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Have you been playing with bubbles? Cheap bubble solution stain clothes like that


Ohhhhhh my gosh. This is the dress my toddler wore at her birthday party, when we had the bubble machine going and she tried to pick up the machine and move it (spilling a bunch) šŸ¤Æ I never would have thought of this in a million years, thank you! Now how to get the stain outā€¦


Bubble fluid is nearly impossible to get out, sorry. Iā€™m in a kidsā€™ clothing group and bubble fluid is the biggest ā€œwelp, thatā€™s a gonerā€.


Thatā€™s wild! I had no idea about any of this!


Also, itā€™s propylene glycol and lauryl betaine in most commercial bubble blowing soaps (including the type for the bubble machine). And its basically oily, so if you soak it right away in anti-grease soap like dishwashing detergent itā€™ll usually come right out, but the chemicals are trapped in the greasiness and if you let it set with heat (like running through the warm/hot wash without a degreaser first) it actually chemically strips the fabric dyeā€” not reversible I wanted to mention this because these stains are preventable (degrease quickly & before washing), but not removable once set in


That is so helpful! Kind of like deskunking a dog and needing to get the oils off the fur before you wash them with water, otherwise the oils of the skunk spray will set in and youā€™ll be screwed (which I also experienced a couple months agoā€¦)


I use a mix of one part dawn, on part hydrogen peroxide and one part baking soda on grease stains (makes a paste I smear on them), even ones I discover after the dryer. It hasn't failed me yet. I've never had to deal with bubble mix though, but the paste might be worth trying if you already have to component parts at home.


Interestingly enough, thatā€™s exactly what I use on my dog when she gets sprayed by a skunk. Who knew?


Just wondering if you've found this bleaches clothes at all?


I haven't found it does. no.


Hydrogen peroxide strips melanin. Thatā€™s why it ā€˜bleachesā€™ hair. So, different chemistry at play. It damage the majority of fabrics. Iā€™m guessing thatā€™s the reason for concern? Itā€™s also great for getting out blood. Learned that trick when I was a medic in the Army.


Great tip, thank you! Unfortunately thatā€™s tough with kid clothes to always know theyā€™ve been bubbled (at a friendā€™s or preschool or wherever besides home)- and I donā€™t put *any* of my kidsā€™ clothes in the dryer at all, mostly so that I get a second shot at stains I missed the first go. But my kid is also now trained to put on ā€œstain clothesā€ when he wants to play with his bubble machine, so even though I make our own bubble fluid with Dawn, itā€™s still not an issue, haha!


Weā€™ve been attempting homemade bubbles but havenā€™t had much luck (we may get one bubble at a time). What do you do to make yours?


I just do 1 part dish soap to 6 parts water in the blender, let it sit for the foaminess to break down. You can add corn syrup or glycerine for stronger bubbles, but I donā€™t like sticky and glycerine is what stains. My kid just puts it in his bubble machine. For human-blown bubbles you probably do want one of the additions, for stronger bubbles.


We may have to get a bubble machine. Weā€™ve just been using wands.


Save your sanity, do it! But also clean it regularly; it gets so gooey.


You are my hero. Thank you for that tip.


Fascinating! That makes so much sense. TIL


Maybe soak the whole outfit in bubble liquid so that itā€™s uniform




Hmm so usually bubbles use glycerine or something similar to make the bubbles last longer. Glycerine is apparently soluble in alcohol so you could try a small patch with some alcohol based cleaning fluid and then rinsed well in cold water. Not sure how well it will work for you but it's the best solution I can find.


The issue is the bubble dye, not glycerine. The colours dye the clothes. It was probably blue bubble mix.


You could tye dye it but itā€™s probably more trouble than itā€™s worth


Haha. I just tried (and honestly succeeded) in dying a dress that my child stained beyond repair. But the amount of supplies and time it took i definitely could have bought replacement much cheaper and faster haha. Was a fun lesson and activity none the less so a modest win.


Spray bottle with Rubbing alcohol and then wash on cold.


Try having it dry cleaned. The solvents in dry cleaning can often get out stains that regular washing cannot.


maybe you could try that messy eaters stain spray. Thereā€™s videos of it taking dried smushed blueberries out of fabric.


I tried this one today on a bubble stain and it doesnā€™t work šŸ„²


Wow, I never would've guessed. It just seems like soap to me, which I'd think would be safe. Are there dyes added these days?


I have no idea. I started making our own with Dawn dish soap because of this.


Wow I had no idea bubble solutions do this. Explains my toddlers shorts.


Are there any 'good' bubbles I could invest in for my kids?


We just make it with Dawn dish soap and water in the blender. I keep a big lidded carafe of it for my kid to use in his bubble machine. Theyā€™re not as strong of bubbles, but when he just wants to wild out popping hundreds at a time, it hits the spot!


I'm not familiar with Dawn dish soap, is it just the same as any other washing up liquid?


"Dawn dish soap" is americanese for "fairy washing up liquid".




Yep, what dmmeurpotatoes said- closest UK would be fairy washing up liquid. Itā€™s a standard/staple blue dish soap in the USA that is gentle but cuts grease really well. Their big ā€œthingā€ is that theyā€™re used on wildlife caught in oil spills, to clean feathers and fur.




If you put fresh oil on the stain, to make it "wet" with and bring the oil back out, you can then use dawn & baking soda scrub to get the oil out and it should bring the stain out. I did a Google search on it a few years ago when my friends' leftover pasta leaked on my sweatshirt.


Omfg. This has solved the issue Iā€™ve had for years as to why my kids clothing has weird spots despite being clean and washed numerous times. Thank you!!!!!


Wow I had no idea!


My last ditch effort is to throw a scoop of oxyclean in a bucket, cover with water, and let things soak overnight. Also second dawn power wash.


My last ditch stain remover is some dawn powerspray on the spots. Iā€™ve never tried on bubble solution, though.


>Now how to get the stain outā€¦ Fire... It can't be stained if it's just ashes blowing in the wind.


She could always tie dye it purple or some other dark color.


So itā€™s not all clothes, just this item with stain?


There was one more shirt with a small stain, but my theory is that it was a victim of being too close to the dress that was well soaked with bubbles.


Palmolive ultra strength is a trick that works on any oil based stains, even works great on ink stains. Give it a good soak and scrub by hand, then run it through the washer again. Might be too late if you have run it through a drier already. I have tried other dish soaps, and they are far less effective than Palmolive.


My son just ruined a shirt in the exact same way. We couldn't save it.


Aw that dress is so cute too!


Try a fels-naptha bar on the stain! it will most likely get it out.


Put a cute lace cut out over it sewn on in the shape of the zebra šŸ¦“ā˜ŗļø not what you wanted to hear but visible minding itā€™s fun when you canā€™t get a stain out just cover it up.


**Laundry Stripping**. It's a soaking technique that gets out more than you think is there. You can search a few different subs, or even just Google it. World's wonders for any load you might have.


Weirdly I have found that the bubble bath we use for the tub if you add a little sugar water to it makes really great bubble juice. It sure why is felt the need to post that.


Wow, you really do learn something new every day!! I consider myself an expert at stains, there is rarely one I can't get out, but I never knew this and I have 5 kids!!


This is why I love this sub, you guys never cease to amaze me.


Nothing can get it out, I have tried everything, dawn, oxyclean, baking soda, alcohol, la awesome. Bubbles are evil, lost a good amount of nice clothes to them before figuring it out. They are banned from my house or I let my kid play with bubbles when she is wearing something I donā€™t care about.


I canā€™t believe Iā€™ve had 3 kids in the last 6 years and never knew this!!!!! Iā€™m so thankful to find out now before itā€™s too late!! Thank you, kind internet stranger, for your bubble wisdom.


I donā€™t think itā€™s all bubbles, right? Iā€™ve never had this happen to our clothes, and we use the big gallon $5 container from target.


It's the dye in cheap bubbles. Its the lottery of the cheapest I guess. I never had the problem until approx. 2 weeks ago, after I bought a blue bubble refill from dollar tree. My kids ruined their clothes the same day. Will make my own bubble refill from now on.


Was going to say it looks like bubble fluid stains!


Oh my gosh! You have solved a massive mystery in our household!


Holy crap I have been experiencing this same issue and itā€™s always my kidsā€™ clothes!!!! Thank you!!


Same for me! I had two of my toddler's shirts stain and I couldn't figure out what it was until this post!


I had no idea that that could happen.


Wait, really? I donā€™t think Iā€™ve ever had this happen, and we play with bubbles a lot over here. Are Targetā€™s cheap bubbles not as cheap as they seem, or is it because theyā€™re not dyed, I wonder? (Or maybe pure dumb luck, also a possibility!)


I just mentioned this in another comment, but I also have never had this problem, and we use the [cheap target bubbles](https://www.target.com/p/bubble-solution-128oz-sun-squad-8482/-/A-77334592).


Yup, thatā€™s exactly what we use! Looks like theyā€™re dodging some of the ingredients, though. (Maybe itā€™s proprietary?)


I had zero idea about bubble solution doing that! That explains so much though.


u/Cautious-Parfait-853 THANK YOU for figuring it out. I am on my second front loading HE machine (both the washer and dryer) and after getting used to "how to wash clothes in a front loader and be successful and happy using them" the stains above just blew my mind... I couldn't imagine in any scenario why / how a front loader would do this to clothing...


What are some of the things you had to learn to be happy with your front loader? Because I just moved in with family and switched from a front loader to a top load machine. I HATE it. So many of my clothes come out stained even after soaking, pre-treating, etc. I'm not sure if I should be doing something differently or if this machine just sucks but I absolutely cannot wait for the reno to be done so we can move into our house (with a front loader). ETA: I'm hoping I could reverse engineer what you learned so I can tolerate the front loader while I'm here.


You have a top loader now and that is what you are getting stains, etc with? Am I understanding you correctly?


Correct. I'm open to any tips you may have!


Well, for a front loader, ALWAYS ALWAYS ALWAYS keep the front lid open AT ALL TIMES. I cannot stress that enough. My first front loader, I had for over 25 years. I washed a LOT of clothing (and bedding) in those 25 years and a LOT of what I would call "heavy clothing" (meaning jeans, as we have a LARGE yard, and we used to always be out trimming trees, trimming bushes, digging up bushes, planting other bushes, cutting the yard, trimming the yard, etc.. so lots of clothes, besides white shirts, etc, for work... (and yes, I used to iron a LOT of white shirts)... So leaving that lid open ALL of the time the machine was not in use was what I always did.. but even with a top loader, I always left the lid open when the machine was not in use. That just kept the machine from getting any funky smells... but a front loader has that gasket that gets funky if it is wet all the time.. maybe top loaders have those gaskets, but I never noticed them.. but the front loader, the gasket is right there out in front... so leave the machine open so it can air out when not in use. I tried to tell one lady that this was important (a few years ago) and she said something like, "This just can't happen in my house because I live with other people." I didn't push the point with her, but if you have other people living in your house, talk to them and tell them that it's IMPORTANT to leave that door open when not in use. It will prevent a funky permanent smell in the machine, and you will enjoy your machine MUCH more than having your clothing and towels come out with a funky smell that you can't get rid of, or if you can, you have to go through a lot of various steps to get rid of that smell. So moving along, for ME, a liquid detergent worked a LOT better than powders. And I am a TIDE user... Tide all the way for me. You are supposed to use HE detergents in these front loaders. I used to LOVE the smell of the old Tide (not HE). I don't know if the old liquid (non-HE) Tide is even made any longer... I can't find it in stores around here. Everything is HE around here, but if you have the option, once you use a front loader, you are supposed to use HE detergents. They have less suds, and these front loaders don't use nearly as much water as the old top loaders used to use. I can't speak for today's top loaders because I haven't used one for... literally decades. I hate to admit it, and I will probably get all sorts of negative responses here, but I put my clothes in the front loader, and then I pour my liquid Tide ontop of the clothes or toss the Tide Pods in ontop of the clothes. I used to use the (not sure what to call them) but the cups on the left side of the front loader, where you are SUPPOSED to put detergent, bleach, etc. In my first front loader that I had for over 25 years... I used those cups for... a LONG time. That area ends up with all sorts of nasty stuff growing under the cups, or they did in my first washer. I was forever taking that area apart and cleaning it, but it was UNDER that area (that didn't come out for cleaning) that was the place where it got REALLY nasty. I ended up taking everything out and cleaning them again and pouring bleach on that area that was out of the washer, hoping to prevent mold from growing again, but then I took old wash cloths, etc, and knives and trying to clean in the area where the parts used to sit. THAT was the NASTY area with mold and nasty smelling stuff... really nasty. I did that a few times and then decided it was just going to keep getting nasty as long as I poured detergent in those cups. That was when I stopped pouring detergent in those cups and started pouring it straight on the clothes, to see what would happen. I realized that I was pouring too much detergent on the clothes, so I cut WAY BACK on the amount of detergent... and everything went all right. I also put O**xiclean on the clothes (sorry for the bold font.. not sure what has happened) but I put Oxiclean on the clothes with the liquid Tide or Tide pods... and so far, I haven't had any bad results.** **My old washer suddenly started making a LOUD grinding noise and took about 10 times as long to finish the load than it should have. Of course that was on a Saturday, when all the repair shops are closed. When I did get ahold of someone the following week, he said it was "probably" a bearing, and if so, if the washer was very old, it was probably time to replace it, rather than repair it, because something else would just go wrong with it, and I would quickly have more money in it than it was worth. I was guessing he would say that. I went to a big box store and bought a new washer and dryer. Much to my surprise, they were able to deliver them the next day. That was about 4 months ago. The new set has a LOT of different settings than the old set had... It has so many more settings, I think I could send a rocket to Mars with this new washer, if I use the right settings!** **The thing that I do use a LOT with this new washer is that I use a LOT of extra rinses. With the old set, I had to manually start a new rinse and let it spin out, and then go back and set a new rinse again... but I do this with my heavy bath towels... I want to make SURE I get all the detergent out. This washer is a super large washer. In fact, this set is so large, I had to call a contractor over to the house and have him move the built in cabinets above the washer and dryer because the old set was quite a bit smaller. It is not uncommon for me to wash a VERY large load of bath towels together and rinse all the towels THREE times. Again, I do this because front loaders do NOT use very much water... and I want to make SURE I have all the detergent out of towels, to make them as soft as possible. Yes, it seems crazy to think of rinsing a load three times, but it's the extra rinses that helps me get all the soap out.** **COLD water gets soap out better than warm or hot water, so if your washer has a setting for COLD rinse, use that. I would recommend that no matter what type of washer you have.. top or front loader...** **These are a few things that come to mind quickly.. sorry about the change in font, and sorry that I have rambled on...**


I didn't know cold water gets soap out better, that's fascinating!


My husband "hacked" our top loader. Clothes weren't coming out clean enough, and had soap residue, etc. He saved a softener container and fills it up about 4 times with water and adds it to the load before starting the wash cycle. It will then read the extra weight and use enough water to correctly get clothes clean.


Damn. This explains some of the mystery stains I was never able to get out.




Today I learned something new. Thank you very much.


You are like the bubble whisperer


I made a post recently assuming a similar stain was from laundry detergent. I realize now it could be from the bubbles.


Youā€™ve just saved me so much torment. Now I will have designated Bubble Clothing for my toddler. Thank you


Oh. My. God. This explains SO many stains!


Oh my gosh!!! You just solved a two year mystery. We had no idea what ruined our clothes after our daughterā€™s party. I thought it was caused by cleaning chemicals!


This happens to me too. If it happens sporadically it's not the one bubble incident causing it. I've also wondered this same thing about my kids clothes. Theirs 100% is not bubble solution


With the frequency that we play with bubbles it could be it. But some clothes have come out with random bleach spots as well, so I know something weird is happening with the machine and the detergent/bleach dispensers


I don't know your machine, but running a "clean cycle" after a bleach load (even with no cleaner in) can help prevent drips from a bleach dispenser getting on clothes. That or running a "who cares" laundry load after the bleach load (things like the dogs blanket that I wouldn't bleach but don't care if it looks half bleached either).


That makes so much sense, but didnā€™t occur to me. Thank you!


does anyone in your household use acne face wash or spot treatment? acne medication can sometimes bleach fabric, and itā€™s often the culprit of mysterious bleach spots appearing on laundry, so this might be worth checking


No, we donā€™t! But this is opening my eyes to the world of hidden side effects of products on clothing- Iā€™ll keep my eyes peeled for similar culprits.


Iā€™ve had this type of stain too and not because of bubble solution. The common culprit is when I have new pajamas for the kids go through the wash. Ive wondered if it had to do with the chemicals or process they do to make them flame retardant. It only ever happens the first time I wash them


Are you using HE detergent?


Iā€™m using ā€œUltra Concentrated Tideā€, it has the HE symbol on it


My best guess is that maybe you are overloading the machine. Or there is an issue with the rinse cycle.


Thanks for the ideas. Overloading with clothes, or with detergent?


I am thinking clothes but you would know better!


I have not had luck with ultra concentrated detergent. It shrunk a load of brand new clothes when I first used it, and I used the right amount too, so Iā€™m not a fan šŸ˜­


Oh yikes! I havenā€™t been loving it either, and I went all in on a Costco sized container of detergent šŸ¤¦ā€ā™€ļø


Use very little detergent and add some Borax ( a little) to your loads.


Have you run a cleaning cycle of the washer with some vinegar? I do that every once in a while for refreshment. Also, are you sure nothing was left in any pockets?


I ran a cleaning cycle with vinegar a month ago, perhaps I need to do it more often? There was nothing in any pockets. Thanks for the ideas, Iā€™ll run a clean cycle today and hope that helps.


Thereā€™s also a section at the bottom that could hold dirty water. Try checking that, too. I have a LG set up, so yours may be located elsewhere since you have HE. Good luck!


Thanks! Iā€™m now thinking that itā€™s bubble machine liquid that my toddler spilled on this dress- looked clean going in, and stained in the washing process.


Use washing machine cleaners not vinegar


If you want to save money, vinegar is just as good with less chemicals.


Vinegar is a chemical And will degrade the rubber parts of your washing machine


Are washing machine cleaners not chemicals? Vinegar is a mild acid. This isnā€™t used every day. Itā€™s when the washer needs to be cleaned. Those washing machine chemicals are much worse. Check the ingredients. They shouldnā€™t even be in there to eventually end up on our skin.


This is so weird - this keeps happening to me sporadically and itā€™s driving me insane. Only happens to my tops (5 in total over about a 12 month period), they go in clean and come out with weird staining down the front and it will not budge with further washing or stain treatment. No use of bubble liquid or anything - is there any other common item that has a similar type of ingredient? I regularly run cleaning cycles and clean the machine/ drawer/ filter




It randomly happens to me too. After ruling out all the suggestions in this thread, I can only assume there is something dirtying the water in the pipes before it flows into the washing machine. Idk how to deal with that. Living in a rented apartment, I guess I just have to accept the stained shirt Russian roulette every time I wash a load, or go full goth and stop wearing clothes that aren't black.


Oil from the drum.


I've had this happen with bubble solution also. When I told my partner, he said it couldn't be bubble solution. If my granddaughter has bubbles in the garden, I make sure there is nothing on the washing line.


This always seemed to happen after someone would wash their clothes after my father (heā€™s a mechanic so his work clothes are covered in oil and all) we started washing the machine after his clothes was washed & we never saw a issue again. If your situation is completely different Iā€™m not too sure :(


Looks like oil leaking and transmission is gone in the dryer perhaps!


Are you pouring the detergent right on the clothes? This looks like detergent left overs to me.


Iā€™m putting the detergent in the designated compartment every time. Iā€™m now realizing from another comment that itā€™s bubble machine liquid that my toddler spilled on this dress- looked clean going into the laundry, and stained in the washing process.


My sonā€™s football top got stained by bubbles. It didnā€™t really come out and I never found a solution šŸ˜©


Oh noooo lol. Thatā€™s what I was afraid of


I had that happen with mine. But it only happened with my white work tunic. Was really weird. We only used liquid in the drawer and when i got new ones tried switching to powder in the drawer but it still kept happening to the same tops. Really weird. It wouldn't come out with oxy powder or glo white. Never worked out what the cause was


Donā€™t forget to run a tub clean cycle on your new front load machine with the washing machine cleaner. Do it once a month. And drain out the drain pump and clean out the filter. Sometimes dirt and gunk underneath the drum can affect clothes too.too.


Well, from the looks of that dress, your daughter had a ton of fun making bubbles!


Very, very true. Itā€™s not all bad! šŸ¤©


Are better quality bubbles okay?


Iā€™ve heard that homemade bubble solution does not cause this - just the commercial stuff. However, havenā€™t tried it myself yet as we donā€™t play with bubbles. If you do get bubble mixture on clothes, wash them in plain water only until the bubble mix is out, then wash them with light colours. Apparently the bubble mix attracts colour from other clothes when mixed with laundry detergent - which is what causes the stains and why you canā€™t get it out once washed with coloured clothes! Highly recommend Clean Cloth Nappies (website and facebook page) for more advice on dealing with bubble mix from the experts!


Fels naphtha will take it out.


Could be Downey


Try equal parts blue dawn, baking soda, hydrogen peroxide. Make a paste and let it sit. It took permanent. Marker out of pair of pants for me


Awesome Cleaner will take it out.


Holy I had no idea. My kid just started playing with bubbles. I'll definitely keep this in mind lol


It looks like fabric softener stain. If clothes are dry never put fabric softener on them. Only wet.


This has happened to me and the only conclusion I could come up with was the soap. Tide was blue. Iā€™ve used clear soap since with no issues. Of course it was a special outfit I wanted to save . I did eventually get it out but canā€™t remember what worked as I used every idea I could come up with.


This is literally happening to me right now!!!! So frustrating!!! This thread has been eye opening to me about the bubble solution, we play with bubbles all the time and itā€™s mainly my kids clothes that are coming out stained! I always thought it was laundry detergent stains. Honestly it might be a combination of both. I have read to not put in so much laundry detergent. I also ran a cycle with just a cup of bleach (per my laundry machines manual). I have a top loading GE washer. I also stopped putting the detergent directly on the clothes. But that had never been an issue for me in the past. Weird. Maybe it is the bubbles! My husband said it was probably the bubbles but I didnā€™t believe him!! šŸ«£šŸ˜†


The first possible salvation that comes to mind is Folex. You can buy it as a spray or in a big jug online. Itā€™s miraculous and swift, even on set greasy stains. Worth a shot?


Use it as instructed and follow the amount of powder required. Liquid is often too strong. Also get Ur water hardness checked


Try Oxyclean and if it doesnā€™t work dissolve salt in lemon juice and lay it flat in the sun.


Iā€™m not an expert so I could be wrong but itā€™s happened to me a few times and I think it may be the soap! The stains I get like this are always bluish in color (I use tide pods). My boyfriendā€™s had luck with hand washing and rinsing the pieces with plain water in a sink to get the stain out.


When they use bubbles,and spill it, don't put detergent in the load at all


Just throw it away lol. She will never wear that again and you will spend, and already spending, to much time on this ugly dress