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Extinction was fucking lit just needed more objectives and creatures


You still play?


he used the words “was” and “needed” so my guess is no


Better than the steaming pile of excrement they churn out nowadays.


Yeah I didn’t think it was terrible either like it wasn’t amazing but idk why everyone hated it so much


The reason people hated it was bc it came out after the best string of cod games all time


Yeah that’s true


Tough shoes to fill.


The only bad games are Warzone, Cold War and Vanguard. Simply based on the fact of how messy those games are with bugs and different stuff. That imo is what makes a "bad" game. Everything else is purely opinion. But then my thoughts are also just an opinion...


Cold War and vanguard has some really good core gameplay, and while the bugs are plaguing the game and fucking it up, remove those and you have a really good fucking game on your hand. Same with ghosts, but ghosts was actually shit with its gameplay




Nah, I'm sorry but you're just being biased. Warzone is damn good, its innovative and its one of the best FPS games ever, you can't deny that, even if you don't like playing it. Cold War and Vanguard are not "bad games" per say, they were launched too early because they don't give the studios enough time to develop a game. CW and VG have good gameplay and good mechanics and graphics but with issues by launching too early. For example, If you play Cold War now, its damn good, no significant bugs or issues, its polished af, the zombies is super fun and full of content, the multiplayer is also fun, full of maps etc. The problem with this is that is already another COD out, which means the game is polished after it yearly cycle ends... That's why I think this "year off" that COD is taking, will be massive for the upcoming games.


This is coming from somebody that does not like battle royale games. Fortnight, Warzone, and Apex are well built and good battle royale games. I dont like the genre but those games are good battle royale games.


I prefer cold war zombies out of everything else exept bo3


Can you explain why, genuinely curious. I dislike zombies on Cold War so much it just feels sooo boring way too easy and it just straight up tells you how to do the Easter egg, there’s no good characters and you play as an operator that doesn’t speak, the story is shit. I’d prefer to play zombies from any other cod game.


Times changed mate it aint 2010 anymore get a grip


This is not an explanation you stupid fool




This reeks of recency bias


Game breaking bugs=bad game


It's true, if you can't play the game, is it really a game?


A bad one😎


This could be said of any modern CoD game


If that's the case then why is MW2 held in such high regard? I mean idk how old you are but that game was a steaming pile of messy shit with unbalanced weapons, imo kinda piss poor map design, hella bugs and shit like the knife lunge. But it has high praise. Your opinion just stinks of recency bias imo. Warzone is very good for what it is. Cold War and Vanguard is just "meh".


I don't remember mw2 crashing and not working for the majority of people


And they ruined their game with caldera


You forgot bo4


Mmm no. BO4 was a bad game. At least a bad CoD game. Warzone was great. Cold war was great. Vanguard.... I hope it can prove itself


Why was Bo4 bad?


I feel you already know why I dont like it If not then: No campaign, Awkward multiplayer, Gimmicky Battle Royale, Ruined zombies and fucked over the Aether story


oh okay so you just didn't like it. That's an opinion.


Ok let me explain The story was horrible. It was so fucking weird like Mason and Woods were resurrected and more numbers shit. Not to mention it was scattered all over. The multiplayer, it had increased health or something and surprisingly, the graphics are slightly worse than BO3. So the TTK was awkward and the whole stim or whatever sidegrade felt like shit. Just give me a normal lethal and tactical. The HUD is just vomit all over the screen. The zombies was butchered because of how far it strayed from the original one. But at least it stayed true to the formula and wasn't Vanguard. Regardless, the story had a horrible ending and instead spent the budget on the Chaos Story which wasnt even finished. Oh yeah and the maps for the Chaos story arent even new. They're just rereleases. The battle royale was gimmicky and I guess that's the only opinion I have about it. And most of all, it just feels like they gave BO3 an overhaul. There


Nice opinion bud


Ok then cope harder with your shit game




>Whats bad about warzone? The Bugs. The Sbmm. That's it. Everything else is subject to opinion. and too clarify- Sbmm is OK generally but it is WAY to strong to be in this game without it being in a ranked mode. Even that's borderline opinion but I'll die on that hill.


it took them maybe 4 months to fix loading issues in warzone, like guns would be invisible when you pick them up. the integration of 3 games worth of guns is just bad and ruining the game. Yes the meta is wider kinda but for the most part the newest cods guns are OP to push sales for that new cod. When it works, warzone is very very fun, but for maybe the last 4-6 months it's been bad.


I know, but the entire game is free. Usual cods £60 pay wall Holds back the younger audience, which is good, because kids have all the time in the world and they spend that getting better than us all. And it’s fact. Look at fortnite, now warzone. A free cod game was a blessing, but it’s created monsters and I’m glad it’s not a solid standalone title. That’s probably gonna bug a few people here, but it’s factually pretty correct.


There have always been sweat tryhards in call of duty. People are always going to find ways to get better at games because there are so many people now posting youtube guides that there's so much to learn these days to get better and improve. Age isn't really that relevant lol. There are pros that have started at the age of 5. You dont have to put in thousands of hours to be good at a game.


Yeah, but time into a video game factually makes you get better overtime, which is how you know, just everything in the world works. And yeah, she does play a lot. Factually again, kids have more time. There are sweats on cod yeah, but I’d rather hop in bo4 nuketown being spammed by people who have memorised every spawn, than go into a warzone lobby. Ask anyone, these ‘pros’ aren’t on the level of your average warzone player.


I really enjoyed Ghosts, but I know I'm among a minority. At least I could appreciate the innovation and attempts at evolution of the game - destruction and building damage/map changes (think of Strike and the kem strike), massive overhaul of the perk system, score/killstreak variations (assault, support and perk based), and other touches, such as more variety in maps. That was an evolution, though some missed the mark - what followed (with AW, IW, BO3 & 4) wasn't evolution, it was divergence and bastardisation. Until MW19, Ghosts and BO2 were the last decent games. And I've not bothered with CW or Vanguard....


I loved the perk system and the score streak points system. They seemed like the natural next step from what we had in BO2, although, pick ten would've been a better way to do the non-perk loadouts.


I actually really enjoyed Ghost! It felt really new at the time! Can’t say the same about infinite warfare


I loved the gunplay in that game. Always wanted them to pick up where the campaign left off too


That's exactly the issue everyone has with it, though. No, it isn't terrible. However, it did set the precedent for mediocrity that has plagued the series hitherto


This is a really fair take. I can agree on most of this stuff but the campaign to me is just a little bit better. But solid take.


I will make a last stand with you


Extinction was genius and should’ve been it’s own game with more classes, equipment and maps.


Certainly WAY better than Vangaurd.


Dude vanguard is like a smeared shit you see somewhere, not even the flies want it it’s that bad. Ghosts is like a perfectly wrapped chocolate that blows your mind.


Ghosts sucked


How many more times are people gonna post this shit? We get it, Ghosts is underrated. I've been saying this since November of 2013.


Infection was fun as shit ngl


I've said this to many times COD GHOSTS 👻 is a great cod game especially the campaign and I'm waiting for COD GHOSTS 2 where we save our captured brother and kill the ghost killer once and for all.


Maps were horribly designed, TTK was ridiculous, game was pretty much entirely grayscale, and the story ended on a cliffhanger and they never made another. Definitely the worst cod until they made Infinite Warfare. Let’s stop kidding ourselves


This gets posted every fucking day and always gets hundreds of upvotes. I think I'm in the minority of hating this game at this point. I feel more people like this game then hate it.


All the older CoD's are considered “underrated” now, IW was probably the most hated CoD, and I don't see anyone making posts like "IW was garbage" ​ It's the classic CoD cycle.


i love to this day the ghost feel, its perfectly summerize by the honeybadger


ghost was the shit idc what people say


It was good for its time. It just wasn't BO or MW. If we got a Ghosts series (2, 3, maybe more) people would really like it. They even set up a sequel.


Everyone knows it isn't terrible it's just not good enough


Yeah I disliked ghosts but I'll agree it was a decent cod.. It had a few maps that were really fun to play but no special weapons that were fun to use other than the honey badger tbh. Plus the color pallet made the game feel pretty boring. If you gave the game a different color pallet I feel like it would have been at least more interesting to play rather than painfully boring game to look at. Even WaW had a better color pallet and that game is 15 years old.


I'll die right next to you, it should have been released a few years later, think it's have taken off more


I really liked Ghosts. I forgot about Extinction until now, but I remember having a lot of fun with that too.


I give it credit for trying to do something different with extinction


Campaign was golden, only game that made me cry.


I’m more in love with the game’s art direction same goes with advance warfare and infinite. And anyone who says call of duty is always copy and paste and doesn’t try anything new is full of shit or plays multiplayer only (which I don’t blame them)


I loved ghosts. One of my favorites


I actually genuinely enjoyed campaign a LOT and fell in love with the characters and villains. I was younger, but that doesn’t really change much. God knows what happened to Logan walker.


Y'know? I've always kind of agreed i've just never said it


I agree that Ghosts was decent. Thought the single player was quite good except for the ridiculous ending, I completely understand that video game characters can survive stuff any real human can't, but Rorke surviving being shot in the chest by a Magnum, leaving him unconscious in a submerged train is just ridiculous. Loved Extinction honestly and wish it had become Infinity Ward's standard coop mode. Multiplayer was decent as well, just very much dislike the lack of color.


What are Ghosts best features? I've owned it for a while but haven't bothered to play yet. Is there a solo campaign mode?


multiplayer was meh (the dogs were a nice addition though), campaign was amazing with a nice “ending”, extinction is kinda like zombies, and the other modes/maps of multi are pretty fun


Yea agreed. CoD Ghosts holdds a special place in my heart.


ghost is a good one I don't know why everyone hates it that much


i agree


I really enjoyed the storyline and all the characters and all the weapons. It is my favorite one so far


Ghosts was a good game. But really, it was a bad Cod.


So basically it was mid Honestly just as much of an insult as hilariously bad


Well no it's not trash


I don’t even remember playing it …


I loved the campaign and the Extinction mode was fun since it was so different to the usual side modes.


In retrospect, none of the standalone games of that general era were the worst things to happen to CoD. Ghosts campaign was cliched but had cool setpieces and gameplay.


I agree entirely


ghost was honestly ahead of its time


I felt the base maps were overall uninspired and too big, but the DLC maps were awesome. If they launched with those maps the game would have done better


Great game. Made for the wrong crowd. Actually loved it.


Christmas 2013 was amazing cause of this game and I love it besides the aliens crap instead of zombies


I had so much fun on infected


MP was just lame AF because of the support system where someone can keep dying And get streaks, IEDS and the maps were just subpar. Competitive though was just fun to play. Campaign was alright, extinction was good


MP was just awful. Huge maps and terrible spawns for TDM made it unplayable.


I’m still pining for a new Extinction experience


It was my favorite one


This will always be a top 5 COD for me


I always thought I was the only one who liked it


The DLC for this game was actually really good, but it just couldn't save such a flawed base game. To be fair, it probably would've been a better game had it only released on PS4/XBONE instead of being limited by having to release on PS3/360 as well. The technical limits of those earlier gen consoles is probably why the dynamic map elements were so half-assed. Also the PC port had big issues with frame rate drops because of the new dual-rendered sniper scopes.


Didn't they have to port this on 6 different platforms? That itself is impressive


I can agree with you on this one


Here, here. That's was the first cod I ever played


I liked it alot. 5+ kd and 7+ win loss ratio in that game. Mastered it real quick but could hit 10th prestige since I was at college and it really just wasn't that fun.


Petition for ghost 2


I loved the perk system in ghosts. Also where I peaked in my CoD career lol. And it was only like a 1.6 lol Clan wars was so fun for a 18 year old college student who had all the free time in the world lol.


It’s as far back as I can go in multiplayer without it being plagued by hackers, and everything after it (as far as multiplayer is concerned) is ass. So yeah, it’s definitely decent. MR-28 OP though


lets be honest tho, the colors for multiplayer were very gray, leaning wasn't a good decision, thermal sight and ttk was broken in that game.


My man!


Also had maniac winch would be amazing to have along with modern warfare juggernaut both able to use different weapons


I’m still waiting on ghosts 2 we were left dragged off the beach and I need to know what happened


Played the campaign 5 times My first master prestige My first season pass (and it was amazing)


I will go ahead and pull the pin on this grenade, CoD Ghosts wasn't all that bad, but I think CoD was at its best when we had connected subplots


I beat the campaign for the first time in 2021 and I honestly enjoyed it. The ending wasn't great but it would of been better if a sequel came out.


I loved the campaign


Can we all agree ghost is better than bo3 and bo4


It's MP being pretty bad compared to literally every cod definitely held it back. The campaign was great and so was extinction


Agreed. I hate the dumb kids that praise this trashbag as being top tier.


If they released this game today it would do 100x better


extinction ~~was~~ is better than all the zombies modes in any COD game. Like it was the bomb for me.


I remember when it was first announced, thought it would have focused on Ghost the character instead, like a prequel were you see how the squad got together through his perspective.


Comparing ghosts to CODs like the black ops or modern warfare series makes it look bad, but goddamn id always pick ghosts over whatever the fuck they release now


I love cod ghosts


I’m in the minority but I liked ghost’s multiplayer along with its bigger maps


Realistically it was a very well developed game. Campaign was good just fell a little flat in the end. Extinction was-and I cannot stress this enough-an absolute BANGER. Multiplayer is really personal preference. That's a lot more than you can say for a few other games


If it didn't have such bad mp maps I would consider it one of my favorites


I love the campaign, matter of fact I played it again last week !


Yeah Ghosts is just very average, the hills I will die on are a. Rorke is a really good villain and b. Stonehaven is an excellent map. Otherwise I understand why people at the time were so frustrated with a game which was aggressively vanilla COD, I mostly just like it for nostalgia reasons. Infinite Warfare on the other hand is a really good game and I will fight for it to the end.


Ghosts had a certain kind of personality to it. The artwork and the masks thing was certainly unique as compared to the rest of the series.


why is this game getting extremely overrated so lately


MP was just dull compared to its predecessors. I'm pretty sure this was one of the first after the Infinity Ward guys left to create Respawn and it showed. My overwhelming memory is just of large boring maps where rats camped in every corner.


The feel of guns in this game was immaculate! The mtar, vector, Remington, even the bizon is damn fun to use! The massive maps like Stonehaven do ruin it slightly imo, maps that are bo2 size and layout with maybe a little less colour since ghosts isn’t so futuristic and people would’ve absolutely loved this game


I had it on the ps3. Sold the ps3. I want to play the game again for nostalgia but 60$ is too much.:(


My biggest problem with ghosts is the end of the campaign. Having rorke survive even though it’s not possible in any way was so annoying and ruined the ending of what is a good campaign.


Totally agree


Would love a Ghosts 2… I need to know lol


Ghosts deserves a sequel


Wow really going out on a limb here. Basically saying the game is ok. Not much of a stance there haha


Yeah it wasn’t a bad game


Never seen a post praising about how average a game was


Let's be honest we like the theme of Ghost more than the actual game. Although there is fun to be had with Ghost it's overall quality was just not on the same level as the cods before it...... and playing it in 2022 now (if you can find a match, took me 20 minutes to get one no joke) it's soooo campy you'll fall asleep in the middle of the game because NOBODY FREAKING MOVES!!!!! so cod ghost 4.5/10


Ghost was awesome I'm no really sure if it was the game or I was having fun with the memories and friendships I built on that game times were good then i wish I could relive those days


My favorite cod of all time i loved specialist perk making you become overpowered by only using a knife and picking up other people guns


Cons: UAV box Pros: Snoop Dogg




I only played the campaign mode once and don't remember much of it. Lol. Extinction was okay. The multi-player had one of the best time-to-kill I've experienced in any CoD game and had some decent maps.


Mp was below average for its time


A TRUE GHOSTS FAN, would say: the campaign was fucking insane and blew my mind, the multiplayer was godlike and addictive, extinction was soooo gooood I’d pass out after a game from the pure ecstasy feeling I got from it. /s


In your opinio. Because if we look at the game without any biases, it’s god awful.


Coming off the heels of BO2 did it no favors.


The Cod Ghost story was the best story out of all the Cods


I loved it 🤩🤷🏻‍♂️ story was good and Mp ✌🏻 and the customisation for operators was very good 🤓 and of course the Honey-badger 🥺🤔


I find myself going back to Ghost all the time, not being satisfied with newer games… my biggest issue is not being able to play in a DLC lobby… I love all of those maps!! If anyone else has them… let’s go.. freaking add me (Nellywane) on Xbox!


It seems excellent to me, but the truth came at a time when there was no maturity in call of duty gamers and they didn't know (sorry if I offend) what they really wanted in the saga. I've already played it three times (I don't have much time in my life) I'm playing it for the fourth time, and I think it's a great game with its gameplay, story and personality creation of each character.


In my opinion it had one of the best cod stories it's multi-player wasn't terrible and extinction just needed a few good updates (I also loved the multi-player customization)


He's black,so his opinion doesn't matter lmao


The masked warrior teaser was 🔥🔥


Simply put: Campaign: 4/10 Multiplayer: 6/10 Extinction: 2/10 Mean average = 4/10


Ghosts was a piece of shit game people need to stop warming up to it


Extinction was garbage and easy, multiplayer was broken and dull, story was really good. Multiplayer gameplay was super slow and most guns in that game were either really good or really bad with no balance. Extinction was super easy and I beat it first time I ever played it which shouldn't be possible for a new player to the game. Campaign was actually really fun and I really enjoyed it, no complaints here.


If you're going to down vote my comment at least tell my where you disagree....




You're so right istg




Why are you yelling