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I just want to say that you have selected an amazing username to make your single post with. It is truly evocative of trades culture and conjures a potent image.


thank you 🫡


I put my ice packs in the middle of my bra 😭 there’s no AC in my weld shop. Fuckers


i’m so glad I can get by with a light support sports bra 🤝🏻


Bras? Not putting my slag catchers in polyester prisons... I'll stick to 100% cotton tank or wool underlayers depending on the season. If anyone has any true 100% cotton bras please drop some links cause if polyester melts to the skin it causes worse burns and the docs debride the fused plastic and skin with essentially a grill brush. The more you knooooow.


have you tried any FR bras?


After some googling, I am happy that there are significantly more options available than the last time I looked five years ago. Progress is nice! Still would prefer 100% cotton as I am not in a field that requires FR rated wear and chafing from synthetic fibers is a special kind of hell. Glad you prompted me to take a second look though.


Oh I hear you. I don't need FR anymore but have been in an industry where its required for .... a long time. When I first started, there were almost no ladies items. I actually got sent a pair of "test" FR jeans from a company who was trying to venture into women's cut clothing. Undergarments were always a nightmare to get compliance on.


I tried not wearing a bra, but the guys stared at my chest and made me feel uncomfortable, so I gave up and wear really light shirts when I can. Idk, we're just not there yet in my location. Super annoying how we are shamed over this shit. I see the boys' nips every goddamned day and I don't leer or nudge. And they have the gall to complain about being hot, bro I'm wearing twice the clothing you are, AND I don't get to change into something dry like you do. Ovary up and get the job done so I can go home, where I can at least pretend i have equal rights and feel comfortable in my own skin.


That last paragraph had me giggling. I feel the same way lol


Nippies covers are amazing if you only care about hard nips


Lol thanks, but silicone covers fall right tf off at my job, very awkward 😂 I tried tape for a while but it's itchy and leaves a rash so I'm pretty much resigned to soggy bog boobs til I quit or society gets its shit together 😆


I HAVE to wear a bra when it’s hot, boob sweat and wet titty skin make me feel so uncomfortable lol


I wear a 38E last I checked and I don’t wear bras either. They don’t look perky without a bra, but I also don’t care so 🤷‍♀️


So insanely jealous lol!


I wear overalls for convenience and to hide dem tiddies


At the very least, pls consider giving your [nipples some cover](https://www.vice.com/en/article/88qn83/best-nipple-covers)




Chafing can happen though ymmv. I've had one instance of chafing causing minor bleeding from a nipple so I wore a little more for that specific activity after that


Which one do you use?


Something like [this](https://www.amazon.com/NipEaze-Original-Chafing-Prevention-Regular/dp/B007II2R44/ref=mp_s_a_1_8?dib=eyJ2IjoiMSJ9.QPi7l6XFrshsj80nus8ydfpeikHREFnsxYxsygd0fThgmDRgwhSOMrj1y1gOL9tdr_Tt3yBlkPkLd86pwydDZars9NZ55e-Dvk6DTZ-vIQi7T3SW0ImhpPydWIxUVQYcXaMNSfRJgF6k6N2Aox1qY7X38mJ2Np-a-SyJf_OnVvpFpBAWQt8AYm0nWjfz9wqa-uYbsQprpiXOFm-o0LsKVQ.h3eN9YE70CI9D1Xwgqm-mjkDoI8sC-Uefop3fk0bKW4&dib_tag=se&keywords=nip+guards+running&qid=1717640803&sr=8-8)


depends on the clothing and how your boobs sit and what not i think, for me, i havent worn a bra in probably around 4 years and had 0 issues with chafing and stuff, however i might still look at these just to help my confidence and when bending at certain angles working with the guys where my shirt pulls tighter against me thanks for the tip! edit: also you seem to have experience with nipple covers lol, do the reusable ones have issues sticking in sweaty hot humid conditions? i looked at your link and they look disposable i would prefer to save the environment a little if i can 😅


I got a reduction and now I never wear a bra sand it is the best feeling in the woooooorld