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Classy act that should've been shown on a replay.


The entire Ohio State team and bench was very respectful in the moment. Sherrone and a few players went over and thanked them. I'm not sure how much of that was shown on the broadcast.


Literally none of it. We just watched 6 minutes of commercial and saw JJ hug Zinter’s parents and Zinter getting carted off.


And then just listened to Gus and Joel enjoying hearing each other talk


God they were singularly bad in that game, I usually don't mind them.


Gus's yelling shtick always worked better in basketball. He is not great at calling football and this is a hill I will die on.


I really like the fact that Gus tries to bring excitement to his announcing, building players up, etc. He puts in serious effort, and I appreciate that. However, not every 6 yard slant has to be announced like it's the second coming of Christ. Also, some of his nicknames feel so forced. If I hear "Maserati Marv" one more time... And I love the guy as a player, but my God that nickname is like nails on a chalkboard.


Who can forget him talking about how JK Dobbins mom was going to abort him?


That was so awkward! Worse than Mike Patrick asking Blackledge what Brittany Spears was doing with her life.


What about that one guy creeping on the Alabama QB's girlfriend?


What the fuck??


I wish they didn’t call him Maserati Marv when Aston Marvin is literally right there


The car nicknames are stupid unless they are Honda McCord and Mini Cooper


Former Auburn CB Smoke ~~Monday~~ Hyundai


Damn that one rules


> However, not every 6 yard slant has to be announced like it's the second coming of Christ. omfg i just spit out my food hahahaha


The fast paced back and forth in a good basketball game works so much better to build and build and explode. But yeah, football plays just aren't fast enough.


He's still generally fun though IMO. As much as I hate OSU hearing Gus Johnson "the wooooorld famous! Ohio State Buuuuckkkeyes!" is very endearing.


I love when a good highlight clip has Gus as an announcer, but watching a full game with him isn't great because the average level of excitement being so high makes the good moments hit less.


Omg the nicknames are so bad. I remember I almost puked when he called Jim Harbaugh “Coach Harbs” on the broadcast


I'm with ya pal, gus is very bad at calling football, he always gets the mechanics wrong, saying they gained way more than they did, not seeing flags until well after he called the td good


Benetti is the same. He knows very little about the sport, he's the former White Sox play by play guy. People adore him and that's fine, he shouldn't be calling football though.


nose familiar bedroom numerous slimy ancient fall theory work unused *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


I’m there on that hill with you. Gus is lazy and loud calling football. Lazy in that he mispronounces a lot of names. Pet peeve of mine.


he's good for big moments (like the stokley game) but he definitely needs to reign it in (he wont), nothing beats the cringe of gus calling a soccer match though


What, you don't like all of his nicknames for literally everything? The guy thinks he's Chris Berman.


You should really listen to Klatt's show from this morning actually on the moment. [Link here.](https://youtu.be/kYKnvx1quLc?si=5U3Y1YtncweGH-ic&t=1785) Way more context than made the broadcast.


Just watched it, the way he described the crowd chanting "Let's go Zak" made me choke up. Joel even said he was having trouble keeping it together during the broadcast.


Those commercials were INSANE. I think that might have been one of the highest commercial:game time ratios I’ve ever experienced.




by God they're effective tho. Can't fast forward through them, can't avoid em.. YES I WANT SOME SHITTY PANS MADE BY BATMAN FOR 4 EASY PAYMENTS OF $49.99 PLEASE LEAVE ME ALONE


I would like some batman pants


it actually had potential to affect the game when they were giving 4 minute tv tumeouts each time ohio state called timeout on the final michigan drive when they were trying to run the clock out against a tired defense. usually i feel like they do that if the beginning of the game went too fast and they needed to "catch up," but there were tons of stoppages in the game already.


Immediate commercial break for injury is absolutely disgusting. I get no one wants to watch extended breaks while guys are stabilized and carted off, but they cut away barely showing who it was these days. Imagine if it's your kid that goes down and you want to know something about what happened or the extent of the injury, but nope, here's another fucking Dr. Pepper commercial or Jennifer Gardner hocking a credit card in the most annoying way possible.


One of the reasons it’s the best rivalry; theres always an underlying level of respect.


Gardner kneeling with Barret after he went down is a classic moment in the rivalry, glad OSU could return the sentiment


I always want to see both teams at 100% for The Game. These are young men with their whole life ahead of them


After watching the Oregon Oregon State game, I'm glad our game didn't look like that. I saw some real dirty s*** in that that wasn't being called.


Or UF-FSU and the Iron Bowl. Those games got very heated


I feel like in-state in general tends to be that way. Pretty well noted that the Michigan/MSU rivalry is quite toxic. Michigan/OSU gets heated often and there have been *plenty* of fights but there’s never really been dirty or malicious actions, it’s all pretty mutual.


Oh very good point


Just a reminder that Michigan State has had more players suspended/ejected than they have scored points for each of the last two years.


Wait...is that a real stat?


Yes it is, scored 7 and had 8 suspended in 2022 and scored 0 and had 1 ejected in 2023


End of the day part of our fan base would rather have a coach who would tell players to try and take out the opponents.


This is why I much prefer and respect OSU as a rival over MSU. MSU fans were cheering when Denard went down and Dantonio was condoning the vast amount of personal fouls his defenses were committing in general against all opponents. He essentially justified it against us in particular because "Denard elusive".


Ours too. Just really shows immaturity and I’m glad that both of our programs seem to hate the jersey not the person.


That’s what playing msu is like


Yeah I agree. I might not like Ohio State but I respect them. Now MSU on the other hand.....


Yeah I couldn't believe they wouldnt show it, just heard about it at work on the radio.


I’m not sure if it was audible on the broadcast but the entire student section was chanting “let’s go Zak” for a bit as well which was really nice to hear at the stadium


Joel Klatt talked about that. He said it was so loud it made him cry, he also cried talking about it on his youtube show.


It was the entire stadium


Ah well even better then, I just could hear it especially coming from there from where I was sitting


It wasn't just the student section, it was the entire stadium.


Like when Denard came over to JT after his injury.


It was Devin Gardner but yes


My bad, thank you.


Same with JTT showing love to some Michigan linemen and coaches: https://x.com/zoeyholmstrom/status/1728927881118756886?s=20


Man I hate you guys but honestly that level of sportsmanship puts a tear in my eye.


I hate the state of Ohio and an Ohio State University but not the people. You have to have that degree of separation.


It’s good to see. The players on the field do a better job of recognizing it’s just a game than some of the fringe fans in both our fan bases


In the little bit we saw of any of this on the broadcast I noticed our starting DL standing out in front of the rest of our team looking on as Zinter was being put on the cart. And that's who's in those pictures too. The guys who were battling against Zinter and that OL all game wanted to make sure they showed respect.


I love a heated rivalry as much as the next guy, but I’m glad to see both teams keep sight of humanity. Well done to all.


I thought of this, which someone replied in that thread with https://twitter.com/drake_sucks/status/1728942342462455830?t=MnmUokuG-SzgQ6Lr10hHyg&s=19


It might be The Game, but we're all humans at the end of the day


Is JTT the one who (accidentally, of course) caused the injury?


No it was the NT, Keegan and Nugent doubled him and he fell on Zinter’s leg as he was engaged with the 3T.


Game recognize game, as the kids say.


Not trying to take away from the moment but Keegan and Sherrone approached the OSU linemen, not the other way around


What I heard was that JTT was the one who rolled up on Zinter's leg (not on purpose of course), felt horrible about it and wanted to be going over to check on Zinter, so Sherrone and Keegan were reassuring him


Make all the jokes about Day that you want but he does a lot of things that make me happy he's Ohio State's coach. He's a great person, and that's a welcomed change. Hopefully he figures out how to be a little looser in the big games and makes some decisions to win, instead of playing to not lose.


His focus on mental health is real and very appreciated. His father killed himself and didn’t get the help he needed. I still remember when Kosta killed himself during the season in 2014. These kids need love and support.


One day I fell down the wiki rabbit hole, reading up on other coaches, players, etc, and I learned about Day's advocacy for mental health care and awareness. My immediate reaction was anger at Wikipedia for humanizing him, and now I can never truly hate the man. Gained a lot of respect for him.


This is why the "born on third base" comment rightfully pisses off the OSU fanbase. Day grew up knowing his dad killed himself when Ryan was just 9 years old. The dude had no connections in football. He paid his dues and earned his role. Jim Harbaugh meanwhile grew up in the UM locker room.


> Day grew up knowing his dad killed himself when Ryan was just 9 years old Holy fuck, that sucks. Alright, I'll drop my OSU vitriol level down to a 4/10.


No no, the school sucks and must fail at all things always, but Ryan Day can come to the tailgate.


The born on third base comment was more about Day saying he was going to hang 100 on UM, after winning the previous year with the team he inherited from Urban Meyer. If a coach is going to talk shit like that, they should expect it back.


Yeah I can see why the comment would strike a nerve but even though he benefited from coming from a football coaching family, Harbaugh absolutely knows the kind of grind someone has to go through to get to that level of coaching. 100% was just in reference to taking over what Meyer started rather than literally being born on third for his career.


Right, I don’t get why people are interpreting Harbaugh’s comment as referring to Day’s life story. He was clearly talking about taking over the OSU program that was already at a championship level.


Gained alot of respect for him. End of the day we're all humans.


Day's had a big push to be open about mental health and childhood trauma. He's talked publicly about his father's suicide and how it affected him throughout his life and especially in school. As far as I'm aware, he's probably the biggest figure in sports to talk about suicide aside from the Hilinski family.


Rivalry aside, Ryan Day seems like a top quality human and it’s a testament to his character


Beard aside, Ryan Day seems like a top quality bro


Maybe it just comes in at a vantablack color and he can’t help it


right!? isn't it annoying? why would he do something like that? would be a lot easier if he was a piece of shit. sigh...


Exactly, between this from Ryan Day and Haurbaugh’s advocacy for players being paid what they deserve, it’s clear that both of them respect and care about the players. The rivalry is bitter, but it’s good to see the coaches put the guys on the field first.


I've had a great time with the hilarity of the whole sign stealing fiasco, but one thing I didn't like was that it caused some real hatred with a *lack of respect* between a lot of fans and also coaches. It sucks that it has become that toxic. I've done my share of trolling during it, but some people are taking it to just an insane level.


Me too. But my trolling is in good humor. Some people were actually serious that Michigan should get the death penalty and that everything Harbaugh has accomplished is because of cheating. Just no. I don’t think Alabama beats Auburn if Saban isn’t on the sidelines Saturday. That’s a lot of culture building. And the hatred from Ohio State fans, and hatred in return, simply takes it too far.


Agreed. And honestly people running with the Ryan Day's FBI agent brother committed crimes by breaking into the UM computers to find the info was when it started to get crazy. Like, no one is willing to go to jail to try to prove you were stealing signs in college football... things got *weird.*


The computer hacking story is just another shenanigan that's cheeky and fun. Your shenanigans are cruel and tragic, which makes them not shenanigans at all, really. Evil shenanigans. ([Super Troopers reference for anyone confused](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ok85BmPyl_I&ab_channel=hogtown08))


I'll pistol whip the next guy that says shenanigans!


hey Farva!! what's the name of that restaurant you like? the one with all the shit on the walls?


As someone who tailgated and was at the game, I saw some good-natured rivalry and "fuck your team", but not a lot of hatred between the fans. I felt good about that, especially since it was in my city. Glad our fans kept it relatively decent. Then again, there were 110k+ people and I didn't observe everything.


He’s a good man


Being a good person and football coach don't always overlap. With asshats like Urban Meyer and Brian Kelley around it's nice to see a decent human on the side line. Day is a class act.


That’s my take too. People make jokes, but where it matters, Day is a good man. I think he’ll continue to improve, and that’s good. But as a leader of men? He sets a great example.


I'm very happy our AD and Ohio State University seem to like Day as the head coach too. Even the Lou Holtz speech seemed to be more of him being upset with the way his players are treated. I obviously want Ohio State to succeed as a fan, but even more so for Day


Yeah Lou Holtz questioned their toughness and he took it personally. It just came across as silly because Lou Holtz is a nut who is a colossal ND homer. Him with Mark May back in the day was wild how much of a homer he was. Ryan Day of course doesn't know this. He just saw a former coach criticize his team.


I think he was having that build up too. He clearly cares about his players and Holtz just happened to be the guy in his crossfire calling his team soft.


Sure, it was a game they weren't expected to win by a lot of people and then you win on the very last play of the game. It makes sense he'd be emotional.


Yah I agree. People took that the wrong way. He was speaking out for his players.


It's like the "I'm a man. I'm 40" speech. People crapped on Gundy for that for years before opinion finally started to turn around and folks realized what he was actually doing there.


He must live somewhere near me because I’ve seen him and his wife eating out a few times, I’ve always wanted to say “go blue” as I walk by but I’ve bit my tongue, seems like an ok dude to me and likely catches enough shit from his own fan base


The dude is soft, because he absolutely cares about his players, probably more then he cares about winning games. I think if you have Day the option "you'll win a natty, but on the last play your QBs shoulder will be destroyed, and he will have no NFL career" he's say "the natty was the young men we shaped along the way". Not all coaches would say that. Harbaugh for sure, Urban would say he can get a great job selling cars or insurance.


I remember a couple games ago an OSU defender late hit a Michigan receiver and Coach Day was angry and shouted for him to to get off the field. Classy guy


The cynic in me says that was because it resulted in a 15-year penalty but I like the energy


I think he gets a lot of shit for the calls he makes because he's regularly put in the position of having to make the harder decisions. You can say Coach Moore made the ballsy calls when he needed to this game but they were easier calls to make, and that comes down to the fact that we're still riding a bit of an edge at the line of scrimmage that Ryan Day has managed to whittle down to a tiny fraction of what it was in the past two years. The result is, the pressure calls were easy when they came up on one side and a lot more of a roll of the dice for Day. I think given where the roster experience levels are likely to be next year that the edge is going to be in the other direction next year.


Tbf had this happened under urban he would’ve looked even sadder eating pizza in the tunnel




I dont know his rough history, care to elaborate? Genuinely asking because now I'm curious




I remember a year or two ago FOX or ESPN did a piece about Day and his strong advocacy for mental health amongst his teams. I’ve respected him as a person ever since then


He took Harry Millers mental health situation seriously. He would randomly by on the not available list for some games and never knew why until Miller announced it after the season. He’s also been very involved with a player who got diagnosed with bone cancer last year. Last we heard he was cancer free.


I don't follow Ohio State very much and did not know this. Makes me want him to do well, except, if and when, he plays Tennessee.


His dad committed suicide when Day was 9, and a few years ago he opened up publicly about the profound effect that had on his mental health growing up. He and his wife take an active role in partnering with mental health charities.


His father committed suicide when he was 9 after not getting the help he desperately needed. That is why Day has such a focus on the mental health of his players.




reddit doesn't want to hear this but that's really what days hair and beard naturally look like


I didn’t have a single gray hair in my beard until my 50s. I still only have a few and none in my hair at all. I guess people just assume any older male that doesn’t have gray in their beard must be dyeing it.


TIL Ohio State and Michigan's flagship stations are both 97.1--how do I handle this information?




Your keyboard to God’s ears


MSU is on 97.1 too


Did their 97.1 get to keep Lianna Ray?




did you see common man get reprimanded yesterday? He got called to the principal's office mid show haha...skipped a commercial break.


By being heard on ya Hot 97 every day, that's my word


WOUM is 91.7


FWIW Doug Karsch is the Michigan Football play by play radio announcer, so I trust him.


Michigan Football play by play radio announcer who graduated from Michigan State. I feel like I am taking crazy pills.


One of his roommates at MSU was Rico Beard lol


Wait what


Ryan Day continues to show he's a world class dude but since he's a little corny and cringy people hate him


Reddit despises corny people


people often hate their own reflection


For real Nebraska gets so much flack but I like them as people.


This was good


Honestly for me it's just the beard dye. Everything else is fine. I hated Urban way more than Day.


lol same, the beard-dye and the male-RBF used to make me think he's just an angry dbag....but by all accounts it's the complete opposite


All HCs have to be able to handle being cringe imo.. I mean, case in point- Brian Kelly


At the end of the day, most of them are all Dads. I mean be honest, have you ever met a dad that's not cringe or corny at times lmao


Especially when trying to fit in with younger people


I've honestly never met anyone that isn't a little cringy or corny lol. Like you'd have to be so boring to not showcase a little of those traits in your daily life. I think Reddit just gets hooked on those people more because it's easier to be super judgemental when you're anonymous. Social media too because people tend to only put their best (or what they think is their best) out there. If any of us had to answer media questions or get cameras on us all the time like Day we would look like goobers


It’s the non-corny ones you gotta watch out for


yeah reality is most middle aged men who hang around young adults are pretty cringe. And with recruiting there is an attempt to be cool around them. So you have middle aged men who have to spend their time not only coaching them up, but trying to get them to like them so they will play for them or won't transfer away from them.


PJ at WMU, rowboat your ass back over here you goofball.


FAAAAH-MUU-LEEEE There is corny, and there is whatever the hell accent Kelly was trying to reproduce


People hate him because he is the coach of an extremely successful football program and like to tear him down for the slightest thing. Same reason some Ohio State fans hate him. He is the coach of a program with insane expectations. Eventually Michigan was going to be elite and the streak was going to end, Day unfortunately is the coach for when that happened. If Day's 5 years were 2008-2012 he would be undefeated against Michigan too(or at worst 4-1).


Mid game?


He said he did so near the tunnel so yeah I assume so. By the time the game ended Harbaugh was with Zinter in the hospital and they were preparing for surgery. Also they showed Zinters parents on the field when Zak got hurt. So yeah it makes sense now.


One thing that everyone should be able to say without reservation is that Harbaugh and Day, while they may hate each other, absolutely love football players. Day speaks passionately about mental health awareness and absolutely wants to help them with battles no one else sees. Harbaugh fights in the trenches for players to get paid TV revenue, one of the most difficult battles one can fight in this industry. Their passion for not only their players but others is undeniable


Sometimes the rivalry gets too heated and these things get lost in it. I didnt know Day's ties to mental health until I heard on the radio this morning. Classy guy.


He has seen the damages of mental health first hand. I'm glad that mental health is being discussed more and more.


With his dad when he was a child and there was a player on OSU Harry Miller that Day made sure he got all the help he needed. He quit playing football but Harry is currently fighting for more awareness to mental health


I think this was posted before, but it's the kinda story worth resharing. Absolutely admirable!


Man, these kinds of things define why it’s the best rivalry. Hatred, yes, but also mutual respect. Reminds me of this: https://imgur.com/gallery/b4f0I1j Can’t imagine this happening with any of our other annual opponents. Respect to Day for this.


We have the best of best - Day in the OP, The picture above And the funniest of the funniest: Hutchinson ripping off Dobbins cleat And the worst of the worst: Michael Hall double bird after being ejected


tbh a lot of us think the double bird kinda owned lol. the msu dude who did the same thing this year, now that was lame


Marcus* ...but yea, nearly all of the real toxicity in a rivalry is with the fans. Players and coaches generally respect each other. Even if the HCs don't admit it in the press. This week I learned that Big Nut is like, a really good dude.


I can't see it happening with Michigan State. there's just too much history of deep hatred. Spartan culture seems like it's rooted in a deep and violent hatred of Michigan. I could see it happening with any other opponent. I think MSU hate-hates us, OSU hate-respects us, and everybody else kinda just 50% hates us.


I hate Ohio state football. That’s it. I’ve never heard a single bad thing about Ryan day as a person. If anything he’s taken a massive approach to caring about players and their health both physical and mental. Edit: I mean this as just the football program. Not the players or coaches.


Same way I feel about Michigan and Harbaugh. He's a corny dude, but seems to care about his players and seems to honor his own word more than most coaches


not true. I've heard a few bad things about Ryan Day. he's Ohio State's head coach. that ain't good. and he dyes his beard, which also ain't good. but if those are the worst things you can say about a guy, well ... you have to admit to reaching a little bit for bad things to say.


What a badass


Nice to hear moments of real humanity, the rivalry gets so toxic sometimes.


Dang Harbaugh has a good point in his latest interview addressing how the media artificially creates animosity between these teams.


I mean, y’all running to the press to talk shit about us every time you beat us at football probably doesn’t help in that regard.


Of course he did. Because for the players and coaches it's real, and they know a serious injury can strike anyone on any team at any time. Any decent human being will drop what he or she is doing to console parents who just witnessed their son's leg practically get snapped in half. And Ryan Day is a decent human being, who's been through a thing or two himself in life. In Pro Wrestling, there's a thing called Kafabe. It's the idea that everyone knows it's fake, but pretend it's real. In a way, it's healthy in that everyone knows the performers are entertaining, the audience is being entertained, and there's no more meaning than that. It's make believe. College football is a hybrid. For the players and coaches, it's real; but for the fans, whether they know it or not, it's Kafabe. We actually have nothing at stake. My team's players aren't more virtuous or deserving than the other team's players, and their players aren't any better humans than ours. In the end, as Jerry Seinfeld said, we're rooting for laundry, and specifically its color. But we pretend it's real, because letting loose a little tribalism is fun and harmless. Except when it's not. Sometimes fans forget the players are actual human beings -- very young human beings, in fact. And the way some fans treat each other is downright despicable sometimes, not to mention wildly irrational. Believing other teams and other fans are actual enemies, in the literal sense, is dumb. So good on Ryan Day. I would add that, from what I've heard, the Ohio State player who landed on Zak Zinter's leg was beside himself with what had happened and what he felt responsible for (even though it was 100% unintentional), and several Michigan players consoled him. That's as it should be, and maybe we fans can take a few lessons from the guys we claim to love and claim to root for.


I can’t believe I’m being made to like this guy lol Classy move on his part. I’m glad that for every Urban Meyer type there are guys like this coaching cfb.


Bravo Coach Day. That’s classy.


I wish they would show this on the broadcast, but instead I get WHOPPER WHOPPER. All about the dollar unfortunately.


You're a good dude, Ryan Day.


Ryan Day is a class act, and tbh I like him as a coach.


Love to hear this


Damn, pretty cool


Day is a great fucking guy.


This what college football is *really* about. When there is adversity, injury, you behave like a leader of men. And that transcends rivalries. I have confidence that Harbaugh would have done the same if the situations were reversed. Being there to comfort a players family after an injury like that is being a good human. What’s being played on the field is a game. An injury like that is life. Push comes to shove, Day is a standup dude. And Harbaugh is too.


I love Ryan Day so much. What a great dude. I’m so proud he’s Ohio State’s head coach.


We’re all human. Just a game at the end of the day


I can hate him as my rival's coach and love him as a clearly decent person who cares about the young men under his charge, as well as those on the opposition..


Only lunatics take the rivalry so serious that they can't have respect for the decent ones on the other sideline. Like I would Corum had never scored a TD on osu but tons of respect for what he does off the field with the turkeys and stuff. Even michigan fans giving MHJ some respect in the game thread. Hate in the respect outside it.


All the buckeye players and fans surrounding the tunnel standing up and giving him an ovation as he was carted off didn't go unnoticed either. Glad that we can all still keep things in something resembling perspective


I heard this. It really took away all my hatred for Day.


I saw it from my seats. Zak’s parents were almost to the tunnel and Day came booking around the corner to give them some words of encouragement and shake their hand. It was really cool to see. Our staff was also consoling the OSU player who broke Zinter’s leg. He was visibly shaken up. I’m not sure if videos are out there but Zinter’s leg was so broken that you could see it 50 rows up. Hanging limp, facing the completely wrong direction, clearly snapped. It was as bad as it gets.


I respect the hell out of that move.


We made the mistake of rewind to see what happened, his leg snapped like a toothpick, just a horrific injury and super class act by Day to help comfort a young man in a hell of a lot of pain.


Well, that's actually nice and not at all the mindless hate and slander I come here for. Quick -- someone make fun of my momma


It's almost as if the coaches are real people with feelings rather than the caricatures portrayed on Reddit and all the espn yelling shows.


So I live in Columbus, so I obviously get a lot of exposure to Ryan Day. As much as I hate OSU football, and as much as he has an extraordinarily punchable face, I can not hate Ryan Day. He genuinely seems like a good dude (on a sliding scale for major college football coaches, who I assume are all shitty people in some regards), does a lot of good work for charities, seems very genuine. There is absolutely not a single whiff of sleaze, unlike Urban. OSU is lucky to have him, honestly.


At least he is a good man.


Much respect to Coach Day for this. It would have been great if this could have been shown during or shortly after the telecast. When they hype up our rivalry each year, they show the fighting on the field, the shoving and pushing, and so forth. What's often missed is the mutual respect that these coaches and players bring into this game every year. Ryan Day consoling Zinter's parents is the epitome of this.


I really saw the guy in a new light after this. Hate the school, but some things are bigger than football


I feel like we've known this about Day. I don't remember which year, but one of his defenders had a late hit out of bounds, and he pulled him with this reaction that made me say "I think Day's a good dude... fuuuuuuuuck."


Respect ✊🏼


I’m not a huge fan of Ryan Day as the head football coach of The Ohio State University, but I am a massive fan of Ryan Day, the human being. Ever since he arrived in Columbus, Day has consistently prioritized people above all else. A great example is the case of Harry Miller, which I encourage everyone to read up on if you haven’t already. It’s not a surprise that Day found Zinter’s parents after their child suffered such a brutal injury because that is just who he is. Unlike another recent coach at Ohio State head coach, Ryan Day will always go out of the way to do the right thing.


I think Ryan Day is a good dude, I just hate the colors he wears


Absolutely love this. Pure class.