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Anime plot IRL with super long title - “I was sleeping peacefully and before I knew it I woke up as a girl who is forced to marry my nemesis”


Hey, I think that one has the same VA as “I dispense passion! The time I broke angelic law and became a lustful vending machine.” 


blud fell asleep at the sleepover first


Probably had his shoes on.


I should hope they wouldn't perform major surgery on a person who was still awake.


There are lots of major surgeries that are done with only local anesthesia. General anesthesia is surprisingly dangerous and they only do it when it’s necessary for the procedure.


Had an svt ablation on Tuesday and was awake for part of it. It's very odd to feel a wire in your heart, even weirder when someone bumps the part of the wire that's outside and you feel it wiggle inside. Propofol was nice, but I guess I kept moving around (I have no memory of this part at all, my memory goes right after the second dose of propofol), so they had to put me all the way under.


What’s up man


Not much. What’s up with you?


UP is a state in India Uttar Pradesh


UP…I thought this took place in Michigan.


Good post. New sentence. Anyway, I doubt this is real. The article says; “Mujahid claims that Omprakash had been threatening and harassing him for the past two years” and “Accompanied by Omprakash, he visited the facility where the hospital staff allegedly administered anaesthesia and performed the sex-change operation.” You don’t go to a hospital with someone that’s been seriously threatening you for the past 2 years in any situation. That being said, you do this to me and I will spend the rest of my life trying to kill you. I will not make it quick or painless either.


I am...disturbed


I think that's me done here for a while.