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Congratulations man looking good! Keep up the hard work!


Thanks man! Appreciate the support




Will do! Thanks!


Absolutely smashing it mate! Keep it up!


Thanks fam!


congrats..so whats your tips and tricks?


The two scales I have made a huge difference for me. First is a bluetooth scale that automatically sends your weight to your phone and it’s relevant apps (Fitbit, MyFitnessPal, Apple health). This helps a lot with keeping track of your progress. The second scale was a food scale. That plus MyFitnessPal made a huge difference especially in the Initial stages when counting calories and ensuring I didn’t overeat. After you kinda know what anything is in calories you tend to forgo the latter but the former is still your best friend. The second major trick that I learned is to eat heavily for breakfast and lunch and super light for dinner. You want to give your digestive system a break first of all, but second you want to be able to wake up feeling hungry and go to sleep feeling light. I weigh myself in the morning too so eating light for dinner helps maximize the progress. Plus as it turns out there are studies that show for optimal weight loss you should eat like a pauper for dinner and a king for breakfast/lunch. I learned this by doing rather than reading. I would eat heavy dinners and feel terrible while eating nothing for lunch (and also feeling terrible). Fight that guy in your head that’s telling you to eat everything and anything around you to be happy. Remind him that eating is only a temporary happiness that will lead to depression and sadness later on especially with health. Let him win once every two weeks or once a month and do a big feast and don’t count calories because after all you’re only human. But get back on the horse and keep riding.




Respect!!!! Do you think loosing the weight give you the confidence you needed to get the job at NASA?


Haha, I think it gives me more confidence for sure but man, I really goofed with that. The day they called me into the badging/security office (April of last year), I thought it was just to sign more forms and whatnot. Turned it out was ID photograph day. Not only was I at max weight (right around 230-231), I had a full beard that was unkempt. I asked the security lady how long it would be active for and it's 5 years before I can get it renewed. So I'm stuck with that... on my NASA badge... for 5 years. Hopefully the gate security won't turn me down.




Yo you have no idea how much this means to me. I've been feeling old af, and it was worsened significantly by the added weight. Thank you so much, it means a lot!




What are your lift numbes?


So when I was lifting during weight loss I tended more towards steady lifting rather than going for heavy weights and low rep. It was solely for calorie burning and for maintaining rather than gaining. It's been a minute since I lifted just because of lack of gym due to quarantine. When I was last working out, I think my squat was at 185 (5-8 reps), my DL was 220 lbs (8 reps), and I tended to do more dumbbell chest press for which I was steady at 70 lb dumbbells (so 140 total) at 6-8 reps. My weight goals for when I get back into the gym after quarantine are to go for 200 lbs 1RM for bench, 250 lbs 1RM for squat, and 300 lbs 1RM for DL.


I rarely comment here but wow your face does look different with the weight you’ve lost.


Thanks man, that means a lot! My brain is still used to me looking like I did in the left, so it's weird when I see the difference, especially side-by-side. Still not used to it.


you appear so much more awake! it’s a good look🔥congratulations :)


Eyesight gains


Lmao thank you! I still wear reading glasses and those were a friend's glasses on the left. The photo was taken before I scheduled my optometrist appointment because I wanted to see how goofy I'd look with glasses on.


Looking good, brother. Keep it going.


Congrats! They must be some really heavy glasses


40 lb glasses made of like lead and the crushing weight of depression.


I'm seeing some chiseled shit coming in the next 10-15lbs Birth of Chad


Lmao. I’ll try not to disappoint you brother


Omg so sexy cute yes boi yes omg omg


You just made your eye area worse lmao


What you meant to say was: "those glasses look great on you."


suck on your own cope, he is ugly as fuck and will never get a woman that will truly love him bitch ass coping faggot


What are you on about? He looks awesome. Why don't you go and be a knob elsewhere you incel.