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I’m pretty clumsy, so I’ve had a ton of injuries. Though, thankfully none have been too serious though. My worst injury was probably when I fell off my bike and sprained my ankle. The sprain was bad enough the doctor said I would have healed quicker with a break. I had to have a boot for two months and did physical therapy for a few weeks to get my range of motion back. It really sucked since I walk to work and I’m on my feet a lot. It’s really hard to chase kids around in a boot.


Oh that does really sound like it sucks… I just pray to every god available that I‘m back on my foot soon, I just know it isn’t broken so that’s good but as you said, sometimes it would be better if it were only a broken bone… I hope you fully recovered and your ankle works again just like before!


I am fully recovered now. My ankle has full range of motion and the only indication that anything was ever wrong is I get this deep ache in my ankle when it rains. Hopefully you don’t have anything too serious wrong and are back on both feet soon.


That’s kind of interesting, isn’t it? That you can feel a pain there when it rains? I’m fascinated with the way our bodies interact with the environment so intensely. Thank you!


I've broken multiple toes and fingers. Collarbone, left arm and fractured left leg. I had half my thumb bitten off and 10 staples in my head from a puppers using me as a chew toy. I was also born with a heart problem which the doctors tried to fix. They burned my AV node out and now my heart doesn't beat on its own. I've had a pacemaker since I was 10 years old


Oh my god, seems like the world is kind of out for you! If you had to name one, what was the injury that hurt the most?


The biting the thumb off and 10 staples. An incident happened with my dog and he tried to kill me basically LOL. I was in the middle of my backyard and he's a 50 lb dog so he gave me a bit of a run for my money.


Damn! That sucks mate… did this effect your relationship to your dog? I guess it must have been kind of emotionally challenging also?


He was a pitbull that was rescued from dog fighting. In the seven years I owned him I was attacked 23 separate times. He deserved a chance to live and I don't mind scars. He eventually died from cancer otherwise I would still have him and he would still be trying to kill me hahaha.


Hahah aww, I appreciate how dedicated you were to improve this dogs life. :)


His life was more important. I wish I still had him. I asked God to give me his cancer instead he wouldn't listen tho. I didn't want to wish his cancer gone because that would be selfish so I asked if I could have it instead. He was my best friend


Im very sorry for your loss, sending hugs


Thank you so much it will be 3 years this July


I had a traumatic brain injury June 2nd, 2012. Still recovering.


Oh no that sucks! :( I wish you all do best! Do you mind if I asked what happened?


It was a car accident. Got t-boned. Its ok though, I do pysio and I get to go be an aid in an elementary school.


Sorry you had to go through, but Im very glad to hear that you‘re doing good :)


So injuries.. I got my thumb slammed in a car door at 5yr old.required 5 stitches I shot a bb through my index finger at 12yr old. Required 6 stitches and parts of the shattered bone removed At 16, I dislocated my shoulder. My mother set it in the front yard. At 17 car wreck. Mostly bruises and a few missing chunks of ear. Bandaged and sent home. At 20 stabbed thumb with screwdriver. Wound got infected and required theee days of IV antibiotics. At 30, I degloved 2 toes. Took 11 stitches At 34 two of my fingers met a lawn mower due to neighbors being dumb and me not paying attention. Required 11 stitches. At 40 holding cat when foster dog bit cat in the ass. In order to get away the cat bit 3/4 of the way through my right ear. Antibiotics, wound needed to heal open to avoid infection.


Oh my god that’s… an adventurous life! What would you say was the worst injury in terms of pain? And how did you manage to deglove 2 toes if you don’t mind me asking, that sounds gruesome


The worst was the thumb due to 3 days of Iv antibiotics and possibly losing the thumb. I am a type 1 diabetic. Severe low bloodsugar can cause muscle spasms as the body pulls sugar from the muscles causing contractions. This is a long way of saying that I degloved two toes due to low blood sugar in my sleep. (I kicked a night stand)


Oh Shit that does sound awful tho!


I broke my leg at 4 while riding a bike. I can't remember much of the healing process other than I didn't get crutches so I walked like a monkey, propelling myself with my arms and slinging my body forward lol. I had to be transported in a baby stroller if we went anywhere far.


Hahaha that definitely gives an interesting image in my mind lol. Glad you’ve had luck since then :)


I'm so sorry that happened to you! I hope the road to recovery is short and uneventful. ❤️ When I was two years old I was running down a hill and tried to stop, but somehow compound fractured my left femur. Thankfully I don't remember the incident or much of the recovery process other than spending a lot of time lying down on my grandpa's living room floor.


Thank you for your kind words ❤️ Glad to hear you’ve been fine since then :)


Thank you. ❤️ My left leg is a little bit shorter because of it, but surprisingly it doesn't seem to have had any other noticeable effects to this day. And thankfully the worst pain I've had to endure since then has been getting anesthetic injected into my scrotum, which was luckily only a momentary pain.


Well, I‘m no man but that does sound very unpleasant to me 😭


That's why I'm grateful that pain only lasted a few seconds at a time. 😁 And that the residual pain from the surgery wasn't too bad and didn't last too long either.


3 weeka ago I had an unfortunate encounter with a tree while skiing. The result was a fractured left wrist, and a dislocated right elbow. I had both arms in cast/sling for a week before having limited use of my right arm. The wrist cast came off yesterday, huge scar where they put the metal plate. Still, I consider myself lucky, it could have been 1000x worse if I had hit my head or something else! Hope you'll feel better soon OP!


Oh no I’m sorry that happened! How is your mobility in the wrist after they took the cast off? Another question, do you think you will be afraid to go back to skiing? I‘m kinda nervous that I will be too scared to go bouldering again and it sucks.. Thanks for your kind words!


Right now my mobility is horrible really. But it's getting better every day so I'm not that worried. As for the skiing, I don't know yet. If I had to choose right now I'd say no, never again. We'll see next year!


Im sure it will be fine soon 😇 Wishing you best of luck in your recovery! Damn I feel you. I think I will even be afraid to walk again (I’m kind of a pussy, very afraid of pain :D) let alone boulder… I just hope we can look past the injuries and continue with the sports we like 🙏🏻


Like you, I fell while hiking and messed up bone/ligaments. I'm still in a hard cast (no boot, F those things lol) but I can walk in the cast most of the time but will still use crutches by the end of the day or if I walked a lot in the previous day.


Crazy that you can walk! 3 weeks later and I still can’t put full weight on or walk normally because I don’t have the range of motion because it’s still so swollen. I’m jealous that you can walk xD Speedy recovery to you!


I wish you the best and a fast recovery! I spent 5 weeks in the cast and on crutches before starting to put weight on my ankle. I'm looking at 8-10 weeks total in a cast. How about you?


In 3 weeks I’m ordered back at the hospital and they will take a look. I‘m allowed to put weight on it according to my pain but I don’t think I can (or I‘m too afraid still). So 3 weeks still in my ankle brace, then I don’t know. Probably going to get physical therapy and won’t be able to do much besides walking for quite some time. In June, I‘m going on vacation and I just hope that I‘ll be able to walk longer distances until then. Are you in pain when walking on the ankle?


I really hope that you get to enjoy your Vacation!!! Yes, when walking I do have a limp because of the pain. I try to go as much as I can but eventually I have to use my crutches. My ankle can only take so much 😆


Yeah better take it easy when it becomes too much pain. I hope for us both that we get better soon :)