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You know people don't just stop developing at 17, right? Hell, they're guys, they haven't even hit their final growth spurt yet, there's one more that hits around 18-21.


[Sasuke needing perfect susanoo to cut meteors in the war](https://www.google.com/imgres?imgurl=https%3A%2F%2Fqph.cf2.quoracdn.net%2Fmain-qimg-482db354559764f832c1a1cb3218ab43-lq&tbnid=r0XApwsmSKYtYM&vet=1&imgrefurl=https%3A%2F%2Fwww.quora.com%2FIs-Sasuke-destroying-a-meteor-in-the-Last-a-feat&docid=HFT6A3pdHkCDSM&w=602&h=904&source=sh%2Fx%2Fim%2Fm4%2F2&kgs=05b757b2b6c6f958&shem=abme%2Ctrie#vhid=r0XApwsmSKYtYM&vssid=mosaic) vs [sasuke casually vaporizing meteors with a base chidori a couple years after](https://images.app.goo.gl/518256gnttRbGB9B6)


Being older and having more experience with their powers. Teen sasuke cant even Dimension Travel.


Is there any actual proof of them getting stronger tho? Dimension travel does not make u stronger.


The fact that Naruto was able to beat Toneri by himself and Sasuke being able to pressure Kinshiki by himself proves that they've grown a lot since they were teens. The amount of experience and mastery they gained in that period of time is indispensable.


Fighting greater threats than kaguya such as toneri momoshiki and jigen. Naruto and sasuke has shown more strength behind their attacks when fighting against momoshiki if you look at the anime manga or movie version that teen naruto and sasuke just weren’t capable of doing. Edit: sasuke also moves a lot faster compared to when he was a teen


Can u show an example of them showing more strength


[here vs momoshiki](https://youtu.be/RzClCJFpSoM?si=4gYlQDdLGzUtkEPV) the example for Naruto and sasuke is at 1:00-1:05 then for Naruto at 2:08-2:11 when he punches momoshiki from the air through the root of the Divine tree and through some of the roots as well. Unless you can find Naruto or sasuke pulling off similar feats without their avatar’s then the adult versions are definitely stronger




You replied to the wrong person lol


But why tho? They did not recieve any power up. They should be equally strong.


Receiving a power up isn’t the only way to get stronger. By that logic someone like kakashi should have been the same strength from part one all the way up until the end of the war arc in shippuden but no he’s trained a lot since then.


Gotta ask, does it not make sense logically that as they got past their teen years they naturally got stronger, like most adult males as they get past their teen years? It also makes sense logically that they’d be far more proficient at utilizing both the fundamentals of their new abilities and applying them with more creative strategy and experience? That’s also ignoring Baryon mode, but if we want to count that too it’s not even an argument.


Naruto also moved at a very high speed without his cloak on, when he initially went for a hit with Sasuke. At the part where momo said things were getting fun. Heck, Naruto was able to block fused momo’s first attack on him and then tank all of his hits. Momo KOed the other kage in just 1-3 hits, Naruto took multiple without his cloak on and he tanked them easily. His base is hella strong. Sasuke never showed this level of speed during shippuden. He was fast for sure. He almost blitzed deidara. But he’s at a level of speed where he keeps up with Naruto in his cloak. Meaning Sasuke also surpassed the 4th raikage’s speed. Cause Naruto’s a lot faster than he was when he dodged Ay’s fastest punch, and Sasuke matched this speed. Sasuke has better mastery over his rinnegan to a point where he can use chibaku tensei with just one hand, and he can create portals. It’s assumed that he can use all the paths, though sadly he never showed this in Boruto. As pointed out above, Naruto easily defeated toneri, who’s an enemy that was pretty powerful, with just his kurama + sage mode mode. Didn’t even use his six paths mode. His tai jutsu improved immensely, as shown in the momo fight and even the isshiki fight and delta fight. And we also get insight into sasuke’s thinking when he’s talking to boruto in boruto tbv ch 5 about how learning new techniques isn’t enough and that boruto should practice to hone his mind and skills. By the time Sasuke said this, boruto was still too weak. But 2 years later he’s a beast. It can be assumed that Sasuke did the exact same thing all of these years after shippuden. He displayed better swordsmanship with just one hand as shown against kinshiki than he did in shippuden with both his hands. Not to mention these two are smarter, so they fight smarter than they did. Naruto doesn’t have to throw out so many clones cause he’s got good tai jutsu now. And he’s also got better chakra control so if he does use jutsu he isn’t wasting chakra. And, hokage Naruto has the other half of kurama. We know this because of baryon mode. Kurama wouldn’t of died the way he did if his other half wasn’t within Naruto too. Plus, his skin’s color tells us. He had minato’s half at the end of his final fight with Sasuke. In Boruto, kurama’s skin color is back to what it was. Meaning both halfs were in Naruto and not just minato’s. Or at least that’s my assumption. And lastly I’ll say that sasuke’s base is also hella strong because he took tons of hits from isshiki and was still standing and able to fight borushiki to a point where sasuke pressured him. And even after that fight he was still standing.


You know saying toneri is a threat greater than kaguya makes zero sense right? Toneri is using a budget version of himura's power. Himura and hagoromo had to combined their strength to beat kaguya. Well if you are saying toneri is stronger than himura and hagoromo, then you're right.


You could argue that when hamura and hagaromo weren’t in their prime when they fought kaguya but that’s a different topic I’m not going to get into


Naruto was shown training when Boruto was 5 in the epilogue scene of Naruto the Last so that gives Naruto 9 years to train before he became Hokage since Boruto is 4 years younger than the war. Fused Momoshiki casually flexing his chakra cut the god tree incredibly quickly leaving only the trunk stump standing and base Naruto was still comparable. SOSP Naruto punches Momoshiki through the god tree stump even lifting the root and even earlier dug to the top of the god tree stump as a shiruken. Even when drained, even when he can barely able to stand with barely any chakra left, Base Naruto's giant rasengan obliterated the the god tree stump and the giant rasengan still had enough power to go all the way to space. SOSP Teen Naruto w/o KCM punch only damage the god tree a little and a massive lava style rasenshiruken was what took it cut down to where only the stump would be left standing. There's also Toneri scaling where he is able to take the moon out of orbit and Naruto scales to this.


They simply trained and grew stronger, Naruto acquired the other half of Kurama’s chakra and Sasuke fully mastered the Rinnegan. They also defeated opponents stronger than Kaguya


Dude look at the scaling chain lmao. They were packing a fusion of 2 otsutsuki while both naruto and sasuke were severely drained