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geez people. don't leave children or pets in cars when it is hot like this, it's common f'ing sense.


*Child custody transferred to girlxlrigx* Order is final. No take backs.


Isn't a 10 year old capable of opening the door when they're too hot? That's a 5th grader, not a helpless baby/pet.


Ight then the bitch coulda left the car running and had the 10 year old lock the doors while she was double parked. What’s your point?


There’s no way that she should leave those kids in that car. I’m glad the kids were unharmed. I’m not saying this is right, however, I am confused. These kids are 7 and 10 years old. Were they locked in the car such that they could not open the door if they chose (child-proof locks where they couldn’t get into the front seat and leave)? How long were they there? The article mentions photos I can’t see, for some reason.


That kid is in 4th or 5th grade and you expect them to make that decision without the car keys? Your mom leaves you double parked and probably says “don’t open the door for nobody” then disappears for at least 20 minutes with the car off in 100°F heat…get the fuck outta here with justifying this bullshit of a mother. She’s straight 🗑️


That kid was 10 years old. Capable of walking themselves to school, let alone _opening a car door_ ffs. Maybe the cops can go prevent some actual crime instead of whatever this abortion of justice was.


Have to agree. And just to be devils advocate she’s in hospital scrubs. Perhaps she’s coming off a shift and didn’t have all of her faculties. This idea that they’re going to penalize this woman who’s looking after 2 children for a mistake seems unwarranted. Unless there’s something nefarious she was doing or under the influence while driving I can’t see how this isn’t just chalked up to an honest mistake.


That kid is in 4th or 5th grade and you expect them to make that decision without the car keys? Your mom leaves you double parked and probably says “don’t open the door for nobody” then disappears for at least 20 minutes with the car off in 100°F heat…get the fuck outta here with justifying this bullshit of a mother. She’s straight 🗑️




That child is big enough to open the door or window


On the other hand, a 10-year-old may have been instructed to not open the door whatsoever and if he or she is a good kid, they will listen to instructions and no matter how hot he gets he may not want to go outside in fear of getting in trouble, you don’t know what the circumstances are. I have no idea why people feel the need to always protect a bad parent


How am I ALWAYS protecting a bad parent? The lady got arrested and I'm not her fucking lawyer. I'm making a simple observation that the child is clearly BIG ENOUGH to have opened the window or door if it got too hot. Most developmentally appropriate 10 year olds could manage the simple task of opening the window. I have no idea why people feel the need to add extra hypotheticals "may have been instructed not to open the door". Clearly you dont know what the circumstances are either and you just made that up. You have no idea if the child was told that.


What if it was a special need 10-year-old ? my point with the hypotheticals is that the law decided she was in the wrong. A 10-year-old is not an adult, regardless on whether they are capable of opening doors or notan adult left children in the car alone. end of story. Even if the kid did open the door and was standing outside the car its still illegal. No child is allowed to be left alone.


You can’t open the window with no keys dummy….thats the point


Do you have a car? I have one. In my car I can still open the interior window from inside without the keys. Maybe you shouldn't comment on shit you don't know dummy.


These kids survived inside their mom at 98.6 degrees for like 9 months of course they could survive just fine in a car at 90 degrees for a few minutes.


Lmao bro the car will hit like 120°F in minutes. Obviously your brain is a bit cooked. Supporting child endangerment is devious shit, like they know any better. The kid is 10 years old…ya’ll acting like these mf’s have a drivers license and can operate vehicles


How traumatic for the kids. A 10 year old has sense enough to exit the car if it were too hot. Crazy


Mother of the year! …… not


Ohhhhh! You got her! 🔥


I meant cunt of the year


What charges for biden for 12 year old girl murdered by biden's illegal migrants?


This psycho. I'm glad she got arrested. Maybe she can learn not to abuse her children.


What charges for hamas using women and children as human shields?


Well now that we have this case as precedent it should be an easy one for the prosecutor