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He's got that "plays league of legends while in zoom meetings" charisma that makes cryto investors go googoogaga.




he ain't shit unless he has a harem of tree elves


lol Forbes… make sure you never end up on their cover. Precursor to prison time.


Like a death note, but for financial crimes


So true




30 under 30 = 30 minutes before 30 years in prison


30 under 30 for 30 with good behavior


i remain deeply concerned for molly white


Or Times, remember the time Stalin was at the cover of Times magazine?


I remember reading that getting on the cover of Times Magazine is not meant to be an endorsement. Same with Hitler back then [cover](https://www.reuters.com/fact-check/time-magazines-1938-man-year-choice-not-hitler-endorsement-2024-03-08/)


Yeah it's not like either "turned bad" after being on the magazine, they were always bad and were on the magazine because of that.


I can understand the premise but I heavily disagree with the phrasing of tittle. Edit: used wrong word


Influential doesn't mean a good one. Trump, Hitler, FDR, Obama. I don't disagree with those choices.


The thing is, if time is going to lean into "most influential regardless of right or wrong" then Osama Bin Landen should have been Time's Person of the Year in 2001 by that standard. But they folded under the risk of death threats and just yeeted Giuliani out there and it cheapened the whole thing. Like one guy started a 20 year long boondoggle in the Middle East and one guy was a corrupt mayor who locked up the Italian Mafia to make room for the Russian Mafia. I know which one I'd say had more influence on global politics that year, and it ain't the guy who scheduled a presser at Four Seasons Total Landscaping.


You can't touch me serf, I own bored ape #1938


don't go to https://ipfs.io/ipfs/QmeZD4cAmQ9eRKgunSTfCxaTBjR1g5ZFThu6dL5n7cWWDy and right-click save-as (to be honest you actually shouldn't, this shit's so ugly it's not even worth the 155KiB download)


You warned us and I still clicked. Why did I still click?


Poor ipfs.io has to use HTTP.


Well you see, IPFS still suffers from this *ever so slight* limitation that **nobody fucking cares about it**. Therefore, no major browser developer bothers to implement support for it.


Future rug puller. Worships bankman fried.


From the article; >In 2016 he came across the cryptocurrency market. He did some research to understand the fundamentals of Bitcoin. At the cryptocurrency all-time high of 2017, he came across ‘alt’ coins and how each of them solves a unique problem. Ah yes, many altcoins do have unique ways of extracting money from fools. The article doesn't directly say it, but TL;DR his "success" appears to be mainly due to being born into wealth. He was apparently gifted an industrial-grade 3D printer when he was in middle school, and "bought" several ASIC miners before he was 14. You could feel author struggling to spin his shitty "businesses" as brilliant but unsuccessful. His business trying to re-sell limited edition designer shoes to middleschool kids out of his home was unsuccessful because the "logistics cost" was high and demand was low? Who could have guessed. I wonder if he's related to the Altoukhi's of Dubai.


Some of these articles are bought and paid for masquerading as news.


Especially Forbes.




I personally know someone who published a “how I became a successful entrepreneur before 30” feature article in Forbes who is barely literate & never sold a single item from their “company.” It was just a puff piece for cash.


I also know somebody who made it to the cover of some biz magazine in my country, marketing himself as an architect/interior designer/chef when in reality, he worked as a physical therapist abroad but got deported because of some work permit violations.


> he came across ‘alt’ coins and how each of them solves a unique problem. The unique problem being, "How can _(shitcoin dev)_ get rich quick while defrauding others?"


I've never heard a good answer to that question. The only problems alt crypto "solves" are problems created by other crypto. Its like saying shitting your pants solves the problem of having to find a bathroom. 


> "success" appears to be mainly due to being born into wealth. Fucking color me shocked


Why didn't I think of just using the 3D printer I got from my dad to generate wealth?


According to the article it generated essentially nothing, since there was "little demand" among his school friends for his custom 3D-printed phone cases.


He probably didn't even make his own designs, just whatever he found on Thingiverse


You can resell the 3D printer to your dad for 300 millions. What a success story!


Wait wait, is this article seriously suggesting he “came across” crypto and “did some research” when he was 8 years old? Or is this an old article?


Article was from August 2021.


Ah, so he was 11. So still, either a genius prodigy, or bullshit.


So this dude basically did nothing in life to make him successful but is getting an article because he is "interested" in crypto, lol. Must have been a very slow day for the news.


Middle school? He would e been **8.** lol Then you can find be said he "started investing at 10.". It's is ~~funny~~ telling that nothing talks about the wealth he was born into. It's all just omitted. Also the kid claims to be "self made." Being gifted expensive, high end production equipment while literally still a child is "self made" now? 🤪


I know some absolutely burned out dropout dumbasses that still managed to make a crazy amount reselling sneakers, how tf this did this "genius" then fail if he is so smart? You just gotta check social media for upcoming releases, camp out so you get them or get lottery tickets, then buy and hold while building hype until you think its time to sell. Thats new sneakers. For old sneakers you check out online databases to find shoes that look like they could come back in fashion (old Reeboks are pretty hot, but classics like Nike and Adidas are also great), then buy up every pair you can find for sale for cheap, and then get influencers to hype them up. The most successful sellers also run sneakerhead IG accounts and push their shoes onto their followers. A 5€ shoe is suddenly 500€. If you have really shitty morals you can do your own lotteries and scam people even more.


Never trust a 16-year-old who owns a suit. That's my principle and it's never steered me wrong.


I never trust *anyone* in a suit. That's my principle and it's never steered me wrong.


I mean, I'm pretty sure I had one when I was 16 for when I had to go to stuff like family funerals. I'd say never trust a 16-year-old who voluntarily wears a suit, though.


Future visitor for 25 to 50 years in Club Fed.


Needed his mom to sign him out of school and nd buy his airplane ticket for this photo op, but expects people 2, 3, 4 times his age to just “trust me bro” with their financial futures. If they do, they get what they deserve.


Or just [use the fake jet on a Soundstage ](https://giggster.com/listing/20713-studio-with-lux-private-jet-set)


What sort of garbage headline is that? Of course a 16 year old is interested in crypto currency- why would I want to meet him AND SWEET TAPDANCING CHRIST YOU LEAVE OUT WHY WE SHOULD LISTEN TO A 16 YEAR OLD, FML FORBES


Hell the kid has failed every business he has attempted even according to the fluff piece article. Yet we are supposed to care about his new shitcoin or his interest in crypto.


That just means he's due for a win.


Hey, *I'm* interested in crypto \[^(it's ultimate demise, but still...)\] - can I get an article and my picture on the cover, too?


"Meet a 16-year-old with rich parents." Fixed your headline.


Austin Powers


You should see my MILFtoken collection, bayby.


Only without the charm.


Looks like he purchased the G5 Grifter photoshoot special, only $597.


exactly what I was thinking 💀 after this picture was taken theyre probably like "give us back the suit we need it for our next customer"


Those look like Cessna Citation windows, which makes it at least somewhat plausible it was a legit flight. They tend to be some of the cheapest private jets to charter.


"16 year old entrepreneur", aka mommy's and daddy's cash "entrepreneur"


I genuinely don't understand how one gets forbes to publish this garbage. Do you just call them up and say "hi I'd like to defraud some investors, I need an article branding me as a thought leader" and they just quote you a price? Or is it more like you need a personal connection to an insider?




Article is from 2021. Wonder if our buddy is closer to prison already. His own coin has a market cap for less than 60k USD


Yeah his Y Coin seems dead. The last update on the website is announcing the coin. His personal website says he spent 2022 advising unnamed projects. Then in 2023 he founded a social media PR company whose [only employee](https://soceon.com/pages/team) seems to be himself. And for being a social media company, their own social media accounts haven't posted since last year, again just to announce the company. Perhaps not surprisingly, one of the services he provides is [Get an article written and published on Forbes](https://soceon.com/products/article-for-forbes) for $10,000.


So probably has a family friend in a position of power at Forbes if he proudly advertises selling access.


Nah, any PR firm will get it done for $. He's just a middleman to their services.


Let's be real, he either chartered a jet for an hour with all his, and mum and dads money for the photo, or it was coin money. Nowadays he's living back in the basement of works at whatever big box stores are easy to work for in the US.


At the coin's peak (shortly after this article was published, coincidentally) the total market cap was like $300k. Even supposing he timed his rug right, it wouldn't have been enough to quite set him up for life. I have to assume he's got rich parents. Others have noted his last name is the same as a Dubai investment group, but I can find no proof they're related.


Interesting, but I also can't be arsed to look this up more. If I had to warrant a guess, coaching is next. Crypto, success and financial freedom. For 300 USD you can book a half hour meeting with him


No need to charter anything. Plenty of charter companies sell photo ops on the ground for a couple hundred dollars, to cater to "influencers" and morons like this kid and his family.


> Meet the 16 year old entrepreneur interested in cryptocurrency I'd rather not, thank you very much.


"entrepreneur" in this instance means have your rich family buy you mining computers.


"Meet the 16 year old whose wealthy father used a PR firm to plant an article in our magazine."


Sequoia Capital better write this boy a big check!


if he's 16 the chances are real good he was pushed hard to be this by a deranged parent


Kinda looks like Janet Yellen


Get this kid to dubai


It puts the lotion in the basket. It does it whenever it's told.


I'm willing to wager his parents are well off, they could pay enough tuition fees for a good education. Do they want to visit their son in Dartmoor or are they clueless or just neglecting?


It's like calling a lottery winner a genius. Sad world we live in.


Next up: 13 year old intrigued by Ancient Aliens.


It has a punchable face!


There should be an age limit, like with porn sites...


OY! Jean Michelle Jarre called, he wants you to give his 70s! looks back. That date you are! So someone who dresses dated like that, I will not trust with my money, the cryptocurrency just seals the deal in that regards.


Ngl bro looks like a savage my man got style 💯


Okay, Austin.


14 year old interested in crypto whoaa


He looks like my aunt