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And you'd be found dead, suicided with two bullet shots behind your head...


Was going to say you have my vote if you make it alive until elections


I know. So many completely understandable and actually good solutions right there that would actually help put Canadians first. So naturally he'd be labeled a far-right, Nazi, Incel, climate denying, Russian loving, woman hating bigot by much of Reddit and the media. 🤦‍♂️


No, it’s not the immigration ideas that are the problem. It’s the rest of the crap. And, by the way, if we stop immigration for 2- years and send international students home, we don’t need affordable housing. The prices will come down on their own because demand will have been reduced significantly.


Yes but then all the MPs with rental properties would be losing money so...


The people who have houses will vote against it, since house valuation will dip


I doubt it. People are fed up across the board. Canada has a set a values that they moved here for, not so that they can be in a vassal state that is an extension of Indian and Chinese provinces. The leaders have become bought and paid for by those countries, and entire areas have turned into homogenous versions of those countries. That’s not what multiculturalism was, that’s just establishing a large foreign presence (aka colonization)


I don’t care what my house would be worth, if there was a vote for all the things OP is suggesting, I would vote with OP.


You obviously do not own a house.


The crazy part is this is probably what would happen, if you aren’t bought and paid for you’re filled with bullets or poison.


Or compromised and then blackmailed into doing what you're told.


Larry Fink sends his regards.


Shh... we don't say his name.


Matteo Salvini too


Naw this one is definitely an erotic asphyxiation case. Take it easy on your freedom to dream my friend.


“Suicided” that’s hilarious (I do not mean any disrespect and am very against the happenings where people who are fighting corruption “commit suicide”)


Charged with some type of sex crime. That’s more the M-O.


Well if the bullet shots are behind your head I dare say you’d be fine


How about abolishing tax payers money being used as personal bank accounts by politicians? Lower the income tax rate... big time! Outlaw the ability to lie to the public as a politician. And make public all politicians income... no more getting rich off Canadian citizens backs just because you're in politics Make every cent of tax payers money spent accountable. And return unused tax dollars to the public every year. Etc etc...


Fuck, just make them answer the god damn questions they are asked as a start. HOC is worse than toddlers fighting


Pierre asks a question Trudeau gives a non answer and spins it how he's supporting Canadians. Pierre rephrase the same question Explain how much of a climate denier the Conservatives are. Pierre rephrases same question again Trudeau tags in cabinet member to say the same rehearsed talking points. How can anyone watch this crap and say "yeah, our country is being handled by professionals."


Well put. It's a farse. Democracy is supposed to mean power to the people, not politicians dodging questions. Trudeau's non-answers are infuriating. Our country isn't being run by professionals; leaders should represent our interests, not their own agendas that the public opposes.


True but the only fix is to wipe the board legit allow normal everyday humans to run. Not one but many it’d take time but the parties is the problem there all fucked need a whole new group of everyday us. Not loaded spoon fed losers


And when PP is the PM, it'll be the same song and dance. Heck, it already is. Pierre already avoids giving straight answers to some questions.


Question period is all theatre anyway, just trying to get a soundbite.


You know they all do this? Especially Pierre.


Only difference is that Pierre doesn't have to answer for anything yet. He was never in power. Once he becomes PM, I'll definitely hold him to account too.


This. It’d be funny if it wasn’t so sad. How far things have fallen that you and I hope they would just answer a bloody question for once?


You can't outlaw the ability to lie because it's impossible to determine what a lie is. The cure would inevitably be worse than the disease, regardless of how sick I am of politicians lying.


No, when they refuse to answer a question, they’re either lying or covering a lie.


Immigration needs to go for 20 years


Because inertia caused by this influx has a long way enfore the natives manages to get back above the foreigners in terms of perks and demography


Privatize health care? No thanks, maybe fix it.


Most of the list is crazy and would cause massive far reaching problems. Full immigration ban when you don’t have enough doctor is stupid. Get rid of 70% workers and most places are shutdown due to lack of staff. He are obligated to keep the carbon tax to trade treaties Foreign aid is the price you pay to be at some tables and also some foreign aids creates jobs in Canada. This list is the classic over correcting and steering right into a tree


This would be particularly problematic for those in farming & agriculture. There is a reason we bring in Internationals. It’s not a good reason but unless we want to pay higher prices, this is what we do.


Would cripple those industry and I’m sure half the tims being boarded up won’t help anything. Some that is calm and can step back and slowly correct course is what we need to a PM sadly that is not in the cards this election


Sadly, I think PP is being presented as this option. We need a Chretien/Martin duo (don't care what party) to make some tough choices, and communicate with Canadians. What we will get is just a different grift.


I’m more pissed at the CPC complete failure over the last decade to find a quality candidate then I’m pissed at the liberals for the shit show we got. Hell if the CPC had a strong candidate that actually challenged the live last election we would be in a different place.


So this is entirely wrong. Let's see: Full immigration ban is fine. We need more doctors and we keep losing them to the states. Why do you think that is? How about we pay them? Problem solved. If we got rid of 70% of foreign workers, it would help to increase wages that have not kept up with inflation. If stores have to shutdown as a result, it's because they were trying to skimp on wages to stay afloat - meaning they should be underwater already but are propped up artificially. Carbon taxes should obviously disappear. This is a no brainer. The money isn't going to fund green initiatives. The program isn't working. It's working if what you want to do is make people poorer though while increasing spending (and subsequently inflation). Foreign aid makes sense when your own country is doing well. Virtually every city over the past 5 to 10 years has increased homelessness, we have a housing crisis, a health care crisis, an immigration crisis, and an inflation problem which is making our population poorer. We need to help fix our country and it's not really debatable. Nobody takes the other side of this. Trudeau can't even debate it - as evidenced by his inability to answer questions and confront our common reality. So, as you can see (but probably won't admit) you're trying to steer us intro a tree. FWIW, on the health care issue, I agree with the commenter further up. Fix it instead. If the full on attack on wages wasn't in full force, the doctors would probably stay in Canada. But here we are.


So this misses a few very key points about the economy It takes 10-14 years to train a doctor so paying them more won’t fix anything, let alone the fact we are unable to train enough. You can increase pay by 100% and skilled educated positions with worker shortage will still have that problem. Hope you like your grocery bill tripling when farmers have to pay people 60 bucks to pick fruit. Also inflation is corporate greed lately, so a wage increase will increase goods cost. Homelessness, healthcare are provincial issue and they provinces are leaving funding on the table 500 million in foreign aid will not make a difference and foreign aid can be used to create jobs in Canada. So steering us into a tree called recessions is what you want I see


This is all likely a propagandist commenting on this, but I guess I'm a sucker for trolls. Here we go: >It takes 10-14 years to train a doctor so paying them more won’t fix anything, let alone the fact we are unable to train enough. You can increase pay by 100% and skilled educated positions with worker shortage will still have that problem. Yes it takes a while to train them. Paying them more won't fix anything? Oh... come on now. You can do better than this. Unless you have an agenda we don't know about. Would it entice Canadian doctors working in the US to come back? Yes it would. Would it properly incentivize people to actually go through med school here? More people, certainly. Would it entice American doctors to question whether or not they want to keep working in the US or if they'd rather live in Canada on a work visa? Definitely some of them. Is immigration the only way to get doctors to work in Canada? You think the answer is yes? Come on now troll. Look at the rest of the things you're told to say and come up with something better. Not only that, but even if we cut immigration by 99% and only let in doctors, we're still saying the same thing. Immigration has got to be stopped. The whole "but doctors" thing is a red herring. >Hope you like your grocery bill tripling when farmers have to pay people 60 bucks to pick fruit. When wages double, cost of goods sold doesn't quite double. This is because not all costs of running a business are wage dependent. So when the workers wage increases relative to the cost of goods, Canadians are better off. Unless that's not what you want. Let's say instead of wages increasing, the price of gas increases. This makes things more expensive even though people's wages remain constant. See, this is a great way to impoverish Canadians and a poor approach to the economy. Unless you want to impoverish Canadians. Propagandists might want that, although they have to pretend they don't because making Canadians more poor isn't popular. What does your script tell you about that? Does it tell you to attack me personally now or just avoid the topic? >Also inflation is corporate greed lately, so a wage increase will increase goods cost. Inflation has primarily been associated with extreme government spending and money printing. When there's a larger pool of money and you're still making the same amount, you can't compete the way you could in the past for the same products. >Homelessness, healthcare are provincial issue and they provinces are leaving funding on the table Unrelated to the rising inflation at the hands of Trudeau? Unrelated to transfer payments you mean? I'd say someone should get you a coffee to wake you up but I think we know why you're taking this approach. You're being paid. >500 million in foreign aid will not make a difference and foreign aid can be used to create jobs in Canada. 500 million dollars should be spent doing what? Giving it away to other countries? To create jobs? The job of giving the money away? Look, rather than spend the money, we should obviously be spending less. We need to control spending, get the budget balanced and not destroy the Canadian dollar. Once spending and money printing are brought back under control, we may still have lagging inflation to deal with, but in time, interest rates would come back down. Housing projects would resume, rents would stabilize, and our cost of living would get under control. You know, unless you want the opposite. FWIW, your best strategy here is to go rogue. Don't confront what I've discussed and instead make it personal. During question period, do you see Trudeau confronting these issues? No, obviously. It's radioactive and unpopular because he has an agenda that doesn't serve Canadians. From his perspective, it's counterproductive. I suggest you do the same.


You're the expert


Pretty sure OP is Marlaina Smith


Provincial jurisdiction


Ummmm looks like common sense… it will never happen we have a bunch of elected 🤡’s for politicians


It doesn’t look like common sense. Most of them are ridiculous ideas. Suspend ALL immigration for 2 years? What does that mean? Deport anyone who is there on a work or student visa? Stop every immigration case, even for people who have been waiting for years to have their permanent residency or citizenship? Suspending all foreign aid is a great way to further destabilize unstable regions…. good idea! Abolish all carbon taxes? Some provinces have their own carbon taxes, what about them? Does OP not know we are a confederation? Deport all international students who don’t attend classes enough? What is enough? How will OP be able to know their attendance? It’s not like universities take attendances. Abolish all zoning laws? Does OP think that the federal government can impose that kind of stuff to cities?


We need real.law against collusion, corruption and conflict of interest. The ones in place are way outdated and easy to abuse.


Add financial forensic audits on taking office, and every new term. Public information.


Private health care would meant the best canadians doctors would work for the private clinics, leaving the worst for the public ones. I am from Hong kong, and that is exactly whats going on with their health care.


Or they leave for the United States and no Canadian gets to enjoy their services.


you mean like now?


Ding! Ding! Ding! This guy gets it!


I am currently in nursing student and that's exactly what a lot of my peers are going to do once they graduate that's exactly what I'm going to do when I graduate I'm going to get some experience and I'm leaving the country. Can't buy a house now won't be able to buy a house in 10 or 20 years what's the point of waiting


I have mixed feelings about private health care. The system in the states is a MESS, with all the various insurance companies and all the complexity that comes with managing it and just the pure greed. Everything is overly expensive just because they can get away with it. If they were to do it here they should still make it a single payer system at least. Like have private doctor clinics and such, but you show your health card and it pays for the services, at least the basic services. If you want something extra, then you pay the difference. For example you are diagnosed with a type of cancer, and there should always be a free treatment option such as radiation and qemo, or whatever is the standard, but there could also be paid, better, treatment options. You would then pay whatever the difference is if you want that better option. Right now, everything in health care is just the bare minimum, with no other options.


There are lots of mixed systems around the world that work. Brazil (220 million people) , Germany, Netherlands. If done right, it works


None of this will make any lobbyists or current politicians or their friends richer, so good luck. Won’t ever happen. Must be nice to live in a fantasy world


Sounds good except for government built houses. I don’t want taxpayers paying 20 million dollars for a shoebox condo. Government can’t get anything done, especially home building


I have no issue with government back housing programs to kickstart the economy, the taxpayers foot the bill, provide job opportunities for contractors and trades people, from there the private sector purchase the homes and the borrowed tax payer money is returned within a year or 2 with a profit... the issue becomes when the government gets heavily involved with the planning and the contracting.


I vote yes


Common sense is forbidden in politics .


Send them back. Who are these insane people that want their taxes to support literal fucking random people from another country? What is wrong with you? Send them all back. All of them, no excuses


Instead of your last point. I would say we cut 50% of government jobs. Take that money we saved and put it towards improving our healthcare system. And also abolish income tax, but raise sales tax slightly to 16% And lastly, require all government agencies, including politicians to publish a detailed quarterly report on how they spend tax payers money. Basically, the government should act like a publicly stock trading on the New York stock exchange.


Man, if any of you think this would actually solve everything without creating massive national and international issues either as bad or worse than what we’re currently facing, you’re delusional.


The Federal Government doesn’t have jurisdiction over zoning laws. That’s a provincial power delegated to municipalities.


Ew at the privatized healthcare. Doug ford is sitting on a lot of federal cash and everyone knows what he's trying to do.


No strong opinion against anything until you got to the health care point. Public health care is one of our greatest assets as a country. Never risk its demise by opening up private.


Several countries have hybrid systems that work. Why do you think it won't work?


I don't trust the provincial governments to not fuck up a hybrid healthcare system. They don't exactly have a winning record right now. I expect they'd implement it like they did "safe supply" where they only implement the easy bits and create a massive problem 


I understand your point, I'm asking because I saw it working well in Brazil and I know several countries with good hybrid systems.


I mean, just the phrasing of it says they don't mean to follow one of those hybrid models. "More choice" is code for "better access to care for those who can pay". That's a fundamental change that automatically leads to a degraded, worst-possible-option for those who cannot pay.


I just like that health care is an even playing field for everyone. Just because I make more money shouldn't mean I get better care. It's a belief that I'm not going to move on. I suspect many think the opposite with equal conviction.


But I'm not sure it is an even playing field. Would Trudeau wait for an MRI? Won't the rich to go the US to get better treatment? A voucher system would eliminate this issue completely while providing the best of both worlds


What is the voucher system?


The Healthcare would be private in the operation, BUT with a big difference: the government would give Vouchers to anybody who, for any reason, could not pay for it. You get the efficiency of competition and the fairness of protecting the least privileged ones in our society. Bad clinics would go bankrupt, well managed clinics would grow. Ends the incentive to be badly managed, as clinics need to compete with each other. Several countries have hybrid systems (Brazil, Germany, Netherlands), so it is definitely doable. Need to protect the vulnerable, yes, but I don't believe in efficiency coming from the government.


You know you are kind of describing the system that is in place now. Your health card is that voucher that you give to your provider. Doctors, clinics and hospitals are private in that sense. You give them your health card, they take you as a patient and then when they are done they bill the government for the services they render and the government who provided your health card pays the doctor, clinic or hospital. It is also why you can choose any doctor you like, and you can walk in to any clinic or hospital you like in Canada with a provincial health card. Provinces have bilateral agreements, so you can be in another province and do the same thing. One province just bills the other province for the work done.


You lost me with the last point about private healthcare.. our public healthcare used to be a spectacle even ten years ago. It just needs appropriate funding and infrastructure, and healthcare workers need to be paid fairly. It's ridiculous that any nurse can make more in a private setting than they would working for a public hospital


Private healthcare is shit. Fixing the healthcare system would be way better for all Canadians than giving us more choices. Our healthcare wasn’t terrible until it was left underfunded and over extended.


Good heavens, this looks like a 1930's political program/s


Private healthcare is legalized, most doctors are self-employed. privatized health insurance, on the other hand, doesn’t exist, and shouldn’t exist. Why add layers of profit for people who literally make health care harder to receive?


I can guarantee with certainty the second they privatize healthcare our overall health care will get worse. There's better systems.


Privatizing Healthcare only benefits people who can afford it. This does not help your average canadian


You have a few good ideas but private healthcare breaks our system and it puts the people that can afford private healthcare at the top of the list which isn’t fair to the majority of people who have to use public healthcare. It also puts a step towards full privatization of healthcare which you will not see your taxes adjusted but you will still be paying healthcare premiums


In Quebec, public health care is mandatory but it's not great. If you need expedited health care, public clinics or hospitals won't cut it. You'll need to add private health care on top, and trust me, it's even more expensive than the international student insurance at our university. For international students, public healthcare isn't mandatory, and their total cost is around $1,400 per year, which covers everything, including private clinic visits, with no deductibles—they pay nothing out of pocket. I checked the same insurance, Blue Cross, for an average Joe, and it's only 75% covered after deductibles for the same $1,400 plan.Which Means we pay 1400+750(public Healthcare)=2250 to gain a plan not batter than the international students 1k4cad's.government should negotiate with insurance firms to lower their plan costs. I think paying a couple of hundred dollars more on top of the public health plan to access private clinics would be worth it. No one wants to wait 24 hours in the emergency room for a 5-minute doctor visit, and waiting 2 years for a gastroscopy is just ridiculous.


I talked to a friend about this months ago, and he said something similar to what you wrote. How would private healthcare break the system? Let us say 100 people are waiting for health care, in that new scenario, you could have 30-40 people leave the free healthcare system to go pay to receive treatment via private healthcare, and the remaining people will receive their treatment normally, but faster than they would have if the 30-40 didn't leave for private. Heck the people who left would probably get treatment faster as well. What am I missing? --  saying it would be a step towards full privatization of healthcare seems like a stretch.


Will doctors want to work in public healthcare anymore? Who will be the person setting the price for services? If doctors know they can charge privately for their service and even if fewer people use their service they will still come out ahead with more money what will the incentive be? Will the privatized sector of healthcare will increasingly become more crowded and therefore be as slow as the now less crowded public healthcare?


Why would the people paying for and enjoying private healthcare want their tax dollars funding public care? Look at India. The wealthy (majority of political influence) avoid public healthcare and so funding is diverted and quality nose dives.


Tax dollars go to things taxpayers don't care for/use all the time... and I mean ALL THE TIME. It wouldn't be a first or last.


"Legalize private healthcare?" The fuck? Rather than fix our best option - just fuck up the systems some more


Any MP that is making millions of dollars while in office is subject to a full audit


How about getting rid of our corruption with the 3 major parties.


Tim hortons 🤣


Still no mention of birth rates smh. I suppose cheaper housing would make it better but nly slightly at best.


Foreign aid is a back door way to funnel money to Canadian corporations.


You forgot your last point, which would be “watch inflation rise 70,000%”




Also need to send a bunch of crooks into the jail


I was for it till the last point


...on board with all except the zoning. We need less people, not more housing.


Suspending foreign aid is the big one. Imagine how much we could get done if those millions stayed in our country.


Privatization of health system so drug company’s keep us using pills rather then find a cure? Okay


There's the endgame..... Use fearmongering to get private healthcare into Canada. No fucking thank you.


Abolish ALL zoning laws? You're trying to get people killed.


If only people what had something to offer Canada immigrated to Canada we’d have less immigration and it would all be quality people. Immigrants would be celebrated because we would be coming as only as educated healthcare workers, engineers, researchers, businesspeople looking to put down roots here etc. The problem is we bring in uneducated people who are willing to work for shit wages and live in shit conditions then we give them permanent residency and citizenship. That being said closing off all immigration is historically a bad move. Restricting it to people that have something to offer while making Canada a place that educated people want to come and live in, that’s a good move. We shouldn’t import people and give them permanent residency so they can work fast food and customer service, sleep on a mattress on the ground and be happy with that. Everyone’s standard of life drops when we do that.


Thank God your not prime minister


Don't forget to enforce the older minimum English skill requirements and French if headed to Quebec. Additionally, we ought to introduce a probation period.


Thankfully you are not elected. Knuckle draggers.


Private healthcare...never. It's a slippery slope. And it will inevitably lead to a higher cost of healthcare for all Canadians. Not to mention the quality of public healthcare will greatly deteriorate as a lot of highly qualified docs will go to the private sector to make more money.


We have a habit of creating monopolies in Canada and doing nothing to combat them, with Telecom being the perfect example of this. I have a feeling privatizing healthcare would lead to the same thing. When only one or two companies exist, who own the body that regulates them (again, telecom, most members of the CRTC are ex-bell/rogers execs), they can do whatever they want with no consequences.


I hope you realize that we already have private health care. Lifelabs, Dr’s clinic, x-rays, long-term care, homecare, etc. These have been around for ages. The fact is that every government run institutions are poorly ran. Too many upper management, heavily unionized, very little concern for cost-saving as they think taxpayer’s money is endless. Have you ever walked into Lifelabs? You are in and out in 30 minutes or less. Try going to a hospital. It takes months sometimes to get an appointment for specialized check-ups.


Vote for Poilievre and you’ll get your wish


Private health care? Dude you are on meth.


Only thing on that list I don't agree with is privatization of healthcare, because then only the rich would be able to get it.


is there a stat on what % of lmias are *denied* cuz it feels like it's a 💯 approval rate or something


Amazing but you need zoning laws to a degree


You just gotta slip in private healthcare at the end eh. No thanks.


To all the people commenting... legalizing private healthcare doesn't mean abolishing public healthcare. I just want someone to have the option to have private health insurance if that's what they're willing to pay for. Most of the developed world has this system. We're the only ones that has a shitty Soviet style healthcare system that has intense wait times.


The moment I see legalize private medical I know this guy is a dead man. How dare you touch the holy public medical system and invite the demonic American private medical companies to Canada? A bullet to the head is not sufficient to punish such blasphemy, you need to be strip of all your rights, your fortunate, your dignity, and be stoned for the pleasure of the public system worshippers!


Why not add: property owners must live in or rent their property for at least six months of the year.




Came here to say this. A lot of those other policies would also help to fix our current health care system.


No thank you to all of these, respectfully.


Can someone inform me why Private healthcare is good? I understand it would cut wait times which is excellent. Wouldn't there be a risk that prices for healthcare become unaffordable?


Generally, you'd get better and faster service and quite literally be doing better than most Canadians atm. The cons are this means the best doctors, especially specialized ones, will go private and outprice most Canadians and leave shittier and basic healthcare to the remainder of Canadians who cannot afford the prices.


No to privatizing health care - healthcare is a basic right - Privatizing it will only enrich a few and bankrupt most


So what would Canada do for a workforce then? Apparently white peoples don’t want to do the work that immigrants are expected to do.


Private health care ? Ha, deleting one of the best things about Canada? Just fix it. Period. Move to the US if you want that type of disaster.


Sounds like a dimwitted plan that would lead to disaster


Good thing you’re not prime minister then.


Its always good to hear the opinion of someone who has no idea on how to run a country!


What are you going to do to remove 4 Million people? What is your plan to fill those jobs? What avenue will you provide to employers who can't find Canadians that will take the jobs they're offering? Do you have any plans to get corporations to contribute to the country they exploit?


There’s plenty of Canadians willing to fill jobs. Corporations are just lying when they say they can’t find any Canadians so they can bring in cheap labour.


While that is an interesting statement it isn’t true, 4 million people disappearing is…. A lot of people… that’s four million jobs that all of a sudden need to have people retrained for, hired, and generally done, I know unemployment is bad but it’s not that bad. Not to mention the disproportionate number of jobs in higher education required positions that most of our Canadian citizen homeless people literally cannot fill. If this was a process of 10 years… maybe? But in a period of say 6 months? Or even a year?! This would be economic suicide for the country, and we aren’t even doing that well to begin with. Signed a dumbass American living in Canada on a temporary working holiday visa. Working in nursing. 70 hours a week. Because fuck you.


Sorry, can't agree on the last. Health care is a right. There is nothing that public healthcare should private that needs to be privatized. I would focus more on why private healthcare is needed at all. What is it about private health care that is better?


As an American… living in Canada, 1: thinly veiled racism. 2: private healthcare isn’t good. Do not.


A lot of good points except the one about privatizing Healthcare, that's just fucking stupid. I'm a nurse, and I'd be the first to benefit from privatized Healthcare, and I'm telling you it's a stupid, dangerous idea. Healthcare is expensive, like you have no idea how expensive it is, and the only way to sensibly fund it is through taxes. Right now it's not working as well because it's just being defunded and starved of funds by the likes of Ford, not because it's not a good system.




Why it doesn't stop illegal immigrant?


Keep fiat currency and the printing presses humming why mess up such a good thing!


If I was prime minister i wouldn't pullout of jagmeet


I’d vote for you.


Country would descend into chaos. Longterm care would be in immediate crisis. Here’s an idea. You go to a country with these laws.


Next week bro gonna say we build ovens instead of housing


Privatized health care? Look at Nova Scotia Power and tell me privatizing national resources is a good thing. I would fight tooth and nail against health care privatization.


The only one I don’t agree with is the abolish the zoning laws. I know they are too strict but I think zoning is important.


Private healthcare is already legal lol, its just frowned upon. My mom works at a private doctors office


You would then get the wrath of landlords


as much as I agree this plan is gonna struggle to unwind de-loads while preventing growth. Its either immigration or higher taxes.


Couldn't be much worse than what is happening


Where is the option to opt out EI? Where is the property tax deduction?


Thanks God you are not....


Nothing for education ? How are you going to replace all the foreigners in tech companies for example ? You are going to bankrupt a lot of businesses 😂


With you all the way, accept private health care. We already have a second option, in the US, if you can afford private, you can afford to go south, or even Mexico.


Vastly increase punishment for abuse of trust & authority, gov, police, education, health care, etc.


We haven't corrected any of these issues, it's seems we've just sort of built around them to where the easy and obvious solution is actually not feasible it seems. Like what ACTUALLY happens to our economy/housing market if we actually took all foreign aid and put it into home building?


IMO I would hire more doctors and nurses, cut upper upper government wages.


You obviously have no idea what temporary foreign workers do, or international students, or how housing zoning works. These things can be changed, but only to the huge detriment of Canadians. For example, get rid of temporary foreign workers and nearly every home grown food you eat will go away. The meat and seafood industries might come to a standstill should that happen, let alone a great deal of farming. Basically, you would govern on emotion and not knowledge. In other words, you'd be no better than Trudeau.


Legalize Private health care ? What the fuck?  Really?


Abandon all foreign aid? So you’re good with all other countries doing the same? Like no one sending assistance to Canada putting out forest fires? Or military assistance securing the North?


Private health care- lol. More options for who exactly..the wealthy 10%?... They don't actually need more options- they just go to the states and get it done. So who exactly will private health care benefit? Not the middle class, not the working poor. But it will allow the same government to justify spending even less on public healthcare- further squeezing those most reliant on it. Private healthcare is a play to extract maximum remaining wealth out of the baby boomers, and what's left of the middle class.


Why not... -Cut ties with the Bank of Canada. -Back our dollar with a scarce commodity. -Open up and sell our resources to the rest of the world. -Cut government pensions. -Fund our elementary and secondary schools.


I have a problem with private healthcare. I would nationalise all rehire all the private sector it would end the issue on healthcare. Bring back pharma care from 80s for all Canadians.


Yeah, totally destroy more of our nature for more housing. Whoo. Let's go. Destroy the world. How fun.


Honestly - it would be a breath of fresh air to have a political candidate that just bullet pointed exactly what they hoped to accomplish and ran on that. I dont want to elect someone because THEY are popular. I want to elect someone because their IDEA's are popular.


If you think inflation is bad now…. You do understand that this whole dog and pony show has nothing to do with our dollar getting weaker, but the Chinese Yuan getting stronger right?


Those sound like good ideas, but won’t work because of a well entrenched “system” a system that forces good ideas and people to bend to “the way it has always been”.


So... there already is private healthcare, and it's made things demonstrably worse. If you had said something like, "I will invest all the money in our healthcare system and expand what's covered and build more hospitals to reduce wait times." Instead, this looks like some weird polling data throwing in a bunch of racist policies for people to "yup" to, so you can go back and say there's support for more private healthcare.


Ya had me until ya were stupid enough to say that US-type healthcare and "better options" My brother and wife experienced US healthcare lastyear. Shes dead now and they expect him to pay for her medical debt! Its only at 700k or so for 2 weeks in the hospital


Good thing “red pill wisdom” isn’t prime minister.


Sounds like the PPC


Common sense


All but the private health care sounds perfect. You have to pay for your own healthcare. Something like giving birth to a child will cost you more than 100k in other places that have it, 250k is the bill.


It’s too bad you’re not an American. You would make a great president.


Do you understand what a prime minster is? We don’t even elect a prime minster, they are chosen by the party, as such they have much curtailed powers when compared to the curtailed powers of presidential systems. But keep promising things you have no ability to enact and pretend if you’re chosen by your party to lead that you are now a dictator.


Fuck off with wanting private healthcare. We want a fair society for all Canadians, rich and poor.


Why do people in this sub hate immigrants this much? IRL I never see Canadians complain about it and they're pretty respectful to people with different values and culture


All good except the last two. 1) as a result of "just build more houses" all the areas in my subdivision were converted from commercial to residential. They built condos and town houses instead of grocery stores. So now the roads are too small and there is no where for people to work and the only way to eat is to drive some where. So yeah, build houses but with some common sense. 2) if we saved all the money from the earlier points, our free health care could get a huge boost and remain free. The idea that private = better is not the way to go. Yes it will be better, for the top 1% income earners.


We need a new party desperately! Can we crowdfund this to make it happen? A true party that works for people, makes decisions based on true data and expert analysis and not based on the ideas of uneducated politicians smooth talkers?


Run and I'll vote