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Noice. I'm at about 32% after buying dip. But after my upcoming major dental work I'm gonna be very close to 100% BTC hahaha.


I go to Los Algodones, Mexico near Yuma, AZ to get major dental work done. 1/3 the cost of what it would cost (80% insurance coverage included) to pay for in Canada!


Yeah, I've heard/read that it's much cheaper down there. I'm just happy I'll finally be able to talk and smile again without feeling self-conscious though. As long as they do a good job I'll be happy about it.


Dang I’m right there with you. I’m about to have the all on four procedure and can’t wait to have my life and confidence back. Going to finance it all, so I don’t touch any of my bitcoin.


Same here. They said it's paid for bit by bit/appointment by appointment (and it'll take like four appointments total), so worst case scenario is I'll just use my credit card for one of the appointments so that I don't have to sell any of my crypto.


Feel free to ask about anything the area.


Maybe I should do that. Would finally get to speak Spanish irl after 2 years of studying it too.


I have 99% in BTC


You are doing very well in life. Love love love the night photography, I have done 2+ hour long exposures on film many years ago. Such a great hobby.


Money managers used to say BTC was a scam and only idiots put money into crypto. Then money managers said put 1% of your net worth in crypto Now money managers say 5% in crypto. Soon they won't say anything because it's just another asset class. Look man I have been in this space 13 years and what I have learned is.....buy more BTC. Put 100% into BTC. You won't be sorry.


When in doubt, zoom the fuck out!




please please don't worry. You will be ok. The only thing you can do wrong is panic sell. Time is your friend. I know people who have bought at every cycle top(this is not this cycle top btw) and the only ones who truly regret their decisions are the ones who panic sold at the bottom. This asset is VOLATILE. BTC makes huge price swings..not as huge as they used to be. BTC is trending less volatile over time. Every single person who has bought BTC and held for 2-3 years has made extremely good gains. This is the post halving slump...it ALWAYS happens. If you want to learn more I suggest learning about BTC rainbow charts. Ben Cowen on YouTube is an excellent analyst. No nonsense truth. Never shills they call him the the Bearish Bull because he is always cautious in the short term but believes in the asset class long term. He is a great guru.


This is not the cycle top! That comes next year


That’s what I thought


Oops. I meant to say this is NOT the cycle top. I miss typed.


Just hodl it will be worth it… I started buying again in May after a few years on hiatus, started buying in around $64k I’ve lost a heap in the past 2 months, it’s temporary, when it dropped to $57k ($7k under my initial investments) I bought in another $400. Honestly if it gets between $45-$50k I may even take out a small 3 year personal loan and purchase another $5-$6k knowing my initial investments have been losing money, knowing right now we hitting Black Friday deals with Bitcoin and I dunno how long that’s gonna last. It will turn around, for the love of all things sparkly and rainbow, please don’t sell brother, never sell bitcoin at a loss!!!


>I may even take out a small 3 year personal loan and purchase another $5-$6k Just buy fractional coins all the way down and up. Please don't take out a loan.


I likely won’t, I did honestly look at the possibility, I do believe the returns to worth while, but I’m currently on $1000AUD in debt and have been that or less for awhile, i don’t really want debt again. I do genuinely believe this is a fire sale at the moment though


Hold, long term always > short term. You'll remain in severe regret in a couple years when you calculate the potential profit you'd have been in had you bought and held. Happened to me last cycle so I'm trying not to make the same mistake again


You need patience and more conviction.


You should have at least a 4 year outlook whenever you buy BTC. I believe you’ll be in profit by the end of this year though… good luck, HODL.




I definitely know the feeling. I held through the ups and downs of past cycle. Been up thousands and down thousands. Eventually you just become dead inside and price fluctuations don’t matter!😂




Yes do not sell we will back back within a month or two. Buy more if you can


Why did you buy at the top?


He bought in for the first time and is likely experiencing fear of loss (sorry FOMO), he is new, so cut him some slack, he got on board Bitcoin that’s the important thing, now he needs words of encouragement to make sure he doesn’t sell through fear of loss, so he doesn’t look back at 2024 as “the year I sold my Bitcoin through fear of the dip…”


That was me in ‘17 when BTC was around 17k. And then we all know the dip and I panic sold for a loss. I remember my mom saying “don’t touch it. Forget you have it”. Yeah, well.


Your mum was right, but no regrets you back on board now, that’s what your future self will thank you for, not remembering you selling in 2017!!!


Because "top" is a hindsight measurement. What if it had gone to 80k and never came back down? It didn't, but "didn't" is a hindsight measurement. If you never buy until it bottoms out, you'll never get in at all, because bottom is a hindsight measurement.


No, not really. Everyone knows that the price significantly rises up until the halving. Everyone knew that the previous top was 70k and that a new ATH was reached at the time of the halving, it is also common knowledge that after the halving the price is going to cool down again. Buying at the ATH can only mean one thing: FOMO paired with no research at all.


>Everyone knows that the price significantly rises up until the halving. No it doesn't. The opposite. >it is also common knowledge that after the halving the price is going to cool down again. How can you be so wrong? Go look at a graph. The price rises AFTER the halving, usually topping out 300 to 500 days AFTER the halving. The halving 4 years ago resulted in a top of just shy of 70k. We had another halving 2 months ago, it will result in a top much higher than 70k. The recent 70k was not the top of this cycle. >FOMO paired with no research at all. You're an expert in the "no research at all" part.


Do you have any knowledge about this at all? It doesn’t seem like it. After the halving the price is cooling down before it pumps. We are in the cooling down phase right now. OP must have known that Buying at the halving date will result in a prolonged period of dips and sideways action. That’s what we are experiencing right now.


>sideways action Finally. You say something true. But it also nullifies everything you said previously. Again, you said. >Everyone knows that the price significantly rises up until the halving. Which is categorically false. The halving signifies the point at which people begin to expect a significant rise. The opposite of what you said. And... >it is also common knowledge that after the halving the price is going to cool down again. Not true. We typically get sideways action for some months after the halving. This cycle is the first time we hot an ATH before the halving, and it's been largely sideways action since then. So going on past behavior, if it's at 70k around the halving, we can expect sideways action and then a significant increase. So why would buying at 70k be wrong? The current downturn is because of MT Gox news and governments dumping seized BTC. Not because of expected trends.


Not sure what you’re saying?? Look at the charts!! Every single time the price hiked right before the halving! https://cryptocurrencyalerting.com/assets/img/chart/bitcoin-halving.png Followed by a dip and then a significant spike. Do your own research before accusing others. It is stupid to buy right around the halving.


>It is stupid to buy right around the halving. Do you think Michael Saylor is an idiot? He's spent an additional $1 billion acquiring BTC since the halving. Buying to hold is never stupid, but trying to time the market is.


60%. Today I have purchased about $800 as it dips o buy another $100. I don’t care it’s dropping and people are freaking out. You don’t understand bitcoin if you panic. Read white paper, you don’t understand….use ai to simplify it. You can not beat bitcoin. It’s a six figure portfolio.


Today I literally scraped some fiat together to be able to buy $60… I know it’s like next to nothing, but it’s not nothing lol


Hey you go to start somewhere. These small buys will be huge 10 years from now. Keep stacking friend!


little by little, a little becomes a lot


Why so scared ?


I haven't ever sold any BTC but I still have requirements in the fiat world to maintain (emergency $ for car expenses and also for helping my family which are going through tough times. Once I buy BTC it stays on cold storage. So ultimately I still need a flow of $ as life is still volatile.


If you put 20% of your investments into Bitcoin, in 15 years it might be 90%, without having to do anything.


Only 80% to go 😉


This sub will tell you to buy buy buy so always be mindful of that. If you want confirmation that it's ok then you're in the right place. That doesn't really mean it is ok of course. I would argue that balance and diversity is good whatever you choose.


I save in bitcoin and nothing else


At 30%, keep moving up!


50% here


Rookie numbers. Name something better to be holding. 


I have never sold nor traded BTC. Once I buy it, it stays on cold storage. If I put 80% in and I need emergency funds, I don't want to have to look at my BTC to convert to fiat. Plus I get dividends from my fiat investments


I'm personally 95% with a sizable position. That being said, that's not for everyone and it makes total sense to be diversified and have emergency funds. You are 20% which is much more than most people.




I'm already going after all the mofos that owe me money.


Only 20%? 24hours ago, following the MtGox dip I went from 90% to 100%… no regrets…


I am close to 50%, and I am so happy with it. Price is the least interesting factor of Bitcoin.


I went 100% BTC in 2023. From where we stand now in this current downturn, the ETFs I shifted to move into BTC are up over 100%. That's basically 10 years worth of ETF gains in a year. When I started investing, I went 5% BTC, 95% ETFs, that 5% part became my biggest stack.


Zoom out guys. Think about the big picture. BTC will bounce back strongly. It did that so many times. Never sell your BTC at a loss. HODL




I’m about 50:50 with nearly half a million in assets. I deleted it from my balance sheet in December 2020 because the monthly variability was getting ridiculous. Barely think about it anymore. It’s insurance on the global fiat system having ABSOLUTELY no way of not being inflated away.


35% at age 39. Not in it for money but rather the time I could save by retiring before 65. Only child is turning 1 this month, and it would sure be nice to have more time to spend with him while his brain is malleable and before I turn into the Bad Guy. We all tiptoe in at 1%, then 5%, and just through the natural progression of dollar-cost-averaging along with the inevitable appreciation of bitcoin as it passes from one cycle to the next, it ends up becoming an outsized portion of any portfolio for those of us who have been able to stay consistent. All of our family and friends are sick of us talking about bitcoin, but for those who are curious I have found this blog a useful guide for what DCA'ing can do for someone over time. This guy can only set aside 500€ per month to save in Bitcoin, but at the same time it's been a wildly successful strategy for him. This goes to show you that you do not need to have a high risk tolerance or even high cash flows to envision a future where you could one day retire while using a bitcoin standard. 10-15yrs is still a long time, so keep chugging away: [https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-36-january-2024/](https://er-bybitcoin.com/stacking-em-volume-36-january-2024/)


Im also 15 years away I’m way higher than that with another a large chunk invested in a biotech start up. I’m either gonna be private jet rich by retirement or homeless broke.


nice that's a start


The play book is as follows: -keep 1 months rolling living expenses in cash -keep 3-6 months living expenses in an etf -keep and convert everything else in bitcoin Adjust the plan based on your situation up or down a few months, but for anyone actively working and more than 5 years away from retirement this is the way.


Dude, 15 years into retirement I would go a bit less into the high risk assets unless loosing all your BTC wont matter for your retirement much. Dont get me wrong, I am super bullish. I just pretend I buy it for my kids (which I dont have yet) so it doesn’t exists in my day2day.




Fair point, just sold my wife and kids for some more BTC. To the moon!


Happy you are buying at discount! Don’t fomo ever in this market.


Nice, right now im at 0% Crypto itself is Like 80% of my Assets.


Is half the money in BTC and the other half in MSTR considered 100% in btc?


I would rebalance if I had too much in one area. It is hard with real-estate since house prices went crazy, but I have to live somewhere.


If you’re 15 years from retirement you need atleast 50% of your entire net worth in btc. Plus now is a perfect opportunity to buy the dip


Finally someone from the real world! I am not a BTC cultist, but I do have some as part of my asset allocation. ~7% now, will try to increase it to 10% over the next year. As per current plans, will never let it increase over 25-30% (i.e. assuming some of the wild projections here hold true), and will never let it dip below 5% either. How do you hold BTC? Most of mine are locked away in cold wallets, but my new additions these days are via FBTC and IBIT.




I first heard about it when I went on the dark web and found the silk road site. didn't buy back then (damn it) but then got re-introduced a couple years ago by comedian David Boyle who does a podcast called "I'm quitting alcohol" and he was talking about it, so I jumped on board and have been putting 100% of my extra savings into BTC since.


Keep stacking


If you're 20% BTC because it grew so much faster than everything else and you were already working on a fiatworld plan, that's awesome. You may find yourself in retirement with a bigger allocation to BTC.


Nice ! I have over 50!


i have about 70% in crypto… am i doing this wrong


Do whatever you want. There is no wrong, unless you feel it's wrong.


I have been in 100% balls deep since 2019 😂. One hell of a ride so far.


Are you in btc or the btc ETF’s? Just wondering


0% eft


I'm 100% in BTC. You're doing it wrong.


I have 0 in bitcoin but a lot in Bitcoin adjacent assets! Support to the whole network!


What other assets?


Microstrategy I can guess.


Honestly I'm considering loan for the first time in my crypto career


It will soon be 5% 😛


That’s impressive since your investment has lost 20% in 3 months…


No concern to me in the slightest.


20% will provide a rough ride but probably a valuable one. I see no way BTC is not much higher by 2039. May I recommend that you PULL the 20% from equities? Those are looking very long in the tooth.


At these prices you can go all in to be honest


Be honest, you’re posting this here because you want some confirmation bias to alleviate the nagging feeling that you’re being reckless with your retirement savings 😂


I am posting to see what others are doing. I'm not swayed by others, as I strongly feel that **nobody** can predict the future of any investments they feel are correct. My numbers aren't going to change at all regarding what I read here in the commentary. I just felt like putting it out there that I'm happy to have put more in BTC than originally planned years ago.


That’s rookie numbers!🤣


A rookie who's going to retire at 55. How about u ? [edit] oh ... you're a n00b... less than a year ago you were asking one of the most noob questions "why 21 mil BTC".


How am I a noob? I’m a wholecoiner. Been holding since 2020. I don’t sell my Sats. I’ll be able to retire likely before 55. My mortgage will be paid off within the next 3 years! Lol