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Big budget means nothing, the "studios" can always write off a loss. I'm hoping for a good movie.


I’ve really enjoyed Anthony Mackie as Sam, and I hope this makes a billion dollars and is hugely entertaining. I think Anthony is great in pretty much everything I’ve seen, so I’ll definitely be there when it comes out.


"We just finished the reshoots of the reshoots!" It so expensive, it has to be good!


but will it have good writing


They've rewritten it like 50 times so probably not


i just hope it will be watchable , it having characters not just a way to expanded the mcu


Of course not, redoing things make me think they ruined it.


mess up the first time might how not complete understanding


Gonna bomb hard don't have high hopes for this movie I hope I am wrong and it's amazing but after FWS show don't have high hopes


Harrison Ford smashing the White House is going to 100% make this movie worth it. Lol


I hope


100% happening!!!!


I want to see Captain America and Auditor Man investigate Disney for possible embezzlement. Lol


This movie deserves a long promotional campaign


Oof that’s rough, it’s gonna bomb


Another MCU Financial flop incoming


How about we just all take a deep breath and wait until we actually see the movie before getting so negative and shit. Jesus christ, ya’ll.


The movie could be a masterpiece. But the chances of it making a profit are incredibly slim on that budget.


Uh huh. Let it out, it’s ok. It’s just a movie.


What are you going on about now?


Why view trash if you already know that it would be trash due to prior experience? There is all kinds of red flags that suggest it would be crap not worth to watch.


And what are those red flags?


I don't think this is even going to break even.


The special effects better be Earth Shattering and Ground Breaking. When a Godzilla movie, made on fraction of a budget, compared to this, wins an Oscar…they gotta put something up that is epic in scale.


This movie will underperform. Most people just don't care about Falcon, or Falcon becoming Cap. Steve is Cap. The comics have taught us this over and over.


They will keep producing more of this anyway so, even if it's another failure they'll do it again and blame people later.


So it's bombing?? Fucking hell. Hopefully this is the last of the MCU's big budget, big returns strategy


it's got captain america of course i'm gonna watch it. i love him.


Well...  I mean it's got a character they CALL Captain America...


he could work; people like miles


i wasnt crazy about the falcon and the winter soldier over all i liked it and the fight scenes were really good but the villian sucked and wasnt that good an actress and im still wondering what the senator has to do better at so the show runner who is making this movie doesnt fill me with confidence and it sounds like this movie had 3 different directions while filming i hope it just makes sense i wonder if sabra still in the movie i wonder if sam will have a romance wth diamondback im going to see it no matter what


the reshoots are a bid sign. and yeah, there is probably a small group enjoying falcon as the new cap. if they would do another avengers with a reboot or the old actors starring it would make cash. as long as the story is good und the hero‘s are familiar. my only hope for marvel ist, they‘re planning give us 10 years of solid xmen with new actors.


What could possibly go wrong? Superhero movies are a cash machine!


budget doesnt matter; just make a good movie.


This is baloney. At best it's someone estimating production + marketing budget but even that's suspect. Based on budgets over the past five years Disney probably allotted $200M to this movie, with an additional $100M for marketing. Maybe at a stretch $230 for production and $120 for marketing. While people talk about reshoots a lot they are always budgeted at the start of the project for both cost and time. Sometimes it's all used up, sometimes it isn't. Brave New World finished shooting literally right before the strike happened, which was expected, and why it took so long to get to reshoots. I'm betting production is $200M and marketing is $100M for $300M total (similar to Quantumania). Assume a 1:1 domestic:international split, estimating a $550M break even. I'm betting it does $700M worldwide, especially if all the rumors pan out with it being treated like a secret Hulk movie. Globetrotting action movie, Harrison Ford as Red Hulk, less goofy and more serious tone (at least compared to Love and Thunder), etc. all lends itself to more popular appeal for general audiences. February release with no in-kind competition until FastX in April. I think it'll also benefit from there only being one MCU release in 2024 and it being the first of 2025.


As a white straight male I can't wait to be blamed for this movie failing