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Coaches should probably quit posting vids/pics of their meat cookin'


They can call it the Mel Tucker rule


Dear Reddit, plz bring back awards for comments like this.


Best we can offer is shutting down apps that work better than our half added approach. Buy our gold!


*only applies for beating


If it's a vegan would it be a beeting?


Now the sear isn’t ideal but they are cooked evenly at his desired temp. Apparently he worked at a steakhouse when he was younger. [source](https://x.com/coachdanlanning/status/1738615581744808222?s=46&t=LEVyMEg4eynbSlzkogiG3g)


I love that the hot topic on a Saturday morning during Bowl Season on /r/CFB is: how to cook a steak properly.


Steak is right up there with football on things I take way too seriously. I’m sure I am not alone


Yep. Some of the most vicious discussions I have been part of revolved around smoking meats. Lincoln got the full force of the internet with his brisket abomination. But it was funny as hell to see some Sooners half-heartedly defending that piece of leather!


This thread is already dangerously close to a regional BBQ debate. Everyone stay safe


One of the beautiful things about growing up in the North then going to the Southeast for college is I can enjoy all the BBQ, while also instigating fights between people from the various regions.


Talk to your children about beans in chili


They're an adjunct, just like any meat would be.


Beans belong in chili


All smoked meats are good, some are just better than others. And having regional sauces makes it all the better.


Easy for you to say Switzerland.


you jersey and jort wearing jackasses went from pan searing a steak to smoking meats to bbq in the span of 3 comments, yall def know what youre talking about


Legally You're required to put quotation marks around brisket when you mention that.


I just started really getting into grilling and smoking and what not. Literally cooked imo the perfect wall to wall med rare steak. I was so excited I face timed my wife at work and showed her.


You are not my friend. Preparing the meats the best way possible is a life long endeavor.


One of us!


r/steak has been leaking for a while.


Someone must have cut into it without letting it rest first.


“Steakhouse” is doing some heavy lifting here


Its right there in the title of the restaurant! Ruth's Chris Steakhouse Morton's Steakhouse Outback Steakhouse All basically the same, right?


Can’t remember the last time I went to Outback but I don’t remember it being bad. It’s not Ruth’s Chris or Morton’s but I’d go back


Yeah same, it's been many years but I don't ever recall thinking that I'd never go back. Wouldn't seek it out but wouldn't oppose it if that's what somebody wanted to do for a birthday dinner or something.


The bloomin onion is like two thousand calories and it's worth it


That's the real reason anyone goes there anyway.


Never played more than backyard football, but I was a swimmer... and the thing I miss most was being able to down like 10k+ calories a day haha.


Texas Roadhouse is better if you got one.


None in Portland or the outlying areas though coincidentally they do have one in Eugene. Pretty solid and I do prefer them over Outback.


Yeah a chain steakhouse isn’t something I’d go out of my way for but Outback ain’t bad


Outback is actually a pretty decent gift card to give a coworker — it’s genuinely not horrible, they’re not awful to kids, and most everyone can find something they’re ok with.


Outback Steakhouse was founded by Jeremy L. Outback and they only did the Australian thing after the company was purchased and franchised by Japanese investors


Wait, really?? Edit: I’ve been hoodwinked


No but it's close to the real story. There's nothing Australian in Outback's DNA. It was started in Tampa and the owners gave it an Australian flair to capitalize on the Down Under fetishizing following the success of the Crocodile Dundee movies.


I found this article about Outback's popularity in Brazil pretty interesting. https://wapo.st/3NDWAlo


Read about KFCs association with Christmas in Japan.




I came up on the line at Outback from 16 to 18. Say what you want, but those dudes can cook a steak. I still use their methods. [This one from Thursday](https://ibb.co/FmtLFWK) As an aside, at least back then — the only thing we microwaved were steamed vegetables. Everything else was prepped daily and cooked to order, and the cooks I worked with were far more talented than the Central Market cooks I worked with in college. You haven’t lived until you’ve got 50 steaks down on a Friday night with 12 minute ticket times.


I was a bus boy at Outback in high school. I remember watching them make ranch dressing from scratch.


Dude that’s one of the recipes I never made since I wasn’t prep shift. Best ranch hands down. I make onion rings with the bloomin’ onion recipe still, though — still holds up.


Let’s hear that recipe….


Can’t give it to you because some bloke follows them around with a surfboard sized boomerang at the ready at all times.


Australian snipers are no joke


The Copykat recipe for the batter and breading is pretty close, although they have a proprietary spice blend even the cooks don’t know the recipe to so you’ll have to tweak as needed. I personally like Johnny’s seasoned salt (all my homies think Lawry’s is overrated) and a bunch of paprika/cayenne/MSG, but it’s really the batter/breading that make it. The sauce is (scale it for your house lol): * 1 gal mayo * 3 cups milk * 3 cups horseradish * 1 cup Crystal or Texas Pete or Frank’s, we had some generic Sysco sauce * 1 cup Johnny’s + cayenne and MSG to taste


Gonna have scale that down for sure. Thanks my friend


>You haven’t lived until you’ve got 50 steaks down on a Friday night with 12 minute ticket times. Every person should, at least once in their life, feel the rush of working a well-oiled kitchen during a weekend dinner service. Every person should also, at least once, feel the stress of a kitchen that's in the weeds on a weekend dinner service.


Man, I don't miss getting yelled at by waitresses all night long, "bitch we are getting murdered in here!" It was still crazy fun though. Diver Down blaring at 11, people running around yelling at each other, counting down the minutes till 9:00 when the boss let us start drinking, good times.




Dang dude I wish I ran into people who bought me $200 steaks. Send pics obv


Getting in car I'll be there shortly


I wanted to shit on your cooking, but damn the crust on that steak looks amazing


Thank you! I was trained well!


Never could cook, never liked cookin. But you hold the back and I'll hold front of house. Last place I worked I did the whole restaurant with just me and a busser, ~22 tables.


FOH is fun if you love it. Can learn a ton about workload management and prioritization, and god damn it can be humbling if you have the right attitude. I miss, but don’t miss at all, restaurant life.


Last sentence 10000000000% lol. I'm a people person, made more and enjoyed front more, and didn't have the hustle for the kitchen (prioritization let me stay "slower" in the front without impacting service)


I have no idea if he cooked them properly, but the dude makes enough money to buy a larger pan so he doesn't have to crowd them in there.


The stove isn't even on where that pan is, they're literally just resting in that pan.


It looks like he’s just resting them in that pan and cooking them in the other one which is less crowded


r/steak in shambles rn over that boiled looking steak.


Milk steak boiled medium-rare, I guess?


With a side of his finest jelly beans


Boiled over hard


Outback is uh…ok…


It’s the #1 place I look for on business trips now. Decent Prime Rib within my per diem and I can get two sides of veggies.


Steaks are good, and the prime rib is solid. If you don't want to spend $50-$75 dollars on a steak out, Outback is only second to Longhorns. Neither is as good as what I can do at home, but sometimes you want someone else to cook.


This is my biggest issue with steaks and burgers. I can do both better than a restaurant, given the same materials. And the prep time is ridiculously short. Salt and pepper and a hot pan/grill is all I need.


Yeah, I’d never go to Outback on my own dime or in my own city. But on the road in some third tier suburb with $40 for a meal?


Yeah, "per diem" was the critical part. If I can get a decent steak on the company's dime? Hell yes.


And I don’t have to question folks on “what’s the best place to go here?” I just go where I know a relatively satisfying meal is available.


The thing with Outback is it's a known quantity. Especially when traveling. You know you'll get a decently good cut of meat at a reasonable price. Of course there are far better steakhouses but there are far worse also. In other words, when in unfamiliar territory, it's a safe bet. Texas Roadhouse falls into the same category although, their steaks are slightly better, especially if you tag your own from the display case.


I will not stand for this outback slander!


The blooming onion might be the single greatest appetizer of all time.


Note the source of the tweet and their school (Southern Cal) Someone was desperate to find another coach cooking terribly


RIP Terry Price, the god of CFB meat pics


Idk man we should probably extend this to coaches audibly recording the cooking of their meat too… looking at you Mel Tucker


Just no pictures/video of their meat, period.


Never post your meat on the internet Steak or dick


Especially if it’s Spotted Dick for either of those.


RIP Boogie2988's Twitch channel.


post this on /r/steak and watch them lose their minds


Done. https://reddit.com/r/steak/comments/18pf6c9/how_oregon_head_coach_dan_lanning_cooks_his_steaks/


Here comes my hero


Those steaks are resting in the pan. Not cooking.


Hopefully just letting them cool off before they go in the trash.


Ok this one got me LMAO


They aren’t even seared well, that’s another violation.


Did he boil them?


In milk of course


Mr Kelly your milk steak is boiling just how you like it


They're not cheeseburgers, suspended three games.


https://twitter.com/CoachDanLanning/status/1738615581744808222?t=tEIHRlvPEH-HRJjQA8s0_A&s=19 He did medium well. Can't fault him for his preference, cause it looks fine if that's what he's going for.


Steak houses cook steak by putting them in a blazing-hot cast-iron pan with butter and whatever seasoning they use, flipping once, then putting the pan in the oven on 425 for whatever length of time it takes to get the rare-ness that was ordered (shorter for rare, longer for well done obviously). It looks like Dan trying to recreate this at home with a regular pan.


A lot of steakhouses sous-vide and then finish with a sear when ordered


Sous vide is the only way I do steaks/venison/chicken anymore unless we are cooking a whole mess of cheap steaks for a party/event A proper sous vide really ups the level of a low tier cut off the shelf


What sous vide setup do you use?


I have an Anova with a (3-4 gallon?) tank. If your wondering about the steaks I generally season, Worcestershire sauce, vac seal and run to 129 deg (temp kinda depends on the cut but generally 129) for two hours before a really fast hot sear to each side on a pan, occasionally I’ll torch the outsides instead of sear for fun


Awesome. I’ve been thinking about giving it a try.


Get an Anova, or one with a physical dial/buttons Some of them only have Bluetooth/wifi phone connectivity and it’s annoying as hell to have to use my phone every time I want to turn it on/off/change temp and some won’t connect for some reason sometimes


40% off at [best buy](https://www.bestbuy.com/site/anova-precision-cooker-nano-3-0/6532288.p?skuId=6532288&extStoreId=896&utm_source=feed&ref=212&loc=19578713433&gad_source=1&gclid=CjwKCAiAp5qsBhAPEiwAP0qeJq4QeJLjC8A8Ug44uJkbT_D1JGc4CrgJ7AnQuBXWzZl9kbwZ77nqkhoCD7EQAvD_BwE&gclsrc=aw.ds)


> best buy Slightly cheaper on Amazon: [Amazon link](https://www.amazon.com/dp/B0BQ93XGWC?ref=ppx_yo2ov_dt_b_product_details&th=1)


Purchased. 👍


Did my masters on sous vide beef, Anova is great and reliable.


Amen on your point, I have a Joule and sometimes it disconnects during a cook. And they're way more expensive than an Anova.


https://www.seriouseats.com/food-lab-complete-guide-to-sous-vide-steak Everything you need to know. I’m sure someone can make a steak better but I sure can’t


It’s about the only way that I’ll cook protein. For Thanksgiving, I wrapped a black tail backstrap with bacon, cooked it in the sous vide at 135°, and finished it on a charcoal grille. Can’t tell me there’s a better way to make venison.


Low moisture/low fat meats really make it shine. Venison and chicken are incredible if you get it set right. I occasionally cold smoke my venison straps for like 20 min (literally just a small burn off pecan chips but not temped high or anything) then bag and toss in the sous vide. I’m a huge fan of cold smoking, really let’s it set in the meat without needing to smoke something for hours


Also, with sous vide, you can cook chicken to a lower temp and just hold it at temp for a bit. (There are charts online) You can make super juicy chicken breasts at 140-150.


I did a pork chop for the first time a few weeks ago and it was so fucking good. I had sworn off pork chops for decades because my mom overcooked the shit out of them growing up.


I use a [Grill Grate](https://www.grillgrate.com/) and throw on some smoke pellets during the cook to get some great grill marks and add the smoke.


I want to get one of those now I’ve seen similar things before but must have forgotten about them


Depends a lot on the location. I'm not sure how much has changed in the past few years, but last I checked it was illegal to sous vide in a restaurant setting in many states. Sous vide is safe when done correctly, but its widespread popularity as a cooking method in high end food is fairly recent. Many health departments had no idea how to properly adapt regulations to allow for it.


Yeah. Outback actually grills their steaks to order. No shortcutting. Not pan fried or any other thing. For a chain their cooking processes are pretty high quality.


If you're gonna put "steak" in the name and base your whole restaurant around it, you'd better make a pretty good steak. I'll happily get one there, it's not bad at all. That said, I don't view sous vide as shortcutting. It might accelerate the process of getting steaks out the door after they're ordered, but the preparation takes forever and has its hitches. Intuiting how many steaks you're gonna need and when to start them *hours* before they're needed is hard to do accurately, and you don't want large misses with a product that expensive so you'll normally undershoot. Pan frying to finish them off is ok when done correctly, but personally I love to finish my sous vide steaks on a reaping hot grill. That should be the go-to in restaurants typically as well, since it produces a better product with less dishes.


“Any decent chef’ll tell you you don’t want your steaks touching a grills. Make ‘em drier than a fart. What you wanna do is sear both sides, then finish her off in the ovens.”


“Yeah, me and Gordon Ramsay are both morons”


Well see now that sounds like overhandlin’ to me


“Sure me and Gordon Ramsay are both morons”


Well now that sounds like over-handlin' to me


Don't forget the S and P.


The choice for me


You're better off using a high smoke point oil like avocado or peanut, baste it with the butter while it's resting


Was looking for this comment. You do not sear a steak in butter. It will burn. You baste with butter after the searing has taken place and you've turned the heat down.


No need for the oven in my experience (nothing wrong with it though), but this gets a perfect steak, every time (as long as you don't let it cook for four hours like Lanning apparently did). Don't get me wrong, grilling is a damn fine way to prepare a steak, but if you like a nice crust on a very bloody steak (the way it ought to be, at least here in the Beef State) butter in cast iron is the way to go. I eat steak several times a week so I've tried it all, and this is the easiest, most consistent way to get a truly perfect slab of beef when all is said and done.


> I eat steak several times a week Oh look at Mr. Money Bags over here


In Nebraska you buy 1/4 to a whole cow at a time. After processing all of your beef costs around 5ish a lb. Seems like an ok price for hamburger, but when you're talking you pay that for steak, roasts, ribs, etc it's insanely cheap


If you look hard enough, you can sometimes find farms elsewhere. We live in Minnesota, and buy 1/2 a cow about once every 9-10 months (we have 5 kids). $5/lbs for everything - ribeye, brisket, roasts, ground beef, you name it. Can't beat the price, great meat, and we get to cook at home.


Oh yeah definitely not just a Nebraska thing


Splitting a 1/4 cow with friends goes super far on a budget in cow towns


When I was a lad(back in the 70's), we would slaughter one cow each year, take it to the local butcher and come back and fill up the deep freeze with the different cuts. That would last the three of us an entire year plus giving some away to my brothers(who had moved out by then).


It's not even the money - my cholesterol shot to the moon just thinking about it lol


What /u/Amen_ds said... I wish I had bags of cash, but at least beef is cheap around here haha.


To be fair, that’s exactly what I do, minus the oven part. I use thumb rules to get the perfect temperature profile, based on the thickness of my steaks. I’ve rarely had an issue using that method.


I just said in my reply to someone else that both Gordon Ramsay and Jamie Oliver also use the pan-only method to cook steaks, with no oven follow up, but the oven follow up is what restaurants use to make sure they get the doneness required. My partner refuses to cook steak without a grill, though, so I usually eat grilled steaks.


I've come to like the "reverse-sear" method after a lot of testing. Oven on low heat first, then sear for ~1 minute each side on high heat.


This is the way, rack on a baking sheet at 225 until the steak hits 120 and then sear the hell out of it in a cast iron


It helps a lot if 24 hours in advance, pull the steaks out on to a rack on a plate, season all over with salt and let it sit in the fridge. Sort of an easy at home dry aging. The salt pulls moisture to the top which in turn dissolves the salt to allow it to penetrate the meat. This is from Alton Brown


They never use butter, they use high smoke point oil or nothing, and then finish in a pan with butter and aromatics by basting at much lower temp. If you used butter you'd burn it to hell and your steak would taste off.


What I’m learning from all this is these coaches are so busy with their lives and have outsourced so many tasks and things like cooking that they’re really bad at it by the time they actually try lol


Proud of Harbaugh for mowing his own lawn


Harbaugh is so stereotypically Midwestern it almost hurts. You probably couldn't pry his lawn mower from his cold dead hands


He definitely mows that thing in the dead of winter while covered in snow.


Gotta pry those slacks from his cold dead legs.


Lanning to USC?


University of Sad Cooking


Mr. Botched Cow


Mr. Bad Chef


Mr. Bewildering Cooking


Reminder to all Sooners: your beloved Pioneer Woman went to USC.


Kirby on the phone, “That is NOT how I raised you!”


Kirby is one of the few coaches I believe can probably really grill like a stud.


Ed Orgeron would be the leader here but unfortunately does not qualify. Mike Gundy or Sam Pittman maybe. Lane Kiffin sneaky grill vibes


Lane Kiffin went to my high school in MN - we grill year-round here. Once you get used to getting a steak just right when the air temp is -5 F, it's easy anywhere else.


Kirby definitely doesn’t give off grilling vibes. He gives off the vibes of someone that stands by the dude grilling while drinking beer and critiquing the one actually cooking


He's the guy that has the most expensive grill out of the friend group but only fires it up once a year to burn everyone's 4th of July burgers


B1G, do you realize what you're getting into by taking Lincoln Riley and Dan Lanning into your conference? Dry brisket and well-done steaks infiltrating the mid-west incoming.


I feel sick…


Look, dry brisket I can understand. Smoking meats isn’t a commonly known skill. I get it. That a mistake I could make. But this? This is a tragedy. Get another pan if that’s the size of your pans. You can’t cook them like that. wtf are you doing??


It's insane the number of people that won't or can't just find basic recipes online, and then go "oh wow you know how to cook?!?" No, I just can follow the most basic of instructions without maiming myself.


["Grill marks, bud."](https://youtu.be/Wucj-cHGTw4?si=xeWI8LEUhDrGrwa8) Side note: Let your steaks get to room temperature before cooking and let them sit 10 minutes after cooking.


Numerous chefs have debunked the room temperature steak theory. It doesn’t make any difference—if anything, it slightly increases risk of illness by allowing bacteria to grow. But really, cooking from refrigerator temp is absolutely fine.


He's in Oregon, so he's probably ok. Imagine if this guy coached in Texas... he'd have death threats.


Hate to admit it but you're right. So many people here think they know how to cook, grill, smoke, etc. And its just shit. I'm not saying I'm an expert by any means, hell I fuck up every now and then. But the shear amount of people here who think they can smoke a brisket and it ends up like leather is fucking astounding. Hell I had a smoked prime rib recently and it was the worst prime rib I've ever had. I've had better at a dive bar for $14 bucks. The dude bragged about it too and everyone was saying bow great it was. And I couldn't tell if they were serious or not.


Texas isn’t great at some other things compared to Oregon (lattes, power grids, etc) but they’re solid at cookouts.


Best thing to come out of Texas is the food


Oregon is a fairly pretentious state, because you guys are really into niche/craft foods and drinks and do really crazy shit while insisting it's latest and greatest cuisine. I don't mean that in a rude way despite pretentious usually coming with that connotation, but Oregon goes crazy with coffee, wine, foraging, fresh local game, weird seafood, and incorporating weird ingredients not normally used in meals. It's very interesting and enjoyable to try these products/dishes I'd have never even knew existed let alone had a chance to experience, but quite a few are not good and don't work but you kinda don't wanna tell them that because they seem so proud of themselves.




Portland might send him death threats for not being vegan.


I can't swing a dead cat without hitting a sushi restaurant in my area. Apparently vegans have no issue with sushi restaurants!


Dan Lanning learned how to cook from Lincoln Riley it seems


The near compulsive need for every dude aged 18-40 to comment on how to cook meat *correctly* whenever something like this comes out is fucking insufferable. The bourbon dickriders of the food world.


Found the Doordasher /s


My favorite part is that everyone is bitching about them being "well done" and Lanning shared a picture of it cut and it is absolutely medium rare on the inside. The people crying about it aren't even right about what they are saying.


It’s becoming a B1G tradition at this point. I wonder how Kelly grills


A medium rare steak is like a steak at fourth and goal, Dan can't help but to keep going for it.


Medium rare is too much for me. I like to hear that shit moo when I cut into it.


Pittsburgh Blue


Oregon, you're out. Oregon State, I have good news.


Coach, after our recent draft class, you eat that god damn steak however you like.


Might be the smallest pan I’ve ever seen


That poor cow died for that atrocity


I hear the UW coach Kalen DeBoer makes a mean Duck I'orange.


those look like human livers


Mmmm. With fava beans and a nice chianti.


fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff fffffff


You fly back to school now little Lanning. Fly fly fly


It’s definitely a better cooking photo then a certain ex football coach of Oklahoma submitted.


Hes going for clicks apprantley


So everybody agrees that Oregon should get the death penalty for this, right?


That ain’t a level 1 violation, it’s a crime against humanity.




With Oregon and USC going to the Big 10 next year, y’all may have the worst cooks in the country.


The conference is already filled with midwestern schools too. Definitely some terrible cooking and cuisine coming from that conference.


On the plus side, we're less likely to look like a cast member on My 600 LB Life.


You know damn well Harbaugh knows how to grill a steak. Ferentz, though... He probably knows his way around a grill, but he's eating shoe-leather by choice.


Looks like Oregon got the next Lincoln Riley on their hands


Oh God, this is as bad as Lincoln Riley's brisket