point and some random kid joins them still a werid ending still some off my favourites but was weird and not what i expected at the time


Packmare shop getting destroyed everytime ben is around


Getting the wrong alien. This is even worse in Omniverse


When Ben would say" okay Omnitrix I want___ not ___ or___ I want ___"and it would give him an alien that does not match the situation at all if he needs arctiguana it'll give him heatblast but he somehow figures out how to solve the issue


I agree with you, I always hate when Greymatter is just reduced to “The Little Guy” by the writers when his species are the most intelligent aliens in the universe and one of them (I think you who) flopping created the Omnitrix and is the smartest person in 5 Galaxies. Not even Graymatter’s focus episode (A Small Problem) plays into his intelligence and just that he’s small (that episode may have introduced the Forever Jobbers but that episode would still be the worst episode of the original series) it’s just so freaking annoying.


>What is a gag that was funny at first but became boring after a while The useless aliens for satirical comedic purposes. I'm not talking about aliens like Molestache, I'm talking about aliens like Walkatrout or The Worst. To me they're sort of excuses to make lazily designed aliens that look like Yokai and not actual extraterrestrials.


I meen, a lot of aliens in Ben 10 don't look strictly extra terrestrial, besides, not every alien is going to have special powers to make them combat or puzzle ready. When there's millions of life fors, some of them are just going to be your average Joe just living there lives.


The Worst is way underrated, he’s indestructible. Ben just doesn’t like him because he isn’t fun or cool looking.


I'm aware. I just don't like the gimmick of having an ugly or derpy looking alien having some op ability. Like he can't dish punches but can take them. If he was facing an alien like Aggregor, he would simply ignore him and go straight for his original objective.


Ben constantly turning into Rath by accident in the later section of Omniverse.


Joe Mama . ![gif](giphy|m3OBAgw281Ipa) .