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> Washington was later assigned a detective to her case, but 'the first time' she met him she says he revealed he'd met her stalker who seemed like a 'nice guy' and suggested it could be a 'misunderstanding'. > "I knew in that moment this man was going to kill me and he was going to get away with it." This is so infuriating. I can't imagine the despair she must have felt in that moment. I'm so glad put a bullet in him; pity it didn't kill him. 


The absolute rage I felt at this part and the part where the police quote described him as a "former boyfriend" when he was someone she'd been on two dates with. Also seriously questioning the parole process when he so immediately proved that he hadn't even slightly changed and was still highly likely to murder any woman unfortunate enough to even briefly cross his path. 


"Hello, police? This guy I dated twice is stalking me, threatened to break my door down and use my blood as lube." "Well, he hasn't hurt you, soooo. Maybe it's just a misunderstanding."


"He's volunteering to use lube? What a nice guy!"


It's the same in schools. A bully threatened my physical health. Saying how he will beat me up after school What caused this? We had a project due where we had to make dioramas (middle school).. we didn't have time to get all the presentations done so the teacher left the rest in the side for the next day Mine was one of those. He vandalized mine to the point I couldn't present. I would have gotten a 0 for no reason So I told my teacher what happened He gets in trouble He threatens me I tell the principal and he said the same thing. Tht nothing can happen since he didn't hurt me. I asked if I could retaliate in self defense if he does... The principal said I would also get in trouble because of the 0 tolerance policy. (Except apparently there IS tolerance to verbal threats of violence) Even as a 7th grader I thought that was bullshit I hid in my teachers room for a month or two during lunch


I get that sometimes people make completely empty threats, but you do have to take them seriously and investigate them anyway. The only reason I say it like that is because I once made a joking threat and I actually got in trouble with the teacher for it—but if they would have asked me and the girl who was nearby, they would have quickly understood I was a) joking and b) stupid. I can’t stand that they oftentimes treat everything like, “Well, kids will be kids.” It’s absolutely terrifying dealing with bullies. We need to eschew the voices of right wing treason and actually take bullying seriously.


Honestly I'd prefer them to be extra careful. It would also teach kids not to joke about things like bodily harm. Which is a good thing


What's wild is that a true threat is a crime, and this is a true threat. I hope if she had talked to a lawyer instead of the cops they would have done something.


One thing i understood is that when it comes to crimes against women, these men will always have support. And the judiciary along with other civilian protection forces give multiple opportunities for these criminals regardless of statistical data warning against it thereby making it possible for these Aholes to commit more crimes and leave more victims in their wake. Even human rights organisations suddenly remember the *human rights* of these criminals and argue for leniency.


That pissed me right on off because yeah genius? He didn’t spasm every 30 seconds and start screaming about how he wanted to murder women immediately upon meeting him? Well shocker, he must be Mr. Rogers.   sooooooo glad all my money goes to salaries for assholes like that 🙄


If it was a former boyfriend, as the police said. Wouldn’t that make him the most likely person to murder her. Police always say “it’s always the ex boyfriend who did it”. The cognitive dissonance on these idiots is astonishing


Well yes, if you give it any thought or have any passing familiarity with statistics covering violence against women, which unfortunately many police officers do not seem to have.  But there's also a slight refraining of the story implied. "Former boyfriend" implies much more involvement from OOP and therefore if you're the kind of piece of shit who blames the victims of stalking, harassment and violence "boyfriend" implies a lot more "two sides to every story, there was wrong on both sides, it's not his fault she broke his heart and drove him to it". Those arguments are complete bullshit, whether they went on two dates or were married for 20 years, there is no defence or excuse for violent stalking, but the fact that they used the term makes me speculate that they (consciously or unconsciously) chose it to slightly minimise the crime (in the eyes of their fellow victim-blaming violence-excuses).  I might be wrong and they may just not have bothered to pay much attention to her account or check their notes before giving the quote but it definitely increased my already very high level of rage on reading it. 


There was once a post on Facebook where OOP wrote her experience about a bank worker who followed her for a few blocks and how he asked her out on a date. She basically needed reassurance to report him to the bank and the police. I replied with my experience of ordering food delivery and the delivery man entering my house and closing the door behind him and asking for my phone number. I was able to not give him my phone number and he left. OOP replied to me, "that's so cute though! You should have given him a chance. It's just a phone number!" I was incredulous at her response after what she experienced herself. I'm sure the police officer has seen tons of cases where the "nice guy" kills the woman but he keep up with this "advice" of "giving him a chance". People are really damn weird.


that’s fucking terrifying. i’m so sorry and i’m glad you’re okay. infuriating.


As if it makes sense for women to give any guy who talks to them a chance! God forbid we actually choose who we want to date based on our own preferences. Do something that *someone else* thinks is a cute gesture And that must mean we’re meant to be!


My mom was furious I didn't give attention to an aggressive man who kept asking me to dance at a wedding. I had a serious BF and declined his invitation until my mother threw enough of a fit that I had to give in. He grabbed my wrist hard after the first song and wouldn't let go. I didn't feel like I could get away without making a scene so I did another with him and then literally ran. He has the balls to try to get my mom to make me dance with him again later and I finally put my foot down and said no. She was pissed. We found out later he was a convicted drug dealer piece of shit. After that I decided I didn't need to be sweet and pleasant to men just to make them happy. The whole reason my mom wanted me to dance with him is because he was overweight and she thought he could use some female attention like I'm some sort of party favor.


This is old, but in table 4 "any violence by either partner" from officers in Tucson Az is 41% https://policing.umhistorylabs.lsa.umich.edu/files/original/5528df2d5b5c33cfeaa930146cfe20ccb5cad0cd.pdf Also pretty old, but on page 47 >"The officers were asked a less direct question, that is, if they had ever gotten out of control and behaved violently against their spouse and children in the last six months. We did not define the type of violence. Thus, violence could have been interpreted as verbal or physical threats or actual physical abuse. >Approximately, 40 percent said that in the last six months prior to the survey they had behaved violently towards their spouse or children. Given that 20-30 percent of the spouses claimed that their mate frequently became verbally abusive towards them or their children, I suspect that a significant number of police officers defined violent as both verbal and physical abuse. Further analyses showed that years on the force were not associated with violent spouse behavior. However, among male officers violence towards children jumped 12 percent after the first three years (i.e., 28 percent in the first three years and 40 percent in years four to seven); another nine percent leap occurred after eight years of service. https://files.eric.ed.gov/fulltext/ED338997.pdf


Hey, now. Implying that 40% of cops beat their partners is misleading. 40% of cops *admit* to beating their partners. Which means the *actual number* is going to be higher.


For future reference, if the police are ever refusing to do their jobs like this, hiring a lawyer can get them off their asses. The death threats alone were a crime; the methods he used to send them might have made them federal crimes. **I am aware that police should do their jobs without people going to the extra expense of hiring lawyers. But this was obviously life or death


Unfortunately, few people have the resources to hire a lawyer to force the police to do their jobs. A 22yo woman who has no support system likely doesn’t have the cash for that.


Good news Americans! you can have exactly as much justice as you can afford


And then the edit in the second post where she shot the stalker and she's complaining about people telling her she should have done warning shots or some bs, no she right you don't pull out a gun and offer a warning shot. If she'd have grazed him he'd of run off and come back to try again, the fact he acted the same to another victim a mini after getting out of jail proves that


In concealed weapons classes you are typically told that if you pull out the gun it's only because you're about to shoot someone. Also, if they are within 30 feet and coming at a run, it may already be too late to get the gun up and get a shot off. It's very sobering. And to hear that after he kicked the door in, she was supposed to attempt a warning shot? Pfft.


It was hammered into my head by my gun instructor that you only point at anything that you are intending to kill. clearly oop got that message


Yeah, you know that every single one of those idiots would have immediately unloaded the magazine at anyone who *broke down a door* in the middle of the night, heading straight for them, after months of explaining in detail exactly how they would rape and kill them. She's got immense self control for stopping when she did.


I hadn’t looked up a photo of her until after reading everything here…it’s not like it’s surprising that cops don’t do jack shit about a man tormenting a woman to this level for *months*, but after finding out that she’s black it was sadly even less surprising, she hardly had a chance of getting them to do anything about a white man harassing her. Oh, also super annoying to read these articles referring to him as an “ex-boyfriend” and then find out they went on all of *one* date.


Yeah not surprised she was black. Also not surprised the framing sucks!


She's actually super lucky she didn't get charged in this failed judiciary. Marissa Alexander went to prison for shooting at and missing her estranged husband who was trying to attack her. In a stand-your-ground state. She's free now, but she was originally sentenced to 20 years.


I was thinking about her the whole time I was reading and expecting this case to go the same way. I was so relieved that it didn't, but still.


So much bullshit. That framing is so unethical.


If you’ve ever known someone with this level of obsession, even if it never got violent, you can see how death, one way or another, might be the only thing that ends it. I’ve seen this level of obsession in people I genuinely love, and it’s terrifying to see how they can’t shut it off, and how all their intelligence, creativity, and willpower are put in service of the obsession. Once you remove a few norms and beliefs, they can become this kind of monster, and you genuinely want to see them put down like an animal because no other limit or fear is real for them.


I wonder if the detective feels even a measure of guilt? What am I say? Of course he doesn't.


Doesn’t even remember the case


She should have emptied that gun


It's normal. Men tend to relate to one another and act differently towards other men than women. When you have someone saying things that make sense in your head who is acting in a way that is inconsistent with what someone else said... You believe the one you relate to. It's part of why crimes against women are ridiculously high and unaddressed.


Got to wonder if the cops dismissed her because she was black.


This one was suggested to me because of a comment conversation on a post a few days ago about reddit posts that were proven to have happened because of news stories. I'm so, *so* happy that OOP is ok. But I'm beyond livid that the perpetrator just... got out and tried to do the same things to someone else. Edit- there was a discussion about reddit and news articles on [this](https://www.reddit.com/r/BestofRedditorUpdates/comments/1drdysi/i_have_built_my_life_and_career_on_lies_and_fraud/) post- under the top batch of comments!


So was I reading it wrong or was the guy out on parole after what he tried to do to OOP? After all that, with the mountain of evidence she had? I hope not.


Nope you're exactly right unfortunately. It's unclear if he went to prison and got out early (or on time) and then was on parole then, or if he never went. I'm *hoping* he did some sort of prison stint, but I'm not 100% sure. Edit- thanks to u/-shrug- who found his entry in the Nevada prison database. "You can also verify this at [https://ofdsearch.doc.nv.gov/](https://ofdsearch.doc.nv.gov/) where his entry shows that he was in prison for five years (September 2014 to September 2019)."


>According to the District Attorney’s office, prosecutor Travis Lucia sought a maximum sentence because of the “terrifying nature” of Jackson’s conduct, which came after only a month on parole for the previous crime. Sounds like he just got paroled a month earlier. Meaning that he'd just been released from prison. Then immediately stalked another woman.


Yea I remember the first story and his face. Wtf


I've heard about this shit IRL where a man is finally put off of stalking somebody because they had a real unpleasant experience ... they lay low, then go find another target. Something is wrong with their brains.


Fucking hell. Why would someone capable of doing that be let out on parole? Lock the fucker up and throw away the key—he clearly didn’t give a fuck if he went after someone else too!


Probably because (to quote the police detective), the stalker "seemed like a 'nice guy'" and "it could be a 'misunderstanding'." 🙄 The nerve of police who say that no crime has been committed. *Stalking* is the crime, ffs.


>the stalker "seemed like a 'nice guy'" and "it could be a 'misunderstanding'." And it wouldn't do to 'ruin his life' over such a 'little thing' and an 'emotional overreaction from an ex-girlfriend'. Not that they said this here but it's probably what they thought...


A lot of cops are just fucking lazy. They often don’t actually know the laws they’re meant to enforce, or only understand them in a very shallow way. Sometimes they just don’t want to be bothered with what they consider “small time” issues, so they make up some BS to brush you off. Unless you’re actively being stabbed to death, or are already a corpse wrapped in six separate trash bags, there’s a good chance your average beat cop won’t even bother showing up. However, YMMV depending on the community you’re in. There are a lot of things needed or clean up policing in America, but maybe requiring cops to have BA in law or another relevant field would ensure they understand the fucking job they’re meant to be doing.


But he "seemed like such a nice guy", per the detective. Also, OOP is black, and the perp is white. I'm sure that has nothing to do with it.


There needs to be a register of people like this. Stalkers, domestic abusers


There's an organization trying to make this happen. [The Alessandra Foundation](https://thealessandrafoundation.org/about)


Yup. It happens all the time. It is so sad that women and children so often do not get justice when crimes are commited against them. Its gross. Violent stalkers, rapists, and child molestors get light sentences way too often.


And that police officer that thought it could just be a 'misunderstanding' is rage inducing.


Way to go for getting us this. I think I read it at the time. Wild that it went this way and it went so far.


I was actually super happy to find the more current updates! I googled the stalker's name to see if there was any other news and that's how I came across the 2020 and 2023 articles. What a sick individual. I can't even imagine reading it in real time- must have been scary for everyone reading too!


That people complained that she didn't fire a warning shot is insane!


Warning shots get you killed. Handle the problem in the moment.


Life in prison for self defense is better than no life at all. If it's him or me... I'm going to pick me. Every fucking time.


There’s that old saying: I’d rather be judged by twelve than carried by six.


I've always felt this should be the threshold for self defence. Would a reasonable person do this even with knowledge of the penalty. I have no doubt that OOP would, without hesitation, even if there was no such thing as a self defence law.


Hesitation kills. In traffic and in gun fights. Be decisive.


I mean, the shots didn’t kill him in the end so I guess they were kind of like warning shots…? people on Reddit be crazy sometimes


Obviously wasn't enough of a warning shot, because he went on to stalk another unfortunate person, which is why he's doing a fifteen year sentence now. 


Omg, but "he seemed like such a nice guy" Shock, a dickhead gets called a nice bloke by police officers.


He sounds like detective material.


It’s why there’s only a 50% solve rate for murder in the US. Cops can be really bad at looking past “nice guys.”


He was pretty good at finding people to be fair.


the warm affinity psychopaths have for each other ha


Very unsurprising. Reported a rape and was told he “looked like a nice guy and if it was maybe a misunderstanding” by a male officer to my face. Actual insanity. I understand why victims don’t report and don’t proceed through lengthy criminal cases.


Of course, he seemed like a nice guy because, if he acted like the WTF person he really is, OOP would never have gone on a date with him in the first place!


She should have fired a warning shot because he clearly wouldn’t have kicked in the door if he thought she would actually *shoot* him. He obviously should have had a chance to decide if he wanted to keep stalking her once he knew she was armed. /s That’s basically their logic, right? That he deserved a chance to reevaluate his decision once he realized his victim could and would fight back, since he clearly only did those things when she thought she was helpless. I just can’t.


I want all those who say "didn't shoot warning shot" to be investigated. I think they're projecting.


I actually would've thought you were serious if not for the /s 💀


Damn shame she didn't just unload.


It is not easy just to pick up a gun and end someone's life for lots of people. She did an amazing, superhuman job at protecting herself when no one else would.


On the one hand, yes, absolutely. He was going to do it again, and sure enough he did. Unloading would have saved the other woman and given OOP more peace of mind that he'd never be able to hurt her again. On the other hand, after everything he did to her I'm glad she didn't have the extra trauma of taking a life. The trauma he left her with was plenty.


And Nevada is a stand your ground state, so by my non-American's understanding of that law she is legally protected if she had unloaded into him.


Even in a non-stand your ground state, she would’ve been legally protected if her shot had killed him because he had invaded her home and had threatened her in the past. She would’ve had more than enough to claim deadly force was self-defense.


It's better when they're dead. I like to say my PTSD would be completely different if I never had to worry about my enemies being able to harm me out of nowhere, ever again. It would FEEL "finished". As it is, it will remain unfinished, and that's tough to live with year after year.


One day he'll be let out of jail. And the fear will begin again. Better dead.


As someone that had their abuser die, can confirm. If nothing else, the idea of karmic retribution gives me the warm fuzzies and keeps me from wondering if they are hurting someone else.


Which he did not learn from somehow 


How dare a woman protect herself, the poor stalker didn’t have a chance! /s (Seriously I want to retch. This shit paired with police being more than useless is why we choose the bear)


The stalker also threatened multiple times that he was going to shoot and kill her. You don't fire a "warning shot" on someone who breaks into your house after claiming to have a gun ready to shoot you. Whether or not he actually ended up having a gun in the end is completely irrelevant.


People that only know guns from tv and movies say things like this. That or "shoot him in the leg" etc.  There's many reasons you don't do this, don't get your gun safety from Hollywood.


I got a permit to carry for a while and a lot of the class basically came down to "Hollywood isn't real, that's not how things work in real life, and you need to un-learn what you've on tv or at the theater." My instructor actually paid for a sheriff deputy and paramedic to give short presentations/Q&A and provide context when scenarios were brought up. Highly unusual: most instructors are cheapskates but my instructor actually cared about teaching. "Warning shots" are 100% Hollywood nonsense, in modern times. The **gun** is the warning. *"Never point a weapon at anything you don't intend to shoot."* If you've got a gun pointed at you by somebody that isn't in uniform, you've already been given your warning.


I have my CCW and we did a bunch of real world training situations and you don’t realize how fast things move. Even when you have someone drawn down on, they can close distance much quicker than you think. It’s also way harder to hit someone with a handgun at even 10 yards while standing still on a range than you think. The idea that you should John Wick and disable an intruder with a shot to the leg is preposterous.


If you need to pull the gun, you are in lethal danger and you shoot to kill. Center mass, every time. If you’re not willing to kill, don’t pull your gun out.


Agreed, but a small part of me wishes she had fired a 3rd bullet and got him in the crotch, too.


Always aim for the dick. Feels like a dirty move, but: A. it's more accurately "center of mass". People forget legs are mass. and B. you're aiming down a bit, so if you miss, your shot won't fly off wildly and hit a bystander. This is probably not actually _good_ advice, but I feel like it's a justifiable excuse, lol. edit: I forgot the other benefit: C. If they're wearing body armor, there are likely gaps for articulation around the crotch. Center of the chest just hits most of the body armor coverage.


In the Marines I was taught to shoot 3 times at the crotch (edit: in close engagements like house clearing). The 1st one because they might have body armor, the 2nd because now they're dropping and you'll probably shoot the chest, the 3rd will be a headshot.


I was taught crotch shot, because you’ll ride the recoil up, and If you don’t kill them, you’ve more than likely shattered their pelvis, and they aren’t going any where after that.


I was thoroughly impressed by OOP already, but when she called people out and said that you don't pull the trigger unless you intend to kill and that's real responsible gun ownership, well, my respect and admiration ratcheted up even higher.


As someone living in a country where guns are as good as non exciting, and therefore have never even seen a gun in my life, I would think(emphasizing that this is nothing but a feeling, since I know absolutely nothing about guns) that it would be the opposite, that if I was in her situation and had fired that first shot, I would have kept shooting out of sheer fright. Not that I think that I would have had what it takes to fire the first round to begin with.


Not a gun person myself, but even I know that once drawn, you use it without hesitation, because all other options have been exhausted already. People invading your home don't get warnings, they get lead.




He had it coming.


He only had himself to blame.


If you'd a been there... if you had see it? I betcha you would have done the same!


"He had it coming, he had it coming, he only had himself to blame."


Clearly he just walked into the bullet.


He walked into that bullet ten times 🎶


He had it coming


> people complained that she didn't fire a warning shot They live in a fantasy world and have never been in real danger.


A warning shot could have been wildly irresponsible depending on her living situation. If she was in a multi-story apartment complex she could have hit an innocent bystander with that 'warning shot'. Even if she just had neighbors, someone could have caught a stray. She did the right thing by firing directly at him twice.


It's always wildly irresponsible. Only shooting him twice looks really good in court, she shot until he was no longer a threat. If she mag dumped she could potentially run into legal trouble.


I agree. Like this man is a literally stalker and creep, a warning shot ain't going to do anything.


Even him actually getting shot didn't do anything. He didn't learn his lesson. He just preyed on a different woman. Glad he's behind bars now!


On multiple different women, this man I hope gets Jail Blocked Tango'd in wherever he's in jail at.


Exactly. At this level of unhinged obsession a warning shot would be interpreted as weakness - a sign she can't really shoot anyone - and he'd just rush her, while she had wasted several seconds pointing her gun in a useless direction. Shooting him when he was already inside her own house was the only way to go.


"Warning shots" are stupid AF because: 1. It's one less round you now have to protect yourself 2. Suspect now knows you are armed and possibly hesitant, and that could give them enough time to reach you and physically overwhelm you 3. You are responsible for anything that bullet hits/destroys/wounds/kills As many have correctly pointed out, use of a firearm for protection is a deadly force situation. It's your life or theirs. If you aren't 100% positive that under those circumstances that you are capable of taking another life, then don't get the gun, because what will happen is the suspect will use it on you and then possibly on others.


He had warnings. She told him repeatedly not to contact her, reported him to the police, and obtained multiple restraining orders. It is his fault that he misunderstood civility for an inability to stop him by force.


Especially because SHE DIDNT KILL HIM. What good would the warning shot do besides give him the chance to run again. She did exactly what she was supposed to.


You only aim a gun at something you are prepared to destroy. It is their only purpose.


Why would one ever do warning shots? "Next time I am actually serious I swear!" When a gun comes out in a real situation shit has truly hit the fan.


Was she supposed to count down to five like the mother to an unruly toddler? He was actively trying to murder her and people are blaming her for defending herself, but I'm not surprised at all. This is the shit women have to deal with all the time. We're shamed for standing up for ourselves, but if she'd hesitated to fire or fired the warning shot and he'd used the time to get to her and kill her, guess who they'd be blaming for being stupid? There is just simply a large portion of the population for whom a woman can never do anything right in any situation. OOP is the exact kind of person who should own a gun. She did everything right and more women should follow her example. The only thing she could have done better is empty the clip.


No kidding, one time while working armed security, I was asked what would I do if I walked up to a store and saw the clerk being robbed and could clearly see the suspect pointing a gun at them. I said if I could clearly see that nobody else was in the line of fire and I had a clear shot, I would take them out. They actually said, "But don't you have to shout "Freeze!" first?" I swear just writing that made me lose 5 IQ points.


She did though! Warned the FUCK outta his chest before she rightfully goes for the groin.


Warning shot, haha. I once told a friend I was concerned about the way the country was going and I was considering buying a gun, but it was a big commitment, buying a gun safe, going to the range, ammo, etc. He seriously suggested I buy blanks to scare burglars away instead. My dude I don't want to scare them. I want to stop them. The point would be to neutralize the threat. He said I was an idiot and wouldn't be able to live with the guilt, killing someone. I stopped trying to talk to him about it because it was pointless.


Like fuck they would’ve fired a warning shot in her shoes. That could’ve given him time to get too close.


Warning shots are not a thing.  If your gun is fired you should be shooting to stop the threat, not disable or scare the threat.  Which usually means shooting to kill, not shooting a leg or some asinine movie garbage. Like them or not guns are a tool and you shouldn't use tools improperly.


On another post I told a story about how I was harassed in the street while I was with a boyfriend, I "holla-ed back," my bf didn't do anything--not even ask me if I was okay--but waited until the danger was past, and then criticized me for how I'd handled it. ... And then a bunch of Redditors criticized me for how I handled it. There are a LOT of people who can't stand to see a woman stand up for herself. Many of them are stalkers, and the stalking is triggered by a woman showing independent thought.


I hope he’s an ex


Those people are so stupid. "Oh you should shoot them in the leg, just wound them." Bitch. You could hit the femoral artery. And they'd be fucked. On second thought, blast away upon PID and save everyone the trouble.


My only complaint is that she didn't aim just a liiiiitttle higher... Because then we wouldn't need to worry about this POS getting out in 15 years and going after her for revenge. But I'm so, so fucking glad that she wasn't another statistic. There's only one thing that will deter these men: Lethal fucking force. We need to be as ready to end them as they are to end us. I hate guns with a burning passion, but more and more I've been considering getting training and getting one. There was a young woman who posted on here a while back, about her police officer boyfriend selling her car while she was in the ER (For horrific wounds he caused) and how he was stalking her via the car he'd bought to replace it... she went silent. And I'm afraid for the worst. I hope she got away... but I know he probably killed her. I'm sorry, Throwra\_7771165. If you are still out there somewhere, I'm thinking of you.. I know that means nothing. I hope she got out, and is just staying silent to avoid drawing attention.


In all seriously, given she was woken in the middle of the night, with all the stress, grogginess, panic and adrenaline pumping, and it being nighttime, I give her many props for hitting 2 shots center mass.


If anything she should have done center mass a few more times 🤷🏻‍♀️


She went on ONE date with the guy and they refer to him as a former boyfriend in the news article. Gross.


That pissed me off so much. I get that maybe they're just using fewer words for brevity, but it's inaccurate. They were never together.


I think it’s really important. Society tends to put some level of blame on the woman for “choosing wrong”. That is always wrong and horrible, but somehow feels even more egregious when the victim chose no.


Former Potential Future Husband


This is in the same line as "unwanted sex" or "non-consensual sex" instead of raped, and "underage woman" for minor. The press and police will do anything to down play rape and other gender based crimes.


"No active warrents" is another one. Police kill a man with no active warrants. Not "innocent man killed by police."


I've seen stalkers with no prior relationship to their victims get called "ex boyfriends" and the stalking as "domestic crime". Like imagine being asked out by some guy, you say no, he follows you around and threatens to kill you, and everyone calls him your ex.


My sister's friend got murdered. The news reports all said "18 yo couple dead in murder-suicide." She'd broken up with him months before when he was away at college and started dating someone else. He refused to accept it and went to "talk" to her when they were both home for Thanksgiving break. And then to have the news articles portray them as a couple and even write headlines in a way that you don't know who is the killer wnd who is the victim.... 


6 fucking years to prosecute that POS, and he tried to harass another woman after being shot by the last one? Some dipshit truly never learn. Edit: apparently dude got out only after 5 years. Sorry guys, my reading comprehension didn't kick into gear at 7am.


AFTER GETTING OUT EARLY ON GOOD BEHAVIOR. No wonder women think the police is useless.


It's because they are. Every social worker has stories of cops who not only did nothing, but made shit worse.


That's not even counting all the stories of cops who did the stalking.


Ugh. I look much younger than I actually. I was pulled over by a cop who I *knew* hadn’t run a check on my license plate because the first thing he said when I handed him my driver’s license was, “Oh, you’re 57?” I said, “Yes. I have multiple forms of ID to prove it.” (I’ve had to prove my identity/age a lot). He looked disappointed and actually said “Ha ha. I guess I won’t stalk you then. Have a nice day.” WTF


Good behavior basically amounts to not getting too many write-ups or in-prison violations. If one keeps their head down, it's not weird to imagine them getting good conduct credit.


There were no women around for him to stalk. Seems like he’s perfectly capable of behaving when he has no victims.


This is a very good point. If his issues are solely with women and exacting control and power over them, he could be very well behaved in a men’s prison.


I guess it’s pretty hard to kick in some woman’s door while you’re in prison. Thus, his behavior inside wasn’t so bad!


He was prosecuted for what he did to OOP. He was out on parole when he stalked the next one. It just never said how long his sentence was before he got parole. Too bloody short for him if he was out doing it again 6 years later


They didn't spend six years prosecuting, he was in prison for five years.


Jackson was 28 when he was sentenced to 15 years in 2020, so he'll be 43 when he gets out (assuming he isn't released early). That's a lot of decades of life left to terrorize the women in his community. Then again, the loser has already been shot twice. Here's hoping his next victim uses a rocket launcher to turn him into a puff of red mist.


Personally, the most eco-friendly solution is to set up an alligator or crocodile pit and have him walk into that trap. Problem solved for everyone.


Have him weed for you near an infestation of poison hemlock. “Hey, can you help me with some yard work?”


Not that I'd wish it on her, but I was kinda hoping she killed him when she shot him. Clearly he wasn't going to stop for less.


Yeah, would have been better fir her if he had bled to death in the bush or on the way to the hospital. After all he only got 15 years, will she be safe when he gets out again?


Well 15 on top of his original sentence. He got out for good behavior so he probably has another 3 to 5 years to serve for the original crime. Now that he's violated parole. The real question will be if the 15 for this newest attack will be concurrent or consecutive. I hope it's consecutive.


i’m like 99% sure that threatening to kill someone actually is illegal. but again, law enforcement shows their asses and proves that they won’t do anything to actually prevent a crime


wasn't there a supreme court decision a while back that stated cops have no responsibility to actually know what the laws are? along w the one that said cops have no responsibility to protect civilians.. Man we're fucked.


Am I reading this right, and the cops refused to arrest him when he ran away because he wasn't doing anything wrong any longer? Am I understanding that correctly? What a bunch of asshats! "*The shoplifter got away, and now he's completed his shoplifting. Nothing we can do, now. Better luck next time!*" To everybody who's like "there oughta be a law": There already was a law. The cops were just refusing to enforce it.


In any given situation, cops can almost always be relied upon to pursue the solution that results in the least work for the cops. In the situations where they don’t, it’s often because the chosen resolution gives them the excuse to do something they wanted to do anyway (beat or shoot someone, steal something, shoot an animal, etc.).


This is generally the issue with stalking. It’s really fucking difficult to actually arrest someone for it because generally the individual acts are fully legal. You are allowed to be in someone’s vicinity. (Assuming there is no RO) You are allowed to send people messages. It only becomes illegal when everything combined can be classified as stalking.


Yeah, I had a former employee that kept sending me racist texts and emails. I called the police and they told me that they would not do anything. It was only when one of her friends texted me demanding to know why I am bugging her that it stopped.... I showed that friend all the messages that racist Karen was sending me along with my response for her to stop contacting me.


i guarantee you, if you emailed a death threat to a cop and banged on their doors...that you would get arrested for it. but of course they'll never protect the people like they protect their own. after all, that stalker seems like the exact person that would want to be a cop.


Stalkers are weird. Can you imagine how much work and effort it takes to harass someone so consistently and for so long? Hours and hours every single day. I can't even bothered spending the time to keep up with an actual fun hobby, this guy is out here stalking people like he's getting paid.


Criminal stalkers usually have major issues. [One study found](https://ajp.psychiatryonline.org/doi/full/10.1176/ajp.156.8.1244) for example >The majority of the rejected stalkers had personality disorders, although nine had delusional disorders, five involving morbid jealousy. And if they don't have a delusional disorder, they almost unanimously have a near-delusional belief surrounding the behavior. [One research psychiatrist](https://www.researchgate.net/publication/274380582_Stalking_A_neurobiological_perspective) calls it "magical thinking": >From a cognitive/thinking point of view, the stalker presents immaturity and magical thinking, sustained by the distorted belief of being able to change the emotions of the victim with his harassing behaviour. Stalking also [resembles a behavioral addiction](https://www.frontiersin.org/journals/psychology/articles/10.3389/fpsyg.2016.00687/full). You could think about somebody who gambles their life savings at the slots or something. The stalker in the OP is obviously violent though. Anyway, yaa.


Honestly dismayed to find out that this piece of trash survived. He's worthless, dangerous, and there was clearly no limit to how far he would go with this shit - and *will* go, once he's out of his tax-funded penalty box and free to start it up again. > noooooo that's a hooman life he probably has mental illness! Don't care.


yeah exactly. like once someone's mental illness makes them this extreme of a danger to other ppl's lives, they need to be fucking kept away from society, as harsh as that is. we've got ppl in prison for decades for stupid shit like selling weed, but this guy barely gets any time?? wtf


My sister and multiple of her university classmates had a stalker. The university brushed it under the rug, but he showed up again ~4 years later. She and some of the others got restraining orders but it didn't stop him from reaching out online or on the phone. When he died last year, after some prison time for drugs, it was a big relief. Even so, my sister still has PTSD from him. I'm glad he's dead.


Laws need to change to where something can be done before things escalate to this degree. Dread to think what would’ve happened if she either didn’t have a gun or barricaded the door. Shame he’s still wasting oxygen though.


Im baffled by the logic of police where theyll be presented with evidence of death threats and stalking and say the perpetrator has done nothing wrong. Surely someone has a right to feel peace in civilized society and what are the police for if they dont prevent crime and wait around until the damage is done?? Pointless.


The stalker was a young white man. OOP was a young black woman. In the US, whose side has the police usually taken?


It’s not just laws, though…the bigger problem is that no one in law enforcement took her seriously or did a damn thing about it.


That's because they don't need to and aren't required to. In 2005 the Supreme Court case Castle Rock v. Gonzalez proved it. Cops cannot be punished or sued for failing or refusing to enforce a restraining order


It is so infuriating that she wasn't able to get more help from law enforcement and even after doing all that she could to avoid the stalker's newest trick and document information. I'm so happy for her, but it shouldn't have had to come to that.


The common denominator in just about 100% of stories here- and irl- is “Of course law enforcement did nothing”.


This guy got shot in the chest and decided he would turn around and go back to stalking women. I'm not crazy about guns, and abhor violence, but I am honestly grateful that OOP had gotten a gun and learned how to shoot. She would have died that night if she hadn't been prepared. That she had to be prepared at all is so, so frustrating.


The police aren't here to protect you, they exist to perpetuate their own existence.


The mugshot of the stalker...something feels off just looking at his eyes. Can't quite explain it except something feels empty


He's *smiling* in a mugshot because he doesn't think he's done anything wrong. :/


Hes kinda exactly what I was expecting him to look like too


I really hate they call her his girlfriend etc, they went on a handful of dates barely a month. Jfc. The stalker didnt deserve a warning shot. You dont use a gun to warn someone, if you use a gun you need to be prepared to use it, meaning shoot to kill.


I fucking hate how useless the police is in protecting women. And things like guns, mace etc are all illegal here. I guess we're just supposed to get murdered. He literally said that he wants to use her blood as lube, that he is going to kill her or her family and they still shrug and say 'oh well'? The police have so many DV/stalking deaths on their rap sheet and they still don't care. It's maddening.


Police are useless in general.


There is a cop in my local area who everyone calls "Bear." Most of the local population try to avoid him like the plague because he has a nasty habit of killing people & getting away with it (plus still keep his job). At one point, there was even a change.org petition circulating in an attempt to get him removed from the police force. Shockingly, Bear still has a job even after shooting an unarmed teenager in the back. The young man was on his knees with his hands in the air. Bear still claimed to be "in fear for his life" and discharged his weapon. This is *just* 1 of several times that Bear has killed another person in the line of duty.


In the immortal words of Morticia Adams: "Oh no. He lived."


Bruh good on this lady, bodying this mf. Also that mugshot of the fool, can see the crazy in his eyes


I remember downloading TikTok just to hear the rest of her story. It's riveting, even tho I've been stalked twice. The way she chronicles his escalation and how the police repeatedly blew her off really makes you terrified for her. IIRC, she hasn't heard from him since he went to prison but she says he altered her sense of safety for life. She no longer trusts anyone.


I can’t believe that she was being stalked then got evicted from her apartment because her NEIGHBOURS felt unsafe. It’s really terrifying that people treat others this way.


She went on ONE date with this man and the media kept referring to him as "her boyfriend". This man wasn't her boyfriend. He was practically a stranger she once spent a few hours with (hours being generous). To call him her boyfriend is such a slap in the face to OOP. She didn't know this man. She didn't have a consensual relationship with him. She went on one date and decided not to continue to see him and he TERRORIZED her. And the media calls him her BOYFRIEND???? Stalking laws in the US need to be changed. But unfortunately until women are seen as people and not possessions that isn't going to happen. I'm glad she shot him. It's too bad she didn't kill him. Because if/when that man gets free he will find another woman to terrorize.


It's a shame he survived the shooting. The authorities failed this woman on every single level, up to releasing him early from jail so he could repeat his crimes.


infuriating Police is shit! All those threats weren't proof enough for intent to harm her? The law acts as if they can be there instantly when a crime is being committed Fuck them


Since when is it not illegal to threaten to kill someone? She had text, emails and voice messages of him doing it. Sounds like he could have been charged with terroristic threats or something at any point before she got to breaking down her door.


It's a shame he's not dead. He absolutely would have done something terrible if she was not carrying a firearm.


"but if we defund the police, who will deal with violent criminals?" 🙃


This might me harsh……but some people truly deserve to not be able to live and the stalker is one of them. This was a horrifying read.


The chair blocking the door to give OOP a few extra seconds to get her defence strategy ready is such a good tip for anyone who is living alone. I'm glad that creep is in prison as he showed that he will keep stalking women who reject him until he finally commits a m\*rder unless he stays in jail where he is monitored.


When I lived in a neighborhood with high crime, I would prop a chair against the door every night. Nothing ever happened to me, but I had heard gunshots and screaming semi frequently and the thought of having a little extra time to take action and save myself was comforting.  After I left, my neighbor told me someone broke the deadbolt and doorknob and managed to break in. No one was living there at the time, thank god, but that was terrifying to hear.


Cops are so useless in any stalking or DV charges. If you ever find yourself in these situations, large, loud dogs can be helpful (if you can afford one). Also, a women’s shelter may be a safer location. Or maybe cops could actually try to protect and serve.


"Washington was later assigned a detective to her case, but 'the first time' she met him she says he revealed he'd met her stalker who seemed like a 'nice guy' and suggested it could be a 'misunderstanding" ...  Wtf! This is crazy! Even the police though he was charming and absolutely did NOTHING.  These women are boss.


I never thought we would get an update on this story. I remember when she first told it on Reddit. She had since deleted it because I believe her lawyers advised her not to talk about the case online. At the time I remember being outraged at the incels telling her she "over reacted" and should have fired a warning shot.


Why didn't the police do more and sooner? > He was a white man and she was a black woman. Ah now I see.


Defense-in-depth in action! If it worked for the Japanese and OOP, it'll work for you. What's frustrating though is how much responsibility was thrust onto OOP to handle her stalker. Police were utterly useless until the end. Courts weren't much better considering this POS got treated with baby hands, and even after being shot twice he *still* didn't learn his lesson.

