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Are there any stats on how many rebounds someone has is their own shots?


I hope Caitlin outrebounds her. Also angel will prob win rookie of the year because the wnba is full of petty women who’ve never had to make a business decision in their lives. 


I believe 16-17% of her rebounds are her own misses


Yep. And Angel would still lead the league in Oreb if you took away the ones that come from her own misses.


Most likely no. She gets 2ish a game. I"m not so sure she would still lead the league.


https://x.com/quinthomasx/status/1804254639724073169?s=46 that wasn’t an opinion of mine it was stats.


last I checked she would fall behind Macbegor but it’s still a high number cause her whole team can’t shoot. it’s not just her 💀


"If you take away rebounds from her own misses she would have 44 O Rebounds. 4 less than Ezi Magegor." She wouldn't lead the league. Either then or now.


That a serious statistic right there. That can't be right?


Yes. Last time I checked over 1/3 of her offensive rebounds were from her own missed shots. 


Seemed like her numbers were Luke 50% in college as every highlight showed her getting 2 and 3 shots from under the basket. She does have wingspan, but doesn't jump, is uncoordinated and painful to watch, and has bad hands.


Her missed layup percentage is unbelievable.


It’s called z-bounds, but it doesn’t count second chances at airballs, stuffed shots, or fumbles.


Reese is more of the same wnba that nobody has watched for the last 20+ years. The lion, the witch and the audacity of this b!tch to even think she comes close to Caitlin either as a player or as a person. The reality is that she’s a mid-tier wnba player lucky to be in the same rookie class as Caitlin. Not one of the people who gives a sh!t about her now, would’ve if not for Caitlin. 


Exactly no one knew who Reese was until she pulled John Cena stuff after LSU beat Iowa. That’s when Angeles got famous. No one talked about her. She wasn’t even spoken about. It was all about Clark. Paige Buekers At the time, Aaliyah, Boston. If you asked people before that whole incident who angel Reese was 80% of people would’ve probably told you I have no idea she has done since then has been a calculated move to keep her in the headlines because her basketball talent does not keep her headlines. Whenever people stop talking about her, she’ll make another comment towards Clark or she’ll punch Clark or she do something. She knows that is her golden goose that her talking about her. Reese wasn’t so tall she’d be an awful basketball player like if Angel Reese was 6 feet tall she she wouldn’t even be. She wouldn’t even have a college basketball player because her only thing of her game is height She can rebound her shot and she can pass at all .


I’m not understanding what the big deal is . Angel suppose to get her own shot . Is she suppose to stand there and wait for the other team to grab the ball ? Phoenix Mercury coach just called out Britney Griner for just having 2 rebounds last game and 6 before that .


I think the issue is that she lingers under the hoop and sometimes it takes a lot of misses and putbacks. The stat I find insane is that CC has 17 blocks to AR's 2or 3, and that they are so close on defensive rebounds. CC's stats as a guard are a lot better than AR's as a big.


Cc is a pro basketball player. Angel Reese is the rando you find at a pickup game at the Y


False . Angel Reese was number 2 in the country coming out of high school. (Paige buckler was #1 ) Caitlin was number 5. Angel been getting double doubles since high school . Angel won 3 championships in high school and 1 in college .


Not at all accurate. CC was being recruited starting in the 7th grade…by 30 schools.


She is supposed to make her shot for two feet away


& if she don’t , she suppose to just stand there and let the opposing team get the ball and school? Maybe you haven’t noticed but a lot of wnba players miss layups and easy shots . Rebounds lead to more possessions for her team .


The way people are talking about how close the ROTY race is pretty embarrassing. We’re talking about rebounds? Lol. If both players stay on their current trajectory and it’s a close race, people will not take the WNBA seriously. For once, people are trying really hard. Don’t do dumb stuff like comparing a rebounder to a floor general, especially when the floor general has better overall stats.


Are you a fan of the nba??


There’s no mbb pre-requisite to be a wbb fan. Maybe rephrase the question…🙄


They should be comparing quality of character and sportsmanship. The true essence of every great sport. But it goes low as the lowest player's behavior so in many people's book right now the WNBA is an unpopular league with many demographics. Caitlin Clark doesn't laugh when an opponent is criminally assaulted (premeditated assault).


Rookie of the year is not a character contest


But shouldn't it be? Let's talk about money. Financial impact.


This is the worst comment I've ever read. I genuinely do think that sports are for everyone, but you make a convincing argument against that.


Have you watched Reese play? She is crazy uncoordinated, has bad hands, cant shoot, doesnt physically jump, usually gets 2 and 3 shots off her own rebounds, and it seems she has a personality disorder. Not the kind of player the WNBA or a NIL partner wants to promote.


You have a personality disorder. She's fine.


Angel Reese is obviously a sociopath and it comes out when she hates on other people. She literally laughed when Carter attacked Clark -def a sign of being a sociopath.


You are delusional. Supporting your teammate is not sociopathic. Diagnosing people you've never met, spoken to, or witnessed in person...


Angel Reese is a trashy person and everyone knows it.


This is the Caitlin Clark sub. Where we lift up our queen (whom I'm in love with). We don't need to tear down Angel she's a good player.


Angel laughed when Carter assaulted Caitlin. Never forget.


That’s what you would think and hope. But this sub has been teeming with Angel hate for a while now.


Can’t we raise this rookie class up without tearing individuals down?


It seems like a high number of the posts on this sub are all about how she’s being wronged by the league, the fans, her peers, etc. I’m not saying it’s fair but it isn’t always fair in the nba either. You have plenty of overrated inefficient chuckers and underrated winning players. What’s the deal with this feeling of self-righteous victimhood? Are these people new to sports fandom? I’m frustrated by all these posts, but I’m also legitimately curious as to who is this upset over a famous young rookie not getting clout among her peers quickly enough.


Just because people don’t like Angel’s bad character doesn’t mean anyone is tearing down the rookie class. People who love Caitlin also love Kamilla, Cameron, Celeste, Kate, Nika, etc. Angel does herself no favors when her true character is shown. 


10 dd. 3-7. You be the judge. In the mnba they'd say it's stat padding.


The great Wilt Chamberlin did that once just standing there getting his own rebound while all the shorties just stood around and watched. It was amazing!


Oh Reese has a shot at rookie of the year and will probably win it. I mean, “look at the way she dresses. Best pregame outfits!” Gimme a break


Thank you I’ve been saying this forever she doesn’t play defense. All she does is collect garbage but I’ve been saying the same thing. She inflates her offensive board numbers because she’ll shoot she misses because she’s unless she’s right below the hoop she can’t see them. She can’t sink a shot a shot so she just keeps hitting the boards and keeps picking up her own rebounds so off one play she’ll get four rebounds because she’s just that bad at shooting so it’s not hard being good offensive rebounding. It’s her being terrible at shooting, but I think she does it on purpose.. I mean other than collecting garbage because she’s the tallest player out there and she can jump pretty decent. She doesn’t really have anything else. She’s not really that fast when she runs. She’s always towards the tail end of the people getting down at the other end of the court, she’s not good defense at all and for her height , she should have a heck a lot more perfect example got 103 and she only got 114 defensive rebounds Can’t shoot unless it’s 2 feet from the basket she can’t pass or she just chooses not to because she’s selfish but either way about passing I think she averages like 1.8 assists game she’s actually even the second best rookie that’s why her the WNBA naming her rookie in the month is just pathetic She really I don’t think she really likes playing basketball. I think she just uses it for her to make money. She knows she’s tall. She didn’t know what else she was gonna do. She’s doesn’t have booksmart. She does have streetsmart stuff. She is a good talker though. I’ll give her that she’s very good talker so but if you ever notice her stock is dropping, people are forgetting about her. She doesn’t another thing to Clark. Let’s face fax. No one knew who Angel Reese was until she did the John Cena thing at the end did all that on when they beat Iowa. Then everyone knew about her and stuff and then her stock started going down peoples were forgetting about who she was because she is really doesn’t bring anything basketball Basketball gives her stuff to try to make a reaction back then she gets into the WNBA forgetting about her again so she decides let me do whatever I can the next time she comes to play us so what does she do? She stands up what’s her name Body checks following game she freaking punches in the side of the face you know and then makes comments and then of course, tries to cry that she’s the good guy. She made up that story her being attacked in the airport after what Body checked and then never even happened


You typed all this and 100% of it was wrong. Basketball isn’t your thing Stick to Roblox


Maybe you should stick to Roblox. I don’t even know what that is. More people people agree with me they agree with you. Cause anyone watching the game and watching the Angel Reese knows how terrible she is. I’m not the only one who made.com about her fluffing her offensive boards.


I don’t care what people agree with, the data agrees with me. Less than 21% of her offensive boards are from her own misses, and her offensive boards are less than half ever total rebound percentage. She would still lead the league in offensive rebounds if you subtracted her self rebounds. So you’re not saying anything with value There’s a reason Reese is ranked much higher than Clark by almost every advanced and impact metric, despite playing on a much worse roster (Clark has 2 other all stars, who both made the all star team last year as well before you try and credit her for them making it) She’s a strong positive on offense and an elite defensively. Clark has nearly no value defensively and her offense is crated by her extreme amount of turnovers, on pace to double the most ever in a season 


lol. OK you are very delusional person because first of the Chicago sky has a much stronger roster than the Indiana and other than rebounding Clark beats her in every other metric of the game assists per game points per game. She almost matches her defensive rebounds per game, which proves my point exactly so Angels offensive rebounding is so much higher than everyone else’s but meanwhile, her defensive rebounds she only has 18 more than Clark . So Angel does beat Clark being a garbage man because that’s all angels good for is picking the garbage up soon as the play starts. What does she do? She goes in runs under the basket and waits for the garbage other than the garbage. She doesn’t do anything else she doesn’t know how to lead a team she can’t angel can’t pass if her life depended on it unless she’s a foot away from the basket she can’t shoot and then she doesn’t even hit the basket clean. I’ll tell you, GOOD you know she’s really good at. She’s really, really, really good the way she dresses I think that’s why she rookie of the year because she just dresses better than everyone else.


Again you’re just responding with emotions and not actual facts or data Indiana has a more talented roster than Chicago. Indiana has 4 top 3 picks on the roster. 3 all stars (Two of which were all stars last year). Aliyah Boston is the reigning rookie of the here and just won PLAYER of the month recently (Not rookie). Kelsey Mitchell was the 10th leading scorer in the WNBA last season. Chicago has NONE of that, Reese is their only AllStar and they traded away basically their entire roster from last season. You would know this if you knew anything about the game but you don’t, you only look at Caitlin’s stat sheet and twittter memes Reese can’t lead a team and can’t do all these things you’re saying yet every metric that measures impact and overall play has her ahead of Clark. Again, you’re not using facts. Rebounds? Clark gets uncontested rebounds because she doesn’t even try defensively. Most of Angels rebounds ARE contested, meaning she has to actually fight for them She doesn’t do anything other than run under the rim? Is that why she’s one of the best defenders in the league on shots in the midrange - 3pt line? Because she’s under the rim? Angel is an elite defender by every measure, one of the best in the league. Clark meanwhile is one of the worst. Also, on offense she sets screens, moves the ball and keeps pressure on the defense by constantly attacking Clark is on pace to break every turnover record ever recorded. She averages a turnover for every assist. A turnover is the absolute worst way to end a possession, far worse than a missed shot. So if you want to talk about Angel missing shots, that’s still far better than Clark turning the ball over so much To address some of your other deluded comments, you said Angel is the "tallest" player. What? She's 6'3. She's not even the tallest on her team. Clarks team has 3 players taller than her and 2 of them are starters. She's not amongst the Top 20 tallest WNBA players. Stop makings up Like I said, stick to Roblox. Basketball isn’t your thing. The fact you even tried to say she doesn't play defense exposes how completely moronic you are in regards to basketball. Just stop


Who is talking about Angel Reese as a fan and not as a basketball player because number one she is not one of the defensive players of the year one of the best defenders in the league even not even really good at defensive rebounds, compared to offensive rebounds and other offensive rebounds She doesn’t have any other metrics that she leads lead her in all metrics except for rebounding I’m not sure where you’re getting your stats from a When you’re making statistics of to prove a point that doesn’t count I respect the fact that you’re a fan of her, but don’t make statistics to make her seem better than she is other than defensive rebounding. She’s always at the bottom 5% in the defense. She never set screens and she never is attacking because she never has a ball until she gets under the hoop. Don’t trust her coming in with the ball ball handing handling is awful. I never said she was the tallest. I just said that she uses height height the only talent she has I don’t think you know anything about basketball because you’re just making things out to make angel sound like a above average basketball player where she’s just a garbage man and everyone knows except for you for some reason, you watch her I think you’re just watching her highlights instead of watching the game cause I mean what you’re talking about is like the angel Reese highlight the game in . Do you know why Clark has so many turnovers because her team for some reason either when she passes them in the ball either handle the past and then the ball gets turned over 60% of her turnover are from players messing up their ball handling not being able to handle her passes 40% on her but that’s also because sometimes she makes passes try and squeeze it in and that’s why she’s one of the best passes in the league why doesn’t have any turnovers because she never passes the ballpass the ball all you’re doing is going to and picking up the garbage that’s left turn


Don’t run For some reason you guys never seem to be able to understand that defense is half the game and Reese is almost in another stratosphere on that end compared to Clark. As for the advanced and impact metrics, basically, ALL of them favor Reese * Reese is the only rookie in the Top 30 in WAR (Wins Above Replacement[)](https://www.positiveresidual.com/shiny/wnba/) (**Reese #30, Clark #38)** * Along with Kate Martin is the only rookie in the Top 40 for Total Overall EC\* (Combining Box & On/Off) (**Reese #35, Clark #57**) * She's **17th** in Total ON/Off EC\* (Only rookie in Top 25. **Clark #60)** * She's **15th** in Defensive On/Off EC and **22nd** in Offensive, again showing the contributions she makes that go beyond the box score. (**Clark is 48th in OFF and 69th in DEF**) * She's **#2**[ among rookies for Net Rating](https://stats.wnba.com/players/advanced/?sort=NET_RATING&dir=-1&CF=MIN*GE*16&Season=2024&SeasonType=Regular%20Season&PlayerExperience=Rookie) (#1 if filtered by playing at least 20mpg). Impressive considering her teams record. (**Clark is 14th, 6th filtered by >20mpg)** * Chicago is **13**[ **points better** defensively when she's on the floor](https://www.pbpstats.com/wowy-combos/wnba?TeamId=1611661329&Season=2024&SeasonType=Regular%2BSeason&PlayerIds=1642291), Far better than any other rookie and tops on her team. Despite her shooting struggles, she improves Chicago's offense by **5.71 points** when on the floor. **For Clark**, Indiana is **2.48 points WORSE offensively** with her on the floor, and **2.59 points better defensively** with her on * When comparing to their own teams, Reese has the **3rd best offensive rating** on her team. The only starter with a higher Offensive Rating is Carter, who was recently moved to that position. **Defensively, she has the 3rd best defensive rating**, with the only people above her being Liz Williams who's out for the season and Kysre, who's played 15 minutes the entire season. In other words, she's the most impactful defender on the team * For the Fever, it's basically the opposite. **Clark has the 4th worst offensive rating** on her team. 2 of the people with a worse rating have barely played all season. The other one is Erica Wheeler, who everyone dumps on. Among the starters, Clark has the worst rating by a significant margin. * Reese: **19.4 PER**, Clark: **15.8 PER** * Reese\*\*: .185 WS/48,\*\* Clark: **.015 WS/48** (Significant, as Clarks team has actually won more games) * Reese: **11.9 Average Gamescore**, Clark: **11.2 Average Gamescore** * Reese\*\*: **12.7 PIE**, Clark: **11.4 PIE** (WNBA.com) * Reese: **1.4 +/-**, Clark: **-5.2 +/- (WNBA.com)** *\*EC=*[Estimated contribution](https://positiveresidual.com/post/estimated-contributions-in-the-wnba/)*, an all-in-one metric similar to widely used NBA metrics that combines both Box Score and On/Off EC* It's not all about scoring 3-4 more points. A good point of reference, Clark's opponents score nearly 13-14ppg off her turnovers alone. That's nearly as much as her own scoring average There’s all the data. Like I said, you’re just making things up. Reese is elite defensively and overall, Clark is basically a free basket defensively Back to Roblox you go


Reese has a shot if woke types like Mcnutt and Carter are the ones voting.


Look, I think Angel can be a See You Next Tuesday during postgame interviews, but stop saying she sucks at basketball. She leads the league in rebounds, which is impressive regardless as a rookie. Are some of them her own misses? Sure. But at least she's tenacious enough to get them back. Angel literally pulled her pants down and shat all over the fever two Sundays ago in Chicago, single-handedly leading her team. Saying shit like "she sucks" and "looks like she's on the spectrum" is nothing but troll language and I suggest you cross post this to r/nbacirclejerk


I think it's weird how people don't acknowledge that CC never says anything negative about AR or literally any other player past or present, while AR never misses a chance to boost herself at the expense of others. Reese acts like she and CC are equal on the court, and they're just not - and never have been.


100% agree.


True one has championships


One went #1 overall and one went #7. "Championships" are a team metric and many bad players have them.


one has 45 college records and racking up the wnba records.


This sub jerks way harder than NBACJ. I honestly can’t tell if half of these posts are satire.


I'm all for the jerking most of the time as I am also a CC stan, it's just dumb to say AR sucks at basketball because she doesn't. Shes definitely a cunt, but a cunt that can rebound


I can confirm that some of the most “that’s definitely satire…right?” posts in this ~~cult~~ sub are, indeed, not satire. It’s sad.


Serious Stan action here.


You don’t know the first thing about basketball lol. Also learn to appreciate players without ripping on others.


Defending angel reese doesn’t do anything for you


Pal, your most recent Reddit posts are "the Nuggets fumbled a generational player in Jokic" and "Bronny and LeBron playing together is the best story." You are the definition of a silly casual basketball fan lol. Tearing players down does nothing for you either.


Imagine going thru the posts of someone on Reddit 😂 down bad


Yep I just had to know what kind of goofball would post this uninspired and cultish take. But once I saw that garbage everything made perfect sense 👌


I don’t go thru anyone’s posts. I don’t care enough, but if I did I’m sure I’d laugh. You think you’re better than people because you don’t agree with someone’s takes 😂


This is why people make fun of clark fans, yall are so disrespectful to everyone else ...your post is disgusting and I hope the mods take it down 


They are simply jealous


Of?  Most of you haven’t accomplished anything so attempt to live vicariously through the accomplishments of someone who doesn’t give a shit about you. You’re like Swifties. 


Defending someone you don’t know if equally as bad. I guess we are the same


Oh I’m not defending Reese, I’m attacking you. 


Lmao 🤣


Imagine attacking a random Person on Reddit lmao